My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 27 – Showering Before Heading Out

While Vel was sitting on the ground, waiting for her legs to recover enough strength so that she could stand again, I made my way over to the shower and turned it on. Once the steaming hot water was pouring out of the shower head, I hopped under the stream and began to wash myself, but in truth, I was mostly just giving the young elven woman one hell of a show. 

The way the water dripped from my smooth, fair skin and my hands massaged my supple body was just too erotic, and that was only when I was playfully washing myself. When my hands began to tease my nipples and play with my clit, the scene being played out before Vel got even more heated.

"It’s too bad there’s not some cute young woman to keep me company in the shower and clean my naughty body for me." I teased the poor woman further.

Vel didn’t say anything in response to my comment. Instead, she just got to her feet, pushing past what little wobbliness remained as she hurried over and joined me under the steaming hot water.

What followed was a very fun experience, one I had never experienced before. After the two of us got each other off a couple of times and I made good on my promise to eat the young woman out in the shower, we moved on to actually washing each other.

There was something intimate about cleaning another’s body in the shower like that, which I wasn’t expecting. The way we were scrubbing and touching every inch of each other’s bodies as we cleaned one another was just too good. And although there was nothing purposefully sexual about how we were touching each other most of the time, it definitely felt really sexual, which led to even more eating out and fingering of pussies.

By the time the two of us were done and drying each other off, it had been quite a shower. Normally, I wasn’t really one for long showers unless I was masturbating while in there, but this had most certainly been one of the longer showers in my life. It's a good thing the shower was powered by a magic crystal and they didn’t have a water bill to pay, because I had a feeling a nice long shower like that was how every day I stayed here with them was going to start.

Once both of us were dried off, Vel tied a towel around her slender body and returned to her bedroom to get dressed for the day. Meanwhile, I stayed in the bathroom using my freshen up skill to clean the shirt Damien had let me borrow. It worked like a charm, and I soon had a shirt that was as fresh as if it had just come out of the dryer. Sadly, though, it wasn't anywhere near as warm as right out of the dryer, but that was to be expected.

It was around this time that I realised I hadn’t seen any system messages during all of the fun I had with Vel in the shower. But after a quick moment or two to think about why that could have been, I realised it made sense. Skill ranks and class levels were getting harder to get, and although I had quite a bit of fun with the young woman in the shower, it was relatively little compared to what we got up to last night. 

That said, I had a feeling that I was probably close to my next level up and that I probably only needed one more good long fuck to get there, but I was satisfied enough for the moment that I could wait for that time to come naturally. After all, it wasn’t like Vel was any less interested in fucking me than I was in fucking her.

"Alright, Eve, are you ready to head out into the forest?" The young elven woman popped back into view, standing in the bathroom’s open doorway dressed in a fresh set of clothes.

"I sure am?" I responded in kind, trying my best to act just as enthusiastically as she was.

Honestly, though, spending time in nature wasn’t a particular favourite pastime of mine. I much preferred holing up in bed, under nice warm blankets, as I fucked myself, or getting fucked by someone else, which was the more recent development.

Luckily, the fact that I had a shirt on now meant that a lot of the annoyances of the last trek through the forest wouldn’t be there. That said, I still had a lot of exposed skin for twigs and bushes to poke or scrape against. Additionally, I didn’t have any footwear, which was something I needed to sort out before leaving.

Thankfully, after a quick question in that regard, Vel fetched me a pair of sandals for me to wear. They were a bit tight since the young woman had smaller feet than me, but that slight discomfort would be much more bearable than walking barefoot through the forest.

While waiting for Vel to fetch the sandals, I noticed something slightly odd. I could hear the sound of the washing machine from further into the house. I knew that Damien did say he would handle some of the morning chores like washing and cleaning up, but I didn’t actually expect that he would do the laundry. After all, I did practically all of it yesterday, and even though there were a few sets of clothing that have been changed out since then, I didn’t think there would have been enough for a full load of washing.

Even though I found this slightly odd, I didn’t really give it much thought and forgot all about it when Vel came back with the sandals. After that, why and what Damien was washing couldn’t have been further from my mind as I left the house with Vel, wandering into the forest beyond.

"So, where exactly are we going?" I asked the woman after a few seconds of walking.

"Well, first I thought we could find Saph and see if they wanted to tag along with us." Vel answered as she graciously navigated through the forest, much more gracefully than my stumbling, clumsy self.

Oh, yeah, Saph. I had almost forgotten about that perverted little slime.

"And after that, there are a couple of places we could go. The spring where I found you is extremely relaxing to take a dip in, and there’s a cliff to the south of there that has an amazing view of the plains past the forest, but there was another place I wanted to show you first. I want it to be a surprise, but it’s quite beautiful at this time of year."

"Sounds fun." I smiled back at the young woman, beaming with excitement, but my smile was much more perverted than hers.

Although she was just excited to be out in the forest spending time with a friend, I knew what kind of things we were most likely going to get up to together until we had to return back to the log cabin for lunch. And if Saph accompanied us, there would be extra fun to go around.

Turning my head to the young woman as we walked side by side, I spoke up again, continuing the conversation to not only pass the time as we walked but to also learn about something I had been meaning to ask about before I got distracted by all the fun I had with Vel yesterday morning. "Speaking of Saph, are slimes considered monsters? If so, why hasn’t your father killed Saph yet if he is keeping the monster population within the forest culled." 

"I think Saph has just been hiding from him. Most common slimes are relatively weak, but Saph is kind of weak even when compared to a common slime. Because of this, Saph tends to get bullied by a lot of other monsters and wild animals in the forest. I’ve even seen them getting pushed around by a particularly angry bunny once before, so Saph has had to get really good at hiding to survive for as long as they have."

"Huh, that’s interesting…" I murmured, not quite sure what to make of it since it wasn’t at all the explanation I was expecting. "Is there a particular reason that Saph is so friendly? I would assume that given how much your father warns you about the dangers of monsters, most monsters would just attack people on sight."

"Most do," Vel responded. "Saph’s just a bit unique in that they are actually quite friendly. It didn’t start out that way, though. I first met Saph when they were getting beaten up by that particularly angry bunny I just mentioned. Even then, once I scared off the rabbit and left a handful of herbs to help them recover from their wounds, Saph was still relatively cautious of me."

"They didn’t really open up to me until a few months had passed, during which I kept coming around and checking in on them. From there, it took several more months to get to the point where we are now. It’s actually quite surprising that they opened up to you so quickly, Eve. I never thought Saph would want to meet another person, let alone a human since they seem to be deathly afraid of your kind."

"Did Saph really open up to me?" I asked, but after a moment to think it over, I realised just how relaxed they had been around me, especially considering what we did. "I guess so. I mean, they did make me cum a couple of times, which would probably be considered having sex with them-"

As I mused aloud like that while walking through the forest, I suddenly found myself being pulled to the side, into Vel’s arms. I wasn’t expecting this kind of attention so suddenly, but I wasn’t going to complain.

As such, I slid my arms around her waist as I playfully teased her. "Oh, is it time for a little break? From the walking, that is, as I can think of a number of strenuous activities to keep our hearts beating while we take a break."

Vel just shook her head and chuckled, apparently that wasn’t her attention. Instead, she just pointed to the ground, where I was about to step before she pulled me towards herself. "You were about to step on that flower." She explained.

With a look of curiosity and a slight bit of disappointment, I pulled away from the young elven woman and squatted down in front of the flower she pointed out. It wasn’t really anything all that impressive, just kind of dull and bland, so I didn’t understand why she wouldn’t want me to step on it.

"Is it a rare flower? Does it have some kind of useful properties?" I asked as I continued to look it over.

"Not that I know of," Vel responded casually with a shrug.

This, of course, did not help my curiosity. As such, I stood back up and turned to face the young woman as I asked her. "Why stop me from accidentally stepping on it then?"

"Because I could," Vel just ever so slightly frowned at me, unsure why I was confused. "If I have the chance to stop a plant from accidentally being hurt without harming anyone else, why not take it."

Right, she’s a druid and she loves plants. How could I forget that after all the gardening she made me do yesterday? Not to mention the handful of potted plants decorating her room. Well, that last one is forgivable since I wasn’t really paying the room any attention last night, more so the sexy, naked woman I was having my way with.

Between my thoughts and realising just how kind Vel was, I couldn’t help but start giggling to myself. However, the young elven woman in question wasn’t sure what I found so funny and raised an eyebrow at me as she asked as much. "What’s so funny?"

"You’re too cute," I responded, not only with my words but with a slight kiss on the young woman’s lips as I embraced her once more.

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