My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 196: Jumpstarting the sect's growth

Yun Jhin watched as the glowing stars grew bigger in his eyes, the Deer Antlers sect was getting closer and closer and he knew that he would have to act a little bit more here.

All known sects had at least one or two God Realm experts regardless if they were low ranked or not.

While he wouldn't have problems with containing him killing him would be harder, God Realm experts were rather hard to kill when they knew what was coming for them, now that he had attacked the Bazaar first news should have surely arrived at the sect headquarters.

But Yun Jhin didn't really care bout him much, even if he ran away it would only be a loss of a God Realm expert but if he remained he only has to exert himself a bit to capture him.

Yun Jhin didn't do anything as he arrived at the sect headquarters of the Deer Antlers sect, he closed his eyes which made his armored body look like an empty shell as he hovered there and let the disciples go on a rampage.

Just like the Baazar things quickly got out of hand for the disciples of the Deer Antlers sect, they were all of lower cultivation bases as the patriarch of the sect didn't have the same resounding reputation as Yun Jhin, there were also fewer disciples even compared to the attacking ones!

In total Yun Jhin sensed almost 3,500,000 disciples counting their elders, grand elders, and the patriarch himself.

Yun Jhin watched everything unfolding in front of him, everything happened in a pretty similar manner to the previous attack, but in this situation, none of his disciples ran away as there hadn't been any attack from a sage realm expert, Yun Jhin had already taken care of them by exerting his cultivation base on their psyche paralyzing them even from above.

Yun Jhin picked out the brain of one of the sage realm experts from the deer antlers sect before inserting his armored hand into it transforming it into mush that flew over the rampaging disciples below him showering them in bits of grey matter that they slowly absorbed.

The other sage realm experts that Yun Jhin had teleported over to him had their paralysis turned off by him and were watching how Yun Jhin attacked and annihilated one of their people because he started to talk off to him.

Yun Jhin shook his head opening his eyes and turning them towards the remaining sage realm experts that accounted for around 90 people in total.

The sect was rather poor as it couldn't attract more than 90 sages while Yun Jhin had gained quite a lot of them, most of them were around the early stages with only 3 people being above the 4th stage, they could all be considered elders of the Deer Antlers sect.

Yun Jhin wanted to poach them to him or at least intimidate them first so his mind washing technique could work, he needed to instill a feeling of some type of worship or fear into his targets for the technique to work and make him the target of worship or else it would trigger the effect towards the person feared or worshipped the most at that time.

Yun Jhin had already taken into account this when he brainwashed everyone in the sect and used a more potent technique with the food but right now he didn't have the materials needed to create more to feed these people so he had to use the weaker version until he got more materials for future brainwashing attempts.

The 90 people felt chills down their backs as they shouted towards the dark skies:


However no sound came, no help came, no one came, everything around them was lit on flames, the darkness of the night accentuated the shadows of the blood throne sect's disciples who were currently laughing like little devils as they dusted their hands of blood and bones, all of the important bits were already absorbed by them.

Yun Jhin looked towards the skies and shook his head, it seemed the patriarch of the sect must have used a one-time teleportation formation to run away, it didn't matter much to him, the loss of one God Realm slave wouldn't hurt much as there were a lot more sects that he had to raid which had God Realm experts.

Yun Jhin looked down at the sage realm experts who were in full despair as they gazed at his armored body.

They started to fall to their knees as they gave their allegiance to him, Yun Jhin laughed as he put his palm forward facing them and unleashed a beam of light that engulfed all of them, they started to cry out while clutching their heads but soon enough they stopped and became the same as everyone else, slaves of Yun Jhin's will!

Yun Jhin looted the whole sect before he created a formation to tag it as the territory of the blood throne sect, any future disciples will be sent here to cultivate as the headquarters were full and he would only invite the most talented people or people who had reached a high cultivation base in the headquarters!

Yun Jhin took a look over at the 5 million disciples that were like locusts razing down every building and resources they could find and he decided to leave them here to rebuild this sect in the image of the blood throne sect becoming the branch location of the sect.

Yun Jhin gave out the announcement and let those elders of the Deer Antlers sect here as normal disciples.

He then started to travel back to the Blood throne sect.

On the way back he didn't encounter any troubles as he used his teleportation technique to quickly arrive at the sect without any hitches.

At the sect everything was orderly as he returned to the blood river below the dark palace, he now waited for news from his new spies as he had to see what were the responses from the other sects before he could continue his conquering plans.


The fat middle-aged man with long ears was sleeping in his room at the top of the building without any troubles as if nothing ever happened.


The old hunchbacked man narrowed his eyes as he looked towards the direction of the blood throne sect before shaking his head saying something that sounded like: 'it was so Yun Jhin-like to start conquering already'.


In a gigantic pond in the universe, an appropriately sized lotus existed, there was situated a gigantic pink palace, 3 meters big swans were flying around in groups above the palace making a lovely view.

A dirty female who wore all black appeared near the pond as she gasped for air and flopped into it to clear herself of the dirt sticking to her and other different goey substances.

After she got all cleaned up her features could be seen more prominently as she was a bird-woman of average looks, her wings unfurled behind her as she started flying with the swans before entering the palace.

An immense pressure appeared on the woman as she entered the gigantic palace that could house tens of millions of people, her breathing turned quicker before she stabilized her condition ignoring all of the looks that were given to her by the women inside.

She went in further and further as she reached the depths of the palace where she met an androgynous-looking person who seemed to be a man and woman at the same time but also not.

A grating voice that sounded the fusion of both the peak of masculinity and feminity came from the mouth of the being as it said in what sounded to be a sweet tone:

"Oh my... dear Laila it seems you have come back with news from that darling Yun Jhin?"

"Indeed my master... there is quite a lot of news."

Laila was one of the spies that Yun Jhin had brainwashed and now she came back to tell half-truths to her 'master'.

The androgynous fellows breathing started to quicken as it hugged itself and shuddered while making a strange face:

"Ah... Yun Jhin you always ran away from my love but you would never think that I would install a spy under your nose right? Oh, who am I kidding, of course, you would..."

Laila felt threatened a bit by her 'masters' words but she didn't say or do anything that would break her identity as a double agent.

"My lady Andonara the news are as following."

Andonara stopped talking to herself as she listened and muttered under her breath:

"Already expanding? Hmmm, it seems he has the same thirst for power as in his previous life."

This Andonara was the leader of one of the top 10 sects, The Beautiful Crane sect!


Yuan Fang chuckled as he looked at the downed person in front of him, he grabbed him by the neck as he lifted him and looked into his eyes as he said:

"Yun Jhin takes me for a fool? Oh how obvious it is that you have been brainwashed!"

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