My Incestuous Life

Awakening – IV

I apologize for the short chapter, I didn't know much to write here


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


PoV in 3rd Person


While Luke and Alice were in Soul Space and discovering more about themselves, great upheavals occurred in the outside world.

All due to phenomena appearing in various places in the world. 

Whether it was the Spirit Beast Empires, Elves, Demons, Humans or the Magic Beast habitats, they all had the same thing in common.

They were all witnessing the beginning of a new Era with their own eyes. Watching all kinds of phenomena caused by their Chosen Ones in their magnificence.

But leaving all this excitement aside, let's focus on one place. The home of Luke and Alice as they both went through the Awakening.


Ana who was sleeping peacefully next to her children suddenly woke up startled by the giant amount of mana gathering around the house.

Quickly awakening and getting into combat position thinking they were being attacked, she soon begins to examine the abnormal amount of mana to find the location of the conjurer and ends up stunned to realize that all this mana was coming mainly from her children.

Calming down quickly, she soon breathes a sigh of relief as the amount of mana in the atmosphere is enough to scare even her, a Magus Emperor, to death.

Not ironically, if all that mana was in an attack spell it would be enough to obliterate even a Holy Magus with no chance of resistance from her own.

But since this is just the agitation in the mana present in the atmosphere from the Awakening it does no damage. Otherwise, everything within a radius of a few miles of Lucas and Alice would be totally destroyed.

Now calm, Ana begins to analyze the situation again, pondering why her children are releasing so much mana while they haven't even gone through their awakening yet.

Then a single possibility arises in her mind, and wanting to confirm it she starts to approach the two children.

With strong gusts of wind beating against her body, making her sweater, hair and white hair fly back, she step by step approaches the bed where she was sleeping peacefully until moments ago.

Arriving at the side where her children were, the strong gusts of mana do not obstruct her vision so much, enabling her to perceive more clearly the duo's situation.

They lie embraced with happy smiles on their faces and completely unaffected by the total chaos they are causing to their surroundings.

Sighing again with relief, Ana finally relaxes completely, even though she knew nothing would happen to her two little foxes she couldn't help but be worried as a mother.

"You guys gave me a really big scare, huh. But who knew you two would be the Chosen Ones. This will only complicate your lives unnecessarily." With a mixed expression of happiness and sadness, Ana murmurs as she rubs the heads of her two children.

Being a Chosen One is not a path of flowers, it is a path full of difficulties. It is a tortuous path full of pressure and suffocating. Something no mother wants for her own children.

This is why Ana's emotions are mixed. At the same time that she is happy and proud that her children are so amazing, she is also sad and apprehensive about the things they will have to go through on this path.

But it's not as if she or the two sleeping children can do anything about it. Walking that path and enduring it is the only option.

With these thoughts in mind, Ana decides that it is finally time for them to begin their training. The time to prepare them for the world and what they will go through in it.

"I'm sorry, my babies. It's going to be something hellish and maybe even traumatizing for you, but Mommy has to do it. But I'm sure you will thank me for it in the future." Giving each a kiss on the forehead, Ana then shut up and just watched the pair's Awakening, in case something happened.

And so, a few hours passed with nothing special happening.


Ana, who was still watching her two children attentively, realized that after so long something was finally happening.

The mana, that before just flowed wildly around the pair, converged in the middle of the chest area, seeping there through the pores and condensing, to create the gate to the Soul Space of both.

In the total darkness of the room it was absolutely beautiful. Harmonious eight-colored lights reflected off the three bodies there, softly illuminating them and giving the room a mystical atmosphere.

Particle by particle of mana was gathering in the center of the duo's chests, condensing and forming an intangible, glowing vortex of four colors blending into each other.

Once the process was finished, the light that was leaking and showing its forming process to the outside receded little by little, giving its last necessary touches and causing the room to return to darkness once again.

A few seconds later, Lucas and Alice opened their eyes once again to see the world while two Marks appeared discreetly on their bodies. Lucas' on the right side of his face, and Alice's on the back of her right hand.


Lucas PoV


Upon waking up, I remain motionless for a few seconds until I understand the new situation in which I find myself. After falling asleep in Soul Space I find myself in an all dark place that is probably my room.

Moving my eyes, I detect a vaguely visible figure through the darkness that I felt through my Family Connection.

"Mommy..." At the same time, I hear Alice say as well.

"My babies..." I hear her crying voice answer us warmly.

We stare at each other for a few seconds and soon Mama jumps on top of us, pulling us into a tight hug.

"Mommy is so proud of you both... Who knew my little babies would be the Chosen Ones? My babies are so amazing, just like mommy, aren't they? Fufu. When you two are so awesome in the future don't forget mommy, see?" Her still crying voice is filled with warmth and pride for us both, even though I can hear a hint of sadness in the background.

I can feel Alice's too. She is mostly happy, but also worried about Mommy.

"Mommy, don't worry. We'll both take good care of ourselves." Staying with her for all this time, it is not hard to guess why she is worried.

If the world itself for someone normal is hard enough, it is easy to guess that for the Chosen Ones it is all the worse. Destined to carry the weight of a race on their shoulders... who am I lying to?

I wouldn't mind a bit if everything else were extinguished while the ones I care about are fine. It's just part of the cycle of life, everything will end at some point.

And why should I care about the lives of people who are not even aware of my existence? I am not a Japanese protagonist with a hero complex who thinks he should save the whole world from evil, on the contrary, I am the complete opposite of someone like that. 

I am a selfish person. And it's not as if there is anything wrong with being like that. Almost all people are like that, in fact.

Concepts such as morality and justice were only created for proper living in society. 

Imagine living in a society where theft, robbery, murder, and other things were not seen as wrong. It would be total chaos that would not allow for collective evolution.

Thinking this way it is easy to see why these things are so preached. Without them our lives would completely fall apart.

But understanding their importance does not mean that I will follow them. In my conception, blindly following them would cause you more harm than if you were someone on the evil side.

The ones who suffer the most are always the most naïve, no matter where it is. The world is not a fairy tale where you and your goodness alone can stop all evil.

So I can consider myself someone "neutral". I don't devoutly follow either side, because I think it's just silly. 

Restricting myself because of silly things like that is not what I want.

So I will act as I wish. I wish not to be bothered and I do not wish to bother others. A wish that suits someone like me well.

But I will not simply be quiet and ignore if you bother me. To show mercy is to show weakness at this point, which will only make your situation worse in this crazy world.

And let's face it, tearing down some arrogant jerk is always good. It brings a little excitement to this dull life.

I also don't wish to have to actively act as a nanny for an entire race. So what if I'm a Chosen One, I didn't ask for it, so I have no obligation to be the savior of my race.

Demanding that I be is akin to throwing a bomb with a lit fuse to a random person and demanding that they take care of the consequences. It is illogical, so don't expect anything from me.

That was a big internal discussion. Sometimes I argue with myself a lot. Should I ask Mom to see a doctor?

But well, while I was having all this discussion, Mom was already back to normal and now Alice and I were sitting on her lap with Mom telling us about what she knows about the Awakening. It's nothing new, we've already heard it from our condensations, so I didn't pay much attention.

Conversation back and forth, Mom soon came to an interesting topic. Our training.

According to her, it is already partially planned. It needs some adjustments here and there, but nothing that is too important.

The most interesting thing is the speed she created this planning. It has only been a few hours since she realized that we were going through the awakening.

As expected from my mom, she is really amazing.

As for the training, it consists of steps to deepen magical control, understanding, familiarity, and other topics about magic.

It also contains steps on physical and combat training, from survival skills to practical combat against magical beasts. 

In short, it encompasses everything needed to be a good, versatile warrior.

Even though I thought Mom was amazing, the whole thing surprised me a lot. In all these three years together she never seemed to have this kind of knowledge.

My previous impression of her was of a 'rich young maiden with a broken heart', but I was very wrong, she is much deeper than she appears to be.

But with her being so amazing I wonder why she is still upset about the subject of my male parent.

I know that she has stopped loving him since the incident between the two of them, so why not just forget about him and go on living her life?

I always wanted to ask that, but never had the courage for fear of maybe opening old wounds.

Forget it, one day I will find out one way or another. Whether it comes from her mouth or not.

By the way, I am exhausted from all these events. Despite being within my own soul, I feel incredibly fatigued.

I feel in our connection that it is the same with Alice. It must be a normal occurrence then.

And so, snuggling further into Mama, I fall asleep again.

Once again innocent of the torture that was soon to come, but now camouflaged by the name "training".

Again I feel sorry for my poor innocent former self. 

But this will be necessary, so it will be hard but hang in there.


Hello, Author here again.

Starting with this chapter I'm going to speed up the pace of the story, with the chapters containing big time jumps and some important events that will happen.

That's it and see you later, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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