My Enigmatic Life

Volume Two, Chapter Two: Dealing With Jealousy

   Although my bandaged hand prevents me from playing the field, I can still be utilised as a pinch-runner, which is exactly what I'm doing now. I'm on second and Akai is on third. It's an eight-to-naught ballgame here at the top of the fifth, and with just two more runs, we can win via 'Mercy Rule'. Teru stands at the plate, he's ahead in the count two-zero. The opposing pitcher delivers-


Teru knocks one through the hole on the first base side. Scoring easily from third is Akai, and I follow right behind him, completely unchallenged. It's our win. We move on to the next round. 

   After our overwhelming victory, our coach decides to treat us to some yakisoba. 

"Wooooo! What a game!"

Naoya horses back his oolong tea, and sighs refreshingly. 

"It seems like we're unstoppable right now, to be honest.", Gege nods.

"Oi, don't say that! You'll jinx us!", Takai reprimands him jokingly. 

I listen to my mates' celebratory mood half-heartedly as I slurp my noodles. Picking up on my lack of input, Akai turns to me. 

"Daisuke, what's wrong? You seem more taciturn than usual."

"He's still upset that his moment with Yoko got interrupted.", Naoya answers.

I narrow my eyes at him. 

"Haha. I'm doubling over with laughter here."

My friend exchange grins with each other over my bitter feelings. Bastards.

"Come on, Govvy. What are you so worked up for? It's no big deal."

"Yeah. And besides, you know that we're not gonna tell anyone.", Takai adds, swallowing a large mouthful of food. 

Well, that is true. 

"They're right, Daisuke. If we did, nearly half of the second-year boys population would sends curses towards you.", Gege says plainly. 

What a comforting thought. Despite that, I'm feeling a bit better now. I feel a little silly now. Although, being accused of incest is still something I'll have hanging over my head. 


"Hm? What's up, Akai?"

Now Akai's the one acting strangely, he was hanging his head down at first, but he raises it to reveal a wry smile on his face. Instantly, the atmosphere changes. We've all been friends long enough to know that when Akai wears a smile like that, it's because he's feeling nervous. Very nervous. 

"Well....", he mumbles, looking away from us all, "Akane knows about it too... Ahaha...."


The silence at the table is deafening, but finally, Takai spoke.

"You're not serious."

"You utter moron! Why did you tell her, damn it?!"

Naoya angrily barks at Akai. 

"I didn't tell her! When you called me this morning, I had my phone on speaker because I was washing my face and brushing my teeth, see? As soon as you mentioned it, Akane came in and heard everything."

Resisting the urge to cuss out Akai, I bury my face in my hands. That good feeling was surely short-lived. 

"How did she take the news?", Gege asks carefully. 

Akai does not reply, he simply hangs his head down once more. His silence was more than sufficient of an answer. Wonderful. 

  We arrived at school a bit after the final bell rang. Waiting there to greet us was Yoko.

"Hullo everyone. How'd the game go?"

"We won, of course.", Takai says triumphantly. 

"Poor sods were absolutely hopeless. It's sad, really.", Naoya adds somberly, feigning to tear-up.

"You ought to write a eulogy for them while you're at it." , I remark.

"Great idea. I'll mail it to them tomorrow."

Yoko smiles at our banter. Gege leans over to her and 'whispers'.

"Your Aniki scored the winning run, you know. Aren't you proud of him?"

"Oi. I can hear you, you prat."

"I'm always proud of Aniki. This occasion is no different."

A collective, "Oooooooo~", sounds from our group. Shut up. 

"So, is it going to be me or Danny for the best man?"

Before I could retort, I suddenly feel as though I'm being pierced by a barrage of icy cold daggers. Looking to where said feeling is coming from, I see Akane stood off in the distance, glaring at us. Everyone follows my gaze, and once she realises that we've noticed her, Akane turns on her heels and thunders away. 

"Yoko, Naoya, you two head home without me. I'll go check on her."

"Uh, are you sure about that, Daisuke? She looked really scary."

Takai gulps loudly. I agree, mate. But I can't leave her like that. 

"Don't worry.", I reply nonchalantly. 

I start to make my way after Akane before Akai stops me. His eyes are serious. 

"Daisuke, she's at her limit right now. Be very careful." 


It doesn't take long to find Akane, she's sat all alone in the park. When she sees me approaching, she turns the other way in a huff.

"What's wrong, Akane? Why are you so upset?"

"Why do you care? You obviously don't have time to think about me."

She's jealous, I figured so. I'm not entirely sure why, though. 

"If you want to hang out, you just ask, you know."

Akane quickly stands up and stomps over to me.

"Ask? Why should I have to ask, eh? Why can't you just do it? You seem to be just fine with going along with Yoko-san in your little itoko-"

I hastily cover her mouth. There's no way I'm letting her say that out loud! She even switched to Japanese for that one phrase to make sure that what she said could be understood by passerby! Good thing that we're all alone here.

"Oi, don't say that so loudly!", I hiss at her.

Akane moves away from me, scowling.

"But that's what it is! Exactly!"

She again turns away from me, her arms folded. I sigh. She's being really stubborn. 

"Listen, Akane. I didn't think that you would want to still spend time with me." , I explain, "I figured that you grew tired of being with me and Akai at the time and were more interested in spending time with some bloke that you fancy. I mean you are at that age now - Akane?"

Suddenly, she's gone still. A little concerned, I reach out to grab her shoulder. 

"Are you feeling alright, Akane?"

She slowly turns to look at me. Now it's my turn to freeze up. Her expression has gone blank, and her eyes. Her irises, which are normally lilac, have changed into a deep, brilliant brilliant red. Shite! This is bad! This is seriously, seriously bad!

"Red Spirit Power...!"

Akane swiftly swings a punch at me, in just the nick, I dodge it. I can feel the wind whip my face as her fist flies by. Saito's ultimate technique? It doesn't compare to the power in Akane's hands right now! Akai meant it when he said that she was close!

The Red Spirit Power, or The Akai Seishin Ryoku is a fearsome ability that is passed down through The Chikara family. That last time this happened was five years ago, Akane snapped and nearly killed some bullies as well as Akai and I. Right now, with no one around to help me, I very well might be screwed!

Akane rockets at me with speed atypical from what I would normally see from her, kicking at me sharply. I try to evade but she just grazes me, and that's enough to send flying. 


I crash into the ground heavily, getting the wind knocked out of me. Before I could even think of recovering, Akane is already on top of me, her hand around my throat and her fist raised. I've got to calm her down! I've got to or else I'm dead!

"Akane, it's me! Daisuke!"

I quickly put my hand on her cheek. Akane's punch stops half-way as she blinks twice, her eyes returning to their natural colour. 



I exhale as I lay back onto the earth. That was close!

"How are you feeling, Akane? Are you alright?"

I reach out for her, but she quickly flees, turning away from me again. 


This time, however, she didn't turn away because of being upset, it's because she's sobbing.

"Akane, don't cry. It's alright, I'm fine. A little roughed up, but completely unharmed."

"It's not.", she says through tears, "I almost killed you again.... It's just like last time..."


"Maybe I'm wrong.... maybe it's good that you stay away from me...hic... Especially since I can't control this power... I should stay away from everyone... hic..."

I turn her to face me, and firmly rest my hands on her shoulders. 

"I won't let you talk like that, Akane.", I say sternly, "I'm quite sure that your family be upset to hear you say that as well. And don't go about giving yourself all of the blame when I'm just as culpable in this mess."

"But I..."

She's still not resolute yet. Alright, seeing as how this all began because I wasn't giving her enough time, I believe that this'll fix things.

"To show that I mean what I say, I'm going to take you out on a date after-school tomorrow. At four o'clock."

I can't believe that I said that, but it's all I can think of. 

"A date? Really...?", Akane blinks.

I nod. Suddenly, I'm feeling a bit sheepish. Akane wipes away her tears and nods back at me. 

"Okay. Sounds good....", she says quietly. 

It worked. Thank goodness. Heck, it actually worked better than I thought it would. 

"Okay, then. It's settled. You and I can spend some time together, just the two of us.", I say, "Now, let me know take you home."

I grab hold of Akane's hand and walk along with her. Right now, I've got to do everything in my power to make her feel like I want to be around her. It's seems like it's already working, seeing as how she tightly squeezes my hand.

Hopefully, tomorrow will go well. Hopefully. 

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