My Love Juice System: A Dirty But Effective Way To Get Stronger

Volume 1-Chapter 1-You want me to do what?

During a calm and clear winters night, a young, teenage boy could be seen making his way home from his club’s activities.


His name was Evan and he was a member of the tennis club, was he any good at it? No. But what he lacked in skill he made up for in effort, making sure he wasn’t left behind, desperate to fit in since he had nothing else.


However, due to this need to try his hardest during practice and with no means of transport other than walking Evan had no choice but to struggle through the forty-five-minute walk home alone in the dark, while darting from side to side, tired and delusional.


Suddenly, he felt his left leg give out and almost immediately after he felt his body go down with it.


He tried to catch himself the best he could but still took a decent bit of damage, or so he thought.


After falling and landing on his left knee Evan was sure he had scraped it but after a quick inspection saw that it was completely fine, however, after inspecting his leg Evan noticed something off about it entirely.


But before he could question it he heard a voice.


“A-are you okay!?”


Suddenly, a cute sounding voice called out to Evan asking if he was okay. At first he thought it was an Angel since no one had ever gone out of their way to see if he was alright before. Except maybe his parents back when they were alive and kicking.


After looking back up to face the woman he was immediately blown away.


In front of him stood a cute, slim girl with Short, curly brown hair along with emerald green eyes and a cute button nose, she wore a blue cotton sweater along with a white and black striped skirt and black leggings. 


The girl then reached out her hand to help Evan up.


“Are you okay Miss?”


Blinded by her kindness Evan went to grab her hand before realising.


“Wait, Miss?”


Before he could fully question that statement however the world turned Grey, literally, everywhere Evan looked the cars, the buildings, even the people, all of them had the color sapped out of them and their movements stopped completely.


Looking to his right however, Evan noticed one thing that had retained both its color and movement. a girl with long black hair, who wore a nice looking black suit shirt along with a black skirt and what Evan had assumed to be leggings could be seen leaning on both knees looking over towards Evan himself.


The still tired Evan then tried to call out and wave to the girl, Only to realise that she was doing the exact same thing as him only inverted.


It was then that it finally dawned on him, allowing him to put together both what the girl had said to him moments prior as well as what exactly the girl in front of him was, with it being a reflection of Evan himself.


Evan then slowly stood up while watching the reflection. seeing it get up the exact same way at the exact same time.


Before he could fully comprehend what had happened to him however Evan heard a strange noise.


“Hahahahahaha” A feminine sounding voice giggled.


Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere a bright light emerged from behind the girl who had previously offered her aid to Evan before eventually fading and revealing a young woman.


The woman appeared to be in either her late teens or early twenties, dressed in a completely white gown along with short black hair and bright purple eyes.


Evan wasn’t sure how but the woman in front of him looked familiar, he couldn’t quite place it though and decided to just flat out ask.  


“Who are you?” Evan asked while looking at the strange entity that stood in front of him, wearing a slight smile on her face while looking back at him.


After hearing Evans question the strange woman’s smile grew wider and wider before eventually emitting a familiar sound.




Continuing her laugh from earlier, Evan failed to see what exactly was funny and was about to speak again before being cut off. With the woman's mouth doing something else besides laughter.


“Hahaha my bad, I apologise, I guess it makes sense that you wouldn’t recognise me since this forms still new to you”


Confused as to what exactly she meant by that since it was obvious he wouldn’t recognise someone he just met Evan somehow accepted it since there was a part of him that did recognise her but just couldn’t place it.


With the woman still staring at him in silence, her smile still as big as ever, Evan found it strange that she kept her mouth shut. It was as if she was waiting for him to do something.


Maybe she wanted him to reply to her apology?


“Uh.. apology accepted?” He said, still confused


The woman’s smile then faded ever so slightly before speaking once again.


“anyway…“ she paused before continuing, making it clear that, that wasn’t what he was supposed to do.


“I guess I should explain to you why exactly you’re here and in that body no less”


Unfazed by it however, Evan was just glad to finally be given an answer. He then stood there in silence, waiting for an explanation.


“You see, I have a little job for you, think you can handle it?


Evan then gave her question a bit of thought before realising he was probably stuck with it either way so he decided to just be a yes man for now.


“Sure, why not” he said nonchalantly.


The woman’s smile then grew brighter after hearing that and she spoke once more.


“Haha, good. now then, if you look up and down this street what’s the one thing everyone has in common?” She asked while pointing up and down the street.


Evan looked around a bit before replying, noticing quite a few people. There were three girls on the other side of the road, two crossing the street and four or five on his side.


To Evan there weren’t many similarities, they all dressed differently, they were different shapes and sizes, the only thing they had in common was… “I don’t know, they’re all women?”


The woman then put her right pointer finger on her nose while pointing towards Evan with her left.




She then put her hands on the back of her head, resting them while closing both of her eyes and walking closer towards Evan.


“You see, in this world, there are no men whatsoever, at least in the traditional sense, that’s why I had your appearance altered”


After being reminded of his wardrobe change a thought came to Evan's mind and he walked closer to the side of the building that showed his reflection.


The woman took notice of this before speaking again.


“Ah, did you finally put two and two together? Took you long enough”


Her words along with his reflection only seemed to confirm his thought, the reason that the girl before him looked so familiar, was because he saw her previously through his own reflection.


Evan then turned around and looked back at her before speaking, this time being the one to move the conversation forward.


“Why? Why me? Why do this in the first place?”


After walking a few more steps, being less than a meter from Evan the woman’s hands dropped down to her sides before she opened both eyes, looking directly into Evans.


“Right so, the body I’ve placed you in, I’ve been preparing it as a vessel for a little over 19 years now, with it not really having a soul in the first place and being on autopilot”


She continued “As for why I did it in the first place well… I have a mission for you”


“Mission?” Evan asked, clearly confused


“That’s right! your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be! To get stronger” She said before pausing again, waiting for Evan's reaction


“…Eh?” Evan said, dumbfounded before continuing


“You took me to another world and put me into the body of a flesh puppet, to make me stronger?”


She then giggled a bit before answering “Right, well, just let me explain and it’ll all make sense. You see, there’s also another major difference within this world, besides the lack of men”




After clicking her fingers together a hologram, about 32 inches in both length and height appeared.


She then pointed to it while explaining.


“You see when most children are born into this world they're given a special power at random. This could be anything from growing a third eye that shoots lasers to being able to hear what someone’s saying thirty meters away while they whisper”


While showing various images of stick figures using different abilities to help get her point across she continued to explain.


“Now normally people are stuck with only one power, but I! the generous pinnacle of power! have blessed you with an ability of your own! which allows you to copy the powers of another and use it yourself, there’s just one requirement though”


After hearing her explanation Evan started to get a little excited, kind of getting into it a little before asking an important question.


“What is it?” Evan asked, curious


She then paused before smiling a little and answering his eager sounding question “You have to ingest their love juice”


“…Huh?” Evan said, his previous excitement draining from his body.


“Not all of it though, just one drop is enough, even if you were to lick it from the floor it Sho—“


Before she could finish however, she was cut off by Evan.


“Are you kidding me!? Why the fuck would you make a condition like that?!”


She then looked at Evan with a straight face before replying.


“Cause it’d be fun(ny) what’s the problem? I know for a fact you’ve never gotten laid before and have fantasised about something similar so why are you getting cold feet now?”


“Guh!—“ after being cut deep by how true her statement was Evan fell silent.


“Now then I have a few more things to explain so if you have any questions, let’s hear them”


Evan thought for a moment, wondering what he should ask that she wasn’t already about to explain, it was then that it dawned upon him.


“Earlier you said that there’s no such thing as men in this world, so how do people reproduce?”


After hearing his question the woman smiled a little before replying.


“Ah well, that’s because there are two types of women. The first being the generic woman with ovaries, a pussy the whole thing while the second… well, the top half is the same but for the bottom half they have male genitalia instead”




“Cool right?”




Confused and stunned by her answer to his question Evan continued with his questioning.


“Wouldn’t that just make them men then?”


“I mean… technically I guess but they still have too many similarities to women so it’s difficult to fully define them as such with their breasts still being able to produce milk and their figures being almost identical to that of an average woman’s”


She paused before continuing.


“So it’s best to just take it at face value and not overthink it or you’ll only hurt yourself in the long run”


“I see…” Evan replied, having lost against the pure insanity of the situation.


“So now then. can I move on?”


“..Sure” Evan said, sounding defeated




She then held out her hand and after doing so a bright light appeared before fading once again, revealing an expensive looking phone with a black and purple case.


She then walked over and handed it to Evan.


After taking it. Evan turned it on, revealing a picture of him or rather her as the background.


“I took the liberty of setting your phone up so you’ll find a bunch of pictures of me in your gallery posing, trying to find the best one to set as your background”




She then continued to talk and explain.


“That phone can do everything the most current versions can and more. It also has a special app that I designed myself so if you scroll through it you should be able to find an app with a large pink heart on it”


After scrolling through Evan confirmed it for himself.


“I see it”


“Great! Now then, click onto it and you should see the word profile under the search bar”


After following her instructions step by step Evan eventually clicked on the profile, revealing a large amount of information with what looked to be a character sheet at the very top.




[Name]: Evelyn Monroe (Eve)

[Age]: 19

[Birthday]: 8/12/1549

[Race]: Category 5

[Genitalia]: Vagina

[Bra Size]: 38C

[Height]: 171cm

[Weight]: 128 pounds

[Primary Hair color]: Black

[Secondary Hair Color]: Black

[Left Eye Color]: Violet Purple

[Right Eye Color]: Violet Purple

[Skin Color]: White







[Powers and Abilities]

(Power Stockpile and Absorption)




After inspecting it for a bit, Evan who was now apparently named Eve had many questions as well as complaints but before he could voice them the woman spoke once more.


“Now then I’m sure you have many questions as well as complaints but I’ve unfortunately used up most of my time. So before I head off here’s what you need to know”


Seeming to have read his mind almost word for word the woman before him who was the apparent cause of his current predicament, voiced something mildly concerning before continuing.


“Any question you might have in the future can be found and answered within the app, the phone will never run out of charge or break so it’s up to you to keep it with you and not lose it! and finally…”


She paused for a moment as if short of breath before continuing.


“Once you’ve reached far and high enough so that you’re unmatched by anything within this world I’ll come visit you again and explain the rest, so don’t let me down”


And with that, a bright light formed around the mystery woman causing her to disappear as well as restart time.


It was then that the woman who had first offered her hand noticed Evan’s (now Eve’s) sudden change in location and jumped back, startled before asking her a question.


“A-are you okay miss?” She asked, sounding concerned.


Eve then turned to face her, still a little shocked by what just happened before responding “yeah… I think so” She answered, in an almost hollow sounding tone of voice.

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