My Magus Academy is Run by Players?! [Western Cultivation LitRPG]

Chapter 89: Successful Dungeon Clearing

There were still about three to five stray Crystalback Tendrilisks roaming other parts of the cavern system. Realizing that they might repopulate the place if left alone, Victor exterminated every last one that he came across. The spectral puppets that he had previously summoned were sent to reexplore the area in case he had missed something, but what he found was quite shocking.

The entire cavern system appeared to be much, much larger than his initial assessment. Beyond the den of the Crystalback Tendrilisks were many forks that led to who knew where. Furthermore, he could detect faint signs of strong life forces as well as mana fluctuations emanating from these unexplored depths. Even Lumen, who was usually fearless, seemed hesitant to stroll inside as well. Being a goose on the loose in this place might not be a very bright idea. Not now.

“Well, I don’t think exploring further is urgently needed right now. After all, the mana crystal mine is already too big to swallow. And it’s better to leave the exploring for the players.” Victor made up his mind. “At any rate…”

Exploring deeper also revealed that the cave was rich in all sorts of resources other than the mana crystal vein. Traces of magic metals could be seen on the walls and the ceiling. No wonder those lizard abominations would make a nest here; even Victor wanted to make a home here if possible. Or at least a mine set up here.

Tracing back his steps, Victor returned to where the mana crystal vein was to scavenge for anything that he could bring back. His interspatial ring only had one cubic meter of capacity. Therefore, he selectively filled it with the most valuable things out of the Crystalback Tendrilisks — the crystals on their backs. They were top-notch materials for magic equipment and weapons.

Of course, this didn’t mean that he would leave the carcasses here to rot. Through basic spatial manipulation that he learned, he was able to lift several of them simultaneously without having to carry them physically. Lumen also helped by carrying one in her jaws. It was pretty large, though, so the scene was quite comical.

With everything set and accomplished, Victor announced, “All right. All’s set. Let’s head back to the academy.”

Lumen responded with an enthusiastic “Woof!” as she eagerly followed him out from the cavern’s depths.


Storm and his coalition of fifteen or so players once again assembled at the entrance of the arachnid’s nest. After one whole day of observation, they found out that the arachnids, which had previously fled, were now returning to their nest. It was as if they were set to return beforehand after the danger was averted, making them suspect they were protecting something.

Now armed with both experience and an improved strategy, they were determined to succeed where they had previously faltered. The players fortified the cave entrance even more meticulously than before. It seemed that the arachnids were truly stupid with how they didn’t react to the disturbance outside of their home for the second time. Similar to monsters in other games, these arachnids seemed to automatically return to their designated areas once they were beyond a certain distance.

“The plan remains the same,” Storm announced in a steady voice. “We will use the fortified earthen wall as a barrier, and with the same configuration as before, we will slowly and methodically eliminate the arachnids. Naturally, I have anticipated the possibility of the enemy overwhelming us again. So, this time, we’re adding an extra step to our strategy.”

He then revealed a bag filled with black powder, continuing, “We’ll first smoke the entrance as we have previously done and create an explosion with this whenever we need a reprieve. There’s no doubt that they won’t survive this for long.” Aphrodite had worked day and night to make a full barrel worth of this; it was crucial to use it efficiently and sparingly.

All things considered, the key to their strategy lies in the careful use of black powder. The explosive substance, if used correctly, would serve as both a trap and a weapon, capable of dealing massive damage to the arachnids while minimizing the risk to the team.

“That’s right.” Zero nodded his head in agreement. “I don’t believe their number hasn’t dwindled from yesterday.”

“Unless they respawn, our tactic will whittle them down little by little,” Prominence added in glee.

“Then, what are we waiting for?” Mike laughed and exclaimed, “Let’s get started!”

Accordingly, the players swiftly took their positions behind the fortification. Unfortunately, the corpses of the hundred-plus Lesser Hiveborne Arachnids from their previous battle had disappeared, likely carried away by the returning arachnids to be consumed — cannibalism seemed to be a thing even in the game.

Repeating their previous tactic, one player hurled a Molotov cocktail variant into the stacks of firewood inside the cave. The fire ignited and burned them, sending thick, black smoke billowing throughout the cavern. Some players who were proficient in the Dendro element enhanced the fire by growing vines, while those proficient in Anemo summoned winds to guide the smoke deeper into the cave. Clearly, the previous battle had taught them valuable lessons.

Soon, signs of the arachnids emerged, and the air grew tense. The players braced themselves, with Storm standing at the forefront to give a signal as the battle erupted. The sequence was pretty similar to how it was previously done: The tanks would form the front line, holding off the onslaught of the enemy; the spearmen would thrust a barrage of attacks with their spears; and the spellcasters would rain down magic spells on the slipping enemy, with one or two supports healing any injuries sustained in the fray. Most importantly, as soon as one group got too exhausted, the other group would cover them, and so on and so forth.

However, as the tide of battle threatened to overwhelm them—


The first explosion rocked the cave entrance, triggered by the black powder that was thrown and lit up by a Pyro spell, sending shockwaves through the ranks of the advancing arachnids. Through the use of the {Earth Weaver} spell, the cave partially collapsed, trapping the arachnids inside and providing a much-needed respite for the players. Nevertheless, within ten minutes, the resilient arachnids burrowed out, re-engaging in the now-familiar battle pattern.

Storm, the strategist as well as the first-in-command this time around, quickly noticed a change in the enemy; they’d become more sluggish than ever. “They’re slowing down! The smoke’s toxicity is affecting them! Keep the pressure on!” he shouted.

Cries of determination filled the air as the players pushed the enemy back.

“Attack! Aaaah!!”

“You shall not pass!”

“This is Sparta!”

“Hasta la vista, baby!”

“I am Ir—”

“Shut up and focus on the enemy!”

As usual, the players couldn’t resist shouting every iconic phrase they could think of in the heat of battle to look cool. It had to be noted that, as an up-and-coming streamer, Storm was recording this and the previous dungeon clearings to be uploaded later to earn some revenue. The mention of trademarked names and phrases might give him copyright strikes, however slim the chances might be.

Still, the strategy of inducing cave-ins by combining explosives and magic spells proved to be exceptionally effective. With each repeat, the arachnids were forced to endure prolonged exposure to the suffocating smoke and searing flames. By the time the players had utilized two-thirds of the black powder in their barrel, the arachnid numbers had significantly diminished, and their strength had visibly waned; therefore, the players didn’t have to repeat this anymore.

“Whew. This has been exhausting, but at last…” Prominence’s muscles were quivering as he killed the last remaining arachnid that had charged at him.

Mike, leaning on his spear for support, commented, “I really hope that’s the last of them.”

“Yeah. I’m definitely not looking forward to dealing with any more spider-related issues for the foreseeable future.” SuperNova shook his head with a weary sigh.

“Don’t worry. You will be seeing them again as soon as you open your eyes. Hehe.” Prominence grinned widely as he smashed his hands on SuperNova’s shoulders.

“Eep! Don’t scare me!” He recoiled and shoved him away.

Around them, other players voiced similar sentiments of not wanting to face any more giant spiders, as evidenced by their voices and body language.

However, Zero cautioned as he gazed at the depths of the cave, “Everyone! Don’t let down your guard just yet. There’s a good chance that some arachnids are still alive inside the cave, even if they’re barely hanging on a thin thread.”

“Agreed,” Storm chimed in, his voice firm. “We need to ensure that the nest is completely cleared. It’s the only way we can have peace of mind.” He then rallied the players, urging them to regroup and prepare to venture deeper into the cave to finish off any remaining arachnids.

Thus, the players readied themselves for the final push.


The news of the players’ successful endeavors promptly reached Victor’s ears as soon as he returned to the academy. Well, it wasn’t surprising to him; he had anticipated their victory and had already planned to reward them with a generous amount of merit points. However, whether those merit points would even be worth earning, only the players would know.

Now seated comfortably in his headmaster’s chair, Victor contemplated his next course of action. With the mana crystal mine under control, he could now assign players to take over and commence mining operations. He had, in fact, considered rolling out a minor update between the major ones, but with the current developments, he realized such an interim update was unnecessary.

“Right. This is the plan I will follow,” Victor decided, his mind clear on the path ahead.

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