My Girlfriend’s a Demon Incarnate!

Chapter 5

As dawn broke, Elen, a young demon woman, stood at the mountain cliff's edge, taking in the serene sight of the horizon before her glowing with the color of soft peaches. The morning sun's warmth touched her cheeks and danced through her fiery pink hair. Her heart felt a heady mix of excitement and worry, as if a brew of conflicting emotions was simmering inside her.

Her human companion, William, stirred beside her, his eyes blinking open to the new day. He stretched out, the white blanket they had shared the night before now a tangled mess around their legs. He looked over at Elen; her smile as warm as the glow that had wrapped around them moments ago. "Ready to face the Goblin's Mine?" he asked, his voice still thick with sleep.

"No, duh, I got up before you, honey." She scowled at him and his horrible mess of green hair.

"What? I didn't do it on purpose," William protested, trying to smooth out the wild strands.

"Do what?"

"Wake up with a vendetta like you do," William said with a laugh, rolling his eyes in a good-natured manner. He knew Elen was joking, her playful smile giving her away. As he sat up, the blanket slipped, revealing his wrinkled shirt. Despite being through tough times before, he felt invincible with Elen's warm touch from last night still on his mind.

Elen's eyes scanned the horizon as he packed and shouldered their shared backpack. "Let's go," she said, excitement creeping into her voice. For years, she and her partner had lived a normal life in Bird's Eye, working at the guild office and battling monsters together. But this situation felt different. Her demonic status was a recent problem, something she'd discovered after her death and rebirth. She'd kept it a secret, but a slip-up had changed everything and it needed solving. When William started digging into information about this, their quiet life in Bird's Eye unraveled.

They set off down the mountain path, the dew-kissed grass cooling their feet as the sun grew stronger. William tied his boots, giving Elen a chance to look over her shoulder. Their peaceful lives in the city were a distant memory now, a smudge on the canvas of the world. She took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the clean mountain air, and felt a strange sense of homecoming. It was as if the very earth whispered secrets of her lineage, secrets she had yet to fully unravel and she had to go into a mine to find those answers.

When they neared the Goblin King's Mine, a beginner dungeon known for its useful artifacts, the path flattened out but grew more dangerous. Trees became fewer, replaced by jagged rocks at the base of a valley that reached up like the teeth of an ancient creature. The mine's entrance loomed before them, a huge mouth that ate up the light cast from behind their backs.

Elen took the lead, her eyes glowing with a faint demonic fire, casting a crimson light on the jagged walls of the cave while she used the heat from her body to activate her Fire Mastery skill through her vision. "Stay close," she warned William, her voice echoing through the cavern. "Goblins are nasty creatures. They could be anywhere."

"Sure, we've encountered a few and learned about them during our time as guild clerks in Bird's Eye," William said, following her. "Speaking of which, our backpack is packed with a box of food bars, two water bottles, five one-time use knives, a blanket, and a rope, thanks to Terra Morte's travel luggage rules, I can't carry anything else. But if needed, I can pull out a few knives and throw them at these goblins to lessen the load."

Elen smirked at his readiness and nodded. "Good, let's prepare."

They entered the mine, the cool air becoming a welcome respite from the heat radiating off Elen's body. Terra Morte's system confirmed they were in the Goblin King's Mine. The rough, uneven walls carried a thick layer of dust, showing the numerous footprints of those who had come before. Their boots echoed through the narrow tunnels, sending shivers down their spines. This mine was unsettlingly quiet, broken only by the occasional drip of water from the stalactites hanging above like giant fangs.

"Let's hope we don't die here," William muttered. "We've never been able to handle large groups of goblins before and, like I've said before, they killed us previously when they invaded Bird's Eye."

"You're such a worrier," Elen said, her eyes scanning the shadows. "We're stronger now. Plus, I have my demon powers and you have your wits."

William nodded, trying to ignore the tightness in his chest. They had faced danger before, but the mine felt like it was holding its breath, waiting for them to make the first move. He drew a knife from the bag, the metal singing softly as it left the scabbard.

They ventured deeper into the mine, where the cold air grew denser with each step. The scent of damp earth and the faint metallic tang of ore filled their nostrils. The walls seemed to close in, and the ceiling lowered, as if the mountain itself was trying to keep them out. Elen's hand tightened around William's arm, her heat seeping through his wrist. He looked at her, her eyes now glowing brighter red, a sign of growing nervousness.

"Maybe we should take it slow? You're pregnant after all, traveling with a wanted fugitive like me, and don't look too hot," William remarked as he stepped in front of her and observed their surroundings.

"I'm fine," Elen said, though her voice quivered slightly. "We need to find the Goblin King."

"If you say so," William said, a touch of awe in his voice. He took a step ahead, allowing Elen to take up the rear. They continued on, the silence of the mine only broken by the continued steady rhythm of their footsteps and their muffled breathing.

"Will, do you think we're going to find other explorers around here? Bird's Eye is not far away and word could've traveled about me despite us leaving that place only a short while ago." Elen commented as they trekked onward.

"If they find us, they'll think we're just a regular couple on a dungeon run," William said, trying to sound reassuring. But their escape from the city had been hasty, and the guild's influence could extend further than they hoped. "As long as you keep your hood up on your cloak, they may not bother to ask questions."

Elen nodded and pulled her hood tighter to conceal her bright pink hair. They hadn't met any adventurers on their way, but they couldn't afford to be careless. As they approached the mine's core, the risk of running into someone who knew them increased. Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming towards them, getting louder and closer – these heavy footfalls indicated sprinting.

"Watch out, there's a problem coming!" Elen shouted as she stepped forward, taking charge. "Since I've reached level 4 you know, I've got four skills now: Repair, Side Swipe with my sword, Fire Mastery, and Travel Step. I'll use the Travel Step skill to get to them first!" Elen started moving, but her speed suddenly shot up as she activated Travel Step, making it seem like she was sprinting As she did, she felt her Spirit stat drop by one, when going from a casual walking stride to a full-on sprint towards the unknown danger.

She dashed ahead, her boots barely touching the ground. Her cloak fluttered like a fiery phoenix's wings as the wind rushed against her cheeks. Her heart raced with a mix of excitement and fear. As she turned the corner, she saw three figures in the distance, their outlines blurred by dust clouds. Closer inspection revealed three goblins, each wielding a crude weapon, their beady eyes glinting in the dim light.

The goblins stopped dead in their tracks when they saw her, their sneers morphing into snarls. They hadn't anticipated an opponent, especially not one who moved with such speed and agility. Elen's eyes narrowed, and she knew this was her chance. She couldn't afford to show fear, not in front of William. He had been her anchor since they left Bird's Eye. Her mind raced with possible outcomes - a quick victory, a painful battle, or a swift retreat. But she didn't have time for doubts. She amplified her Fire Mastery, channeling the heat within her to create a fireball in her hand and flung it at the goblins. Her energy dwindled further, but she felt certain this would harm them.

As the fireball soared through the air, it left a trail of sparks behind it, illuminating the frantic goblins. The creatures' eyes widened in terror as they grasped the danger approaching. Two of them dodged nimbly, exhibiting quicker reflexes than expected for their sturdy bodies. However, the third goblin was not so fortunate. The blazing projectile struck him directly in the chest, wrapping him in flames. The goblin let out a piercing cry, dropping his weapon and stumbling backward into the shadows, leaving a noxious smell of charred flesh.

Just then, the fallen goblin hit the ground, and Elen heard the loud thud. A notification from Terra Morte's system flashed on her screen, announcing she had earned five experience points. It was the usual reward expected from a dead goblin.

William rushed to her side, his eyes wide. "Elen, that's amazing! Your power has really grown!"

"Of course, I am a level higher than you," she told him as she rubbed her index finger below her nose.

William approached and tossed the knife at the second goblin, scoring a lucky hit in its eye. The creature howled in agony. But to their surprise, it didn't die. Enraged, the goblin charged at them. Elen swiftly punched the same eye with all her might. The knife sank deeper, and blood gushed from the creature's skull as it collapsed and died. The battle earned William 3 experience points and Elen 2 experience points.

They stepped over the bodies of the two dead goblins, their hearts racing. The mine grew quieter, as if the last creature within this area had sensed their power and retreated. They had to be careful now. The Goblin King was notorious for his cunning and brutality. They couldn't afford to let their guard down.

"Man, when am I going to level up?" William questioned as he dismissed the experience notification.

Elen smirked at him, "Don't worry, you're getting there."

When they made their way down, the path grew steeper and the air colder. The mine seemed to be reacting to their presence, emitting a dark energy that felt like the malevolent pulse of the Goblin King. The rocks themselves seemed to be warning them to turn back. But Elen was resolute. This was her chance to prove her worth, both to William and to herself.

William took point this time and said, "Perhaps I should use one of my three skills to help here. I've got Transformation, Blood Eater and Dark Sphere. I can absorb the blood of an enemy and gain a temporary stat boost. I should've used it on the goblins."

"Let's save it for the Goblin King. We might need all the power we can get," Elen suggested, her hand resting on the pommel of her dagger.

"Blood Eater, lets me keep the boost as long as I am in a dungeon." Will told her.

"Let's just keep going," Elen said, pushing aside the thought of William transforming his natural power with a power up.

The air in the mine was electric with anticipation, the stones themselves seeming to hold their breath. They entered a grand chamber, the walls sparkling with glittering iron ore. At its center stood a massive, primitive throne, crafted from bones and iron. The Goblin King sat upon it, his eyes glinting with malevolent intent.

"For a beginner dungeon, this place seems small," William commented as they approached. Since it's a mine infested with goblins, Elen explained, the only treasures to be found were iron ore and basic artifacts. As she drew her dagger, her tone was one of caution and preparation.

The Goblin King sneered, his teeth sharper than the stones that made up his throne. "Intruders!" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the chamber. "You dare disturb my slumber, humans?"

"You're sitting down," Will said. "that doesn't look like much resting to me. Also, if you don't mind, my wife's a monster like you, so we're here to take this place from you." He flipped off Elen's hood to show off her demon horns.

The Goblin King's eyes widened with surprise, then narrowed with a cunning glint. "A demon, here in my mine? How delightful! But you dare to challenge me?"

William's voice laced itself with aggression as he explained, "I'm sorry, but we're taking this mine. My wife is pregnant and needs a safe home." He flipped his knife out, the blade now visible at his side. "Your dungeon will serve as a perfect home for her and our children, especially the ones who aren't human."

The Goblin King threw his head back and laughed, the sound echoing off the walls. "Your insolence amuses me," he said, standing up from his throne. He was a towering figure, his muscular frame and unnatural green eyes commanding their attention. "But you shall pay for your boldness!"

A menacing message appears on the screen: "You've dared to challenge the Goblin King for control of his mine and its treasures. The loser will face certain death." Below the warning, the system displays a detailed rundown of the Goblin King's formidable stats: a level 8 goblin with impressive Aether (150), moderate Spirit (30), and Strength (40), as well as respectable Fortitude (20).Interestingly, his Intellect and Agility are relatively low (5 each), while Depravity (35) suggests a wicked and ruthless streak.

The Goblin King's laughter grew louder as he drew his enormous "Wall Breaker" pickaxe, complete with sharp crystal studs. This rare battle-axe was a prized drop from this boss fight. Elen swallowed hard, trying to hide her fear as she reached for her trusty dagger.

"As a Demon Soldier, I think I should be the one fighting him head-on," Elen said softly.

William agreed, his heart pounding in his chest. He was aware of the dangers, but he also knew that Elen was a powerful woman now. He stepped aside, letting her take his place in front of him, her fiery eyes locked onto the Goblin King. The creature was a powerful foe, but goblins were among Terra Morte's weakest goes.

Elen took a deep breath, focusing on her physical energy and demonic powers. With a steady voice, she whispered "Let's do this." Her hands trembled, but she charged forward, unleashing a swift Side Swipe attack with her dagger. This flung her arm out in a smooth sideways motion while she aimed for the Goblin King's ribs.

The Goblin King swung his pickaxe in a wide arc, aiming to crush Elen. She dodged with ease, her agility allowing her to move like liquid. She danced around him, her dagger flashing as she scored hit after hit. Despite her blows chipping away at his skin, the Goblin King's health barely wavered. He then struck her across the face with his arm, sending her flying into a wall.

William rushed forward, his voice a mix of fear and anger as he shouted, "Elen!" He activated his Dark Sphere skill, and a shadowy sphere grew from his hand, pulsing with dark energy. The sphere hit the Goblin King, enveloping him in a cloud of shadowy power. The Goblin King bellowed as William's attack took hold, causing him to bleed from multiple wounds it caused across his massive body.

William then scooped some blood onto his knife blade and licked it. As his Blood Eater boost kicked in, he felt his strength and agility surge by 10. His entire body glowed bright red, and he charged forward, using Elen's strategy: quickly striking and then dodging to avoid the Goblin King's wild pickaxe swings. Meanwhile, his wife struggled to her feet and watched from a distance.

"Wow, your strength is amazing," Elen said with admiration as she observed William's enhanced state.

"I'm technically cheating doing this and am only about as strong as you are," William commented as he leaped back towards her.

The Goblin King roared, his eyes flashing with rage. He lunged at William; the pickaxe slicing through the air like a whirlwind. William barely dodged again, the wind from the swing sending dust flying into his eyes. He blinked rapidly, trying to clear his vision.

Elen held her dagger in her teeth as she formed a fire ball during this time and chucked it like she had at the weaker goblins. Her desire to win was on her face, but she looked quite damaged from the strike by the Goblin King's hand. Will knew getting hit would kill him or put him in a similar situation as her.

The fireball struck the Goblin King and erupted in a blaze of flames. Despite the intensity of the fire, the Goblin King let out a deafening roar - but the heat didn't seem to faze him, thankfully. The system helpfully chimed in, "Goblin King is resistant to fire damage!"

"Damn it!" Elen cursed as she formed two more and chucked them at the Goblins King's head.

The Goblin King let out a deafening roar again as the fireballs misfired, one of them missing him while the other hit him with astonishing force. Seared by the flames, his face twisted in agony. Seeing his chance, William charged forward, his knife flashing in a deadly arc as he unleashed a frenzied attack. The blade bit deep, and the creature's health plummeted. A loud snap occurred though along his knife. The system sent a  message, announcing, "The Goblin King is now vulnerable to fire damage, but your knife has broke!"

Will grunted, tossing his weapon aside. "Does he have a shield?" he muttered to himself. He knew that when his knives dulled or broke they became useless and wouldn't harm goblins anymore. Fortunately he still had three more knives stashed in his backpack. The Goblins King's Health readout reassuringly stated, "75 Aether Remaining".

Elen's legs wobbled beneath her, but she knew she had to push through the pain and keep helping William. The Goblin King's blow still rang in her ears, leaving her disoriented and queasy, even after she'd hurled fireballs at him. As she grasped her dagger, it felt like an insurmountable burden, as if it were crushing her hand.

At half his health, the Goblin King grew furious. Shouting "Muscle Explosion!" he suddenly expanded even more, his head crashing into the ceiling. The result was an oversized, troll-like monster filling the room.

"What the hell is this?" William questioned, his heart racing even faster. He hadn't read about this ability in any of the guild's books before.

"It's a boss move I think," Elen said through gritted teeth. "We've got to keep attacking him. Don't let up."

William quickly moved to avoid the punches, pushing Elen aside as he rolled to one side. "Shouldn't his special move be something else?" he wondered aloud.

Elen's sweat dripped heavily as the monster's second hand carrying his pickaxe swept through the area where they had stood. She remained calm, analyzing the situation. "He usually uses Squad Assault, bringing in a group of goblins with a whistle call to hunt people," she explained. "But I think he's doing this instead because we're a smaller group, or more likely, because it's a monster fighting another monster."

William's eyes remained fixed on the Goblin King as he continued growing, making it increasingly difficult to dodge him. Taking a deep breath, William pulled out his third knife and threw it at the creature's eye. The blade struck deep, and the Goblin King let out another pained roar. William stepped aside, saying, "Your turn, Elen."

Elen took the opportunity and rushed forward, her dagger a blur as she struck the Goblin King repeatedly. Her fire mastery blazed brighter with each hit, the flames from her eyes growing more intense as she sent them into her blade. The creature staggered, his massive form now showing signs of the fiery assault. The room grew hot. The very air seemed to quiver with the power she had unleashed. Eventually, he fell over with a loud whooshing sound, crashed into the floor and died.

"You've successfully conquered the Goblin King's Mine. Demon Soldier Elen has defeated the Goblin King and earned the right to become the new Goblin King. Now, you need to approach the throne to claim this title. If you don't, the dungeon will force  you demon invaders to leave, and you won't receive any rewards the system told them.

"Elen's eyes widened in shock as she gazed upon the lifeless body of the Goblin King. "What the hell?" she exclaimed, her mind reeling with the unexpected turn of events. Becoming the Goblin King was not part of her plan, but it was now a possibility she had to seriously consider.

"Well, it's a win for us, isn't it?" William said, trying to lighten the mood. He knew Elen felt torn between her newfound circumstances and her former human life. But they needed a place to stay and unlike before, when they were normal humans, they didn't seem to just get a treasure chest to appear after this fight.

"What will this Goblin King state grant?" Elen demanded, looking up at the huge body of the Goblin King's great green form. The system remained silent, though.

"I don't know, but let's get to the throne," William suggested, his eyes scanning the room for any other hidden threats. "I don't want us suddenly getting kicked out of here with nothing."

Elen walked to the throne with Will and when she got sat up on the hard chair made of iron and bones. "What happens now?" She wondered as she rested her arms on the chair's armrests.

The system announced, "William and Elen Amore are awarded experience for defeating the Goblin King. William Amore has leveled up, and Elen Amore is now titled the Goblin King. Due to the Demon Soldier status being incompatible with the current monster class, a suitable replacement is being created, with a potential concept already found."

It was then a loud clunk occurred. Huge, heavy bone bands surrounded Elen's arms, legs, and stomach before glowing with sickly green magic. Elen let out a scream as her body sweated from the magic entering her figure. Her belly swelled up from this, and in panic, Will tried to pull her out. Elen's body didn't move, and she moaned, as if she were enjoying it.

As she spoke, her voice trembled with uncertainty, "It feels like sex... but I don't know what's happening," she gasped. William's frantic efforts to free her from her bonds slowed as he stared in shock at the remarkable transformation: her stomach, once slightly rounded from a single month of pregnancy, now bulged with a full-term swell in mere minutes. Struggling to comprehend the miraculous shift, William's hands froze, then released their hold as the clasps broke free. She tumbled to the floor, her movements hindered by the lingering effects of the brutal fight and the now-torn leather armor and pants she wore, due to this incredible change.

"I think I have to give birth," Elen groaned. A system message said as much as it popped up to confer, that her Goblin King title would become granted to the suitable replacement.

"What? Now?" William's voice cracked with panic. "In the middle of this dungeon?" Elen nodded, then a green light exploded from the center of her body and blew a hole in the ceiling.

"Attention all players, a warning has been issued. Demon Soldier Elen has successfully conquered the Goblin King's Mine and is expecting a new heir, a Goblin Princess. Be prepared for potential monster stampedes and enjoy your adventure in Terra Morte!" The system announced.

Elen screamed, but when the sound died out, she whispered, "Never again." Her strength gave way, and she collapsed to the ground. Across the room, a four-year-old girl with striking teal hair and brown eyes smiled at them. She had tiny horns on her head and pale green skin covered by a white skirt. With poise beyond her years, she curtsied to William and Elen, saying, "Don't be shocked, Mommy, Daddy – I, your Goblin Princess, am here to make this house a home."

The girl was beautiful, despite her unconventional features. Her smile was warm, and William felt his panic subside. He had always wanted a child, and here she was, standing before him, partially grown from this world's magic and their efforts. Elen looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mix of pain and amazement. Her hands touched her stomach, which still held much of the fat she had just gained in this astonishingly rapid pregnancy, but her belly felt empty.

Elen's voice was filled with uncertainty as she spoke about the situation. "Will, I don't know who that is or how she got her, but she's got to be our child, I think. I don't feel our baby inside me anymore."

William took a few steps closer to the little girl, his heart racing. "What's your name?"

The girl frowned. "I don't have one. I'm just a powerful monster in this world."

"Well, let's call you... Nell," William suggested, trying to keep his voice steady. The girl nodded, her expression brightening. "You popped up after that big green light ripped through the cave ceiling and Nell means light."

Elen got to her feet, still dizzy. "Nell, can you help us claim this mine as ours?"

"We don't have to, mommy. You sat in the chair and, with the system's good graces, birthed me as a replacement for the former Goblin King."

The girl stepped over one arm of the former Goblin King and called out, "Blood Eater." As her hand touched the monster's eye, she slowly absorbed his body, consuming the aether that made him in the process. When the creature vanished inside her, she remained unchanged, but Will's proximity to her made his senses ring she had gained strength comparable to his level. The Blood Eater skill, he noted, she now shared with him was more menacing than its appearance suggested.

"Goblin Princess Nell has reached level 4 by consuming the Goblin King's body. At level 8, evolution options may become possible." The system said in one final message before going silent.

"Evolution options?" William questioned, his mind racing with the implications. He looked down at Elen, who retained shock from the entire situation. "What does that mean for you?"

"I don't know, but if she can evolve, perhaps I can too." Elen affirmed. She crawled to her daughter and hesitantly pet her daughter's head. "Who's a good girl..."

Nell stared at her mother with a bit of a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "I'm not a good girl. I'm a powerful monster now."

"I know, but as you take on new challenges, you're becoming more like me. I'm proud of you, sweetie. By doing things I haven't done yet, you're embracing your natural role too and that makes you a good girl."

Elen's voice was filled with a mix of love and a hint of fear as she processed what her daughter had just done. She had never seen anything like it, not even in the most sinister demon texts she had access to. Those texts were restricted and only available to read at the Bird's Eye guild office, due to the vast dangers they contained. The world, a blend of Terra Morte and Earth, was still young - only 30 years old - and such knowledge was considered too perilous for the general public.

"Mommy, let's go home." Nell said as she grabbed both of their hands and led them to the mine exit.

"Huh?" Elen stated as she looked back at the mine depths and pointed at it, "but that's our home."

"Yeah," Will stated as he rushed out in front of them to block the way.

"No, I want to take over a city, a human city, and expand our territory." Nell whined. "My predecessor desired it too!"

Elen and William exchanged a shocked and confused glance. Their four-year-old daughter, Nell, was already talking about conquest. "Not so fast, Nell," Elen said. "You're only four. Let's not think about taking over cities yet." She took a deep breath before continuing, "Will and I have a history with cities like that. We used to live there as humans and were defeated by your kind. Your predecessor's underlings invaded our home and burned us out. But despite all that, your kind got pushed back, we're now alive, and we have you because of what happened back then."

Will suggested, "You shouldn't risk dying or letting your followers die before you can become stronger, should you, Nell? Why not focus on getting stronger so humans can't threaten you?" 

Nell thought for a moment, her expression remained pensive,  yet she nodded. "Alright, I'll grow stronger first but I want to see the outside."

They walked out, feeling this much was fine, and a warm beam of sunlight struck them like a breath of fresh air. It became a jarring contrast to the grueling battle they'd just survived. Once outside, they were met with a breathtaking view. Terra Morte's mountain peak lay shrouded in mist, while a lush forest stretching out to their side resembled a vibrant, unending sea. The serenity of this natural haven was a poignant reminder of how different the bustling city they'd left behind had been, and also how alien the underground tunnels of the Goblin King's Mine first looked.

"So, do we go back inside the cave now?" William asked as he crossed his arms.

Elen nodded and then added, "I don't think I should say this in front of our baby girl, but if I become a truly vicious monster or infertile because of this evolution process please raise our girl and take a new wife."

William's jaw dropped. "What?"

Elen looked at him, her expression serious. "The Goblin King's throne... it's not just a simple monster class change. It's a pact with this world I feel. I could become more than just a demon. I think I could become a threat to the planet if the right conditions become met. I can't burden a regular human like you with that."

"I'm not normal though, either. I'm a Demon Worshipper now." Will countered.

Elen sighed, "You're not a monster, and you never will be. You're human, even if you might have unforseen monster powers."

"Then I will serve you and any children you may have to the best of my abilities for I will still act as their father."

"Thank you, William," Elen said, a hint of warmth returning to her voice. "We'll need to figure out how to handle this together."

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