My Hero Academia: Where dragons fly

The battle trial (Mild NSFW)

Chapter 11

Year 2153, April 8 (No PoV)

Like the day before, the sun beamed brightly over U.A. Inside the classroom of 1-A, students sat at their desks, awaiting their next lecture. Malthael, seated at the back-left corner of the room besides the windows, held his head high, his gaze sweeping over the class. He sat in front of Momo and behind Midoriya, exuding a quiet authority as he glanced at his classmates, each lost in their own thoughts.

The room was buzzing with anticipation as they awaited their teacher’s arrival. Suddenly, the door crashed open, and in came All Might, his trademark laughter booming as he struck a heroic pose in front of the class. The students immediately perked up, their energy matching his infectious enthusiasm.

"Today," All Might announced, still beaming, "we’ll be doing hero training! And what do you need for hero work?" He paused for effect, letting the excitement build before he declared, "A costume, of course!"

On cue, boxes slid out from the wall opposite the door, each one labeled with a student's number. The room erupted into cheers. Everyone had been waiting for this moment — the chance to don their custom-made hero costumes for the first time and truly step into their future roles as heroes.

"Alright, kids," All Might said, reigning in the excitement just enough to keep control, "suit up and follow me."

Soon, the locker rooms were filled with chatter. Even though the students didn’t know each other that well yet, the excitement of wearing their hero costumes for the first time brought them closer. Kirishima, ever the energetic one, was the loudest:"Man, I can’t believe I get to wear my own hero costume! And train under All Might!"

Sero joined in, nodding eagerly:"Yeah, all the hard work to get here was worth it! I can’t wait to fight villains and save people!"

The conversations flowed freely, the energy high, until Malthael removed his shirt. There was a collective pause. Kirishima couldn’t help but blurt out, "Whoa."

Malthael, however, didn’t acknowledge the attention. He was used to it by now—the stares, the curiosity. He simply continued changing, his focus unwavering. The others, though, couldn't help but take note. His body was like something out of mythology, chiseled and defined, but it was the scars that drew their attention the most. Dozens of them, some long and jagged, others short and precise, crisscrossed his torso. The most striking scar, however, was the one that encircled his neck like a collar, as though he'd been decapitated and somehow reattached.

The room fell a little quieter, the mood momentarily dampened by the weight of Malthael’s past, which was so clearly etched into his skin. But after a brief lull, the excitement returned, and soon everyone was dressed and ready to go.

Following All Might, the students walked together, some of them realizing with a spark of recognition where they were headed: the grounds where they had taken their entrance exam. As they arrived, Malthael scanned the area, his eyes gliding over his classmates in their new hero costumes. He nearly chuckled when he saw Midoriya’s first outfit—it was as funny as it was awkward.

What Malthael didn’t notice, however, was that while he was inspecting the others, a few eyes were on him as well. His costume, which was as imposing and unique as his appearance, had caught the attention of several students. But the most interested pair of eyes belonged to All Might, who was watching Malthael with a thoughtful expression, clearly taking note of the young man’s presence and potential.

All Might PoV

"So this is the boy Nezu mentioned," I think to myself, watching the imposing figure of Malthael Krone. There's no doubt about it—this young man radiates an aura of respect and awe. Even the way he walks, with such confidence and ego, sets him apart from the rest. His hero costume is equally striking.

I focus my attention on his outfit, which gives off the air of a knight, yet with an ominous twist. The full-face mask he wears is an intricate piece, composed of different parts forming a knight’s helmet. The mouthpiece, made from black iron, is solid and closed off, lined with a thin strip of gold at the bottom and sides. Five vertical ridges break up the mouthpiece, one in the center that rises just slightly above the others, with two on each side. These ridges connect seamlessly to the second part of the helmet, which stretches back towards his horns, leaving a narrow 2-centimeter slit for him to see through. The slit narrows towards the center, creating a sharp, stern look.

From the outside, you can’t see his face at all—just a dark, foreboding line with two golden flames burning from within. The second piece of the helmet is also black iron, with delicate gold lines accentuating its shape. What makes it truly unique is the crown-like design of spikes atop the helmet. A central spike rises higher than the others, trimmed in gold, while smaller spikes flank it, each embedded with black crystals. The central spike holds a larger rhombus-shaped obsidian crystal, while the ones on the sides are smaller, adding to the regal, almost royal, appearance of the mask. His flame-like hair flows from the back, creating a fiery mane.

Beneath his helmet, Malthael wears a skin-tight black cloth around his throat and neck, concealing any skin. A poncho, short and ash-colored, drapes over his torso. The poncho looks like it's perpetually burning at the edges, crackling into cinders. It's small—ending just below his shoulders on the sides and halfway down his torso in the middle—and designed not to impede his wings, with two slits at the back.

Beneath the poncho, I spot a full plate armor that covers his torso. The armor is composed of smaller, interlocking plates, maximizing his flexibility without sacrificing protection. His upper arms and shoulders are also reinforced with additional plates, but these are hidden mostly by the poncho, save for the dark, loose fabric beneath. A simple, black heater shield is strapped to his left arm. It appears basic, but there’s no doubt it serves its purpose.

A belt cinches his waist, supporting a scabbard and sword at his side. More cloth hangs down from his waist. A piece in the middle, between his legs and a larger piece on his backside, going from one side of his waist to the other. Like the poncho, it's ragged and burned at the ends, perpetually smoldering. His legs, though mostly covered by loose dark fabric, are partially protected by plates at the thighs. From the knees down, however, the armor stops, revealing his more bestial arms and legs.

"His entire look is fascinating," I muse silently, taking in the dark palette and gritty style. The somber, yet fierce aesthetic reminds me of Aizawa. It’s a harsh look, but then again, the world also needs heroes who embrace the darker side of things.

No PoV

When they arrived, someone asked if they would be training in the city for battle practice. That idea was quickly shot down, as All Might explained they would be fighting in an enclosed building. Some teams would protect a "bomb," while others would try to disarm it, just like heroes and villains. The teams were chosen by lot and consisted of two members each.

Malthael drew his team assignment and, after a quick search, found his partner: Kirishima. Walking up to him, Malthael extended his hand:"So, we're teammates, huh? Let me introduce myself. I'm Malthael Krone, but you can just call me Malthael."

Grinning back, Kirishima replied:"Yo, Malthael! I'm Eijiro Kirishima, but since we're on a first-name basis, call me Eijiro."

The two shared a firm handshake, both smiling with mutual respect.

After everyone else had met their partners, All Might announced the matchups. Most notable was the pairing of Eijiro and Malthael as the villains, versus Momo and Kaminari as the heroes. The class buzzed with excitement, especially since Malthael and Momo were married and now had to face off against each other. More than that, people were curious to finally see Malthael’s quirk in action, as none of them fully understood its capabilities.

Before the match started, Malthael turned to his wife with a playful smirk. "Honey, wanna make a bet? Loser has to cook dinner tonight."

Momo, equally fired up, responded with a confident grin:"Alright, deal! No backing out now."

With a chuckle, Malthael headed into the building.

As the villains reached the bomb, Momo began briefing Kaminari on the challenge they were facing:"Listen, our main problem is Malthael. His quirk is extremely versatile and powerful. He can use it in almost infinite ways, so he’ll likely be wandering the building, while Kirishima guards the bomb. Now, I don’t have time to explain every detail, but here’s the short version: Malthael's physical attributes far surpass those of normal humans. He can control both fire and ash, and his sense of smell is incredibly sharp. He’ll probably find us quickly, but I’ve prepared for that. We’ll use these walkie-talkies to check in with each other every minute—if one of us stops responding, we’ll know something’s up. I’ll also give you grenades that release sticky metal shards. They won’t cause any permanent damage, but you can combine them with your electricity to knock Malthael out, since even he isn’t immune to that. You’re better in direct combat, so you’ll focus on taking Malthael down while I go for the bomb. Got it?"

Kaminari, a little overwhelmed but agreeing with the plan, nodded.

Before they set off, Momo added one last piece of advice:"Oh, and just so you know, Malthael can get... a little handsy. And he doesn't care wether it's a guy or girl. Both are also his thing, so just to let you know, better watch your back."

Kaminari’s eyes widened in shock:"Huh?"

But before he could ask any more questions, Momo had already darted off.

Meanwhile, in the building, Malthael and Eijiro had finalized their strategy, which, ironically, was almost exactly what Momo had predicted. As Malthael began wandering the hallways, he untied his belt and secured it around his scabbard, allowing him to use his sword without causing serious injury. He moved with purpose, searching for their opponents. Soon enough, he picked up a familiar scent—Momo’s—but resisted the temptation to pursue her, knowing she would expect that. Moments later, he caught the scent of his true target: Kaminari.

Aware that Momo likely equipped Kaminari with tools that could neutralize him quickly, Malthael decided to play it stealthily. He tracked Kaminari's movements, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. He scaled the walls and ceiling with ease, hiding in a dark corner, claws embedded in the structure. It wasn’t long before Kaminari, visibly shaking, walked into view, oblivious to Malthael's presence above him.

Malthael watched with amusement, feeling his anticipation rise, but he kept his composure. As Kaminari nervously passed beneath him, replaying Momo’s warning in his head, Malthael silently dropped to the floor behind him, like a predator stalking its prey.

Observing Kaminari, Malthael got an idea. He readied his sword, positioning himself carefully. Just before acting, he breathed in deeply and exhaled a massive ash cloud, which he quickly condensed into a barrier, blocking the cameras. Then, with a swift movement, he tapped Kaminari on the head with the flat of his sword, knocking him to the ground.

As Malthael approached the dazed boy, he noticed something—a small tent in Kaminari's pants. Smirking, he crouched down beside him, gripping Kaminari’s rear firmly before giving it a playful slap. Leaning in close, he whispered into Kaminari's ear:“I didn’t know you were into this sort of thing.”

Embarrassed, Kaminari muttered:"I’m not..."

Laughing, Malthael stood up:"If you say so, but this can be our little secret." he replied, tapping the back of Kaminari’s neck with the sword, knocking him out cold.

As he turned to leave, he heard a faint voice coming from Kaminari's pocket. Walking back, he grabbed the walkie-talkie and spoke into it:“Sorry, dear. But your teammate’s already left this world. Now I’m coming for you.” With that, he crushed the device in his hand, turning it to dust.

Malthael then inhaled deeply, picking up Momo’s scent. Flexing his muscles, he burst into a full sprint, crashing through the walls like a charging beast. He came upon a surprised Momo standing in the hallway:"Hello, honey," he said with a grin. "Looks like you’ll be the one cooking tonight."

Momo sighed, resigned to her fate, just before Malthael knocked her out gently.

Shortly after, the win for the villains was announced, and the onlookers cheered, buzzing with excitement as they discussed Malthael's quirk and its overwhelming strength.

As the crowd celebrated, Malthael met up with Kirishima, both sharing a triumphant dap-up. “Good job defending,” Malthael praised.

“Good job hunting,” Kirishima replied with a grin.

They chatted casually as they exited the training area, meeting up with the rest of their classmates. The rest of the day passed uneventfully, with everyone decompressing from the intensity of the exercise.

In the girls’ locker room, Hagakure piped up:“Say, Yaoyorozu, don’t you think it was cruel how Malthael just knocked you out like that? No mercy, even though you’re his wife?”

Momo chuckled at the question:“No, it was just a training exercise. He had to treat me like a villain, and he did what he had to do. Nothing more.”

Ashido, ever the playful one, grinned and teased:“And how does Malthael treat you otherwise? Is he a good lover?”

Momo blushed slightly but answered:“He treats me wonderfully. He’s kind, thoughtful, and very experienced. He guided me through our first night together with a gentle hand.”

The girls giggled and tried to pry more secrets out of Momo, while in the boys’ locker room, the guys chatted excitedly about each other’s quirks and the day’s training session.

Once everyone was back in class, they continued with the usual school activities. But now there was a new energy in the air. Conversations buzzed about the combat training, hero costumes, and quirks. Malthael, in particular, found himself bombarded with questions about his abilities, as his quirk had clearly stood out as one of the more powerful in the class, alongside the likes of Midoriya, Bakugo, and Todoroki.

Ashido, always the most direct, peppered Malthael with questions: "What’s your quirk? Why’s your costume a knight? Is Yaoyorozu a good wife? Do you think I’m cute?" She added the last question with her signature teasing smile.

Malthael was slightly caught off guard by the personal nature of the last two, but he answered each one honestly, which immediately caught everyone’s attention.

“First, my quirk,” he began, “it allows me to do a lot of things. It enhances my biology in every way—strength, durability, endurance, sight, smell, hearing. It also changes my biology, as you can see with my tail, wings, horns, teeth, and even my hair. And, it gives me dominion over certain elements: ash, fire, and crows.”

This drew several impressed reactions from his classmates—his quirk was versatile and powerful.

“Second,” he continued, “the costume. I’m a knight to honor my ancestors, who were great knights. And, because it fits my style.”

This earned a loud, enthusiastic response from Kirishima:“WOAHHH, that’s so manly! Hell yeah, dude!” The two of them exchanged a brofist with big grins.

“Third, my wife.” Malthael paused, smiling as he spoke, “Yes, Momo is a great and lovely wife. She’s moving into my house today, and I’m happy about that.” Then he moved on to the last question with a smirk. “And fourth, you. Yes, Ashido, you’re cute. But that’s not the only thing you are. And no, me saying this won’t cause any problems in my relationship. Because, as I’ve said, Momo is a great wife.”

Mina was caught off guard by the direct response and actually blushed, surprised that someone had managed to outpace her in a conversation.

The class erupted in laughter and continued chatting, everyone eager to ask more questions. Eventually, though, classes came to an end, and Malthael and Momo were seen climbing onto his sleek motorcycle. Kirishima and Mina could hardly contain their excitement.

“WOAHHH,” they exclaimed.

Kirishima added:“So you’re the one who owns this bike? I’ve been wondering since yesterday! She’s a beauty!”

Chuckling, Malthael replied:“Yes, she is. I helped design her.” He then glanced over his shoulder at Momo, who was already comfortably sitting behind him, hugging his back:“Anyway, my lady here wants to go home, and I’m not one to keep a girl waiting. See you all tomorrow!”

With a wave to his classmates, Malthael drove off, accelerating down the road with Momo clinging to him. As the wind whipped through their hair, Malthael leaned slightly to speak to her:“Are you excited to be away from home and live with me?” Feeling Momo nod in response, he smiled, feeling a rush of happiness as he sped up.

When they finally arrived at Malthael’s house, Momo held up her end of the bet and cooked dinner, though Malthael, ever the honorable partner, helped her out in the kitchen.

The rest of the evening passed quickly. Before long, Malthael found himself lying in bed with Momo, who was resting beside him, completely naked, gliding her hand around his body. Turning to her, Malthael asked:“So, what do you think of our class?”

Momo sighed contentedly and sat up, straddling him. Looking down at him with a playful smile, she answered:“I think they’re... unique, to say the least. But I believe it’s a good class. I can’t wait for tomorrow.”

Malthael, admiring the view of Momo’s breasts as she hovered over him, chuckled:“They’re definitely a bunch. Anyway,” he added, grinning, “ready for another round?”

Momo’s smile widened, and she nodded, already in the perfect position.

And so, the night continued.

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