My Empire

Chapter 1630: Embarrassing Empire Gem

Dozens of secretaries were crackling on the keyboard in front of the computer, and these female soldiers didn’t even have time to turn around, and deal with the intelligence data gathered from various war zones one by one with serious expressions.

Although there are supercomputers, there are still many things that need to be analyzed and sorted manually. This is also an important reason why human beings have been unable to soar mechanically.

In the busy Imperial General Staff, in the large conference room, Luo Kai was looking at a group of his men with a cold expression.

He sat in his seat and had been silent for a long time. At the beginning, these chiefs of staff were still plausible one by one, justifying the third battle of the Higgs 11 space.

But then everyone saw that Chief of Staff Luo Kai’s expression was unhappy, so he gradually closed his mouth.

In fact, they also know that this battle is actually quite different from the previous battles.

This is why the General Staff will hold a meeting so solemnly, and even Chief of Staff Luo Kai attended the meeting.

Finally, Luo Kai’s chief of staff spoke. He has a youth disproportionate to his status, but no one dared to despise the chief of staff, just like no one dared to despise the younger imperial prime minister Desaiel.

He knocked on the stack of reports in front of him, and said with a hatred of iron and steel, “Look at what you are fighting? Thousands of battleships were sunk by the enemy in a battle! Do you know what this means?”

This is the first time that the empire has lost so many warships in a battle. Therefore, the emperor’s military attaches great importance to this battle.

Luo Kai tapped the report in front of him, while continuing to say: “Although the current situation looks good, we often gain battle advantage on the local battlefield, but this kind of consumption will make us passive!”

He scanned the audience sharply and saw many people bowing their heads. However, he didn’t pause, but continued: “Although the empire has a vast territory and numerous resources, there is nothing that can be wasted at will!”

When he said this, his tone suddenly rose to a somewhat sharp level: “That’s a whole thousand battleships! A thousand!”

The Airanhill Empire may lose a thousand Invincible-class battleships every day, or even more.

But this loss was evenly shared across the entire Higgs theater. It is shared among all fleets and defense lines.

But this time, in a local area, thousands of warships were lost all at once, which is really worrying.

On the one hand, losses in other places still exist. Therefore, during the third battle of the Higgs 11 space, the number of warships lost by the Ailanhill Empire on the entire defense line may have exceeded. Two thousand or more.

On the other hand, such losses are concentrated on one node, which means that the enemy has the possibility of penetrating the entire line of defense, which makes Luo Kai, the chief of the general staff, feel afraid.

As the chief of staff, once the enemy has the possibility of penetrating the entire line of defense, he will have to reserve more emergency operations plans for this possibility.

In this way, let alone the workload, he has to prepare more strategic reserve teams, and to provide logistics support systems for these strategic reserve teams… This is a big project, a terrible project!

You know, in the past month or so, Luo Kai and Castner have been busy with logistical support.

That is, hundreds of millions of troops are assembled in a space. It is not easy to protect the people of these troops.

It has been a miracle that there has been no trouble in the supply of logistical materials until now! Most of the credit here must be credited to the Nuwa super artificial intelligence, and part of it will be placed on the commanders of the logistics support force!

The logistics units worked hard, worked hard, worked tirelessly, and finally built a logistics base in designated areas in accordance with Nüwa’s construction plan, ensuring that the combat consumption of the frontline troops can be effectively supplemented.

When Luo Kai spoke of the anger, his words became sharper: “The workers, technicians, engineers in the rear… worked overtime day and night to provide you with so many warships! In the end, a few hours! You only used a few. I lost them all when I was small.”

“Are you ashamed? Huh?” His questioning voice echoed in the conference room, no one answered, and everyone bowed their heads.

They are indeed ashamed. They did not expect that the enemy would put such a huge force in the vicinity of Higgs 11. The emergency operations plan they had previously formulated did not have the desired effect.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Luo Kai became more angry. He slapped it directly on the table and continued to question loudly: “What do you usually brag about as a military brain, an imperial gem! Now look at you. These bastards! Where’s the face? Shameless?”

In fact, the general staff claiming to be the brains of the military was led by Luo Kai himself. At that time, the Imperial Staff could be regarded as exhaustive. A series of combat plans against enemy countries were drawn up, and the success rate reached an astonishing 100%!

Even many senior staff officers have always felt that the front-line generals are just their marionettes. As long as they implement the combat plan they propose, it is impossible to lose the war!

At the most exaggerated time, the position of the Imperial Staff was even higher than that of Wagron’s military department. Although it was only higher on the surface, it was also a kind of success, wasn’t it?

The General Staff of that era was indeed arrogant and arrogant. However, they did take tricks and took advantage of many technological developments.

For example, in the era when the General Staff drafted a battle plan with an extremely high winning rate, that is, when the Elanhill Empire declared war on the Magic Empire, the Magic World War was started, and it lasted until the Empire conquered the Devildom.

The outstanding performance of the staff during this period was largely based on the fact that they first understood the performance of their own advanced weapons and the combat effectiveness of their own troops. The combat plan formulated on this basis naturally had an extremely high winning rate. .

So, whether the excellent troops and weapons and equipment have made the General Staff’s inexhaustible strategy, or the General Staff has made the army invincible, in fact, no one can say.

After all, judging from the modernized state system of the Alan Hill Empire at that time, the overall national strength of the surrounding countries, and the powerful army and weapons and equipment, winning is just normal operation, and losing it will be embarrassing.

As for that **** empire gem… the origin of such a name is no longer testable.

Anyway, I don’t know who slapped himself once, and then he was used by the staff. Luo Kai didn’t care about it before, but now he feels that he has been slapped in the face firmly!

So he continued to roar, “Are the clones a human being? Isn’t the puppet soldier a loss?”

“One by one, strategizing and winning thousands of miles? As a result, millions of puppet army, hundreds of thousands of clone soldiers, and tens of thousands of living lives were sacrificed!” The more he talked, the more he felt his responsibility. Significant but failed the trust of His Majesty the Emperor.

In a battle, tens of thousands of people died and hundreds of thousands of clone soldiers died on the battlefield. The loss of weapons and equipment was so large that he was shocking. As the chief of the Imperial General Staff, he was simply to blame.

Although, from the point of view of the results, this was not a failure, but from the point of view of losses, Luo Kai did feel embarrassed.

Mentioning these losses made him feel uncomfortable: “A battle! It’s just a battle! So much has been lost!”

A chief of staff bit his scalp and spoke three points to persuade and seven points to explain: “General, you also calm down…After all, after all, the enemy’s use of troops is beyond our judgment…”

Upon hearing this, Luo Kai became angry again: “What is beyond your judgment? What do you do? We are the Imperial Staff! We are the staff! We are just for judging the enemy’s decision-making! Bastard! !”

“The third battle of the Higgs 11 universe… may become an important turning point in this war…” He once again emphasized the particularity of this battle.

Pointing to the information and information in front of him, he emphasized word by word: “This is the first time the empire… the speed of losing warships in some areas is greater than the speed of replenishment.”

“So, this is a dangerous signal. If this loss rate continues, then our frontline forces will be reduced by the enemy.” He looked at the subordinates who were still bowing their heads, and ordered angrily. : “Look up for me! What do you look like!”

Seeing everyone raising their heads, he continued: “Once the rate of force loss exceeds the replenishment rate, then our army will be weakened and the enemy’s advantage will gradually expand. This is for Marshal Lawnes. Say, it’s not good news.”

“Actually, it’s not good news for any commander.” After thinking about it, he corrected his statement, and then looked at the chiefs of staff on both sides of the conference table: “All talk, talk Say your own opinion.”

The staff in charge of the ground forces spoke first. After all, this Interstellar Fleet battle has nothing to do with them, so the atmosphere on their side is relatively more harmonious.

Just listen to a chief of staff speaking: “General Midas is deploying troops on the Higgs 3, and the battle situation over there is relatively easy.”

As he said, he looked at Luo Kai: “Although the enemy’s main attack direction is still Higgs 3, but it is also our defensive key area, so relatively speaking, the force is stronger.”

“The real danger is the two theaters of Higgs 4 and Higgs 11, because there are variables in these two theaters.” Seeing someone started, the staff of the Space Fleet finally grew up. With a sigh of relief, he opened his mouth and put forward his own views.

“Your Majesty thinks so too. He is also worried about problems in the Higgs 4 and Higgs 11 areas.” Luo Kai nodded and expressed concern about the two theaters.

Chris also worried that the enemy’s reckless tactics of attacking from all directions would really do miracles vigorously. Therefore, he has been emphasizing that before the completion of Taiyi, the front-line troops should try their best to confine the enemy to the Higgs theater, without making any major mistakes.

Because these **** guards are like zombies, once they appear in the hinterland of the Ailan Hill Empire, they will immediately cause an irreparable terrifying impact!

At this moment, Luo Kai’s adjutant walked into the conference room with a message, stood at attention and saluted, and then reported to Luo Kaihui: “Things may be worse than we predicted… The news just came from the Guardsmen. As if unwilling to fail, he once again projected the fleet and began to aggressively attack the Higgs 11 area…”

“Huh?” Luo Kai frowned, and the other generals also whispered to each other.

Luo Kai took the message, looked at it carefully, then handed it to a staff officer on the other side, and said: “It seems that they don’t want to give up the ground forces on the surface of the Higgs 11 planet, so they want to re Retake the nearby universe and restore contact with the ground forces…”

The adjutant handed another message to Luo Kai: “General Van Kefal sent a message… The enemy is putting pressure on the front of the 17th Fleet line… The number of enemy warships exceeds 20,000!”

Luo Kai was shocked by this number. While receiving the message, he subconsciously asked with doubts: “What? In such a short period of time? Another 20,000 ships have been invested? Couldn’t these guards’ warships be defeated?”

In fact, he also knows that, judging from the current situation, the Guardian’s troops really can’t beat all…

After reading the message, a staff officer said with some concern: “The pressure on the 17th Fleet will definitely be very huge… Half of the number of warships lost before was in the 17th Fleet! This time they were in the front again. , Their losses may be even greater.”

Just as everyone was about to discuss and draft a plan to reinforce the 17th Fleet, another officer walked into the conference room.

He stood at attention and saluted, and handed another message to Luo Kai: “Report! Your Excellency Chief of Staff! A message from General Famarus! They have detected the Guardian fleet! The number of enemy warships is being confirmed!”

“The other side? The guard’s offensive range has increased again!” A staff officer subconsciously exclaimed.

Another staff officer whispered worriedly: “Maybe, the scale of this battle is bigger than the last time!”

“Shut up! You crow’s mouth, can you say something auspicious?” The colleague sitting next to him lowered his voice and exclaimed.

“General Morakot’s fleet is strengthening reinforcements to the Higgs area. We are still not completely sure whether the enemy’s attack focuses on the demon fleet or the orc fleet, so the dwarf fleet is a reserve and cannot be mobilized for the time being.” A chief of staff told Luo. Kay said.

“Copy the news to your Majesty! In addition… the emergency plan is activated! The line of defense in the space near the Higgs 11 planet must be absolutely safe!” Luo Kai stood up, signaled the end of the meeting, and commanded.

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