My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 418: Yang God Motong’s Calculations

The night was pitch black, clouds piled high, with only a few rays of moonlight breaking through, falling on Qi Yuan's crimson robe.

Once again, the soundless sound reached his ears.

As Qi Yuan hurried along, he held the game jade slip in his hand, looking at the icons inside.

"I'm busy playing the actor."

"How about you try growing a mouth? Otherwise, I have no idea what you're trying to say!"

Inside the jade slip, there was only silence.

But Qi Yuan could still hear the soundless sound, and countless guesses raced through his mind.

"Who are you?"

"Could you be Tai Xu, so ethereal that you can't speak?"

"Or are you Chaos, formless and without features?"

"It's a shame I’m not Nüwa, or I could mold you into a clay figure and give you a face."

Qi Yuan rambled on.

"My name is Qi Yuan, and soon I'll be playing your game. Let's see if you're as good as you think!"

Clad in his crimson robe, Qi Yuan’s figure landed.

The spiritual energy around him trembled, heralding the arrival of a Yang God Celestial Sovereign.

"Mozhi pays respects to Yang God Motong!"

Since he was acting, Qi Yuan made sure to be respectful.

He stood tall within the Jue Yue Abyss, but then bowed slightly.

Hearing the news of Qi Yuan's arrival, the mythic figures and ordinary great lords stationed at Jue Yue Abyss all lowered their heads.

In the darkness, a hoarse voice rang out.


The sky above Jue Yue Abyss split open, and a vast surge of spiritual energy erupted from the fissure.

Qi Yuan raised his head, gazing at the fissure, as though seeing a pair of cold, emotionless eyes.

Every Supreme Truth-level expert had their own truth.

As for Yang God Motong’s truth, Qi Yuan wasn’t sure.

At this moment, he was extremely cautious, fully concealing his aura to maintain the image of Mozhi.

Qi Yuan stepped into the fissure.

When he reappeared, he found himself in a void abyss.

Azure clouds floated about, and several rotten iron chains spanned the abyss, holding up a massive stone.

On the stone, atop a throne of bones, was a gigantic eye.

No body. No limbs. Just one massive eye.

This was the true form of Yang God Motong.

For these Yang God Celestial Sovereigns, especially those with enemies, unless their past and present selves were perfectly fused, an enemy could exploit their past self to track down their true form—an extremely dangerous situation.

"You will guard Duan Yue Abyss for 100,000 years.

As fellow Yang Gods, we should interact more." Yang God Motong’s hoarse voice echoed.

"As it should be!" Qi Yuan nodded.

This space was pitch black, with almost no light.

Qi Yuan guessed it might be because Yang God Motong's true form was an eye. Too much sunlight could hurt his vision.

Wouldn’t it be bad if he got nearsighted?

Qi Yuan almost wanted to ask if Yang God Motong needed glasses.

But then he reminded himself that he was playing the part of Yang God Mozhi, an actor, so he suppressed the urge.

Qi Yuan was moved by his own dedication.

To be a good actor, he had to suppress his nature, and he had sacrificed so much.

"I heard… you killed the Taihuang Palace envoy?" Yang God Motong spoke again, his voice devoid of any discernible emotion aside from its hoarseness.

"I personally arrived at Duan Yue Abyss. As the envoy, he failed to come to greet me—he deserved to die!" Qi Yuan declared boldly.

"He deserved it." Yang God Motong replied.

A mere Taihuang Palace envoy—killing him was no big deal.

"Thank you, Celestial Sovereign, for understanding!" Qi Yuan continued playing his role.

At that moment, Qi Yuan felt a prickling sensation on his back, as though countless eyes were watching him.

He gathered his energy tightly, his gaze remaining calm, as if unaware of the scrutinizing eyes.

Then, Yang God Motong spoke again: "In a few days, Jue Yue Abyss will hold a Lunar Banquet. Mozhi, do you want to join me in crashing the party and doing something big?"

The bloodshot eye studied Qi Yuan, who suddenly felt a profound sense of insignificance.

It was as if this eye didn’t belong on the bone throne, but should rather be hanging in the heavens.

"Does the Celestial Sovereign… intend to attack Jue Yue Abyss?" Qi Yuan feigned surprise. "The Moon God Palace’s creation artifact, Youhuang Remnant Moon, stands guard. I fear… it won’t be easy."

The Moon God Palace possessed multiple creation artifacts.

In the Black Abyss, one such artifact, the Youhuang Remnant Moon, protected the area.

The Youhuang Remnant Moon linked all of Moon God Palace’s territories within the Black Abyss, placing them in the "Serene Void Realm."

This was a type of spiritual assault targeting Yang Gods.

Any Celestial Sovereign who stepped into this realm would be subjected to this unique attack.

Those who had barely ascended to the Yang God realm, with weak souls, would immediately fall victim.

Even Celestial Sovereigns with flawless souls would find their defenses compromised, leaving them vulnerable.

At that point, the Yang Gods of the Moon God Palace could deliver a fatal strike.

Each creation artifact possessed unique abilities.

"The Youhuang Remnant Moon..." Yang God Motong chuckled. "The world is never short of ambitious people.

There is a mythic cultivator in the Moon God Palace who has been stuck at the mythic level for half a million years.

In her lifetime, she will never ascend to the Yang God realm within the Moon God Palace. I’ve promised to help her ascend, and in exchange, she will be my guide.

She holds a minor and insignificant bit of authority over the Youhuang Remnant Moon, but it’s enough."

"To ascend to the Yang God realm is as difficult as reaching the heavens..." Qi Yuan maintained his role as Mozhi, expressing skepticism.

His words implied that it was extremely difficult to ascend to the Yang God realm, even for Yang God Motong.

"A mere promise. Does it really matter if I can’t help her ascend?

She’s just a mythic. Even if she knows more rules, against a Supreme Truth-level Yang God, she’ll lose." Yang God Motong said confidently.

Mythic experts, limited by their knowledge, might believe they could form binding agreements with Yang Gods, possibly even making vows to ensure cooperation.

But in reality, as people on Earth might say, the mythic expert is like a middle schooler signing a contract with a highly specialized lawyer. It’s unlikely the student would spot any hidden clauses.

The deal was inherently unbalanced.

That mythic expert probably knew she might be deceived, but had no choice but to gamble.

After all, the opportunity to ascend to the Yang God realm was far too rare.

"If the Moon God Sovereign hadn’t been seriously injured and left the Moon God Palace in turmoil, she wouldn’t have dared to cooperate with me." Yang God Motong continued, "I’ll launch the sneak attack and heavily wound Yang God Longyue. All you need to do is conceal the truth from the other Yang Gods, and before leaving, eliminate all low-level cultivators of the Moon God Palace and capture two Moon Maidens."

Yang God Motong laid out his entire plan to Qi Yuan.

The main goal of this Lunar Banquet was to launch a surprise attack and seriously injure Yang God Longyue. As for killing him, that wasn’t within his ability.

Additionally, Yang God Motong planned to kill the low-level cultivators of the Moon God Palace and abduct two Moon Maidens—a notable achievement.

Qi Yuan narrowed his eyes, pretending to think deeply: "Could this be a trap?"

"Do you not trust me?"

"No!" Qi Yuan quickly bowed, playing the part of a subordinate.

He felt his acting skills were improving by the minute.

"Are you interested?" Yang God Motong asked again.

After some thought, Qi Yuan replied: "I am, but... I still have some matters to attend to in Duan Yue Abyss. May I return before the Lunar Banquet begins?"

Yang God Motong's eye glowed more deeply: "Fine."

"Thank you, Celestial Sovereign. I’ll take my leave now!" After saying this, Qi Yuan's figure vanished from the vast space, as if in a hurry.

In the endless abyss, there was nothing but darkness, with Yang God Motong seated on the bone throne.

Suddenly, the black night sky lit up.

In the sky, countless blood-red eyes appeared!

These eyes swiveled and moved.

On the bone throne, Yang God Motong spoke, his voice hoarse.

"What is he hiding?"

"He looked calm, as if it were an ordinary meeting."

Yang God Motong muttered to himself, replaying the earlier scene in his mind.

Then, the bloodshot eyes in the night sky all spoke in unison.

"My truth lies in Microscopic Observation—nothing within my sight can escape!"

The eye on the bone throne gleamed, its aura immense.

The truth that Yang God Motong had comprehended from the Supreme Truth Wall was Microscopic Observation.

With Microscopic Observation, the mind is like a clear mirror, the spirit present in the void.

High above in the heavens, it could see even the tiniest ant, the texture of rocks, the essence of the world, and the mysteries of the Great Dao.


Earlier, when Yang God Mozhi was present, Motong had sensed that Mozhi was hiding something.

Now, he activated his Microscopic Observation.

Soon, a gleam of joy appeared in his eyes: "The aura of Purple Qi!"

He had glimpsed the first energy of the Immortal Realm, the aura of Purple Qi.

"He’s come into contact with Purple Qi recently!"

"He’s new to the Sixth Heaven, and he must have discovered the Purple Qi but hasn’t had time to collect it."

"No wonder he was in such a hurry to leave."

"Heavenly treasures belong to those with virtue!"

"Purple Qi… is destined for me!"

Yang God Motong's hoarse voice echoed as his form dissipated.

All the eyes in the sky retracted and merged.

Yang God Motong transformed into a shadow and immediately followed the trail of the Purple Qi.

In just a few breaths, he saw the figure in the crimson robe.

"Staying so calm… too bad you can't escape my Microscopic Observation."

He trailed behind from a distance, not revealing himself.

Up ahead, Qi Yuan acted as though unaware, hurrying along.

He crossed Jue Yue Abyss and returned to Duan Yue Abyss, his sleeves fluttering as he disappeared into the palace.

Yang God Motong chuckled, as though everything was going according to plan: "So cautious?"

But he was patient, waiting in hiding.

In a gap within the void, a single eye remained fixed on Qi Yuan.

Time flew by.

Yang God Motong stayed hidden.

At first glance, Yang God Mozhi appeared to be doing nothing.

But Motong knew he was pretending.

No matter how good his acting was, he couldn’t escape his Microscopic Observation.

Sure enough, on a dark, windy night, Motong saw a figure slip out of the palace.

Motong smirked, thinking to himself: "Sending your past self to distract me?"

Motong knew that Mozhi would never have sensed his presence.

But Mozhi’s actions were out of instinctive caution.

Still, Motong didn’t move, continuing to bide his time.

After all, patience was key to success, and he didn’t need a thick skin to get what he wanted.

Indeed, about half an hour later, the real Yang God Mozhi moved, transforming into a streak of light and disappearing.

Yang God Motong's eyes gleamed with satisfaction: "Finally made your move. Well then, the Purple Qi… is mine!"

"Young one, you have much to learn—let me teach you that the elderly are always wiser!"

"Your journey has been too smooth; it’s time for you to learn some lessons!"

Yang God Motong's form faded as he silently followed.

Qi Yuan was now sneaking around, concealing his aura, moving like a thief.

"I’ll give him a little scare later!"

Motong fancied himself quite humorous, his enormous eye trailing behind.

After stealing the Purple Qi, it wouldn’t be a good idea to use Mozhi’s name to infiltrate the Moon God Palace, but that was a minor concern.

About 100 breaths later, Yang God Mozhi suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Motong smirked, narrowing his eyes: "The Purple Qi… is strong here."

He could barely contain his excitement, but decided to wait a little longer.

He was in high spirits.

For him, Purple Qi was extremely valuable, capable of enhancing his strength.

For a Supreme Truth Yang God, unless one comprehended new truths, there were few ways to quickly increase their power, and refining Purple Qi was one of them.

"This kid has some luck on his side, discovering Purple Qi right after arriving at Duan Yue Abyss, but… it’s going to be mine!"

Motong waited for the right moment to seize the Purple Qi.

"Wait… judging by how cautious he is, could it be… there’s more treasure than just the Purple Qi?"

Motong pondered.

Suddenly, his eyes widened, and his aura wavered for just a moment.

Because he saw, ahead of him, an enormous mass of Purple Qi!

Not only that, but the Purple Qi was swirling around a door!

The door was made of white jade, ancient, profound, and sacred!

No words could adequately describe that door!

It radiated an aura of wisdom, the essence of truth itself—something that would make any Yang God Celestial Sovereign tremble with desire.

Even Motong couldn't help but reveal his aura.

After all, this was the Supreme Creation Artifact of the Immortal Realm, the Supreme Truth Gate!

Whoever possessed it could become the ruler of the Nine Heavens!

"You… why are you here!?" Qi Yuan’s face showed shock, his voice filled with fear and anger.

Motong grinned widely: "Thank you, Mozhi."

At that moment, his heart surged with killing intent.

The Purple Qi wasn’t enough to warrant murder, but the Supreme Truth Gate was a different story!

Seeing Mozhi’s furious and desperate expression, Motong was ecstatic.

"Damn it! It's mine, all mine!" Mozhi seemed to lose his composure, rushing toward the Supreme Truth Gate.

Seeing this, Motong didn’t hesitate for a second. He transformed into a mythic roc and dove into the Supreme Truth Gate.

"Fool! The Supreme Truth Gate is mine!"

Normally, he would have been more cautious about entering such a place.

But right now, if Mozhi got there first and took control of the Supreme Truth Gate, it would be disastrous!

So, without any hesitation, he charged in.

Suddenly, angry, frantic cries echoed from the gate.

"Heavens, how could you let this happen!? You treacherous dog, how dare you deceive me!"

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