My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 745 The protagonist of the game?

The heavy rain continued for nearly a week.

Although the drainage system of Huangtie Town worked very hard, it still failed in the face of this scale of rainfall.

Mines were flooded, warehouses were flooded, and many low-lying residential buildings were completely flooded.

Fortunately, the rescue was timely enough and the loss was not terrible, but it also made Shanmin feel bad these days. Looking at Kashiwagi's expression, it looked like he owed him hundreds of millions.

But Kashiwagi was unjust, Luchiana volunteered to make the rain, not to mention that he was drowned like many saplings planted by the Balza brothers and sisters.

Who is not a victim!


Now that the situation has reached this point, he has reason to suspect that the Lugia guy is actually seeking revenge on the Orei Continent. Otherwise, why would there be heavy rains for a week without stopping.

Do you think you are the original returned Kyogre?

"And it's so irresponsible to just leave it alone after it rains..." Kashiwagi recalled that he borrowed Hupa's nimbus to find them to stop the rain a few days ago, but he was almost washed away by the ocean currents and exploded by the water pressure.

Fortunately, he kept an eye on it and let Porygon II, who was extremely adaptable to the environment, go over to take a look first, thus averting a disaster.

According to Porygon II's observations, the Lugias were estimated to be in a deep sleep due to heavy consumption. Even if they were woken up, it would be difficult to stop the heavy rain that covered most of the area.

Besides, they probably do more than just rain.

It turns out.

Kashiwagi's guess was very correct.

In the days after the heavy rain stopped, the overall temperature in the southern Ole region slowly rose, but the maximum temperature at noon was much lower than in the past.

The humidity of the air has also exceeded previous levels. Even the heterochromatic Menas, who are sensitive to humidity, said they have become more comfortable recently and spend less time in the pool.

The sky is no longer always bare except for the sun, and the number of clouds has increased.

Even the wind blowing through the town became gentle.


The actual climate change in the short term is not convincing, nor can it prove the deep impact of the heavy rain on Ourei.

However, the heavy rain did leave a number of "lakes" of various sizes in the south, one of which was near Platinum Mountain, attracting many water-type wild Pokémon.

What is surprising is that there are plants growing in many desert areas surrounding several human settlements, making people wonder when the seeds were planted and who planted them.

"The altered monsoons and ocean currents... hopefully will be a good thing for the Ouray region."

Kashiwagi quickly stopped dwelling on the climate issue.

Because the original plan to go to the Realgar Pagoda was postponed for more than a week, now we can finally head there.


Realgar Tower.

Invested and built by the original Shadow Team.

Located between Huangtie Town and Silicon Beryllium City, it is an integrated high-tech arena with both entertainment and combat facilities. A small town has been built around it in the past six months.

To a certain extent, it symbolizes the technological level of the Ouray region.

The purpose of Kashiwagi's coming here is to replicate the periodic battle exchanges and cooperation set with the Silica Beryllium Arena, and to learn about the strength of the trainers in the Realgar Arena.

"How magnificent."

From far away, he saw the realgar tower that looked like a wine glass, with three small, one, and four platforms at the top.

There are many tall buildings built on the platform. There is no way to enter those buildings in the game, so they look like useless decorations. Now that the textures in the game have become real buildings, let’s take a closer look.

Aren’t these all high-rise buildings?

Not long after the hoverbike was driving, the bustling town came into view.

"so many people!"

He looked at the entrance of the town in surprise. Everywhere he saw Pokémon, large and small, following people in and out of Realgar Town. This kind of scene was difficult to see in either Huangtie Town or Silicon Beryllium City.

Are they all external trainers?

Kashiwagi found a place to park the hoverbike, and after thinking about it, he released three evil dragons.


The Husky howled excitedly and rubbed its big head against the trainer's face. After being pushed away, it began to observe the surrounding scene.

When it saw the Realgar Tower, it was slightly stunned.

Kashiwagi smiled and said: "How about it? It's spectacular, isn't it? Let's go! I'll take you in and have a look!"

He took the lead and walked forward, and the three evil dragons hurriedly followed behind the trainer, looking curiously at the scene around them.

Shopping with trainers is usually reserved for big-mouthed kids. It's not that Kashiwagi is partial, it's that most of his friends have little interest in crowded places.

The three-headed dragon likes to stick to its trainers, but hates street shops that don't allow large Pokémon, or don't allow Pokémon at all.

Every time someone stopped him, he would get extremely angry and would like to burn down the stores that he was not allowed to enter.

The town is very lively.

Kashiwagi took the three evil dragons around for two casual walks. No one recognized him, and he didn't notice any difference between this place and ordinary city streets, so he went straight to the Realgar Tower.

As expected, the square at the entrance was crowded with trainers who wanted to enter.

Human voices and animal roars were mixed together, making it appear extremely chaotic.

He found a staff member who was responsible for diverting crowds, and learned from him that there were two ways to enter the Realgar Pagoda——

One is to be a tourist, but the recent heavy rains have caused the Realgar Tower to be closed for a week. Many tourists who came before the heavy rains were not able to enter and chose to stay. In the past two days, new tourists have come continuously, so that the tickets have been sold out two days ago. sold out.

The second is challenger status, but challengers must hold the exclusive membership card of Realgar Tower.

The way to obtain membership cards is the recommendation system, that is, the old-to-new model.

so complicated.

Without hesitation, Kashiwagi took out his cell phone and contacted the insiders of Realgar Tower. He specifically asked for the number from Shanmin, just to cope with the situation of being unable to enter.

The call is connected.

The administrative director who called himself Realgar Tower on the opposite side quickly became respectful when he heard his name, saying that he was asking him to wait a moment and would come out to greet him immediately.

The slightly subtle tone made Kashiwagi feel strange. Is it too polite? He is not a leader.

Did Shanmin say hello in advance?


Let’s go in first and then talk.

Kashiwagi found a place with few people but where he could see the entrance and exit clearly to avoid the three evil dragons from being crowded by the Pokémon coming and going. Unexpectedly, he suddenly heard some familiar names.

"Wait for me! Kenta! Marina!"

Kenta? Marina?

When he heard the sound, he saw a young man with cockscomb hair appearing in the crowd. A little further forward stood an energetic young man wearing a baseball cap backwards, and a blue-haired girl with twin ponytails.


Isn’t this the animated version of the protagonist of Gold and Silver?

Kashiwagi was surprised that he could see them in the Ourei area.

The prototype of the young man named Kenta is the male protagonist Axiang of the second generation gold and silver version, and the prototype of Marina is the heroine Chris. As for the brown-haired cockscomb...

One of the NPCs in the main animation, I remember it was called "Junichi", had a fierce battle with Ash at the Silver Conference, and was defeated in the preliminaries.

All three of them appeared in the special version of OVA related to Raikou. In one fell swoop, they destroyed the crystal system that Kashiwagi had also destroyed, and rescued Raikou who was captured by Team Rocket.

I didn't expect such a fate.

Kashiwagi was thinking about whether to go over and get to know each other. The three of them had already entered the Realgar Tower with their membership cards.


Excuse me.

He silently glanced elsewhere, looking for the next possible "acquaintance".

However, until several staff members who were suspected of picking him up showed up, he was unable to find the second batch of "acquaintances". This shows that the Ourei area is not enough to attract famous people in the world.

"I'm here!"

Kashiwagi approaches with three evil dragons.

The other party seemed to be very familiar with his appearance. They immediately stepped forward as soon as they looked at each other. Regardless of the strange gazes of others, they all bent down and greeted: "I'm sorry for missing you! President Kashiwagi is welcome to come and give us guidance!"

The president... also came to give guidance...

The corners of his mouth trembled slightly. These people used to be in the Shadow Team, right?

"It doesn't have to be like this. I'm just here to discuss the matter with Mr. Altes, the manager of the arena." Kashiwagi hurriedly helped the leader up and said, "Shall we go in first?"

More and more people were looking here, and he didn't want to be stared at as a rare Pokémon.

Enter the Realgar Tower smoothly.

A few people took the autobahn to the core. The translucent glass wall revealed the lush flowers and trees outside.

In the game, looking out from the passage was a wasteland, but now it has turned into lush vegetation, which is quite pleasing to the eye.

"My name is Herb..."

The leader of the staff was the administrative director on the phone. He claimed to have admired his name for a long time and introduced the various facilities of the Realgar Tower with great enthusiasm.

It can only be said that it is the crystallization of high technology. Except that it cannot provide accommodation, the Realgar Tower is no different from a small city.

Arriving at the core area, there is an empty hall.

Compared to the noisy entrance and exit, it is much quieter here. Visitors are guided to take a special elevator to the aerial platform. Trainers sit in different positions, comforting the Pokémon around them, and occasionally looking up to look directly above. Multi-faceted screen.

There is an allocation table similar to the event process on the screen, and there are also many Pokémon battle scenes.

Take the elevator up.

Perhaps because Director Herb had informed him in advance, Kashiwagi didn’t waste much time meeting the manager of the Realgar Arena at the top of a cylindrical building——

Altes, one of the second-generation Shadow Team leaders.

This middle-aged man with red hair and sunglasses changed from the fantastic costume in the game and put on an ordinary suit.


He looked over.

Kashiwagi nodded: "It's me, Mr. Altes, who has taken the liberty to come and disturb you."

"In recent months, your name has been quite famous in Oulei, and the real person is as extraordinary as the rumors. So, why did you come to the Realgar Tower from Huangtie Town to see me? To fight?" Al Tai Si asked curiously.

He quickly replied: "I have this idea, but I also hope to achieve cooperation and exchanges between the two arenas."

"Like the Silica Beryllium Arena?"

Altes obviously knew that Zhengyi took people to Huangtie Town for exchanges and battles.

This is normal, the Ourei area is so big.

Kashiwagi said without surprise: "Yes."

"This may disappoint you. The trainers who were affiliated with the Realgar Tower were dismissed by me a few months ago." Altes shook his head.


"Yes, after the Ourei region is completely liberated, Realgar Tower no longer needs so much power to guard it. And rather than an armed force, I want to build Realgar Tower into a pure Pokémon battle tower."

Battle Tower!

Kashiwagi didn't expect to hear this familiar word from Altes, but it was just as the other party said, the Realgar Tower is a facility that is very suitable for transformation into a battle tower.

"Unfortunately, I can't help you with battle communication, but I can provide you with some membership cards so that your arena members can come to the Realgar Tower for battle experience." Altes said slowly with his hands behind his back. .

This is indeed a good approach.

He nodded: "Thank you, Mr. Altes. What about fighting you?"

"The Realgar Tower issued a rule not long ago: only those who reach the top of the ranking battle can compete with the arena owner to compete for the final honor. And I have no plans to go out recently..."

Altes fully demonstrated the despicability of a middle-aged man. He smiled and said, "I think if you participate in the ranking match here, Kashiwagi, you will definitely attract more powerful trainers to the Realgar Tower, right?"

"...Actually, I would agree if you just told me." Kashiwagi said speechlessly.

The cooldown time of the simulator needs to be reduced by stable, large-scale and high-quality battles.

The rookies in the arena are far from satisfying him, so when he learns that Realgar Tower is a popular place for outside trainers, he will definitely not let it go.

It's just that the threat of Altes, which is not a threat, is really a bit uncomfortable.

"Ah~ So it's true that I did something wrong. In that case, this card can be regarded as my apology."

Altes took out a black card and smiled politely: "All paid items in the Realgar Tower are free of charge as long as you show it. There is no upper limit and no additional requirements. It's not a particularly precious gift, but I hope you see it. For its sake, don’t pay attention to my little offense just now.”

This person.

I'm afraid it wasn't prepared early in the morning.

Kashiwagi wanted to roll his eyes. Compared with some people he knew before, this former shadow cadre Altes was as smooth as a loach.

It's hard to believe that he actually said such righteous words to his father, Shi Jin, and his brother Aldus that they should surrender together and accept legal sanctions.

Fortunately, although the goal was only half achieved, the effect was even better than planned.

Wouldn't coming to the battle tower promote growth more than having a communication battle only once every half a month? Blessed are those guys at Yellow Iron Arena!

Kashiwagi, who took the black card, said goodbye and left, then led by Herb to another hall.

"You can complete registration and submit a match application at the front desk. If there is a matched opponent, a staff member will guide you to enter."

Herb said respectfully.

Kashiwagi was embarrassed to disturb him for too much time. He thanked him for his guidance and then said that he would understand it gradually.

Herb left knowingly.

In the center of the hall is a multi-faceted screen like the one on the ground floor.

He saw a ranking list and looked for the names of Kenta, Junichi, and Marina.


Isn't Marina a top coordination trainer? He actually participates in trainer competitions...well, he is also a top coordinated trainer.

Kashiwagi secretly complained about his prejudice, and looked at the bottom of the ranking: "The last one is nine hundred and thirty-five, which is less than expected."

There are probably tens of thousands of trainers in the town outside the Realgar Pagoda. The contestants ranked in the Realgar Pagoda must go through strict screening?

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