My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

15 – Two normal girls in town

The blacksmith we met was not tall, probably only 160 centimeters, and had a sturdy figure. He was also bald and had a beard that grow to his chest.

"Okay. 4 longswords, 3 daggers, 2 short swords and 4 spears. The spears are kinda beaten up but I can make use of them. I'll pay you 10 gold coins for all of them."

I have no idea if that was the current value for them. Olivia didn't get into details with the economy. But I glanced towards Lu-chan and she didn't object. So we took that deal.

“Thanks for your help. By the way, do you know where we could find an inn?”

“An inn is it? There is Nona’s place on the main road near the center of town."

Night had completely fallen by the time we were done. Honestly, this day took a toll on me. So having some place to rest is a good idea now.

We found a busy street around 10 meters from the central part of the city. The town's name was Doldia by the way. And apparently only the east and west sides seem to have a gate. However, the streets of the southern sections don’t seem to connect to the main road.

Two-story wooden buildings stood in line on both sides of the street, and several shops were giving off light. The place with a barrel on its signboard is probably a bar, as I can hear the hustle and bustle of the people inside.

I tried to call out to a dizzy man that was outside the bar.

“Hey, I’m looking for Nona’s place. You know where it is?”

"Oh, always delighted to help a lady in need. I-It itz the building over there - hic!”

I thanked the man then enter the building to the sound of a doorbell ringing. The sound caused a middle aged woman to appear behind the counter. The woman opened her eyes wide when she saw us and rushed my way.

“Well well well, two young ladies such as yourselves out on a night like this! What kind of business brings you to this dinky little inn?”

“Um, I’m here to rent a room for the night. One room with a large bed will be enough for both of us.”

“Eh!? A-A guest? At my inn?!”

The innkeeper was surely surprised, as her voice became higher with each moment. Well my outward appearance is weird and I suppose it's not common for a woman to have muscles like mine. 

When I showed affirmation, the innkeeper timidly handed me the room key.

The charge for the night was one silver piece. Firewood and cooking would cost 1 silver a piece. They had change for a gold piece so there weren't any issues. From what I can see, 1 gold coin is worth 10 silver coins, and 1 silver coin is worth 10 copper coins. 

Leaving the currency aside, you were charged with setting the fire and cooking your own meals, truly a cheap inn. In Japan the meal was included with the nights stay, the concept of a separate charge was from the west. I guess I shouldn't complain. I make sure to mention for them to bring lots of food in the room.

Both me and Lu-chan go up the stairs at the side of the counter to the second floor. When we entered the assigned room, there was only a small wooden window, and the bed that had a thin cover on it. I place the lamp I received on the edge of the window, as I sit down and take a breather.

Physically I am perfectly fine, but I am mentally fatigued from this day.

I haven’t eaten anything all day, but I didn’t feel that hungry. Regardless, one must eat to live. I really do not understand how this body works. I made sure to lock the room properly. After the firewood and food was brought up. Lu-chan also changed back to her demon appearance.

I tasked her with starting the fire. Then…

"Mistress… what are you doing?"

"Eating. Isn't it obvious?"

"Err… you're eating the meat… raw?"

Oh yeah. Old habits die hard. I honestly got so used to eating raw meat… I don't even know if I can properly cook anymore.

"Lu-chan, can you cook this?"

"Of course!"

Such a sweet smile. You wouldn't think she was evil when you look at her like that. Eventually we both managed to eat proper food. It was amazing!! I felt like crying at this point because I haven't had a proper meal since coming into this world. 

"So, mistress, in order to better assist you, might I know what are your plans? What goals do you have?"

Good question. I have no clue what I want to do with my life. Should I try hunting down The Old One? Or should I screw everything and do what I want?

"One step at a time, Lu-chan. For now, tomorrow we'll both go and register as mercenaries at the guild. We'll need more funds for the time being. After that… we'll see."

"I understand. Very well, mistress."

"By the way, there's something I want to ask you. You said you would do anything for me right?"

"I would even offer you my head on a gold plate if you asked."

Okay… that's a bit too extreme. But I'll be honest, right now, I'm horny. Seeing Lu-chan's voluptuous body is making my male parts tingle. While I was with Olivia, I never had sex drives. Mostly because my pent up energy was released via Olivia's harsh training sessions. So I was too tired to think about anything else.

However at this point, dealing with those bandits doesn't even qualify as a warm up. I was still a virgin back in Japan. And honestly I think this body is one too. But I still have the mind of a healthy young man and I did read my fair share of porn.

I pushed Lu-chan on the bed.

"Lu-chan… I'll have you take care of my needs down here."

With one snap of my fingers all my clothes vanished and I lay bare naked.

"Mistress… that is… you have a…"

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