My Enigmatic Life

Volume Two, Chapter Six Point Five: An Official Two-Timer, Part Two

  I stare back at Yoko and Akane, who are both looking at me expectantly. I'm not really thinking all that hard about my answer, because the correct option is plainly obvious. However, I find it a bit difficult to say because of how much of a degenerate it makes me feel like. 

"Alright, I'm happy with the prospect of dating the both of you.", I say finally. 

Like bats out of hell, the two of them leap onto me, embracing my body tightly, and simultaneously raising its temperature a few degrees.

"YES! I'm so glad! I love you, Daisuke-nii!"

"I've waited so long! It's like a dream come true!"

God, their bodies are so soft and warm. And don't get me started on their breasts rubbing up against me. There can't be anything better than this! Relax, relax. Now is not the time to be overwhelmed by my carnal desires.

"I'm glad that the two of you are so happy. But, I can't help but find it surprising that I'm the object of your affections."

Akane and Yoko free me from their embrace, only to look at me quizzically. 

"What are you on about, Aniki?"

"You know what he's on about..." , Akane sighs.

"I mean can you blame me?", I continue, "Have you seen my face?"

"Aniki, you're not even close being ugly. I can say with no bias that you're quite handsome.", Yoko admonishes.

"Yeah, sure. But my neutral expression is off-putting, innit? People think of me as intimidating because of my dead-eyed stare and my stoic, blank, expressionless look. Then there's my demeanour-what? What's the matter?"

The both of them give me annoyed glares, before sighing loudly. 

"Maybe you're right, Yoko-chan. He does need this..."

"I told you. Aniki's self-confidence levels are mind-bogglingly low."

Akane folds her arms and scowls off into space. 

"Is there someone responsible for that...? If so, I'll be sure to make them pay.. "

She's muttering darkly to herself. Luckily, the one responsible is myself. So I won't have to fret about some poor sod getting beaten to death. 

"Alright, stop that noise. Now that we've settled all this, I need to take you home, Akane."

I attempt to get to my feet, but Akane grabs onto the hem of my shirt. Turning my head to gaze at her, I can see that her face is thoroughly flushed. 

"I-I was wondering if I could stay here with you.", she stutters. 

"No.", I reply abruptly. 

"So quick! Did you even think it over?"


Akane releases me, and now she's crossing her arms and legs so tightly that they resemble coils, while frowning deeply. 

"It's not fair. I want to spend time with you."

Damn it, now she's being stubborn. 

"I don't see why she can't stay, Aniki. I'm sure that everyone will be happy to let her stay here."

Yoko comes to Akane's defense, and suddenly I feel as though I'm being backed into a corner. 

"Listen, I want her to stay, but could you imagine what Naoya and the others will say when they find out?"

"The horror.", Yoko says sardonically.

I wonder who she learned that from.. 

"I'm being serious. The teasing that I'll go through will be insufferable."

"Come on, Aniki. Is getting teased about having two girlfriends really that much of an issue to you? Really?"

"And besides what are you going to wear, Akane?"

I ignore Yoko's remark, and continue to try and find something that will get them to concede. Anything. 

"I'm wearing shorts under my skirt, so I'm covered there!", Akane answers, tugging at her long school skirt.

Our school's uniform is very conservative, with the girl's skirts going all the way down to their ankles. 

"Well, what about a shirt? I already gave you one of mine, and you better not be expecting another."

"It's fine, she can just borrow one from me. But what's this about having one of Aniki's shirts, Akane?"

Akane smirks devilishly at Yoko's query. Sensing what was about to happen, I quickly change the subject. 

"What about your parents, Akane? Don't you think that they ought to know about this? And if they'll even allow it?"

"I'll ring them and ask!"

Akane hurriedly leaves the room, with her phone in hand. Yoko turns to me, pouting angrily.

"You've never gave me any of your clothes before..."

I ignore her again, I now can only hope that she gets denied by Mr.Chikara. There's no way he'll let his daughter stay alone with a boy, even if said boy is a family friend.

Akane comes barging in, obviously exhilarated. 

"They said yes!"

I facepalm. What happened to being strict, huh? 

"That's great to hear! I'm sure that you'll be welcome by our family!"

"Thanks for having me!"

And now these two are suddenly chummy with each other. I told them to get along but this is way too quick of a turnaround. 

   After an embarrassing dinner in which Naoya and Aoi mocked me the entire time, Yoko, Akane and I are now relaxing in the guest room. Whlist Akane and Yoko are playing jenga, I'm busy at the computer, waiting for a video call. Finally, the notification comes up, and I hit accept.

"Govvy! It's been a month already, eh?"

"Yeah, it has.", I nod.

"Yo, bruv! What's up?"

"You're not getting into any trouble there, right?"

This video call that I've been waiting for is from my family. Dad, Mum, Delilah and Danny. We always do this at the end of the month. 

"Everything is going just fine over here, how about you lot?"

I'm not going to tell them about the trouble I'm in, of course. 

"Things are just cracking up here! You missed Mr. Hubbard's birthday the other day!"

My mum comes into frame. You obviously don't know this, but she's Indian, just born in England. You wouldn't be tell me and my siblings' mixed heritage because of her light brown complexion.

"Oh, man, seriously? Isn't he almost a hundred now?"

"That's right! You'll have to send your birthday blessings, you know?"

"Yeah, Govvy. He asked after you, as a matter of fact.", Danny adds.

Really? I'm surprised that someone actually cares enough to ask about me. Colour me shocked. Makes me wonder if Sunni still thinks about me...

"Something wrong, son?"

Dad asks me who's lost in thought.

"No, I'm fine. Be sure to send my regards to him. How's everyone else doing?"

"Let's see...", Delilah muses, "Everyone is doing well enough... Oh! Eric and Bethany are officially a couple now!"

"It's about time.", I snort, "I was worried that he'd never step up to the plate."

"Speaking of dating, have you got a girlfriend yet?"

"Come now. Don't pressure him, Yammy."

"I'm just curious."

Upon hearing the word, 'girlfriend', Yoko springs up and quickly makes her way over to my computer.

"Uncle and Auntie! and Delilah and Danny too! How are you?"

"Ah, Yoko, dear! It's been so long!", Mum beams.

"How you've grown! It's been a while, eh?", Dad smiles.

"Yes it has. It's so nice to see you all again."

It's been seven years since they left the UK. So of course it would warm their hearts to see their niece after such a long time. 

"You look great, girl.", Delilah says, winking at her, "You must have to beat the boys away, eh?"

"Sometimes, ehehe. You're looking fantastic yourself. I love what you've done with your hair."

I'll let them chat up a bit. After all, there's a lot of lost time to make up.

"While this is nice and all, I do believe that we're disregarding something."

"What do you mean, Danny?"

My younger brother looks me in the face, donning a smirk.

"Yoko came on camera after mum asked about Govvy's girlfriend situation. Are you two trying to tell us something?"

"What are you-", I began.

"Of course! You two were always more than close!"

Delilah begins nodding feverishly in agreement with what Danny is trying to imply.


"Ahhh, that takes me back, it does.", Dad says reminiscently, "You would always be the one she would ask for first."

"Right, but-"

"How romantic..", Mum says dreamily.

Damn. I can't get a word in edgewise. 

"Oh, hello. You're Daisuke-nii's family, right? It's nice to meet you."

To make things worse, Akane joins the fray.

"Another girl???", Mum gasps, "Damian, do see this?"

"Yes, I do. Govvy's going to have his hands full real soon."

Right, time to go.

"Good night, everyone. It's very late over here!"

Before I could hastily exit the call-

"Oh, Govvy! There'll be a surprise coming for you come Monday! Keep an eye out for it!"

"Right. Good night!"

With that, I end the video call.

"I didn't get to say anything.", Akane grumbles.

Yeah, that's a relief. 

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