My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 7: Bonding

Daniel is unable to quell some anxiety as he comes home. It's natural, considering he's now hiding a sentient slime creature. But having accepted that Anne is version of his mother, he hopes she hasn't done anything to catch attention this early.

Knocking on the side of his entrance hallway as he enters his apartment, he calls out. "Anne-I mean, mom?"

He doesn't get an immediate response, making him fear the worst.

'Shit, was it bad to leave this soon?'

He's about to call out again but a particular noise stops.

"Yes...there...ah! Haa...haa..."

Daniel's brows rise. Taking a step closer through his entrance hallway, he hears the gasps coming from his room at the end. Slightly concerned by the sounds, he creeps closer and takes a peek into his room where his door is ajar. His body relaxes at the sight of the Anne's back who is sitting on his computer chair.

Opening the door fully, he breathes out. "Oh good, you're still he-"

"Aaaah! Fuck me, baby! Yes, drill my ass!"

Daniel flinches, his pupils shrinking in horror to see the slime mother watching the porn he left last night. More importantly, when did she get access to his computer?

Anne blinks, then turns her head. Seeing her son by the door, she stands up from the chair and squeals. "Daniel! Welcome...back!"

Unperturbed over being caught, she slides to him with her feet merged into a puddle, then presses up against him in a hug. He stiffens further when he feels her large gelatinous chest wobble against him again while her soft cheek nestles across his shoulder.

"Hehe, Daniel~"

The sweetly-called artist shivers. He tries to recover, but that's difficult with the moaning and slaps happening in the video. Quickly, he coughs and pulls away from the slime, holding her by the shoulder.

"M-mom, what are you doing?"

She beams. "!"

"I...can see that. How did you even get access to my computer?"

"Hehe, Netflix password!"

Daniel shuts his eyes tightly. 'Fuck, that's right! Of all the things she could remember. I'm such an idiot!'

To be fair, he had no way of knowing Anne, through Amy, would remember the shared password. Even so, it's his fault for using the same password for computer access.

"Mama...learning. Need...son's interests!"

"N-no, no, no!" Daniel chatters, snapping his eyes open, "Y-you don't need to know about those interests! You should be aware that I'm a guy and um...I have to de-stress sometimes. It's natural!"

Anne hums, then close her eyes happily. "Mama...knows! Want to-"

"Ugh, fuck! I'm going to cum!"

Daniel winces. Unable to remain in the presence of this distraction, he pushes past his slime mother to close the browser window. Anne gasps in response. "No! Mama...watching!"

"Mom, j-just stop!" Daniel pleads, twisting hastily to meet her again. "Forget about all of this, okay? It's my fault for leaving this stuff on."

Anne pauses, then cocks her head. "It...bad?"

The complete innocence catches him off guard. "Bad? Well, some of it is kinda...hold on, why are you acting like this is new? Shouldn't you know some of this stuff?"

The slime girl growls in frustration and taps her head. "Mama...should! Sex memories...missing! Father...dummy!"

Daniel's eyes widen, then he snorts with a wry smile. "Wow...well, I guess that might make sense. Amy refused to talk about him, so maybe any past experience was forgotten."

Seeing an opportunity to better change the subject, he sits on the edge of his bed and clears his throat. "Speaking of which, maybe you'd be willing to tell me about-"

"No!" Anne huffs, hopping down on the bed with him, "No father! Only mama!"

The artist drops his head. Even if Anne may behave differently, her distaste for his father remains. Seeing that channel remains closed as ever, he sighs. "Alright, fine. From now on though, let me know if you need my computer...and no porn!"

Unexpectedly, Anne narrows her eyes and frowns, leaning forward. "Same,!"

Daniel flushes and pulls back. Now that he'll have the slime living with him, he can't continue what he's been doing during the nights alone anyways. Raising his hands, he nods. "A-alright, yes! I won't touch that kind of stuff either."

"No!! No porn...just mama!"

Daniel stares blankly at his slime mother before his face wrinkles. "I'm...not sure what you're trying to say."

Anne's shoulders slump, frustrated over her limited speaking. She thinks for a bit before straightening up, then shakes her closed hands in an up-and-down motion. ""

Even if Daniel wants to feign ignorance, he can't hide his shock as her intentions are made clear. He shuffles away and waves his hands. "W-what are you saying?! T-that's wrong! A-anne, you're my mother...right?"

He internally curses, wondering if he's misunderstanding something. Anne may be different, with her being a slime and having a different personality. But still, he's only met her! Yet now, she wants to "help" him? No, this must be a result of her limited knowledge. As he excuses her behavior in his mind...

"No worries!" Anne reassures with shining eyes, "Not...incest!"

Despite Daniel's thoughts, her understanding of his concerns catches him off guard. Already, he feels the foundation for his reasoning crumbling.

"W-what do you mean?" he asks, growing increasingly sweaty.

Anne places a hand on her chest with a big smirk. "Mama...different. Mama is...Anne! Mama...jello while Amy...human!"

Daniel can almost see what his slime mother is trying to say. "E-even so, we can't! I've...I've already accepted that Amy is part of you! She wouldn't want this!"

Surprisingly, the slime nods, not disagreeing. "Mama knows! Mama better...than Amy! Daniel~"

The sweet tinge in her voice causes the young artist to look away, his face as red as a tomato. If he's frank, he doesn't feel the normal inhibitions regarding family for her. How could he? She's acting way different from his normally strict but loving astronomer-mother.

Plus, she's cute!

'Nooo, stooop!' Daniel wails into his easy mind.

He shakes his head quickly knowing her identity is besides the point. What is more important is that this is happening way too suddenly!

Although he claims that, Anne causes more problems amid his chaotic thoughts as she places her cool, gel hand on his own. "Daniel...please? Mama...loves you."

Daniel shivers. 'Oh dear god, how am I feeling swayed by this!?'

He pushes back. "A-again, w-we can't! You just came back into my life and you're also a slime!"

Anne pouts. "But...missing...son. Feels...long time."

"I...I wasn't gone that long."

"No!" Anne cries as her eyes fill with pain, "Mama...death. Son...alive. Long time...grown...without."


Anne continues, her voice shaking. "M-mama...wants to...reconnect."

Daniel bites his lips, then buries his reservations to hug her. In turn, Anne gasps silently and embraces her son back, compressing her mass and burying her face into his shoulder.


The artist's face tightens. "Mom, just having you here again, in whatever shape, is enough for me. You don't need to push yourself, okay?"

Anne hums slowly. She keeps him close and nuzzling her gel head against his neck. It's a strange feeling, but not unpleasant. Eventually, he lifts his hand to gently stroke her soft membrane. Like this, their embrace continues for a while in silence, but as her chest wiggles against him, he finally grows erect. It was bound to happen, but he mentally slams himself for reacting in such an impure manner. Playing cool like his slime mother's body, he tries to let go, but she holds firmly.

"Um...Mom? You're okay now, right?" he asks.

Anne drones again, squeezing him a few more seconds before breaking partially away. For a moment, Daniel relaxes...

...until he feels a pair of lips against his own.


His hands shake as the slime mother's arms melt across his neck. Otherwise paralyzed by Anne's action, his cock pulses more as the tip of her tongue flicks into his mouth.

The surprise deep-dish, gel-kiss lasts a few seconds. Upon parting her lips, Anne beams brightly. "Hehe, mama...not pushing. Mama knows!"

As Anne releases her stunned son, who remains held in position, she slides her hand across the bulge in his hands and purrs.

"Mama...knows," she repeats.

Recovering from the shock, Daniel stutters. "W-wait! T-t-this"

Anne stares warmly and silences him with a finger on his lips. "Daniel...react. Mama...more than...mother. be...more!"

Daniel's face strains at this declaration. As soon as she removes her finger, he feels his heart weakening. "I'm not...sure about this, though."



Is it really okay?

This is Anne, not Amy, and although she's declaring herself to be his new mother, she maintains no qualms about getting more involved with him sexually. It seems somewhat wrong, but if she doesn't feel any restrictions, is there really any harm to see where this goes?

He bites his lips, still unsure, but moves past the potential taboo of it all. "So, y-you won't dissolve me or anything like that, right?"

Anne gasps. "No! Mama...won't! Mama...good!"

Daniel smiles crookedly. "I see. Then, um....we...can try?"

'What the hell am I doing?' he asks himself, his eyes swirling with disbelief.

As Anne wiggles in victory, she breathes out happily. ""


The artist hesitates, but forcing himself to follow through, he unbuckles his belt and slides his pants down. Again, he questions himself.

'What the hell am I actually doing!?'

Why is he risking himself to get on with an actual slime girl? Is he that desperate? Even if she says nothing wrong will happen, what if her slime affects him in some way?

"Oh! Daniel...big!"

Daniel hasn't even pulled down his boxers, but Anne's comment on his less restrained bulge puts his face in the red further.

"Er, it's pretty average. Please don't make embarrassing comments like that."

"Mama...still proud!"

Anne then drops to the floor, allowing herself to melt halfway into a larger puddle. She sneaks between his legs and gently slides the tip of her fingers across his tent.

The artist gulps, trying to calm himself as his cock twitches. Seeing this, Anne grins.


"Th-that's obvious, right?"

"Mama...glad! Daniel...relax!"

It'd be nice if he could, but this is uncharted territory for him...or anyone, for that matter. He keeps wondering if he should put a stop to this questionable act. As he goes back and forth in his mind though, Anne has already slid off his underwear, pulling it down to his ankles. Now with her son's cock springing forth, she blinks curiously at it before glancing up at her flustered son with a gentle smile.

"Mama...suck. Okay?"

Before he can say anything, she opens her mouth and bends over the bed, sliding his cock into her gel mouth with such ease. As she envelops him, her hands slide over his thighs for support and rub them soothingly.

Daniel exhales, quivering as he feels her gel mass dynamically compress against his member and her tongue licking around the tip in her mouth.

Anne's cheeks pull up with glee hearing her son's evident pleasure. Without moving too much, she simply sucks, twirling her tongue around his member more.


The artist groans, looking up as his slime mother creates consistent motions against him. He can feel her cavity walls move independently from her lips, sliding against his skin like waves against a shore. This is more than just a blowjob; Anne has complete control to shape any hole she creates to be as loose or tight as she wants!

Breathing hard, Daniel looks down to see Anne's focused gaze and the faint outline of his cock through her head. Considering she's doing this for the first time with no direct knowledge from Amy, her technique is literally out of this world.

Does she even need to breathe? It doesn't seem to be the case as she slides closer to his base with a hum, deepthroating his cock like nothing.

"W-wait, s-slow...ngh!"

However, Anne continues carefree, opening her mouth wider to envelop his balls. He now feels her gel face compress completely his crotch, milking him.

"Nnrgh! Haaa...!"

Daniel struggles to hold on, but her envelopment of him is too strong. With walls closing in on him, he gives up on holding out and places his hands on her head, digging himself in. Her face compresses further as a result and he can hear squealing noises of love.


Crying out, he releases out into the slime — his dear embodied mother.

Anne wriggles with delight as he does, but Daniel mistakes that for pushing too hard. He lets go, but instead of pulling out, she wraps her arms around his waist and melts her face against his crotch, continuing to suck even more.

"Aaah! M-mom, w-wait!"


Daniel's head lurches back as he twitches, groaning deeply as his cock is cleaned with the remaining sperm being sucked out. She massages his entire genitals with more pressure until his cock is unable to maintain its peak form.

Sensing such softening, Anne releases her son's limp member with a pop, then stares at his face with a giggle as her face reforms.


The artist's legs quiver. He doesn't respond as he lets himself collapse entirely on his bed with a sharp breath.


Anne pulls up, reforming her legs more, then joins him. She rubs her hands across his side and brushes her cool gel cheeks against his chest. He can see the strings of white in her head slowly disappears.


The artist takes a moment for himself, then places his hand on her head. "I'm good...I think. Are you okay?"


Daniel chuckles dryly, continuing to stare at his ceiling. "Is that right?"

'She's...out of this world.'

That's an obvious statement, but it's more pronounced now that Daniel has experienced just a taste of what she can do.

Anne seems oblivious to her son's astonishment as she pulls up and pecks his cheek. ", okay? Only... mama!"

Daniel gulps. At this point, he worries less about the moral aspect of letting his slime mother suck him off.

'Can I even keep up with her?'

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