My Incestuous Life

Mommy is a Shotacon Hardcore?

Lucas PoV


We are now in the bathroom. Mom is giving us a bath, while we are in a baby bathtub. Mom is washing me with her two hands while using her three tails to wash Alice, she is very efficient at everything she does. I think you would end up like this if you had to take care of twins all by yourself for seven whole months.

As for the bathroom, it is quite large, its walls were white, with light gray tiles on the floor. Everything in this house follows these colors, which I find really pleasing to the eye. With two showers inside two separate stalls on the right side of the door. On the left side of the door is the sink built into a cabinet and the mirror on top. An in-floor bathtub separated from the rest of the place by a glass door is visible as soon as you enter the bathroom. This house is relatively luxurious despite its outward appearance.

Now Mom has stopped washing my head and after washing my top she has moved on to the bottom. How nice it would be if I were bigger and she was scrubbing a certain part heh? Ahem, control yourself Lucas, she may be extremely hot, but she is still your mother, I doubt she will look at you like that, so don't get your hopes up to be disappointed later. But I must say, it's hard not to imagine this feeling her breasts and nipples rubbing against my back. Some things I've noticed whenever Mom is giving me a bath, is that every time her breasts rub against my back, her nipples are hard, only in our first bath she used her hands to wash Alice and then being just her tails, and she is strangely focused on my lower half. I even suspected that she was a hardcore shotacon and used my pure childish bodice to satisfy herself, so I really freaked out for the first time, but after looking at her focused and loving face without a trace of lust, I erased all those thoughts, although I still find it strange.

But leaving this lust I have for her and her strange actions aside, she has just washed Alice and me, so we are going to the hot tub to relax. I have to admit, getting into the tub is my favorite part of the bath, nothing compares to the calmness I get when I am - trying - to float, all my thoughts are several times calmer and I can stop the fighting of my two personalities, which although not all the time as before, still occurs. So I always get up and try to run straight to the bathtub since I learned to walk, although I always fall down before half way... but I have gotten used to it, and this is one of the goals I want to overcome. To run from the shower stall to the bathtub without falling. With small achievements one can change everything.

So, as I was frantically getting up, I didn't realize that Mom was also getting up too, so.... 



I bumped into a place that until then I had never touched directly and could only admire from afar. Yes, I bumped into her pussy. And out of reflex I tried to say "ah", but this only served to make my mouth go even deeper into that sacred valley. And to make matters worse, I felt something wet there. No, it was not water, unless water is viscous... And if I heard right, did my mother let out a moan?

This situation couldn't get any stranger... And I quickly took my mouth off that valley that I always wanted to visit. Because although I am a pervert - yes, I accepted that - I am not a pervert who takes advantage of someone's innocence. I find it lacking in character.

As I pulled my face out of my mother's sacred valley, my eyes passed my sister. Was it just me or did her gaze on Mom seem strangely deadly? Like when you meet the person your lover has betrayed you. Strange, maybe it's my impression... or not, it's too many times to be a coincidence. Maybe she really is someone reincarnated?

(Not that I have any experience with that myself - Author)

But taking my mind off this subject that interests me little now, I turn my gaze to what really interests me. My mother's face. 

Her face was as red as a tomato. That really confirms everything. I know I heard right, but I still wanted to deny it. Like, it's not nice to know that my mother feels arousal for me, that she is a hardcore shotacon who gets turned on by babies. She doesn't know that I am someone who has been reincarnated, so her excitement comes from this pure infantile body of mine. Just thinking about it I start to mentally shudder. What could this woman do to me if she lost control of her lust? 

But I would be a hypocrite if I said that a part of me wasn't excited about it. I mean, in the future I at least have a chance with her. This made me overjoyed, despite this strange, almost unpleasant situation.

But trying to calm my mind a little, I realize that there are other possibilities. She could have been aroused before she came here, so since her sacred valley was sensitive, she unconsciously moaned at the stimulus when I tried to speak. That is one possibility, but the fact of her strange focus on bathing me leaves the chance practically nil. But there is still the slim chance, since I cannot read her mind to know what the truth is.

Another possibility is that since her tails are sensitive - yes, I have already confirmed this, our tails and ears are extremely sensitive depending on who touches them -, by having them rubbed against Alice, she has become aroused, and this would explain her hard nipples whenever she washes me and her sacred valley being sensitive. But it would not explain the fact that her hands always stay focused on my lower half every time she is washing me. Unless she is a shotacon... I would say that this possibility is more plausible than the previous one, but not totally, because there is a 'hole' in her focus on washing me.

There may be several other possibilities that I couldn't think of, but I think my first theory is the most plausible... And that makes me afraid and expectant at the same time...

Although all these thoughts were running through my mind, only a few seconds passed in the real world. I was looking at mom with a look... I don't know how to explain it, I guess it would be fearful and expectant at the same time? I guess that would be it.

Mom just came out of her stupor, and apparently she understood my look as questioning, to which she started frantically trying to explain to me, even though logically I shouldn't understand anything.

"Luke... my sweetie, that's not what you think... mommy didn't moan... it was a sound of surprise. Yes, I was surprised."

She even affirmed twice, as if trying to convince herself. What a cute reaction from my mom.

A few seconds passed with her excuses, until a dangerous idea came to my mind. What if I lick her juices that are in my mouth in front of her? What would her reaction be? And the more I tried to forget this idea, the harder it came back. Even my two sides got excited about it. Damn, the perversion is overpowering me. This is getting dangerous, I even let out a swear word.

Get a grip Lucas,' I say mentally. I was about to extinguish this strange idea, when something else came to my mind. 

'I may never get this chance again...but what if she distances herself from me because of it? I don't want a crack in our relationship just because of a stupid decision. Ahh, what the hell. This is a once in a lifetime chance. The relationship may be mended, but the nectar may never be tasted again.'

And with a determined look on my face, as if I were making a great sacrifice to make the world a better place, I opened my small mouth, stuck out my red tongue, and licked the juice that was on my face. Logically a legendary scene like this needs to be well narrated along with epic background music. 

I saw Mom's face open into an expression of complete surprise, with her mouth in an 'O' shape and her eyes completely wide open, I guess she didn't expect that, huh. But it makes sense, even I couldn't imagine doing that if it were me just a few minutes ago. Haah, time really changes people.

But back to the subject of my mom's love juice.

'FUCK, THIS IS TOO GOOD!' Oh, I let out another swear word, but whatever.

All the perverted thoughts dissipated from my mind. My eyes sparkled as I looked at my mother's face and pussy. This was MUCH better than her milk. The taste was addictive in the extreme. I am sure that breastfeeding sections will never be the same from now on.

About the taste, if I were to sum it up in one word it would be 'divine'. Okay, I may be exaggerating, but it tastes great. A perfect mixture of sweet and sour, the kind you feel your mouth contract when you first taste it. Then it becomes a momentary addiction to seek more of that flavor.

I just knew I wanted more.

"Mommy, it's good. I want more. May I?" I ask.

And my mother, who is still making her excuses, once again widened her eyes and opened her mouth so wide you could put an egg in there. Apparently it took her a few seconds to process what I said. I understand her, I would probably be like that if I were her right now.

But instead of the lecture or excuses as to why I couldn't do it, I just heard another "Aahn" and saw more of that liquid coming out of her in response. For a moment I even forgot what the cause of us being in this situation was, but now I remembered and all the excitement was gone. I just stared at her expressionless. But as before, a part of me was excited about this.

But the excitement returned when I saw the viscous liquid between her legs. I wanted to taste it again. Now that I think about it, why am I judging her for her preference? I myself feel aroused looking at her. We are in the same situation... no, hers is even worse than mine, no matter how you look at it.

Realizing now, my decisions are very fickle. Every second they change. What could be the cause of this? My split personality? Maybe. But I don't think it's a bad thing. The way it has been so far, I just look at both sides before making a decision. That's good, right? I can at least see the advantages and disadvantages. And one thing I am sure of, if I ignore my mother's fetish, the rest will be just advantages. The gains outweigh the losses, so what's there to hesitate about? It's not as if she has done anything wrong to me.

After all this internal conflict that I eventually decided to ignore my mother's fetish, I turn my attention to her, who now had a strange expression on her face. It seems to be guilt and excitement? Now I feel a little bad for her, if it wasn't for what I did, she wouldn't be feeling guilty. The only thing I can try to do is to ease her guilt, even if only a little, since there is no going back now. As for the excitement part... well, let's leave it at that.

Even though I decide that I will try to help her get rid of the guilt, that doesn't mean that I won't push her now to get what I want. So I turn my face to her with the brightest smile I could muster and ask her with a puppy dog look as I hug her leg

"I can't? But I really liked it mama.."

I would say it was convincing by her reaction. Her face twitched a little, before she sighed helplessly and crouched down until she was about my height.

"Luke, let's talk about this later, okay? Now you should get in the tub, you like to play in it, right? Mommy will even let you stay there longer."

Then she finally calmed down enough to make a plausible excuse. But what she did was just delay the inevitable. But not that it affects me, since no matter how you look at it, I came out in profit here. I got to taste her nectar and I'll be able to stay in the tub longer, which I really enjoy.

"Right!" So I nod cuddly to her and give her a kiss on her forehead before rushing off towards the tub. And at that moment I see Alice's eyes, which look like they want to cut our mother into pieces. Heh, I guess this girl has her own secrets too. But I ignore that, just for now. After this situation with Mom is over, I'll be sure to test if my theory is right.

After running for a while I reach the bathtub, and I simply jump into it without any care. The part of the tub I use is shallow enough for the water to reach my waist when I stand up, so there is no danger of me drowning.

'Haah, this is really addictive,' I think as I sit in the water.

I acquired this habit since I could start to - try to - float, which was around when I started crawling. Mom almost died of fright the first time I did it, but then she gradually got used to it.

And it helps me to calm my mind when my two personalities are chaotic. I simply stay submerged in the water while I empty my mind of any thoughts, getting into a state that resembles a hypnotic trance.  

And that is what I did once again. Immersing myself in the water while getting rid of all those thoughts, achieving my inner peace.

Oh, now that I realize I forgot about the reward Mom promised. But after what happened, it seems kind of lackluster. Whatever, let's see what happens next.


Ana PoV


Today was also supposed to be another 'normal' day. Doing the house chores, taking care of Lucas and Alice, doing the magic show for them, taking a shower, spending some time together, and going to bed.

But the 'normal' part of the day ended right when I woke up

"Again this long will this go on?"

I say softly to myself as I lift the blanket and look at the wet mess between my legs. Although it is dark outside and there are no lights on in the room, I can clearly feel the puddle that has formed there.

As for the dream, it is a wet dream,which I don't even remember when the dreams started anymore . If it were just that, it would be fine, since it is normal for anyone to have dreams like that from time to time. But the person that appears in my dreams and the frequency that they happen is not what you would consider 'normal'.

The person who is appearing is my son, Lucas. But not with his current baby body, but him being a young man around sixteen. Almost a young adult.

In the dream I am always at home, lying on my side of the bed, while Luc comes and hugs me from behind with his hands wrapped around my waist, kissing and nibbling my neck, and then moving up to the nape of my neck, while his hands move up to my breasts and caress them on top of my clothes, while whispering low and provocatively in my ear things that a son should never say to his own mother... Just starting to remember, I feel a chill run through my body and my nether regions become more humid.

"Ahem, come out of it Ana. He is your son, he will never see you like this. But wouldn't he at least give me a chance? I'm a beautiful, hot, single mother, shouldn't that be every boy's dream?" I tell myself, trying to make myself forget these thoughts, but I ignore the narcissistic part. 

And I have already accepted my feelings that I have for my son. I know it is wrong, but I care little about it. After the event that made me leave the capital, the last thing I care about is what people think of me. My image is already totally ruined, so why should I care about what is 'right' or 'wrong'? Right' or 'wrong' is just a point of view and ideals.

After thinking for a while longer, I take a look to see if Lucas and Alice are okay and go to the bathroom to take a shower.

When I get there, I get under the shower and wash myself off, then head to the tub to relax a bit before starting my day.

Getting into the tub, I find the most comfortable position I could and stand there, staring at the ceiling, with my mind wandering until I came back to thinking about the dream again and couldn't help but get aroused.

"I keep thinking about it, I'm even looking like a bitch in heat. Control yourself," I couldn't help but scold myself. 

But no matter how hard I tried to stop thinking about it, my right hand still unconsciously crept to my nether region, first making circles in the area around my labia until my middle and ring fingers of inserted inside, my thumb rubbing my clit and my left hand caressing my breast and stimulating my nipple between my index and ring fingers.

"Ahn... Luke, faster... ahn aah"

And I kept increasing the pace and holding on as long as I could until

"Aaahn uhhmm... haah haah..."

everything exploded.

(First time I write an R18 scene, and I left it short because it's not the focus here, so sorry if it sucked)

I was now sitting in the tub, legs spread in an 'M' shape, my neck thrown back and resting on the edge of the tub, arms flailing and a lewd expression on my face as I gasped heavily with only one thought in my mind

"Luke, when are you going to grow up? Look at the state you left your beautiful mother in, you should take responsibility for that."

But of course, it was only my thought, but the urge to show him the state I am in now and say those words to him still burned fervently in me.

Pulling myself together and putting aside these thoughts, I get out of the tub and return to the bedroom with the towel wrapped around my body after drying myself off.

I take one more look at my two babies before I put on my clothes and go downstairs to make breakfast.


The day then passed uneventfully. After finishing everything that I had to do, it is already getting dark. We are now in the bathroom to take a shower after the Magic Show.

I am now washing Lucas with my hands while I use my tails to wash Alice. It has been this way since I started having the dreams about him. Washing him while fantasizing about him - already grown - has become one of my hobbies, I especially enjoy when I wash his underside, since I can't get enough of thinking how something so small now can become that giant spear, which just thinking about it makes me wet.

'Aah Luc, when you grow up you have to make sure you satisfy your beautiful mommy, see? Oh, I need to control myself, now is not the time to get excited. What would you two think of me if you saw me like this?'

With me trying to distract my mind from the perverted thoughts, I realized that I had already finished washing him. As I stood up, I didn't realize that Luke was also getting up then.



his little face bumped into my crotch and I moaned. I can imagine that my face is redder than a tomato now. I was even paralyzed for a few seconds because of this. After I realized what happened and saw his seemingly questioning look about why I was like this, I started trying to hastily explain, even though I knew he couldn't understand the gravity of what happened.

"Luke... my sweetie, this is not what you think... mommy didn't moan... it was a sound of surprise. That, I was surprised."

'Oh my God! What have I done!? I moaned at my son's touch! Why am I freaking out about this after fantasizing about him so much!? I'm back to the time when I was a young girl and would be embarrassed by anything! BUT THIS IS DIFFERENT FROM MY FANTASIES! HE IS A BABY WHO IS NOT EVEN A YEAR OLD YET!

And to further disturb my mind that was going through this chaotic situation, I see him licking my slimy liquid that remained on his face, and his eyes sparkled as he did so. And to make matters worse once again, as I watched this scene, the memories of him sucking me off and licking my nectar from his face in the wet dream popped into my mind. I couldn't take both the visual and mental stimulation, and this along with the excitement I'd had all day, brought me to the brink of climax right there, even though I was still making excuses for him.

But the next sentence he said was what made the dam burst.

"Mom, it's good. I want more. May I?"

My eyes and mouth went wide, I'm sure my mouth could fit an egg inside. It still took me a few seconds to come back into the world after I heard that, then everything finally came out


I climaxed with just one sentence from my son. How perverted can I be? He is just a child still, not the Luc of my fantasies. Wouldn't just ignoring him make me a failure as a person? I can accept my love for him crossing the boundaries of the 'mother-child' relationship, but if I start looking at him that way at his age, it won't be healthy for either of us. But that doesn't change the excitement I felt as I climaxed on account of him 'BEING MY SON'.

As I was beginning to feel guilty, I heard Luc speaking once again

 "I can't? But I really liked it mama."

'Haah, I need to calm down, getting nervous in this situation is not going to help anything.'

 "Luke, let's talk about this later, okay? Now you should go to the bathtub, you like to play in it, right? Mom will even let you stay there longer," I told him after I calmed down.

"Okay!" then he nodded cutely and gave me a kiss on the forehead before rushing off to the tub.


When I saw that, I let out a tired sigh. With the time I bought, I can at least organize my mind and decide what to do about this matter.

Then I turn my attention to Alice, who was staring at me. Her eyes seemed to have a murderous gleam in them, or was it just me? Probably my impression, there is no way my cute and cuddly little daughter could make a look like that, even more so her cute mommy that is me.


I just laughed and shook my head at this narcissistic habit that never stops, but at least it improved my mood a little.

Then I turn my attention to Alice again, and see that she was facing the wall, while pointing at my tails that stopped moving.. I start moving my tails and go after her, using my hands that are now free to wash her body.

I continued washing her body for a while, while trying to think of what to do about Lucas' request, until an idea came to mind. 

'Fufufu, I'm going to do that. I don't think he would complain about that.'

Coming to that decision, I finished washing Alice, then started talking to her

'Well, shall we get in the tub then, Alice? You were more eager than your brother for the Magic Show reward, right?" I say with a smile.

"Uhum." to which she turns her head to me and nods with a smile.

"Come on."

So I carry her in my arms, as we head to the tub.

And once again, I begin to wonder if the answer I will give Lucas is feasible. But I regain my resolve a moment later. I will not let this chance to get my son hooked pass me by.

'Fufu, I hope you enjoy this as much as I do, Luke.'

And so I went, walking with my daughter in my arms and slow steps toward what would be the first step toward the forbidden relationship between the three of us.

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