My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 7 – Overwhelmed

Vel was still just kneeling on the ground where her legs had given out underneath her, but she had mostly recovered and was no longer overwhelmed by everything that had happened. I wanted to get some answers to the questions I had, so I squatted down in front of the young elven woman and asked. "So, Umm… Vel, where exactly are we?"

Squatting in front of Vel like I had done proved to be the wrong call, as it slipped my mind that I was completely naked and positioning myself like that gave her a clear view of my pussy and my arousal which had dripped down my thighs. The woman instantly started to blush and stammer once her gaze subconsciously slipped down there. Apparently, she was relatively unused to dealing with other women, or at least, extremely attractive and naked women. I couldn’t really blame her though, I probably would have had a similar reaction if someone acted this way in front of me when I was back on Earth.

Trying my best to rectify my mistake, I repositioned myself so that I was sitting with my legs crossed in front of her. I couldn't do anything about my breasts being on display because they were so large, and covering them up would at most only hide my nipples, so I just let them hang out in the open while I tried to reassure the overly aroused woman. "It’s alright, Vel. We can take this as slowly as you want. You can play with my body, pussy and tits included, whenever you want, but I would really like some answers to a few questions I have. Clothes would also be nice, but I’m not going to take the clothes off your back, which look like they wouldn’t even fit me anyway." 

This proved to also be a mistake, as the mention of playing with my tits and pussy anytime she wanted just added to everything that was already overwhelming Vel. Now the woman was just staring at me wide-eyed, like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Oh, boy…" I let out a slight chuckle as I settled in to wait her out.

Luckily, I didn’t have to wait long before something happened, but it wasn’t what I was expecting. The blue blob, which I assumed was a slime, had managed to bounce its way over to the two of us without either of us noticing it. The thing was surprisingly silent for a gelatinous blob, but that silence didn’t continue when it instead chose to let out a gurgling noise. It was actually quite interesting to watch it make noise because it did so by vibrating its outermost layer, which sent ripples across the rest of its body, reminiscent of the ripples created when a pebble was thrown into a still lake.

The gurgling noise immediately caught the attention of Vel, who reached down and picked up the basketball-sized slime. The young woman repositioned herself so that she was sitting in a similar position as me and placed the slime in her lap after which she just started stroking like one would pet a cat sitting on their lap. Apparently, this action was rather helpful, as the woman was looking much less overwhelmed now.

Eventually, she even managed to recover enough of her senses to speak. "Sorry, I… um… I’ve never done anything remotely like that… It’s just been me, my Dad, and Saph here for as long as I can remember."

Oh, fuck! She’s a real recluse, isn’t she? Her reactions make a whole lot more sense if she’s never met another person before, let alone a sexy woman making her feel all kinds of new feelings.

"Don’t worry, it’s fine. Take as long as you need to calm yourself down. I don’t mean you or… Saph, was it, any harm." I gave her a warm, friendly smile as I responded, at the end of which I gestured to the slime in her lap. "Can I pet it?"

The slime immediately let out a gurgling noise again, but this time it was much more aggressive than it had been before. Thankfully, Vel could either understand what it was saying or could understand the gist of it enough that she could translate for me. "Sorry, Saph doesn’t like being referred to as an "it". They don’t like the way calling them an “it” infers that they are an object and not a living being with feelings and thoughts of their own." 

This took me by surprise a little, as I wasn’t expecting a slime to have such strong feelings about their choice of pronouns, but since I wasn’t an asshole and had nothing to lose by being friendly to them, I gave a sincere apology to the slime. "Oh, I’m sorry Saph, I didn’t mean to offend you.”

Apparently, that was enough to placate the small blue blob as they immediately started to slowly slide off of Vel’s lap and onto mine. The feel of their gelatinous body on my skin wasn’t at all what I expected it to feel like. There was nothing sticky or slimy about them, instead, they had the texture of a firm but moldable plastic. Their surface was mostly just smooth and slightly cold to the touch.

While Saph got comfortable in my lap and let me pat them, Vel spoke up, remembering what I had asked her earlier. "Oh, right, you wanted to know where we were, didn’t you? Well, you’re in the great forest of Artellan. But other than the fact that the forest is somewhere in the Kingdom of Artellan, which it is named after, I don’t really know much more than that, sorry. Oh, and if it’s not too rude, I am curious as to how you ended up here, naked and not aware of where it is you are."

"I, ah… OH!" I started to stammer a bit as I tried to think up a good lie to cover for my lack of knowledge, only to let out a sudden moan.

Since I wasn’t wearing clothes and Saph was sitting directly on my lap, that meant that a fair amount of their body had sunk down between my legs. However, that on its own wouldn’t have been enough to elicit such a response. What actually elicited that response was the fact that the mischievous little slime had further manipulated and bent their body in such a way that they found themselves pressed up against my clit. That wasn’t the end of it either, as they were purposefully vibrating the outer surface of their body much like they did when they made gurgling sounds, but this vibrating wasn’t making any sound. No, the vibrations were part of a much more nefarious scheme.

I didn’t have proof, but I was sure that this was Saph’s way of getting revenge on me for calling them an "it" earlier. Of course, I could have easily been wrong and the slime just wanted to have some fun like Vel and I was having earlier when she was groping my breasts. Either way, I thought it would be most entertaining to just let it keep happening and try and hide that fact from my new elven friend. After all, it wasn’t like the slime’s revenge was actually malicious or hurting me.

"Are you alright?" Vel asked with sincere concern, not just because of my sudden reaction but the fact that my cheeks were blushing bright red.

"Ah… Yeah, I’m fine. Its… Just that I remember something, or… rather a lack of something." It was much harder to come up with a good lie while having a slime vibrate on my clit than I had expected.

In fact, the way in which Saph was vibrating her body on my clit was much better than any earthly vibrator could have done. Because of how they were able to mould their gelatinous body to perfectly match the shape of my pussy, not a single part of my vulva was left out of the vibrations. It was so good that I could not help but wonder what it would feel like if the slime actually decided to penetrate me, but sadly, they were currently either unable or unwilling to do that at the moment.

"The thing is that I… Ah… I don’t seem to have any memories other than my name, which I’m just realising I never told you. Ah, fuck… That was kind of rude of me, wasn’t it? My name’s Evelyn Hart." I continued on, but it didn’t get any easier to speak through the pleasure the longer it went on.

"You have no memories!" Vel gasped in surprise. "What level are you?"

"I’m ah… How do I check that again?"

"Just think about wanting to check your status and your status screen should come up, but that’s basic stuff. If you’ve forgotten even that, then you must really have a serious case of memory loss."

Name: Evelyn Hart
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 18

Class: Pervert
Level: 1

Might: 10
Agility: 10
Vitality: 11
Intellect: 10
Willpower: 10
Charm: 11

Free Stat Points: 3

Class Skills: 0/5

General Skills: 1/5
Kissing, Rank 1

Blessed By An Angel

All I had to do was follow the young woman’s advice, and lo and behold, a new, more in-depth blue text box appeared before my eyes. There was a bunch of interesting information on my status screen, like the fact that I had three available stat points, a trait, and it said my age was eighteen, even though I was in my late twenties when I died. However, discovering more about all of that would have to wait until later.

"According to my status, I’m level 1 and it says that my class is… pervert." I read those details aloud to her. Although I had very much expected to be only level 1, the class was a surprise. I didn’t remember what the exact wording of the class I wanted was, but I specified that I wanted it to be strong and focused on sex. 

Pervert doesn’t strike me as a particularly strong class, but at least it's definitely orientated towards sex. Though, I wonder how good it really is in the grand scheme of things.

(Uncommon, Sex-Based, Lifestyle Class)

Most people think of "pervert" as an insulting or derogatory term, but you aren’t like most people. Instead of being ashamed of your perverted nature, you embrace it and wear it as a badge of honour.

+100% Growth for all sexual skills
-50% Growth for all combat skills

+1 Vitality, +1 Charm, +3 Stat points per level up.

Apparently, a stray thought about my class was all it took for the system to bring up a new text box with my class’s details. As it turned out, the pervert class was exactly the kind of thing I wanted after all. It gave me a huge bonus for the growth of my sexual skills at the expense of my combat ones, which was completely fine with me as I was here to make love, not war.

The vitality and charm points per level up explained why those two stats were already higher than the rest at level one, but the presence of stats altogether just brought up a great many questions about how exactly they affected people. Sadly, I didn’t have much time to contemplate this as I was in the middle of a conversation that was still going on.

"Level 1… That’s…"  Vel gasped. "If you haven’t gained any levels, then that would mean you have just awoken relatively recently, but I’m not sure what kind of class pervert is, sorry. And also, what could someone so low-levelled have been doing around the forest?"

As always, Saph’s vibrating was continuing. Between the little bit of stimulation, I had earlier and just how long this had been going on, I was actually getting close to a climax. Still, I continued on with the conversation. "I’m not sure. W… What level are you?"

"I’m a level 11 druid. I just had my first class evolution a few months ago."  Vel answered, but didn’t explain further. That said, class evolution sounded pretty straightforward. I assumed classes would grow and get stronger as you levelled, and based on her level, the first evolution most likely happened at or after level 10.

"Sorry, I’m not very good at this. I don’t know much about the outside world." The young elven woman started to apologise out of nowhere while I was busy thinking about what she had just said. "My Dad knows more. He’s travelled the world and might know about what could have happened to you. I can take you to him if you want. He might even be able to help you get your memories back as he has a couple of healing skills, but I should warn you that he is not all that fond of strangers, especially humans."

"That sounds like a great idea, but first I think we-" I started to reply to her, but I could feel my climax finally arriving, and I couldn’t stifle the moans anymore. "Oh, fuck! That feels so good! Yes!"

Vel’s eyes widened in surprise as she watched me orgasm right in front of her. Although it was only a small one, I was left panting for air after the pleasure had passed, which made the young woman a bit concerned for my wellbeing. "Are you alright? What happened?"

"It’s fine, I just came a little." I tried to wave off her concern.

"You came? Sorry, I don’t understand." She just raised an eyebrow at me.

"I had an orgasm," I explained. Flat-out admitting something like that back on Earth would have been extremely embarrassing, but here, after everything that happened, I was able to be rather blasé about it thanks to the confidence my new sexy body gave me. "Saph was vibrating on my clit as we were speaking. I see why you keep them around. Having your own personal clit vibe follow you around must come in handy."

Although I wasn’t sure they quite understand everything I was saying, Saph was smart enough to realise I was teasing them, which only meant they were now going to tease me back. Fortunately, they did it in a pleasant manner, which involved lightly slapping my throbbing clit with their smooth, cold body. It was only a gentle slap, but one that felt quite good after my orgasm and caused me to let out another moan.

"What’s an orgasm, or a clit for that matter?" Vel asked, further confused by my explanation.

Now that I think about it, it makes sense that she doesn’t know about such things. If what Vel told me about herself was correct, then she was raised only by her father, and if men here are anything like they were on Earth, I doubt her father was comfortable enough to have a proper frank discussion about sex with her. 

No, he probably just had an overly vague talk about the bees and the birds with her just like my dad did with me. Honestly, being so vague probably did more harm than good since it just made me all the more curious. Then again it wasn’t like that curiosity really made me go and do anything dangerous, I only really went and checked out a whole bunch of porn, but it could have been much worse, or better depending on how you look at it.

"An orgasm happens when you-" I began to explain the mechanics of sexual release, but stopped myself almost immediately. Instead of explaining to her the mechanics behind an orgasm, a much more naughty idea came to me. Soon enough, a perverted grin was stretched across my lips and I said. "It would be much easier to show you what an orgasm is than explain it. Do you want to experience one for yourself?"

Unsure of what exactly I was offering her, Vel replied to my question with a question of her own. "It’s not going to hurt, is it?"

"Not at all. In fact, it's going to feel extremely enjoyable. There’s not much that can compare to the pleasure of a good, hard orgasm." 

After a few moments of thought, Vel just shrugged and said. "Sure, why not?"

Once the young elven woman had given me her consent, I reached down and picked the slime up off my lap so I could put it to the side. Saph was apparently content to just sit there and watch what was about to happen, as they allowed me to move them without complaint.

With nothing left in between us to get in the way, I slowly leaned over to Vel. She was obviously a little nervous about whatever it was that I was going to do to her, and she even made an audible gulping noise as my face got rather close to her own. But just when the young woman thought I was going to kiss her again, I simply pushed her down onto her back, so that she was laying down on the grass of the forest floor. Then and only then, with her petite, dress-covered body pinned under me, did I bring my lips to hers and kiss her.

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