My Incestuous Life

It’s Hunting Time – III

I watch her intently, looking for any opportunity to make an attack.

Even with the cut on her shoulder, she remains controlled and composed enough to avoid providing any opportunity.

Continuing in this stalemate for a while and seeing that continuing in this manner will result in nothing, we both make the same decision.

To move against each other and create our own opportunity.

Running, I quickly create a blade from my Destruction Element around my arms.

Raising my arm with the red-transparent blade, I see another of the advantages I have gained from becoming a Beginner Magus. 

The materialization of the Destruction Element.

Smiling, I enjoy for a moment the beauty of the creation in my arms, as the excitement and a small sense of accomplishment wash over me.

Turning my eyes back to Alice, I see her approaching from my direction as the Pentagram continues to spew smoke at her.

Even though the damage currently is minimal, if she continues to be attacked by smoke like this, soon it will be enough to affect her strongly. It's like they say: with enough worm-suckers, you can kill a Saint.

Speeding up, I soon find myself in front of her. 

Now that I can materialize an Element, fighting her head-on will no longer be a problem.

I stab toward her shoulder on lacerated arm and with the other I aim to stab her abdomen.

Seeing my arm go towards her shoulder, a thick metal plate appears to bar the attack while, with her other arm, she materializes a knife and aims to hit me in the neck.

With a deafening slashing sound, my blade pierces the metal plate on her shoulder and creates another, shallower cut. With my other arm about to stab his abdomen, a whitetail holding another knife appears at the last moment and redirects the attack to the side.

Taking advantage of the momentum created by the reflection of my attack, I wrap my two tails with my four Elements and materialize crimson spines on my heels and strike her from the air.

Caught in a predicament by the attack, she leaps backwards and curls into a ball, materializing metal on its four limbs and tail to protect itself.

With a loud sound of impact, I sent her flying until her flight stopped as she hit a tree hard, creating some cracks and bending the trunk.

Before she even collided with the tree, I was back on the ground running after it.

Cloaking myself in the darkness, I take advantage of the moment to disappear from her detection and try to hit her with a sneak attack.

Stealthily arriving at the side of the tree where she had collided, I observe her to assess her condition and wait for an opportune moment.

A trickle of blood trickles from the corner of her mouth, her breathing slightly rapid, her posture tense and alert, and her arm bloodied and hanging.

Her condition is much worse than mine, which in comparison, I only have the cut on my abdomen and a few light scratches and am quite calm and relaxed.

At this rate, she should collapse soon. I just need to be patient and cautious.

After looking everywhere for me and finding nothing, she starts running towards the forest to get out of the Pentagram's reach and force me to act.

And she has succeeded. Of course, I will not let her get away. What kind of hunter would I be if I let my prey run away before my eyes?

Putting strength into my legs, I run frantically towards her and reach her in no time.

Still cloaked in darkness and preventing her from detecting me, I lower my body and aim two slashes towards her heels aiming to debilitate her with my blades in my arms imbued with poison.

"Ugh!!!" After giving a muffled scream, she forces herself to turn and attack me with her knife as blood drips from the cut on her heels.

Crouching down, I dodge her cut with the knife passing just above my ears, making a swoosh sound and taking some of my fur together. Fortunately I was quick, if I took a little longer to act I wouldn't have a piece of my ears now.

Still crouching, I propelled myself forward and rotated my whole body, trying to hit she with my tails again. 

Having succeeded in hitting her with my tails again, I sent her flying through the air.

As she falls out of the air, her back skids against the debris-filled ground, further aggravating her injuries.

Already up, I run toward her again, not intending to give her any chance to recover.

Arriving at her side and seeing her figure all bruised by me without any remorse, I grab her head and rub it all over the floor without any resistance on her part.

Probably from feeling the sudden pain, her body suddenly twitches and her two arms rise up. 

'Is she fainting already?' I strengthen my grip on her head, wanting to end this quickly. Although I feel no remorse, I don't want to torture her unnecessarily.

Widening her eyes, she stares at me with a fierce expression. None of her former fear is left in her, showing that she has no intention of surrendering.

A smile appears on my face as I see her expression. My wild sister would not be defeated by this alone.

Gripping my hand tightly around her head, she tries to break free of my grip and get out of her disadvantageous position.

Seeing that her physical strength is insufficient to compete with mine, she forces her still somewhat weakened consciousness to gather mana in her hands.

Not wanting to take the chance of weakening my hand, I drop her head, but not before causing some more injuries by slamming it hard into the ground.

Hearing a pop, an urge to mock her comes to my mind:

"I think someone broke some bone." Laughing, I see her expression change to one of hatred.

It looks like someone was offended.

But that expression quickly goes away as she takes a deep breath to focus her mind.

A pity. It would be simpler to win if she was with warm-blooded.

She starts to run staggering towards me as she materializes with difficulty thick, sharp claws of poisoned metal in her hands and tries to use a new trick. To provide continuous fire on her feet in order to get support in the air and fly.

But unfortunately for her, the whole effect of the Pentagram and her injuries have taken effect. Her body and mind are already sluggish and numb, her mana unstable - she can't even control mother's mana anymore - and the Pentagram is destroying her inside and out.

Even with the help of Mommy's mana, it wasn't enough to beat me these days. Whatever her state is, she is going to be completely suppressed.

Seeing her in this bad state, I decide to put everything into this attack and end the fight soon. 

Gathering all the mana I can in my dominant hand, I create a blade of mana compressed with my four Elements. With the creation of this blade, the previously dark forest now glows with a beautiful four-colored glow.

I begin to run frantically toward her, who is also running with difficulty in my direction.

Reaching her, I see the reflection of my attack reflected in her beautiful blue eyes. My face now with a neutral expression, my body a little battered, the destruction of the surroundings, and my blade approaching her chest in a diagonal cut, seeking to split her in two from her Portal.

Seeing my attack, resolution and madness shine into her eyes and she abandons all pretense of defense. 

Fully exposing her Portal, she aims her claws with the intention of separating my neck and waist from my chest and taking me along with her.

But unfortunately for her, I am already prepared for this.

Turning my neck into an intangible darkness before her claw hits me, I soften her attack enough that it is not a fatal blow. 

Doing the same thing with my legs, the darkness takes over and I avoid losing them in this suicidal attack.

Seeing this, she tries to pull her arms back to try to defend herself, but unfortunately it is too late. My blade is already a few centimeters from her Portal, giving her no time to react properly.

In moments, my blade reaches her Portal and her defeat is imminent. Her eyes close and only serenity is seen on her face, waiting for the excruciating pain of having her Portal destroyed to reach her.

But I am not cruel enough to do that to her.

After a few seconds and still not feeling the excruciating pain, her eyes open and doubt is visible on her face.

What greets her vision is my neutral face staring back at her. 

Her mouth opens and a few words come out. "Why didn't you complete the attack?" Her narrowed eyes seem to penetrate me searching for the answer.

"It was supposed to be friendly training and yet it turned out to be the bloodiest sparring we've ever had. Also, it wouldn't be my taste to see you agonizing in pain on the floor even if Mom can heal you." My neutral expression crumbles and a gentle smile takes its place.

A sour expression adorns her face and she soon begins to complain, "Ugh! There's nothing more humiliating than being spared by the enemy!"

Shouting this, her demeanor turns fierce and her all beaten body draws enough strength from beyond for her to throw herself on top of me.

I could easily dodge it, but how could I, as a good brother, do that and let her fall face down on the ground? 

Bullshit. Of course I did. Who would like to have a bloody crazy woman clinging to you? I hate the feeling of being dirty. Damn, just thinking about it gives me agony.

Ahem. I should avoid bad language. It's like Mom says, "We are educated and cultured foxes, so no foul language. A very vivid image of her saying this flashed through my mind.

That aside, I ignore Alice looking at me hurt from the floor. I might even feel sorry for her... if it weren't for her face full of disgusting dirt. 

Who knows what has passed through the forest floor. I shudder just imagining the possibilities.

"Go clean yourself up. You'll never touch me if you keep this up." I tell her and turn around, walking toward Mommy, who is still looking at us with her neutral face.

Her instructor mode is not over yet. Now we have to listen to a lecture about our sparring and where we should pay more attention and focus on improving.

By the way, Mommy hasn't seemed to age since we were born. I once asked her the reason for this and she told me that when you are powerful enough, even old age can be easily solved.

She even asked me if I had no interest in keeping my future adolescent appearance forever. When I asked why, she had the audacity to tell me "It would be strange if my son looked older or the same age as me."

Unfortunately for her, I realized her scheme. Does she think I am unaware of her greed and lust for my pure youthful little body? 

But she had my attention. Something about knowing about my beautiful, loving mother lusting and greeding my body is... extremely exciting.

But ignoring these thoughts because now is not the time, I stand in front of mommy waiting for her to take us back home.

Waiting for a while, my battered sister arrives dragging her tired body and then mommy finally takes us back.


When we got home, I asked for some time to wash myself, which mommy gladly accepted and even offered to help me, claiming that "she is more experienced at this". Her excuses are endless?

Not that I mind. In fact, it's much better when she does it. I just need to relax and enjoy the pleasure of being pampered and cared for.

Alice has also joined us. Mommy healed her on the way back. With a good bath, she will be completely healthy.

The bath took place quickly. We still needed to listen to the lecture, so we avoided wasting time.

Now on the bed in our room, I enjoy the feeling of being completely clean. Aah, clean and light, what a relief.

Alice also got her wish. She is completely clinging to me, petting me while my head is lying on her lap. I like this, it is relaxing and makes me purr. It has also become a habit of hers to do this.

Mommy is getting dressed in front of the bed. I don't want to sound like a pervert, but it's always great to see her like this. 

If I didn't know better, I would think that she is only doing this to shamelessly show off her body to her son. Ah, what a coincidence, she is doing just that.

A short time and purrs later, she finally "gets dressed". The only thing she has done is put on black negligee, which honestly, is a spectacular sight.

Lying on the bed, she positions us in the corner of the wall so that we don't fall over and hugs us, with me being in the middle.

And so, with my face tucked between two soft mounds, I prepare to listen to her lecture.

But before she even gets halfway through, I fall asleep from exhaustion.


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