My Empire

Chapter 1677: Give up the line of defense

In the end, as a general, the marshal of the empire, the commander-in-chief of the space army… he can only rely on the emperor, which made Lawnes feel very ashamed. He was ashamed of his incompetence, ashamed of his stupidity, ashamed of not being able to perform the duties of a general.

However, even if he is very ashamed at this moment, he still has to rely on Chris, because this is the only opportunity for the Ailan Hill Empire now.

Full power, the artificial planet Taiyi is already close to the battlefield, and all the preparations for debugging have come to an end.

Everyone knows that the entire Taiyi is about to join the battlefield and begin its first actual attack.

Although it has not completed the actual experimental test, in theory, it can solve all the troubles and change the battlefield situation in one blow.

It looks like the Death Star in Star Wars, but it’s actually very close in size. But compared to its power, ten Death Stars may not be worth one Taiyi!

Just when the Guardian army was ordered to press on all the lines, ready to make a final decision and destroy the defense line of the Alanhill Empire fleet, Chris also sat on that destined special chair.

His hands were pressed on the gleaming spherical magic spar, and pressed on the sophisticated magic array that guides energy output.

For an instant, radiance shined brightly, illuminating the entire bridge.

“The air-tight connection test is complete! Everything is normal!” A staff member repeated the work he had repeated dozens of times before. After seeing a circle of connection points all turned green, he shouted nervously. Report.

It’s only different this time, because His Majesty the Emperor is about to personally participate in the experiment, so he can feel the sweat oozing from the palm of his hand because of tension.

Compared with the cost of previous experimental failures, your majesty’s safety is even more trembling. Compared to your Majesty’s safety, the billions of gold coins lost in the failed experiment are simply not worth mentioning!

To be honest, most of the people working here are already numb to money, but this time, they are nervous again! Because they pressed the button in front of them this time, they were letting His Majesty the Emperor take a personal risk!

Right next to the staff member who reported the situation, the staff member who was responsible for checking all the connection and locking structures was equally nervous, and reported the situation on his monitor with a trembling voice: “The fixed interface connection is normal. ”

“The charging device has reached a critical point…” In the distance, on another console, an engineer looked at the fully loaded energy bar, swallowed a spit, and shouted loudly.

“Your Majesty, in this case, if the experiment fails… the entire battlefield is over…” At this time, Luther finally couldn’t help but remind Chris.

“I know.” Chris replied without squinting, feeling that he was connecting with Taiyi.

“But, Your Majesty!” Luther wanted to continue to persuade him.

“I know what you said! I also understand. In fact, the best way right now is to abandon the fleet of Lawnes and Bakaroff.” The enemies die together, and even if they fail, they won’t cause a complete collapse, right?”

Luther lowered his head in embarrassment. He did have the idea to abandon part of the fleet and not notify them to retreat…

This is like an indiscriminate attack in ancient wars, throwing a rain of arrows at soldiers entangled with oneself and the enemy. It is an extremely insidious tactic.

After all, there has been a premeditated plan, so the troops invested by oneself are less, and after a round of indiscriminate attacks, the enemy’s losses will definitely be greater.

In front of him, as long as Taiyi activates and launches a successful attack, it must be the caretaker who loses the most.

Even, the loss of the caretaker will be so great that it is incalculable. Just speculation in the computer model is enough to make the gods very painful.

“It doesn’t make sense anymore… Rather than let the soldiers go to die, it’s better to fight on our side…” Chris smiled and said to Luther.

“If, if I really let those soldiers stand in front and die with the enemy… No matter if I succeed or fail, I lose! Isn’t it?” After he finished speaking, he seemed to be talking to himself: “I build love The Lanhill Empire is not meant to send people who trust and love me to death!”

Carl could feel that liquid was flowing on his face. He gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: “Magic source energy output is connected! The core energy is all normal!”

After preparing everything, Chris calmly said: “So… the actual test begins! Let’s… wait and see!”

“Yes, Your Majesty! Three, two, one! The energy-supplying nuclear fusion reaction is started!” The two officers almost turned on the safety key at the same time relying on muscle memory to start the entire Taiyi equipment again.

“Electromagnetic restraint begins!” The staff on the other side skillfully turned on the power supply of the equipment, and pushed the handle in front of it to the top position.

In the invisible core of Taiyi, a huge electric current was activated and once again wrapped around a super huge ring device. The huge energy crashed crazily in the position of electromagnetic restraint, and the huge energy flashed dazzlingly. Light.

This time, this energy is bigger, brighter, more fierce and violent than before. This energy tumbling like a sea tide, tumbling on those huge machines engraved with magical inscriptions, like a strange snake with life.

Only for such a moment, Chris could clearly feel that in his body, the almost endless magical energy was being swallowed and extracted by something.

He realized that even though he had made psychological preparations before, knowing that Taiyi itself is definitely a big consumer of magical energy, he still underestimated this man-made, magical super weapon!

At the moment when Taiyi was activated, the subject and guest seemed to have transposed the original Chris who had input energy, and now became the one whose energy was extracted.

But Taiyi, who originally relied on Chris to inject energy to activate, became a terrifying existence that absorbed energy.

“Your Majesty!” As if seeing Chris’ difficulties, Luther didn’t dare to bother loudly, and lowered his voice to inquire worriedly.

“Go on!” Chris gritted his teeth and didn’t intend to give up.

At the same time, Lawnes, who squeezed the message in his hand into a ball, made up his mind for a while, and finally shouted an order that shocked everyone: “All warships in the designated area, to Avoid both sides! Get out of the line of defense!”-

To make up for a change today, continue tomorrow

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