My Hero Academia: Where dragons fly

Malthael’s new world and family

!!!Since it is not known during which time MHA is playing but with given statements from the series I will say it is about 100-160 years ahead of our time so yeah. Thats where we're headed.!!!


Chapter 4

Year 2135, January 9

Malthael, having just finished understanding his powers, finally decided to look at the people around him. This caught the attention of everyone else since he had not been moving.

Dr. Aldrich noted:"Oh look. He’s finally moving around."

Everyone looked at Malthael with interest to see what he was up to.

His eyes seemed to linger on every person for a bit, but they stayed on Dr. Aldrich longer than on the others, long enough to be noticed by those around him.

Eva, intrigued, said:"He seems to hold an interest in you, Victor. I wonder why that is."

Leon chimed in:"True, maybe he already took a liking to his godfather."

Dr. Aldrich himself seemed a little confused:"Maybe I left a lasting impression when I shined a light into his eyes. I don’t know."

He moved closer to the child, only for the child to stretch out his tiny hand towards him.

Dr. Aldrich took off his gloves and stretched out his index finger, nervously.

He had helped with many children being born. He had seen people die in operating rooms. Yet this one child made him more nervous than any day spent in the operating room.

After all, he had never been in such a situation. He didn’t have children, and now he was pronounced the godfather of such a tiny and delicate creature who had taken an interest in him. The moment the finger and hand connected, however, all his nervousness dissipated. He came to a mental conclusion: This child is special.

Leon and Eva smiled at their friend and son connecting with each other.

While all this was going on in their minds, Malthael's thoughts were different.


"I wonder what quirk he used on me." My thoughts spread through all my knowledge of the MHA world, searching for any of these people in the known canon. After thinking about it for a bit, I came to the conclusion that they were not in the canon. This made sense; after all, I can understand the people around me, which means they speak German.

Still thinking about the glowing eyes of the doctor, Malthael subconsciously stretched out his hands towards the doctor, who apparently had the name Victor Aldrich. In return, the doctor came to him and stretched out his clearly shaking hand and index finger.

I inspected Dr. Aldrich, who appeared to be a young man, looking to be around 25. He had a nicely trimmed full beard, which shared the brown color with his hair that would reach just below his chin if it weren’t bound in a ponytail. He had an average height, maybe a bit taller, and a lean build, although a bit on the broader side. His silver eyes were a bit sunken in, showing he hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep recently, and if one focused purely on the smell, one would notice the slight smell of cigarettes.

From what I was listening to, it appeared that Dr. Aldrich was not only close to his apparent father but he might also become his godfather, which I didn’t mind. From what I saw, Dr. Aldrich, or Victor, seemed to be a friendly and kind person.

I soon shifted my vision to my father. He looks to be a tall man, with blond hair in a taper haircut. His face clean-shaven and his eyes golden. He wears a black suit one would see a businessman wear, and through his white shirt, one could see well-defined muscles. He looks so uncannily familiar to my original father. If I didn’t know better, I would claim him to be my original father. I wonder what his quirk is.

After inspecting him, I looked at my mother. A small woman with crimson hair and sanguine eyes. I couldn’t really discern her form as the medical gown was covering her body, and she seemed pretty worn out, which made sense considering she just finished creating a new life. She, however, is quite different from my original mother. I wonder why only my father looks so similar to my original but not my mother.

Having finished inspecting everyone, I was hit with a wave of tiredness. As I tried to reach for my mother’s face, I just fell asleep.


Year 2138, December 19

It was a castle on a platform in a huge valley, surrounded by trees and a wide river flowing through the bottom of the valley. However, compared to the normally lush green forest and red roofs of the castle, everything was white. Snow was falling, and ice plates were gliding down the river.

Zooming in on the outside area of the castle, one could see a small boy sitting on a bench, reading a book. The boy was covered in clothing such as a cap, a coat, and gloves. But even with all the white around him, his white hair was still visible, and his golden eyes were moving around quickly as he read the book.

To his dismay, a crimson-haired woman came walking towards him:"MALTHAEL KRONE, how often must I tell you to please stay inside while it is so cold? You might catch a cold or, worse, a fever."

The boy, having been ripped out of his quiet reading, looked up:"Mother, please. It is so much more fun going inside to warm myself up after being in the snow for a while. Plus, you know I can resist the cold very well. Uncle Victor confirmed it."

The mother answered with a bit of warmth and worry in her voice:"Yes, while that may be true, as your mother, it is my duty to worry and care for you. And as your mother, it is also my right to send you inside to warm yourself up right now. Hop hop."

Malthael, clearly having a soft spot for his mother, sighed and answered:"Yes, mother."

After arriving at the fireplace, his mother told him:"Now, young man, I will ask someone to bring you hot milk and soup, and you will eat it in the warmth of the fire and not in the cold of the snow, all right?"

The boy, clearly defeated by his caring mother, could only nod.

After sitting there, the boy began thinking about his new world. While this new world is clearly the MHA world, the changes I’ve made are noticeable.

Malthael's mind shifted back to the time when he changed this world.


Before me are an infinite number of choices and ways I can influence the world, all in the form of a digital window. But before I start, I notice a tab at the top called "Pre-sets." I click the tab, and before my eyes, I see a few options with lists that tell me what these options would do.

One was called "Peaceful Adventure." Basically, it told me that if I chose this, there would be less danger and death. Villains would be rarer, and society would be friendly and orderly. But that would be boring. And I don’t want a boring life.

As I looked through the Pre-sets, I came across one that sparked my interest: "Lewd Adventure." This one made the world more lewd. That meant the following: Sex was not so shushed upon and was more openly talked about, Sex-Ed was a mandatory class, polygamy was allowed but still rare, villains and heroes as well as normal civilians dressed more lewdly, sexual crimes were more often committed, and other minor things like some fetishes being more apparent and sexual orientation being more open. But a major canon change was also present. The hero schools across the world, including UA, were changed to basically universities or colleges, with the required age to join being 20.

After thinking about it for a while, I chose this world version. After that, I made some minor changes like a slightly longer lifespan but nothing more.


As Malthael's mind returned to the present, he watched a nicely dressed butler bring him a tablet with a cup of hot milk and a bowl of soup. He suddenly had to ask a question:"If I may know, when will Uncle Victor visit again?"

With that question, the butler smiled:"You are quite predictable, young master. Mrs. Eva mentioned that you would ask this. Dr. Aldrich will visit on your birthday. I also have to tell you that the president wants to speak to you."

Malthael started beaming with joy. Not just because his first friend would soon visit again, but also because his grandpa, the president, wanted to see him:"Alright, after I finish eating, I will go to him."

Having heard the answer, the butler gave a quick nod and walked away.

While eating, Malthael thought about his new family. While he had a soft spot for his mother, there would always be a barrier between him and her, as well as between him and his father. That’s because he still considers his original parents from the alternate world his true parents. However, his relationship with his godfather and grandfather was different. He saw his godfather as a sort of uncle or friend. And his grandfather... well, he originally never had a grandfather, so the president somehow naturally inserted himself into that role. He especially liked these two.

Having finished eating, he started walking towards his grandpa's office. His grandpa was not the actual president; no, he was the president and founder of the company he was working on. The reason they had so much money and lived in an actual castle. Their company originally was just a motor company, building the best cars and motorcycles and a business corporation, owning many banks and being a shareholder in many other things. But after Malthael's father, Leon, became best friends with Victor Aldrich in middle school, they started working together, and the company, StahlBlut AG, began working on medical innovations, such as creating new medical machines and drugs. This turned out to be a huge success, and now they were the worldwide leading corporation for pharmaceutical and automotive items.

Soon he saw the door appear—the door to the office of one of the richest people in the world, his grandfather. He opened the door and entered. There sat the mountain of a man. White hair and golden eyes, just like Malthael, almost 2 meters tall. Broad shoulders, which clearly showed his muscular build. His white hair was tied into a man-bun, and his beard was thick and well-groomed. He looked up from the paper he was reading to see who entered his domain, with a few wrinkles present, already showing his age.

He squinted his eyes at the young boy who had just entered, only for a huge toothy smile to break out:"MALTHAEL! Come over here and tell me about your day."

Yes, as you can see, this mountain of a man, this corporate behemoth, had a huge soft spot for his first grandchild. This had many reasons. To name a few: this was his first and, for now, only grandchild, who looked just like him. Another reason was that this little child was incredibly smart and talented, as well as physically gifted. He was about to turn four, but his body was already like that of a six-year-old, and his mind seemed to rival kids well above his age. And another reason was that this child’s business ideas were just great. For example, Malthael came up with the idea to start building and funding high-tier schools to look out for talents to hire.

As Malthael approached his grandpa, Godfrey Krone, he started talking about his day:"Today was just a boring day. I wanted to read a book outside, but Mother forbade me and pulled me back inside. Besides that, not much happened."

To that, Godfrey let out a hearty laugh:"Yes, Eva seems to want to protect you very much, even though you could probably manage yourself better than most. But don’t let that pull you down; your mother just wants the best for you."

Malthael could only sigh:"Yes, I know. It’s just, I want to explore the world and all, but it seems Mother won’t let me."

Godfrey chuckled again:"Calm yourself, young one. You will get to do that soon enough, especially with something I have planned. But tell me, Malthael, are you excited? You will soon turn four, the year when most gain their quirk. Do you wonder what you’ll get?"

Even though Malthael already knew what he would get, his excitement still reached new levels as he nodded:"Yes, and maybe I will get a power with which I can become a great superhero, like you once were."

Another reason Godfrey loved his grandson was this: he seemed to bring Godfrey so much fun and joy in his once grey life as he once again burst out laughing:"Yes, maybe you will. But that is enough for now. I know you want to train with the sword and shield again, especially in the snow. And I think your mother just left to meet your father. So you better hurry and use the time you have."

With that said, Malthael was already sprinting with full force to the door. After opening it, he turned around, sprinted back, hugged his grandfather, and said:"Thanks, Grandpa Godfrey," then left.

While sprinting towards his training place, his mind wandered. I wonder what he meant by ‘especially with something I have planned.’ It must be something special if he doesn’t want to tell me instantly.

Year 2138, December 24

Soon, time started flying again as five days passed and Christmas was at the door. The whole family gathered, except Victor, who was with his own family. Presents were being exchanged. Until it was time for Godfrey to give Malthael a present, and that he did.

"I would like everyone to listen as I give Malthael a present, as it involves not just him."

Soon everyone turned towards Godfrey as he started talking:"My dear grandson, I know you want to see and travel the world. And as you have already previously stated, you want to go to Japan especially. Since I wanted to start branching into Japan, I’ve made a proposal. There is a certain family in Japan that agreed to help us there as well as become a sub-company. But they want to engage their daughter to you. If you were to accept, I would make it happen that you move to Japan to meet them. Now, listen, I won’t force this upon you. If you decline, I will find another way for you to stay in Japan and I will tell them that you declined. But if you were to accept, you could go much sooner and without the Japanese government interfering much. Depending on what quirk you get, you might even enter UA. So what do you think?"

This offer dropped like a bomb. With Eva starting to argue:"Don’t you think this offer is too huge for a child? He probably doesn’t even know half the things about engagement and Japan."

Godfrey turned to her:"For a normal child, yes. But Malthael is smarter than most. If he were to accept, I would only send him there in six years. The reason I’m proposing this now is so that he can prepare if he chooses to accept. And this is his decision, whether you like it or not."

With that said, everyone turned towards Malthael again, who appeared to be thinking. But in the end, he had nothing to lose:"That is a great present, Grandpa. I accept."

This answer relieved Godfrey as he laid his hands on the tiny shoulders of his grandchild:"Great choice."

Eva and Leon wanted to stop Malthael and try to convince him otherwise, but seeing the smile on their son’s face and knowing he had wanted to go to Japan since he could think, they stopped themselves and started congratulating him.

With Christmas over, Malthael was aware that his fourth birthday was approaching. And with it, his powers.

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