My Empire

Chapter 1623: The first day of the novice captain

“I heard that some equipment has been improved on our warship? Is it easy to use?” Vincent suddenly said.

“It’s a set of auxiliary equipment. This is also the reason why I was assigned to you and became your first mate. I learned this in school, so I am very professional in the operation of this system.” Li Wei is very professional. Said confidently.

“Tell me, I’m familiar with it.” Vincent actually wanted to see if this newcomer who just came out of school, just like him, was a reliable comrade-in-arms who could be entrusted to his back.

“The new battleship has improved the nuclear fusion reactor and power system, and redesigned the circuit. This system can charge the three subsystems of the battleship at the same time.” Li Wei replied.

She paused, and continued to add: “Thanks to the increase in the output power of the nuclear fusion reactor, the space transition system, energy defense system, and star destroyer system can be charged simultaneously on the new battleship.”

“Actually, I had a deep understanding of the entire system in school, and even participated in the calculation of the energy distribution plan in the data project.” Li Wei said here, looking at Vincent: “Can be allocated to you Here, to be your adjutant, I am also the top ten outstanding student in the school… Please do not doubt this.”

Vincent nodded his head, not knowing whether he was praising Li Wei or his warship: “Sounds really good… It seems that in terms of nuclear fusion, our technology has become more mature.”

“Indeed, at this stage our nuclear fusion reactor technology has indeed become more and more mature.” Li Xi nodded and said.

At their place, one by one, square containers were transported by the conveyor belt directly under the rocket, and then they were hoisted into the rocket by a huge mechanical arm.

Compared with the cumbersome launching of rockets from the earth civilization, the launching of rockets in the Ailanhill Empire is much simpler and rude. Because of the existence of magic, the rocket’s ability to adjust its attitude is very powerful.

And because of the sky-defying technology of the Floating Magic Array, the success rate of the Alanhill Empire launching rockets is almost close to 100%.

Therefore, the transportation materials can be directly loaded into the rocket in a very rough way, without having to consider the center of gravity or the location too much.

Even, because of the existence of the floating magic circle, you don’t even need to calculate the weight accurately. Transporting supplies to space is almost as convenient as sending a courier with Shunfeng.

Because the Starring Space Naval Port above the head will have more than a dozen battleships completed and departed at the same time today, so today the entire planet is busy.

A battleship must have thousands of puppet robots, plus clones, basically it can be said to be a sea of ​​people.

So, where Vincent and Li Wei can see, many cloned crew members in military uniforms are lined up to board the plane and head to the airport.

Looking away from the phalanx of these personnel, Vincent took a gentleman’s gaze to look at Li Wei’s chest, and asked absently: “Then, charge the three subsystems at the same time… the flight of the battleship. Will motivation be affected?”

“Yes, but it can maintain 90% of the original speed.” Li Xi didn’t notice Vincent’s eyes of the opposite sex, and continued to look at the personnel phalanx in the distance and replied.

She knows that in those phalanxes, there may be many people who will serve on her battleship in the future as commanders and operators in important positions.

On the battleship, these people need to cooperate, work together, and help each other in the same boat to survive on that cruel battlefield.

“That’s okay, it can be said that it has no effect.” Vincent retracted his aggressive gaze, turned and walked towards the elevator not far away.

He felt that he could go to the star ring, because the personnel transport spacecraft he was boarding seemed to be almost full.

It’s not Vincent’s habit to make people wait for themselves, and he also wants to see his new invincible Tier 2 battleship sooner.

As an improved version of the Invincible-class battleship, it is a super battleship with firepower that surpasses the Invincible-class battleship and a larger body.

Before this type of battleship was used as the flagship of the fleet. For example, as the flagship of the 1st Fleet, the Serris was an invincible Tier 2 battleship.

“Yes.” Li Xi followed Vincent, one after the other, towards the elevator that could be described in a crude way.

In this way, Vincent took Li Wei and walked into the elevator together. They will take a spaceship and arrive at the star ring military port above their heads.

The elevator is surrounded by guardrails, but there is no box structure other than the guardrail. After all, it is completely unnecessary to decorate elevators in military bases.

There will be no silly things like don’t extend your hands out of the elevator here, because people who can stand in this elevator are basically not so idiots.

In the elevator cockpit, Vincent continued the topic: “This is good news for the two of us.”

The outside lights are constantly blocked as the elevator moves down, as if the lights in the elevator are flickering.

Li Yan did not speak, and when the elevator door opened again, the inside became somewhat crowded.

Some officers and soldiers in military uniforms walked in. Most of them had military ranks, and a QR code could be seen on their foreheads. After these soldiers walked in, they saluted Vincent and Li Wei and greeted loudly: “Sir!”

After Vincent and Li Wei returned the greetings, the soldiers who came in didn’t talk much, and stood up against the wall in a regular manner, making the atmosphere in the elevator a little dull.

Fortunately, the elevator reached the bottom floor soon, and Vincent and Li Hui stepped out of the elevator at the same time. The soldiers first gave up the position of the door, and then stood at attention on both sides and saluted Vincent before they walked away in the other direction.

This is a military camp, a place with obvious levels of strict discipline. An officer is an officer, and a soldier is a soldier. They cannot be surpassed by any means.

Half an hour later, Vincent, who was ready, was fastened to his seat by a seat belt. Li Wei sat opposite him, his high chest was strangled by the seat belt, making Vincent even more contemplative. .

There is no way, he is just a young military academy graduate, he is in his prime, how can he not be vigorous?

The spacecraft quickly jolted with the roar of the engine. This is a common problem of cheap rocket engines. There is no way. Good technology, good production lines, good materials and good workers have been concentrated in the military system, and the rest Civil factories can only produce this second-rate equipment.

When Vincent arrived at Starring, he felt that his body was about to be taken apart by the **** transport ship.

He squeezed his shoulders while walking to the dock passage. In front of the huge French windows, he really saw the huge invincible Tier 2 battleship that was about to be placed under his command!

The paint of the battleships of the Ailan Hill Empire is still off-white to distinguish it from the cosmic background. This obvious paint is not so much about self-confidence and showing off, it is more for safety.

Now the size of the fleet is beyond imagination, so it is a problem that must be solved to ensure that our warships do not collide during violent maneuvers.

On the one hand, computer coordination is the main method, on the other hand, the warning color and identification of friend or foe painting are also necessary choices.

There is no way, who can let the fleet of the Ailan Hill Empire be as large as 100,000 ships?

Different from Vincent’s thoughts, it seems that the young people who can be assigned to a battleship with him are the leaders of this class of students who have just graduated. When they walked into the bridge of their warship, he and Li Wei saw that they were already full of people.

Everyone, like Vincent, did not squander the two hours of free time, but rushed to their warships and began to get acquainted with their positions.

From time to time, there are clerical officers walking around holding documents, and there are many puppet robots helping, and the entire bridge seems to be a busy scene.

“Stand at attention!” Seeing Vincent and Li Wei walking in, the clones and natural persons in the seats, as well as the busy puppet robots, stopped their work and stood on the ground to salute Vincent.

“Long live your majesty!” Vincent greeted him immediately, because he met for the first time, so his actions were very standardized.

All the people on the bridge sang together: “Long live the empire!”

Vincent took off his white glove, pinched it in his left hand, took his adjutant Li Wei, and walked to the subordinates who had lined up to welcome him.

He introduced himself first, and then introduced the beauty behind him: “Let me introduce myself first. My name is Vincent, and I have determined to be the captain of this battleship… This is Chief Li Wei. Then, you guys. Can introduce yourself.”

Headed by    is the officer with the third highest rank on the battleship. There is also no QR code on his forehead: “Weapon Officer Joseph! Sir!”

Vincent returned a military salute, obviously not as formal as before: “Hello! I hope your Star Destroyer will be successful!”

The second officer raised his chin and stood up and saluted again: “Helmsman, Vasily! It’s an honor to work with you, Captain!”

“Thank you, I am glad to be able to fight with you!” Vincent continued to respond and walked to the third person.

The third person has a QR code on his forehead. He is obviously a clone: ​​”Navigator, Mark! Sir!”

Vincent is not surprised, because the navigator is an experienced position, under normal circumstances, it is obviously a good choice to find an experienced person to act as a clone.

So he smiled back and said: “Hello!”

“Radar Officer…” The next person introduced himself.

“Hello!” Vincent continued to return.

“Communication Officer…” Another subordinate introduced himself loudly.

“It’s nice to meet you!” Vincent continued to return his salute, and as he walked along the way, he and everyone were officially met.

“Well, gentlemen, I have remembered your names. I hope we can work together to win a great victory for the empire!” After reaching his command position, Vincent settled down. He said: “Of course, to live as much as possible is my only requirement of you!”

“Live! Destroy the guards, defeat them, return to your home alive, and embrace your loved ones. Please, everyone!” When he spoke, his eyes swept over everyone, including Li who was standing beside him.姵.

“I’m looking forward to it.” The young and beautiful female first officer Li Wei responded with a standard military salute and stared into Vincent’s eyes: “You are indeed one of the top ten graduates of the command department. You have done such an outstanding job in mobilization before the war. .”

“All personnel return to their posts individually! Count the number of people boarding the ship… Check every equipment of the battleship and confirm every link! I need you to keep in good condition, I need the battleship to keep in the best condition… Only in this way can we be able to Save yourself better and destroy the enemy more!” Sitting in the position of his captain, Vincent immediately recovered his state in the academy.

He was familiar with everything in front of him. He trained in this environment every day, either in VR holographic simulation or a one-to-one proportional cabin model. In short, he spent almost every day in such an environment. Over.

He is familiar with every link, every detail, every device in every place.

Here, he feels more at ease than lying on the bed in his dormitory, and this is exactly what the academy trains him and hopes he can do it.

“Yes!” everyone replied, and the bridge was back to a busy scene.

“All warships with full personnel, please leave the port within ten minutes! All warships with full personnel, please leave the port in ten minutes!” As more and more warships complete their supplies, the rotating starring space military port Inside, the prompts one after another.

Although he was a little nervous, the excitement in his heart still made Vincent’s face flushed: after looking forward to so long and training for so long, this time I can finally lead a battleship to participate in a space fleet decisive battle.

“Alright! Gentlemen! It’s time to go, the battleship reactor starts… The main thrusters start charging! Pay attention to the barge…” Vincent expertly ordered.


Higgs 11 on the surface of the planet, Hill leaned on the side of the trench, and after lighting up another magazine, he no longer remembers how many bullets he had fired. But the enemies in front of him have never been reduced, even more than before.

His new friend, the swordsman, is changing the magazine. The ongoing fierce battle has caused the two of them to use up two-thirds of their ammunition. However, the enemy did not retreat this time, and it seemed that they really wanted to seize this dilapidated Ailan Hill Empire defensive position.

“Ammunition! Ammunition!” Hill dropped the empty magazine and shouted at the two puppet robots running away carrying the ammunition box.

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