My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 11 – Not What He Wanted to Hear

"Honey, that kind of relationship means that-"

"I know what it means, Dad!" Vel shouted back, cutting her father off mid-sentence. At last, the young woman had finally had enough of her father’s babying. "It means Evelyn and I are going to have lots more sex together. It means she's going to lick my pussy and I’m going to lick hers!"

"..." Her father’s jaw almost hit the floor when he heard his daughter admit such private things for the whole world to hear, or at least, for just the two of us to hear since we were the only other people anywhere close to here.

I, however, wasn’t nearly as surprised as he was. Although I didn’t expect the young woman to openly admit such things to her father, it was good to get confirmation that not only was I going to get my pussy licked later but that Vel decided to wholeheartedly take me up on my offer to be friends with benefits.

"And there’s nothing you can do about it!" Vel continued to shout even though her cheeks were blushing bright red from embarrassment. "If you chase Evelyn away, then I’m just going to follow her wherever she goes. We’ll just have sex out in the forest somewhere, or maybe even in a human village!"

Now that she had admitted such an intimate and private thing directly to her father, it was like a flip had been switched, and she no longer feared being embarrassed by talking about sex. Honestly, it was kind of sexy and made me forget all about wanting to be fucked by her father. Now I just really wanted her to lick my pussy.

"Fine!" Her father relented rather quickly, not wanting his precious little girl to leave or to continue shouting about sex. "I won’t chase Evelyn away, but I don’t think there's anything I can really do to help her. Memory loss is normally the result of damage to the brain that affects the mind, and although I do know a couple of minor healing skills, they only heal the body, not someone’s mind."

"Only extremely high-level healers can restore damaged parts of the mind, and I don’t know where you would be able to find one willing to work on her. Most of the healers at that level you need are already snatched up by organisations that have complete control over who gets access to their services."

"Really, are you sure there is nothing that you can do, Dad?" Vel asked, but her father just shook his head.

This revelation upset the young elven woman more than I was expecting. Tears even began to well up in her eyes as she turned to look at me. I wasn’t sure why she got so worked up about it, but her feeling bad was starting to make me feel guilty, and that was the last thing I wanted. My reincarnation was meant to be about making up for all the sex I missed out on during my first lifetime, not feeling guilty about the lies I told in the spur of the moment.

"It’s fine, don’t worry about it, I’m sure my memories will come back to me eventually." I tried to reassure the young woman with a hug. That said, it was just a platonic friendly hug with no ulterior motives at all. Even then, the young woman’s father, who was still standing by, awkwardly looked away as he blushed. Apparently, just watching his daughter hug a naked woman was embarrassing for him, even if nothing else was happening.

"B… But we can’t just do nothing," Vel spoke up as she pulled away from our hug and turned to face her father. Almost immediately, she began to flutter her eyelids as if she were a puppy dog begging for a treat. "Can Evelyn stay with us, Dad? Even if it's just for a little while, so we can teach her the more common things she should know. We wouldn’t want her to get scammed or manipulated in the outside world just because she was ignorant of how some things worked. Letting her stay for a few days is the least we could do."

"Agh, fine! She can say." Her father groaned, not even putting up a fight at this point lest his daughter threatened to run away again.

"Yay, you can stay! You can stay! You can stay!" Vel began to jump up and down as she held onto my hands. The young woman’s excitement was rather infectious, and in a matter of seconds, I found myself grinning from ear to ear. That grin turned into a perverted one when I heard what she said next. "Oh, and you can sleep in my room; that way we can have lots of sex!"

Holy shit! This young woman is a lot more forward than she ever would have been a few minutes ago. And to think, all it took was her shouting at her father about getting her pussy licked and doing the pussy licking. If I knew that was the key to gaining confidence, I would have shouted all kinds of lewd things in front of my dad… Well, maybe not. That actually sounds rather mortifying now that I think about it.

"Evelyn, you can stay for a week, but only a week!" Her father spoke up, addressing me directly for what was actually the first time during this entire conversation, which in hindsight was pretty rude of him, but given how protective he was of his daughter, I understood. "But you have to help with the chores around the house and pull your own weight. Oh, And… Umm… you should also put some clothes on. Velyna, honey, could you let her borrow a dress or something?"

Vel took a second or two to look at my body up and down. I could clearly see her eyes linger on my tits as she licked her lips, but eventually, she had to pry her eyes away from my ample chest and respond to her father. "Sorry, Dad, I don’t think any of my clothes are going to fit Evelyn."

The man just let out a sigh and shook his head. "Fine, just wait here. I’ll see if I have anything that will fit you."

As Vel’s father turned and walked off into the log cabin that was their home, I couldn’t help but notice how interesting it was to watch such a strong, stern man being thoroughly beaten by his petite, young daughter. Not to mention the way he was blushing and got all awkward whenever she mentioned sex or pussy licking. As much fun as the idea of being dominated by such a strong man sounded, the idea of being the one doing the dominating of such a man sounded just as fun. Who knew what stuff he was into, but whatever it was, I was hopeful that it involved him thoroughly stuffing my pussy.

"Oh, this is going to be so fun!" Vel cheerfully remarked as she threw her arms around me, hugging onto me rather tightly, only this hug wasn’t nearly as platonic as the last one we shared.

"Did you just squeeze my butt?" My mouth dropped and I had to do a double take to make sure whether the slender pair of hands on my supple backside were actually there or not.

"And what if I did?" Vel gave me a playful smirk as her hands continued to squeeze and grope me.

I can’t believe this is the same woman as before. Where did the naive, innocent young woman who was getting so overwhelmed by everything that she just completely shut down go?

Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t complaining. In fact, I liked this new, assertive Vel; it was just a huge surprise that she could flip like that so quickly.

"Well then, I’ll just have to squeeze your butt back as payback," I responded to her in kind, sending my hands down to her petite backside.

Although her butt wasn’t as round and curvy as mine, there was still ample soft skin for my fingers to sink into and grope through her dress. However, fondling each other’s butts like that wasn’t the only thing the two of us did while we were hugging.

Without another word needing to be exchanged between the two of us, we leaned in and started kissing. This wasn’t a kiss like before, where I was the one not only instigating but doing the majority of the work. No, this time, right from the very start, Vel was kissing me as much as I was kissing her.

As our lips locked with each other, our tongues danced within each other’s embrace, excitedly swapping saliva. All the while, our hands also continued to do their thing, groping and fondling each other to their heart's content. This embrace could have gone on for quite some time if not for the sound of someone clearing their throat. "Ahem!"

My reaction to this was rather calm, but Vel was more panicked, as the young woman shot away from me like she was a kid caught by their parents with their hand in the cookie jar. Vel might have gotten a new sense of confidence that allowed her to stand up to her father and say all kinds of embarrassing things in front of him, but actually doing those embarrassing things in front of him was another matter entirely.

Vel’s father, whom I was now realising I never got the name of, stood in front of us, blushing profusely as he held out a shirt while awkwardly looking to the side. I gave the man my thanks as I reached forward, took the shirt from him and immediately moved to put it on. Although it was a simple light grey tee shirt, it was more than enough to cover me up since it was one of his. In fact, it still hung quite loosely from my body despite how curvy I was. That’s just how much bigger and broad he was.

"I’m sorry that I don’t have more to offer you. I don’t think any of Velyna’s mother’s stuff would have fit either, and any of my pants would have been way too big as well. That’s the best I could do."

"It’s still better than being butt naked, thank you." I politely responded as I gave the shirt a quick sniff. Unfortunately, it smelled freshly washed and didn’t have his manly scent on it. I was sure he smelled good; he looked like he had the kind of scent that could instantly turn a woman’s panties into a soaking mess.

"Now that it's settled and you're going to stay with us, why don’t I show you around the house? Oh, there’s so much I want to show you, and not just in the house either, but the garden as well." Vel chimed in, as she grabbed onto my hand. The young woman was like a puppy dog in that she looked like she just wanted to continuously dart around the place, she was just so excited. I guess that’s just what living an overly secluded life will do to someone as outgoing and excitable as her.

"Actually, there was something I wanted to ask your father first, in privacy if you don’t mind. Why don’t you go inside and decide what you want to show me first?" I turned to the young woman as I said that. Although she seemed a little taken aback by the suggestion and disappointed at not getting me all to herself, it was her father’s reaction I was more interested in, but he just seemed unfazed.

"Okay, Eve." Vel sprung off but stopped halfway to the house to ask me if I was fine with that nickname. "Sorry, you don’t mind if I call you Eve, do you?" 

"No, Eve’s fine."

As soon as the young woman heard my response she continued on her way, disappearing inside the house. As soon as she was gone her father raised an eyebrow at me and flat out asked. "So, what is it you want to talk with me in private about?" Even though he had relented and let me stay, I could clearly tell there was a fair amount of suspicion and worry held in his expression whenever he looked at me.

"Well, first off, what can I call you? You never actually gave it to me, and it feels weird to just think of you as Vel’s father."

"Oh, I guess that was a bit rude. My name’s Damien… Varsen." For some reason, he hesitated to say his surname name, but when he did say it, I could tell he was keenly watching me for some reaction. When I didn’t react in the way he was expecting, he seemed like he was relieved. Weird…

I put all concern over what that may or may not have meant aside almost immediately as I turned my focus to more important things. "The main reason I wanted to talk to you away from Vel is that I want you to know that I’m definitely not going to be a burden. I will do whatever it takes to return the generosity you have shown me by letting me stay here."

"That's… That's good to know." An expression of relief crossed Damien's face as my words seemed to strike a chord with him, not enough to completely satiate his worries but enough to be noticeable. "But just keep in mind that my daughter’s safety is my top priority. I will not hesitate to throw you out on your ass if you do anything to endanger her."

"I understand perfectly, but I also want you to keep in mind that when I say I’m willing to do whatever it takes, I mean I’m more than willing to pay for my place here with my body."

"..." Damien didn’t say anything in response to me, but I did notice a slight hint of surprise on his face before he got his expression back under control.

To further demonstrate my point, I lifted the front of the shirt covering my body to reveal my nudity to him once more. Something about the fact that I was showing him my naked body now that I actually had clothes to cover myself with made this act a whole lot more thrilling and heart racing, which was something that he also picked up on as I caught his eyes briefly glancing down at not only my tits but my pussy too. It was only briefly though because as soon as his eyes had flicked down they had flicked back up and were scowling at me as he stared at me dead in the eyes.

"You just have to say the word and I’ll bend over and spread my legs wherever or whenever I am so that you can fuck my pussy with your big hard cock." I tried my best to tease him, but it wasn’t getting the kind of reaction I was hoping for. As opposed to when his daughter was getting all kinds of reactions out of him, he was just stonewalling me.

To that end, Damien just turned around, hefted his axe on his shoulder, and started to walk off. The weird part was that he wasn’t walking off in any particular direction, just randomly into the forest.

"It doesn’t have to be anything serious, just think of me as your personal cumdump until the week is up!" I called out to him, but he still didn’t respond.

Seriously! What is up with men ignoring me when I make advances on them? First Bob, and now Damien. I would have thought this new, sexy as hell body would have helped with this. Am I being too forward? Do I need to be more mysterious and flirty first? I can’t help it if I want to get right down to the boning and the creampies.

"Sorry, Eve, but are you done yet?" Vel called out to me as I saw her head pop back out of the log cabin.

"Yeah, I’m on my way."

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