My Hero Academia: Where dragons fly

Meeting the Principal.

Chapter 9

Year 2153, January 13 (No PoV)

The wind sang as a motorcycle sped down the street, weaving through traffic at high speeds. The rider was beaming with excitement, knowing he was finally approaching his goal.

After making a turn, it appeared before him: a school surrounded by trees and fences. As he drove toward the gate, he could read the words "U.A." written above it.

He parked in front of the entrance and removed his specially manufactured helmet—designed to accommodate his horns. After giving his majestic wings a brief flap, he walked toward the gate and waited.

A few minutes later, a tired-looking man in tattered black clothing approached, a scarf draped over his shoulders.

"You must be Mr. Krone. I'm here to escort you to the principal," the man said.

Malthael smiled in excitement, instantly recognizing him:"You must be Eraserhead. I'm a big fan."

Eraserhead, known more formally as Aizawa, gave a simple, unamused nod, clearly uninterested in small talk.

Malthael wasn’t bothered by Aizawa’s aloofness—it was exactly in character for him. He followed, more like skipped behind, unable to contain his excitement about being at U.A.

As they walked through the campus, Malthael drew some attention from students passing by, but he was used to it. Eventually, they arrived at a door.

Aizawa knocked once before walking away without a word. Malthael chuckled and waited for permission to enter.

Time seemed to slow down as he paced his excitement switching to nervousness, thinking about the principal. Nezu, a hyper-intelligent, rat-like creature, had a reputation for being calculating and perhaps a bit sadistic. Malthael was thrilled to be here, but doubts crept in—what if U.A. didn’t accept him because of his problems? What if Nezu didn’t listen to his problems? His tail thumped against the ground in rhythm with his nerves.

Then it came:"You may enter."

Malthael’s nervousness spiked but he opened the door.

Inside, he saw Principal Nezu sitting at his desk, sipping tea. Nezu jumped up and walked over, greeting Malthael with a polite bow: "Greetings, Mr. Krone. I’m delighted to meet one of our top sponsors—and even more delighted to hear you wish to join our school. I admit, I was surprised to receive a personal request for a meeting from a recommended student. Tea?"

Feeling his nerves spike again, Malthael replied, "Ah, no thanks, I’m more of a coffee guy. Actually, I came to talk about my quirk... and the problems that come with it."

Nezu, ever perceptive, noticed the signs of nervousness and his curiosity grew. "Oh? Problems with your quirk? What kind of problems, if I may ask? Rest assured, nothing we discuss will leave this room."

Feeling somewhat reassured, Malthael decided to gamble and told Nezu everything—the full truth about his powers, his incredibly high libido and the monthly heat that came with it, his greed, his ability to devour, and how he killed Crowbane.

Nezu was visibly shocked by the information, needing a moment to sit down and process. His mind raced with calculations and theories: "If this is true—and there’s a 95% chance it is based on his body language—this is remarkable. Quirks that allow someone to copy others’ quirks are incredibly rare. There are probably fewer than a hundred people in the world with such an ability. But to permanently take a quirk? That’s even rarer. The only one known to do that was All For One, and he was defeated by All Might. This young man... needs to be cherished and protected. If he ever turned evil, it would be a disaster. His quirk alone is already powerful—enhanced physical abilities, control over fire and ash, flight, a tail, claws. Each of those could be a quirk on its own. And on top of that, he’s a sponsor! This is dangerous... but he has shown great potential as a hero. He’s humble, he funds heroes, he avenged the kindergarten attack. Yes, there are the casinos and clubs with questionable substances, but those are overshadowed by the good he’s done."

Malthael sat silently, observing Nezu, who seemed deep in thought. After a while, Nezu sat up with a serious expression—serious for a rat, anyway:"I’ll be frank, Mr. Krone. Your decision to reveal all this to me is quite a show of trust. Why are you trusting me with this information?"

Malthael had expected this question—it was only logical:"For a few reasons. First, I trust that as a hero, you’re honorable and will keep your word. Second, I don’t have many other options. If I lose control again—if I devour someone or give in to my... urges—it’ll look worse if I try to explain it later. You, as the principal, can help me with the challenges my quirk brings. Third, I trust you—from inhuman to inhuman."

Nezu’s ears twitched:"You don’t see yourself as human?"

Malthael shook his head:"No. My body is more dragon, ash, fire, and crow than human. And my humanity left me the day I consumed one of my own kind. Over the years, I’ve met people I despise. Sure, there are good humans, people I like—but overall, I don’t want to be associated with humanity."

These words resonated deeply with Nezu, who had his own grudge against humanity, born from years of being a lab rat. A sense of camaraderie formed between them.

Nezu folded his small hands:"Mr. Krone—may I call you Malthael?" After Malthael nodded, he continued:"I have one last question. You say you don’t want to be connected with humanity, but does that feeling affect your ability to be a hero?"

Malthael looked down, thinking. He had never considered this question before, but the answer came quickly. "No. Just because I don’t like humanity as a whole doesn’t mean there aren’t good people. If I can save even one good person, it’s worth it. And even if they’re not good, if I refuse to save them, I’d be no better."

Those were the words Nezu needed to hear. "Yes, exactly. Rising above grudges and doing what’s right. You’ve convinced me, Malthael. I’ll work with you to help manage your quirk and the challenges it brings. To a better future." He extended his hand, and Malthael shook it.

And so, an alliance was formed between a dragon and a rat.

After that, they discussed Malthael’s quirk in more detail, preparing for what could come.

And time moved on.

Author note: A very short chapter as I want to focus the whole chapter on the first meeting of 1-A aswell as Aizawas test but still wanting to shine light on this meet-up. 

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