My Empire

Chapter 1682: Fight back and struggle

No one can imagine how magnificent the world in front of oneself is after it is shattered like an afterimage in a crystal.

So, when people see the world in front of them shattering like crystals, and everything in it is beginning to destroy, they can only use the most crude language to describe their feelings.

No one cares about that uncultured swear word, everyone will only express the same emotion in their hearts.

Because it is right in front of everyone, just now invincible, the fleet of guards with so many scalp numbness, it’s so heroic… it’s over!

Even too late to evade, too late to turn, too late to make any response, just like this, it ended all of her in a brutal and spectacular way.

is indeed everything…because even if there is a fish that slips through the net, even if the flanking fleet is still attacking the Royal Guards 1st Fleet recklessly, everyone knows that this battle is over.

Just a few seconds ago, in a weird way, it ended completely! The victory has been divided, there will be no more suspense!

Unless the Watchers conjure just as many fleets in the next second, if they have this ability, why didn’t they use it long ago?

In order to avoid the Higgs 3 planet, Taiyi’s trajectory was a little off the central axis, which caused this attack to not just cover the Chinese army of the Guardian troops.

So, Lu Wuyue, who was fighting on this side, could see that all the Guardian fleets in front of him were covered and annihilated. On the other side of the battlefield, the 1st Fleet of Royal Guards led by Butoria was still fighting hard with the enemy.

They still don’t know what’s going on around them, and the same is true of the 2nd Fleet of the Royal Guards.

From this perspective, it seems that the huge battle between the Ailan Hill Empire and the Guardians has not yet completely ended.

After all, on the front battlefield, near Higgs 3, at least one-third of the guards still existed, and they still maintained a fierce offensive posture.

Furthermore, in the Higgs 4 and Higgs 11 areas, the Guardian’s troops are also on the offensive. Although the situation is still stale because there is no absolute advantage in the number, there is indeed a considerable number of Guardian fleets.

In addition, in the Dothan Region, in the Atlanta Region, there is still a fleet of Wardens on the offensive. Although the number is not large, it is only relatively small compared to the huge fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire.

If the fleet of these watchers is assembled, it seems that there is still the ability to continue fighting. Even if he can’t push Higgs 3, but retreat to Higgs 5, he can barely do it.

But, in fact, this is not the case.

The Guardian fleet, which is attacking the 1st Fleet of the Royal Guards, has already lost its absolute advantage in number. They could not withdraw and retreat. As long as Lawnes was not stupid, he would order the fleet to pursue and fight.

Although the main force of the 1st Fleet of the Alanhill Empire, which has given up the front line of defense, is exhausted, they can still do it by letting them chase down the collapsed enemy fleet.

So, the Guardian flanking fleet deployed on the front can hardly escape the fate of being wiped out at this time.

Similarly, the Guardian fleets that set off to contain Dothan and Atlanta will also face the risk of being wiped out due to insufficient numbers.

Even if they can escape, they will be stuck. It can be said that if the two fleets that were originally responsible for the containment can withdraw half of them, it is considered a victory.

This is equivalent to saying that if the Guardians enter the fleet within the Alanhill Empire, they will probably lose more than two-thirds!

The most frightening thing is that these losses have already occurred, or will happen in the next few hours.

If the Allanhill Empire takes the opportunity to continue to expand its results, counterattack Higgs 5, and attack the Warden’s fleet, then the slower Warden Fleet can only be forced to fight, and none of them want to escape!

In the next few days, the Guardian’s fleet will be wiped out by more than 80%, and the remaining fleet will not be able to gain a foothold at all.

Therefore, the conclusion that the guards have been defeated, as mentioned earlier, is not a problem. After being destroyed by Taiyi’s blow to two-thirds of the troops on the front battlefield, the guards lost the war!

It’s just that these results can’t be realized now, but we have to wait and show them bit by bit.

But even so, on the battlefield at this moment, someone still seized the opportunity before him.

At the first moment of reaction, Lawnes gave an offensive order: “Electrical order! Electric order for all troops! Bitten the enemy fleet!”

Hearing this command, the messenger immediately came back to his senses, grabbed the phone in front of him, and shouted desperately: “All warships, all warships! Bite the enemy! Don’t let go of any enemy warships. !”

Lawens knew that his opportunity had come, the opportunity of the Ailan Hill Empire had come, and the dawn of victory was in sight.

The situation at this moment is that the right wing of the entire 1st Fleet is Planet Higgs 3, and the other side of Planet Higgs 3 is the space shredded by Taiyi.

There is now a big river, blocking any possible crossing behavior. This is equivalent to saying that the right wing of the 1st Fleet is now almost completely safe.

On the left flank of the 1st Fleet, the 1st Fleet of Royal Guards is entangled with the enemy. And these enemy warships in front of them have become a lone army that cannot be withdrawn!

What’s more, behind the 1st Fleet and the 1st Fleet of the Royal Guards, there is also the fresh force of the 2nd Fleet of the Royal Guards that has arrived!

Bite the fleet in front of you and eat the enemy fleet in front of you. The balance of victory in the war will never be reversed!

“Yes! Let the Guards 1st Fleet immediately give up its defense! Assault forward!” The Chief of Staff, who realized everything, shouted excitedly.

Does this still need to be considered? Their forces have an advantage, their combat power advantage is even greater, the enemy has been completely divided and defeated, the opportunity is already in sight!

“Offensive!” Butoria, the commander of the 1st Fleet of the Royal Guard, who received the order, finally realized what had just happened.

“Counterattack!” After receiving the order, almost at the same time, the captain excitedly called out this order in all the battleship bridges.

They were desperate just now, and they were ready to sacrifice for the country, but now, victory suddenly appeared before their eyes!

“Fight back!” everyone shouted hysterically.

“For Your Majesty! Start the counterattack! The main thruster is activated! Bitten the opponent! Don’t care about the fuel! Don’t care about anything!” A captain stared at the Warden Warship in front of him, shouting hoarsely.

“Boom!” The huge star destroyer on the bow let out a roar, and a stout dazzling light rushed into the distance.

The light enveloped the warship of the watcher not far in front, then easily penetrated the opponent’s hull, and then detonated the opponent.

The Warship of the Warden’s Arbiter, it took a lot of hardships to get to this place close to the defense line of the Ailan Hill Empire. But now, it exploded into a ball of flame because it was too close to react.

In order to reach this distance, the guards paid a heavy price along the way. They have lost too many warships, but now, they have lost the motivation to move forward.

Just now, they were surprised to find that the main force of the fleet beside them, the fleet composed of almost hundreds of millions of warships, had lost contact.

The commander in charge of the flanking watcher fleet has already begun to panic. He tried to contact Sorens, but found that he couldn’t reach anyone at all.

He didn’t know what he should do at this time, because he could no longer judge the situation on the entire battlefield at this moment.

Not only him, but also the two Guardian fleets on his flanks that have just begun to outflank the flank of the Elanhill Empire fleet.

The two fleets were also at a loss. They saw that they had seized their advantageous position, but they saw the battleships of the 1st Fleet of the Royal Guards of the Alanhill Empire, going crazy and starting to rush forward. .

Such behavior is equivalent to saying that his flank was illuminated to the enemy, so the commanders of the Watcher were a little confused about the situation for a while.

Those damned Ailanhills, shouldn’t it be right to retreat at this moment, or divide their troops to resist?

Why did he suddenly give up his wing regardless of his concern? Could it be that there is a conspiracy? Or is it breaking the jar?

After a short period of hesitation, these Guardian commanders chose a safer choice. They planned to ask Sorens and let the guardian’s highest decision maker make a judgment.

But then they became even more at a loss because they discovered that their communication was completely cut off!

The main fleet did not return any news. Except for the several fleets that were fighting with the enemy beside them, the other fleets of the Watcher were out of contact!

“What the **** is going on?” The inexplicable guardian commander looked at his men and asked in a sharp, ear-piercing voice.

Without instructions from his superiors, the enemy forces uncharacteristically began a large-scale counterattack, which made him feel very uneasy.

“We don’t know what’s going on either! In short, we didn’t see any subsequent reinforcements from our own warships, nor did we reply with the exact news of the main fleet.” A watcher stepped forward and replied.

His answer represents the situation faced by all the guards on the battlefield. They don’t know anything and can only passively wait in place.

“There is news from the commander on the flank! The enemy is fighting back across the board! He needs us to cut into the enemy’s front on the flank to relieve his pressure.” Another guardian commander brought news of the nearby battle.

The Guardian Fleet, which was putting pressure on the 1st Guards Fleet, was counterattacked. This made the Guardian Fleet commanders who had moved into the side of the 1st Guards Fleet feel underestimated.

So, a guard stood up and shouted: “We must start the attack! No need to wait for orders! As long as we attack, the battle will fall to our side!”

“Yes! At this time, the enemy’s flanks are exposed in front of us. If we don’t get in, it is an act of cowardice that humiliates the guardian’s honor, right?” Another guardian commander also said aloud.

“Then… let the fleet advance to the enemy’s flank! The formation is good for us, and the victory belongs to the guards!” The commander clenched his fists and ordered with determination.

Following his orders, thousands of Warship Warships began to rush toward the battlefield, rushing to the foremost warship. At this time, they had already begun to use black energy rays to fire on the 1st Fleet of the Royal Guards.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. When the warships of these watchers killed the 1st Royal Guards Fleet, the 2nd Royal Guards Fleet was behind the 1st Royal Guards Fleet and opened up a huge formation.

“Gentlemen! Your Majesty has wiped out the enemy’s main fleet! Victory belongs to Ailan Hill! Go ahead! Long live my emperor!” Standing in the command position, Merion shouted loudly.

He shook his fist, inspiring every one of his men, and the soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire also issued a tsunami-like shout: “Long live my emperor!”

One after another warships began to rush forward, the huge hull flying in the universe like mountains, with an unstoppable momentum.

“Fire!” Inside the bridge that had been silent for a long time, a captain sat in his seat and gave a cold command. In the next second, the light of the Star Destroyer illuminates the bow of the warship, and a huge beam of light gallops away in a flash.

After the warships of the 2nd Fleet of the Royal Guards of the Aranhill Empire came out and escaped from the cover of the flanking warships of the 1st Fleet of the Royal Guards, the guards’ commanders realized that they had rammed into the arms of others. !

The number of enemy troops is not less than your own! But the fighting power is higher than our own! I’m going to suffer! In an instant, many thoughts appeared in the mind of the guard commander.

“Damn! Send a message to the main fleet! Tell Master Sorens! The enemy still has a large number of reserves on the flank! Ask him if he wants to change the plan!” Knowing that his fleet can no longer be completely withdrawn from the battle, this man The Commander of the Watchers once again urged his liaison personnel to inquire about Sorens’ decision.

Of course he still doesn’t know, no matter how he urges, it’s impossible to receive any feedback in a stormy area where the space is shattered and collapsed.

“There is news from the flanking fleet! The number of enemy counterattacks is very large, and they can no longer maintain the front!” Soon, a guard returned and reported: “Moreover, they said, they could not contact the main force. The fleet… I don’t know what happened.”

“What the **** is going on!” The guards headed by them complained irritably, walking around in place, seeming to have lost their judgment.

Just as he was walking back and forth, another watcher walked over quickly and reported in a low voice: “My lord… There is news on the flanks that the space where the main fleet is located has collapsed… It has not yet recovered…”

“What? What is the space collapsed? A piece of space collapsed? What’s weird?” For a while, the guardian commander hadn’t reacted, and asked subconsciously.

So, the watchman who came to send the news could only bite the bullet and explained: “There is news from a battleship, saying…that the entire space of the universe has collapsed, and there is no end in sight.”

“A…a universe? The space of a universe has collapsed? How can space collapse on a large scale? That is space! That is…that is the law!” The guardian commander finally understood what the other party said, but was even more irritable. stand up.

Although he knew that some strong men, even Sorens, had the ability to tear space apart. This is nothing strange, no fuss at all.

Furthermore, that kind of local and separate spatial rifts will soon be repaired by the laws of nature and will not cause any problems.

But he has never heard of the collapse of an entire universe, not to mention the collapse of the universe covered by millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of Warship Warships!

Do you know how big the universe is? Do you know how many warships there are there? What a joke.

When he grabbed the opponent’s neck with his hand and yelled in anger, he finally realized what had happened.

The guards will not lie about the military situation. Since there are warships who say that they have seen the space collapse, that must be the case.

What’s more, in a few minutes, the image information will be delivered, and everyone will know exactly what is going on.

At this time, another Guardian commander ran in in a panic, stumbled and fell to the ground as soon as he reached the head of the commander, raising his head and shouting: “Nothing! Disappeared!”

“What’s wrong?” The commander headed impatiently questioned before he could completely free himself from the shock of the collapse of the space.

His fleet has been bitten with the flanking fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire at this time. It is impossible to retreat. All he can do now is to wait for the choice of reinforcements.

The Warship of the Watcher is at a disadvantage in terms of speed, so it is impossible to retreat. It is impossible to retreat in this life…

“Big, sir… Hey, Higgs 5, Higgs 5… was swallowed by space and disappeared!” The guardian commander who came to send the news was uncomfortable.

There is no way. When he confirmed the news, he himself couldn’t believe that the news was true.

You must know that Higgs 5, a planet that has been “swept” by them, is still some distance from the war zone! Between it and the war zone, there is almost an entire main fleet!

But at this moment, it was swallowed by space and completely eliminated! Nothing was left, and he was buried in the storm formed by the collapse of the violent space.

“Quick! Go and confirm! Damn! Go and confirm, see if we and the main force fleet are separated by a space rift, or… the main force fleet has been swallowed by the collapse of space!” Finally, this man Commander of the Watcher, desperately ordered.

“Big, sir… If, if we can’t wait for reinforcements, then we…” When the guardian commander went away with the order, another commander came up to remind him.

“I know! But what can we do? Retreat now? I’m afraid I will be bitten by the opponent and eat them all!” The commander of the guards headed by the guard stared at the opponent fiercely, and yelled angrily: “What else can I do? Now? The only hope is that the opponent is just isolated from the battlefield! Then we will be saved…”

“Otherwise…” At this point, he paused, and his expression became more distorted: “Otherwise, we will be finished! Completely finished! Bastard!”

While he was speaking, the battleships of the 1st Fleet of the Royal Guards of the Aranhill Empire had already reversed into the front of the Guardian’s offensive fleet.

These giant warships that counterattack are fully fired, using the large-caliber magic laser cannons on the ship to blast the enemy warships fiercely.

One shot and one shot, fists to the flesh, at a very close distance, the firepower of the battleships of the Ailan Hill Empire was fully displayed.

The black energy ray fired by the opponent’s battleship hit the thick magical defense barrier, and quickly consumed the energy stored on the Ailan Hill Empire battleship.

It’s a pity that with the passage of time every minute and every second, the defense and firepower superiority of the Ailan Hill Empire battleship has been manifested.

In fierce battles, often a heavy battleship of the Ailan Hill Empire can defeat three or even five warships of the Watchers.

With such an amazing exchange, the fleet of Wardens warships began to fail. They have no backup. Behind the lovely Lanhill Empire Royal Guard 1st Fleet, there is also the main force of the 1st Empire Fleet that has just been reorganized!

Seeing, the Watcher’s fleet began to collapse, began to rout, began to appear chaotic, and began to show more damage.

Like when the defense line of the Alanhill Empire was penetrated before, the battleships of the Alanhill Empire also paid ten times the price in the chaos and collapse.

And now, the guards have experienced the same thing, their warships are also collapsing, and the losses have increased tenfold or even twentyfold.

is anxiously waiting for news from the main fleet, or desperately looking forward to good news, the watchman’s right-wing fleet commander, waiting for another bad news.

A watcher hurriedly walked over and reported in a low voice: “Oh, my lord… the flanking fleet can’t stand it! They have suffered heavy losses, and they are about to be penetrated by the enemy’s counterattack fleet!”

“The situation on our side is also not very good… The loss is too great, and without reinforcements, we will not be able to sustain it for too long.” Hearing the report from the watcher, another commander looked at the leader and said in a whining voice. .

“But when will the reinforcements arrive? We don’t have much time!” There was a riot in the darkness, and many voices rang.

These helpless Guardian commanders, at this moment, have completely lost their previous arrogance, and even their voices are full of despair: “Just now, it was the enemy’s headache. Now it’s our turn… Damn, what should I do? ?”

“Keep the formation! Gentlemen! We are the warriors of the gods! Even if we die, we must keep our due ease! The whole army continues to attack!” The commander of the guards headed by him had to lengthen his voice and remind everyone.

He has broken free from the shock just now, and has confirmed the news that the main fleet has a problem. In despair, he became calmer instead.

Now, if Sorens can’t immediately jump out to clean up the mess, then waiting for the guards will be a catastrophe!

Not only the remaining fleet here, including the fleet fighting in the Higgs 4 area, the troops fighting in the Higgs 11 area, and the fleet entering the Dothan area, entering the Arrant area… it’s all over.

Somewhat lonely, the commander of the watcher spoke again and calmly said: “Send a message to the main fleet and tell Master Solrance that if reinforcements cannot come immediately, our flanks will collapse across the board…”

Hearing this command, the subordinates were slightly startled, then looked at his boss, and asked in a puzzled manner: “But, my lord… Sorens might not be able to receive…”

“Send! No matter whether he can receive it or not, we must complete what we should do! Go!” The commander glanced at the other party, and then gave a rare explanation.

In the past, no one dared to question his order, and no one would question it…but now, obviously, everything is messed up and messed up…

“Yes! Your lord!” The subordinate also realized his gaffe, and immediately lowered his head and retreated with orders.

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