My Empire

Chapter 1626: Rags

The energy cannon on the Sweeper’s shoulder, the black energy group that was shot out, is also similar to a magical attack. This kind of attack is of medium power, but is similar to a bombing fuze, which is of a type that explodes when touched.

This grenade-like attack method has relatively little defensive pressure for the magician’s magical defense barrier. This is also one of the reasons why the Ailanhill Empire has renewed its emphasis on the development of the magical defense barrier.

The magic defensive barrier of the waiter of the gods is much better than that of the electromagnetic rifle in the face of this kind of attack, so these waiters of the gods quickly fought with the sweepers in front of them.

The waiter transformed into a magician with superb swordsmanship and countless actual combat experience can really be said to be invincible in close combat.

After all, not all opponents, like the Ailan Hill Empire, have a large number of electromagnetic weapons and countless ammunition. They like to play cover attacks…

When facing the Sweepers, the opponent obviously hoped to use their numerical advantage to drown out the Servant of God’s troops.

This happened to be in the arms of the waiter of God. What the **** waiter likes most is this endless melee combat. In this state, they can use the most efficient way to slaughter their opponents.

The sword of the **** waiter who rushed into the crowd was surrounded by sharp lightning. He waved the long sword in his hand and easily split the bodies of several sweepers in front of him.

It was as if a hot blade cut into the butter, the long sword was as sharp as a lightsaber, and the sweepers who surrounded it felt tremendous pressure in just an instant.

For the first time, they felt that they were not surrounded by a single person, but a monster, a monster that could crush them and swallow them.

“Fireball!” After chanting the spell silently in his mouth, a huge magic circle lit up behind the **** waiter. As if it were a heavy machine gun position, the magic circle began to spew fiery fireballs around him.

It was as if a machine gun was shooting, and these fireballs hit the ground like this, splashing patches of dust that obscured the line of sight.

With these raised dust, this **** waiter carried his long sword and rushed towards the enemy who had begun to be at a loss.

Along the way, he seemed to be cutting melons and vegetables.

His long sword is like a spirit snake, with a lifelike life. It slashed the energy cannons on the arms or shoulders of dozens of sweepers passing by in one breath, until a destroyer blocked his way, and his speed was reduced. Slow down.

Blocked by the huge enemy, the **** waiter did not flinch. He blasted out a huge fireball technique, directly engulfing the invincible destroyer.

In this place where the flames were burning, the **** waiter turned his head once again and looked at the enemies who had already filled the corpse path he had pierced through.

The corpses lying on the ground along the way were not cared about, and the sweepers who stepped on the bodies of their companions were looking at the enemy who had been surrounded by them with the most angry eyes.

“Kill him!” A sweeper waved his arm forward, a sharp voice like metal rubbing.

“Kill!” A low voice came from the **** waiter’s mouth, and then a new killing kicked off.

Avoiding a sharp finger pierced head-on, the waiter slashed the opponent’s entire arm with a backhand.

The blood sprinkled on his white robe, covering the golden eagle that represented the Ailan Hill Empire on it.

Behind the hooded smiley face mask for blocking energy, a pair of twinkling eyes stared at the ugly face of the enemy.

The face of the Sweeper is simply an ugly collection. His mouth is as sharp as the mouthparts of an octopus, and his eyes are as large and apathetic as the compound eyes of an insect.

The **** waiter felt that seeing his sword on such a weird and disgusting creature, it felt like cutting it on pork.

Accompanied by a light click, the bones were chopped off by the sharp blades, blood splashed everywhere, and at the same time, a body fell down.

Another target was chopped down, and another Sweeper lost its combat effectiveness. The **** waiter continued to move forward, and the magic circle behind him had begun to gradually disperse at this time.

He couldn’t maintain a high-consumption magic all the time, so when the magic dissipated, another new magic began to be generated.

He is a high-level magician himself, and he is naturally impeccable in magical attainments. Even if he becomes a waiter of the gods, he is still able to skillfully use what he has learned throughout his life.

In the crowd of Sweepers, another magic circle lights up, and then countless wind blades spread in all directions.

These wind blades were as sharp as knives, and directly shredded all the sweepers nearby. They were cut into pieces of minced meat, just as they were sent into a meat grinder.

For unprotected targets, intensive low-power kills are more effective, which is the same principle as using grenade attacks to expose targets.

And on this battlefield, the enemies swarmed and turned themselves into a moving fragmentation weapon. It was really effective.

After a sharp scream, at least dozens of sweepers were shredded by the wind blade nearby, and many were injured. The sweepers who besieged the **** waiter were suddenly sparse.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the **** waiter in front of him once again chopped down an isolated and helpless target, and then rushed forward with his feet, directly rushing into another group of sweepers.

To be honest, if the two armies confront each other and fight a horse and a horse, the waiter of the gods may not have such a chance for a melee. The firepower of the sweeper is quite strong, and it is estimated that it is difficult to let the **** waiter do whatever he wants.

The best situation is this kind of fighting state in which the two sides are fighting together. The Sweeper troops throw rats and are afraid of spreading to the friendly forces. They can only reduce their firepower and rely on the number of advantages to fight fiercely with the waiter of the gods.

Such a scene is the favorite scene of the waiter of the gods, and the natural combat power is also more thorough, and the suppressing power is stronger.

In the blink of an eye, Chris, the new **** waiter of the origin of magic, formed a local advantage on the battlefield.

There is not only one **** waiter slaughtering, there are hundreds of **** waiters rushing among the sweepers with their swords.

There were explosions everywhere, magic everywhere, sweepers turning their backs on their horses everywhere, and ugly, sharp screams everywhere.

From the moment this battle broke out, it was beyond the imagination of the Sweeper Commander. These Sorens’ subordinates, at first they thought, this was just an act of breaking the arm of the strongman of the Ailan Hill Empire.

Like the civilizations they had conquered before, when the situation was very passive, the opponent had to put in elite combat power to delay the collapse of the line of defense, or to cover the retreat of friendly forces that had lost their combat effectiveness.

In doing so, on the one hand, these civilizations have a basic moral bottom line compared to the guardians. On the other hand, it is also because the opponent does not want to leave the energy that can be swallowed to the Guardian troops that can replicate indefinitely.

In short, this kind of behavior of strong men breaking their wrists was very common before, so the commanders of these watchers did not pay too much attention to it.

When these **** waiters began to kill frantically, these frontline guards and commanders realized that the counterattack force used by the other side seemed to be much stronger than they expected.

So they could only quickly mobilize the guards around them to encircle and suppress this lone army that seemed to be terrifying in combat.

“They used high-end combat power, so we haven’t achieved results for a while! I think that encircling and annihilating this force is the biggest blow to the Ailanhill Empire!” A sweeper commander stood in the distance, watching He kept charging forward, but was unable to kill the white enemies in the crowd, and said depressively.

“Use more troops! Let them know that our guards are not vegetarian either!” Another guardian commander coldly opened his mouth and ordered.

Hearing his order, more sweepers began to flock to the white guards, and an even more tragic fight was about to begin.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” Among the sweepers’ army, a series of explosions sounded, and huge fireballs that were summoned by magic hit the ground and burned the embarrassed sweeper soldiers.

As the battle progressed, the **** waiter, who was rapidly consuming his magical energy, also began to become powerless.

Just like when they faced the siege of the Ailan Hill Empire, they are now facing too many ants.

They could not quickly eliminate the countless enemies in front of them, and their own magic was also constantly attacking, and the supply began to exceed demand.

“No one can hold on to the constant attack from the other side… From the moment you enter our encirclement, you are doomed to face death!” The Sweeper Commander on the hillside said triumphantly. .

He has seen too many powerful men, their strength is astonishing, but they are all buried in the crowd of Sweeper soldiers in the end.

“No one can go against the will of God! No one!” Another Sweeper Commander said swornly.

At the same time he said this, in a huge manufacturing plant in the Ailan Hill Empire, rows of Zagu were waiting for the final assembly and debugging work.

Holding a wrench, a worker stared up at the red giant-like body in front of him, his eyes full of shock.

Regardless of the blood flowing out of his nose, he raised his arm, as if he wanted to touch the war machines of the Ailan Hill Empire.

Not far from him, a person in charge frowned and scolded his subordinates who had been standing there for a while: “When did I say you are going to be lazy? Just stand there? Do you want to be Deduct bonus?”

He put down the tablet used for recording documents in his hand, and walked to the dazed man with his back on his back. Only then did he see his head up, and the wanton nosebleeds on his face.

“I… Are you okay… Do you want to go to the medical room? I said…” Seeing the other person’s face pale as if he was about to die, the supervisor was also a little flustered.

No matter how tight the schedule is and the task is heavier, he does not want a production accident involving overworked workers in his workshop.

The fatal accident is a big accident, and it might even have to be sent to the Regional Executive Office for approval and verification. It is not a simple matter that can be clearly stated.

In short, if a production accident involving human lives occurs, it is a very troublesome thing. This is not a big trouble that a supervisor can settle.

“It’s so beautiful! It’s interesting! Hahahaha! Hahahaha!” The worker looked up at these Zaku, who had completed more than 80%, with an expression of excitement on his face.

Then, he looked at the supervisor who was a little overwhelmed when he approached him, stretched out his hand to pat the other’s shoulder, and said with satisfaction: “I didn’t expect you to give me so many surprises! Hahahaha! Very good! ! Very good! Don’t let me down!”

After speaking, he wiped the blood on his lips and chin, and made a goodbye gesture: “Goodbye! Please help him take a good look at his body, I kind of forgot the time, sorry.”

Before the supervisor in front of him could react, the man fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

“Quickly, call the doctor!” The supervisor looked at the workers lying on the ground and called out loudly.

What he didn’t know was that the internal affairs department of the Allan Hill Empire, including the Royal Special Tasks Department, had recently noticed a strange disease that frequently occurred.

Within ten days, in the vast cosmic empire, it can be counted that three people have been talking nonsense, fainting with nosebleeds. Chris personally ordered the investigation of the matter, but did not give any further instructions.

It seems that His Majesty the Emperor just wants to know how many people have suffered from this strange disease, nothing more.

The work of statistics is actually very easy to carry out, because the sick Ailan Hill people have medical insurance, they will naturally choose to go to the hospital to see a doctor, this is already a habit.

And under the statistics of big data, this kind of disease will soon be aggregated, then screened by Nuwa, and finally sorted out and placed on Chris’ desk.

Chris looked at these messy cases and the areas where similar gods invaded, and couldn’t figure out what this so-called **** was doing.

The first illness Chris knew very well was the little boy he sent home by himself. That was the first time Chris realized that the gods really existed.

The second case is a girl, about 20 years old. After being controlled by the gods, she basically wandered on the busiest commercial street on the Tubao 7 planet. Finally, the security of the mall discovered that she was bleeding and talking nonsense. After a few words, he fell into a coma without causing any trouble.

The third case was also very boring. An ordinary old man on the starring walked around the starring living area, babbling nonsense and admiring the wonders of the starring, and then he was sent to the hospital with a nosebleed.

Anyway, Chris did not see any laws from these cases. It seems that God is randomly controlling people’s bodies to visit the economic and social construction of the Ailan Hill Empire…

Only the latest report that the technical engineer of the Zaku factory was under control, in terms of the degree of threat, made people somewhat concerned.

However, according to the testimony of eyewitnesses, the controlled person did not do anything extraordinary, did not try to disrupt production, or even had the intention of approaching Zaku.

This kind of random, short-term mental control with almost no purpose does not seem to affect the production and scheduling of the Ailan Hill Empire.

That **** also seemed to say that he had no intention of interfering in the war between the Watchers and the Airanhill Empire.

He seems to be just a spectator, just curiously watching the war as a spectator! He really just gave the caretaker a buff, and then just stood on the sidelines like this.

If he really wants the guards to win, even if he only has a little strength exposed in front of him, it is likely to change the situation of the war.

But he didn’t do this, he even reminded the people around to take care of the comatose host after every time he took control of his body and before leaving.

It was because he thought that he would remind the people around him every time, so he would leave traces of nonsense. Otherwise, it would be impossible to count only with the characteristic of nosebleeds.

In a population of tens of billions, there are a few poor insects who get angry with nosebleeds every day. What is the significance of this kind of thing even if the statistics are counted?

It’s the same reason why Chris is so hot: the empire’s life-and-death battle, the full collision of two huge forces, the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, and the catastrophe of the entire universe. He felt very upset.

He kept telling himself repeatedly in his heart that if there is a chance, he must give this so-called **** a vicious punch, so that he knows what pain is!

Isn’t this **** willing to watch the show? Are you willing to stay out of everything and do whatever you want?

If there really is a chance, he will let the other party know what an immersive experience is! He will use his power to let this **** remember the truth that the greater the power, the greater the responsibility!

On the Higgs 3 planet, the collision between the servants of the gods and the army of sweepers is still going on. Time will not stop, so the war can only continue.

Because of the sparse number of waiters who have gradually begun to lose the wind, they are still stubbornly resisting the endless sweepers like the tide.

They waved the swords in their hands, and they seemed to have no idea what tiredness was. But in fact, judging from the details of their battles, they have indeed begun to fall into a passive state.

The waiters of the gods, who started fighting alone, began to cover each other in groups of two. Some **** waiters are still using magic, and some seem to have begun to save magic reserves on purpose.

Seeing these situations, the expression on the face of the commander of the leading Sweeper was even more excited, just because it was too ugly, his face was only more distorted in the eyes of others.

More Sweepers began to attack, and even more Destroyer tanks were mixed with them. It seems that the commanders of these sweepers also know that if they want to end this battle in a short time, they cannot rely on sweepers alone.

Therefore, these sweeper commanders began to mobilize more and stronger troops, and even Prowler fighters joined the siege.

In short, in the sky and on the ground, the guardian army launched a siege on the army of the servants who had landed in their hinterland.

They seldom meet opponents who dared to directly hit their hinterland like this. When faced with the threat of such a massive enemy, dare to venture into the enemy’s hinterland. This requires courage that is unimaginable.

Of course… the commanders of the guards didn’t expect that these terrifying white-clothed murder gods who slaughtered in front of them were not actually life forms in the traditional sense.

They…or that they are not lives at all, but similar to drones that are remotely controlled by humans, and the loss does not seem to be a pity.

The commanders of these watchers also couldn’t think of the huge empire in front of them that blended magic and science and technology, and sometimes the things they produced made them praised by the gods they believed in.

Who could have imagined that the so-called **** was addicted to visiting the Ailan Hill Empire recently. Go around at every turn and look around for the messy things that interest him.

On the hillside, the Sweeper Commander who overlooked the entire battlefield finally couldn’t help it. He spoke and commanded with his disgusting voice: “Send out the conquerors! Let these poor worms despair!”

He felt that annihilating the enemy’s forces in front of him as soon as possible and avoiding long nights and dreams should be the best choice.

However, beside him, another Sweeper Commander asked with some worry: “Could it be a trap?”

The Sweeper Commander, who was obviously higher in status, waved his hand and sneered, “Even if it is a trap, we have to annihilate this unit! I don’t want to fight to this point and let these **** enemies run away.” !”

Ever since, the lower-level sweeper commander bowed his head and agreed: “Yes! Then we will dispatch the Destroyer immediately!”

On the remote battlefield, a **** waiter was finally surrounded by countless sweepers, hit by a mass of black energy, and fell to the ground embarrassedly.

The battlefield he was on was immediately overwhelmed by the sweepers, and these sweepers, who had long been red-eyed, rushed to the wounded **** waiter desperately.

In the next second, the **** waiter, who had been thrown to the ground and bitten by several sweepers, suddenly let out a crazy laugh.

As if he had encountered something interesting, he laughed wildly. In the laughter, his body suddenly swelled up.

Just when these sweepers hadn’t reacted and didn’t know what happened, the **** waiter created by this pure magical energy exploded his body in this way.

A huge explosion burst with dazzling light among the thousands of Sweeper soldiers, a small mushroom cloud evaporated and flew into the sky, and then everything returned to silence.

The bodies of mutilated Sweepers are everywhere, and the Sweeper soldiers are stunned everywhere. And at the bottom of the huge crater formed by the explosion, a piece of white rags slowly fell–

Make up one more.

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