My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 737 Game of Luck


Marlene's choice is reasonable.

After all, Slowpoke's characteristic is not just slowness, it may also be its own way of doing things or its ability to regenerate.

Practice brings true knowledge. Marlene had reason to suspect that Ayana had sent the Slug Beast to deceive her, so she boldly tried it.

The result is very regrettable.

Slowpoke is really slow.

At the same time, Ayana took advantage of this great opportunity to let Slowshell complete a new round of praying for rain.

In a blink of an eye.

The patter of rain watered the battlefield that was shattered by the earthquake for the second time. Many places became muddy, and stagnant water slowly flowed outside the venue.

Kashiwagi could feel that the air in the arena was no longer as dry as before.

At this time, three of the five games have been decided. Huang Tiezhen is temporarily ahead with two wins and one loss. The result of the battle between Ayana and Marin may affect the morale of both sides in the afternoon match.

Just like the warm-up battle between Ginzaru and Zhengyi in the morning.

Inside the venue.

The two Pokémon started the first round of fierce fighting.

Ms. Goth tried to control the Slug Beast by moving objects with her mind, but as mentioned before, strong enough mental power and moves that restrain superpower attributes have the ability to destroy it.

The slow-shell beast resisted with mental strength, and the two invisible mental fluctuations violently impacted, and even the falling rainwater was forced to float elsewhere.

It was as if a vacuum area was created in the center of the field.


A heavy muffled sound came out.

The dull-looking Sluggish Beast took half a step back, and Miss Goethe swayed and groaned.

Ever since the Swamp King was defeated by Miss Goethe using this move, Ayana had been secretly on guard. The reason why she chose Slowshell was not only to prevent provocation, but also because she hoped that it could use its mental power to resist teleportation.

Fortunately, Slowpoke didn't disappoint her.

The "failure" of two consecutive attacks made Marlene realize that this was a Pokémon that Miss Gothic couldn't handle.

For example, there is nothing the Swamp King can do against Miss Goth, and Miss Goth also has a tendency to suffer continuous defeats from Slowshell - she does not want to sit back and watch the boomerang hit her, so she quickly takes out the ball to exchange.


She decided quickly.


White light flashed, and the Pokémon that landed on the ground was Raichu, a fat orange-skinned mouse with bat-like ears and a long lightning tail.

"Another Pokémon that I haven't used this morning..."

"How many Pokémon does she have?"

The trainers in Huangtie Town were whispering.

The preciousness of Pokémon in the Ourei region, or in other words, Yellow Iron Town, made it difficult for them to imagine that trainers breeding more than twenty Pokémon were very common in the outside world.

After the Pokémon Supermarket in the dungeon disappears, how to obtain Pokémon for trainers in Huangtie Town is undoubtedly an important matter.

Send people to conquer other areas and then teleport them back?

It's okay to solve an urgent need in a short period of time, but it's definitely not a good thing in the long term.

Kashiwagi's divergent thoughts were quickly retracted, and he looked into the rainy and flashing field. He suddenly saw Raichu raising his tail like a lightning rod, using thunder on the Slowpoke.


The violent thunder fell sharply, and the loud explosion made many people subconsciously cover their ears. Their eyes suddenly turned white, and the vibration of the air at that moment made people feel that the world was shaking.

It was indeed a thunder of this type, and it seemed to be stronger than the thunder of the Chino Chinchilla earlier.


Kashiwagi blinked, and the whiteness caused by the stimulation of the bright light quickly dimmed, and the smoky venue came into view, followed by the Sluggish Beast pushing the blue swirling water ball with his right hand, breaking through the smoke and heading straight for Raichu.

"Yeah - Duo -"

Its body was covered with wisps of gray smoke, obviously signs of being struck head-on by lightning, but judging from its stride and overall condition, the lightning's extraordinary effect seemed to have limited damage.

Was it another moment of amnesia?

The greatly improved special defense allowed Slugmon to take over Raichu's rainy thunder, and then unleashed the wave of water to counterattack!


The wave of water suddenly exploded in Leiqiu's arms, and the high-frequency vibration caused the fat mouse to fly upside down instantly, as if it was hit by a rocket.

It even flew out of the field, flying to a position more than ten meters away from the baseline before falling to the ground, falling and rolling until it stopped.

Ayana did not waste the great opportunity. Knowing that the wave of water would definitely not be able to kill Raichu, she immediately made full use of the time to let the Sluggard use [Lazy] to recover.

The Slowshell Beast showed a tired look on its face, and a bright green light reverberated on its surface.

at the same time.

Lei Qiu staggered to his feet, and quickly jumped to the field under Marin's urgent instructions. His front feet stepped into the bottom line, and his tail immediately stood up to guide the thunder and lightning towards the Slowshell Beast!


The flash of lightning was extremely dazzling. Everyone raised their hands to cover it but quickly put it down and looked into the field. They suddenly saw a colorful wall of light in the smoke hanging above the Slowshell Beast's head.

[Wall of Light], a defensive change move that effectively weakens special attacks.

Strengthening and weakening bring double protection, and Slowshell no longer needs to be afraid of thunder in rainy weather.

"Well done!"

"Sister-in-law, kill her!"

Everyone in Huangtie Town shouted excitedly.

Everyone thought that the Slowshell Beast would be suppressed after Raichu came on the scene. Unexpectedly, the two thunderbolts not only did not cause serious damage, but also strengthened it with many moves.

The rhythm is messed up?

What is Marlene's plan? ?

The trainers in Silica City could only see Marlene's back, so they didn't know what her expression was like now, and they couldn't help but think that they would be embarrassed if this trainer lost to Huang Tiezhen.

Kashiwagi was always staring at the two Pokémon. From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the corners of Marlene's mouth that suddenly curled up, and realized something.

"Is it such a gamble?"

The words just fell.

The Slowshell Beast, which was about to use water bombs to knock Raichu away, suddenly had an electric current on its body, and it froze in place as it stepped forward.

It's a state of paralysis!

Someone screamed, and there was an uproar around him.

Immediately, the flash of lightning and the explosion of electricity attracted everyone's attention. Leichu, who was at the bottom line, was bathed in electricity and ran wildly, turning into a dazzling lightning star, rushing across a distance of tens of meters in the blink of an eye. Slowpoke!

"Use the tail snail to resist! Iron wall!"

Ayana yelled hurriedly. The Slug Beast's eyes were still dull but his movements were not slow. He twisted his waist and swung his tail while grabbing the gray conch and blocking it in front of him.

It's a pity that Raichu's speed is too fast.

Before it could use the iron wall, the thunderchu that attacked with volts hit the side of the snail. The huge momentum and the destructive power of the lightning instantly caused the surface of the snail to crack into irregular pieces. Pattern.

The next second.

The long snail was knocked away, and Raichu hit the Slowshell Beast's chest firmly, and the roaring electric current exploded!


Everyone heard a loud sound next to their ears. The pink Slowshell beast, like the Raichu just now, flew upside down dozens of meters away in the posture of being hit by a high-speed train!

"Follow me! There's a flash of lightning!" Marin was worried about unintended consequences and tried to take down the Slow-shell beast while Raichu was still in a certain state.


Raichu gritted his teeth with pain on his face due to the reaction force, and took another step forward.

Ayana stared at the falling Slowbeast in front of her and quickly ordered: "Hold on to the Slowbeast! Use laziness!"


Slowpoke remained in a prone position, trying to regain its strength through laziness.


Unfortunately, the paralyzing current caused trouble again, causing the Slug Beast to fail to use Sloth in time. Leichu, which transformed into a pure white slash, followed closely and hit the Slow Beast's soft belly hard with its head.


White light exploded, and Raichu jumped out of the smoke.


It was panting heavily, and its formerly beautiful orange-like fur was now brown and black, stained with muddy water and energy explosion dirt, as if it was rotten and miserable.

After all, there is the vibration and energy impact damage of the water wave in the front, and the complete retaliation damage of the volt attack in the back, it is actually close to the limit.

I really feel sorry for Slowmon's hard work if he doesn't fall back.


When the smoke that enveloped Slowpoke dissipated, the Pokémon that forced Marlene and Raichu to fight in negative states finally lost its ability to fight.

"...Slugmon, thank you for your hard work."

Ayana stopped cheering for Slowpoke to "sit up", and expressed her gratitude with regret in her eyes.

Who would have thought that her luck would be so bad. Not only was Slowpoke paralyzed, but it was also affected in two crucial moves.

She put away the Slowpoke, quickly regained her composure, and released the Blastoise that had entered the scene.


"Shrink down the water cannon!"

Marlene and Ayana gave orders simultaneously.

"Click no!"

Although the Water Arrow Turtle had just entered the scene, its reaction was not slow at all. It retracted its head, tail, and limbs into its shell. The pair of silver cannon barrels on its back were pointed at Thunderchu, and it fired two waist-thick blue water jets without hesitation!

Poof! Poof!


Lei Qiu faced the muzzle and did not dodge. He raised his tail high to draw thunder from the dark clouds on the dome.

When the thunder and lightning fell, two water columns collided with each other one after another, and exploded twice, completely consuming the last bit of its energy.


Leichu spun on one foot like a ballerina, and fell to the ground with mosquito repellent in his eyes.

The water arrow turtle hid in its shell, and the lightning that weakened its power through the wall of light fell on it, causing severe paralysis and tearing pain.

"Click no——"


Smoke billowed out, accompanied by a burning smell.

Marin quickly took back Raichu and sent out Miss Goth, shouting:

"Use mental force to interfere with it!"

Ayana was not to be outdone: "Water cannon!"


Miss Goethe groaned and raised her hands, her eyes lit up with blue light. She bathed in the rain and looked directly at the water arrow turtle with the muzzle pointed at it in the distance. The water-colored light flashed at the muzzle, like two cross stars.


Invisible fluctuations spread over, and it made a flipping movement without any panic.

In an instant.

The moment before the water cannon was fired, the water arrow turtle's buttocks lifted up uncontrollably, and the water column poured out, hitting the ground diagonally!


The Blastoise flew backwards under the reaction force.

Ayana frowned: "Spin at high speed!"

"Click no!"

The water arrow turtle in mid-air spun at high speed, and the blue light in Miss Goethe's eyes did not diminish. Facing the water arrow turtle flying back, she once again released layers of spiritual power.

The first layer destroyed the light on the water arrow turtle's surface when it rotated, and the second layer made it stagnant in place——


Miss Goethe pointed to the ground, and the Blastoise fell like a meteor!


The gravel splashed and the shock of falling from a high place made the Blastoise wail. It had endured the thunder from Chino Chinchilla and Raichu, and its physical strength was actually very unhealthy.

Ayana shouted: "Hold on! Use the water cannon again! You can do it!"

"Transfer objects with your mind!"

Marlene shouted, and the blue light in Miss Gothic's eyes skyrocketed. Facing the exhausted Blastoise, she mercilessly released her mental power to pull it back into the sky.

Once again, Blastoise's water cannon failed.

The overall situation has been decided.

Everyone held their heads high.

Kashiwagi looked regretful. The superpower attributes in animation are always so advantageous, including strong control, displacement, and damage.

In the game, even if the Blastoise has eaten two thunderbolts and its remaining energy has been wiped out, it can still fight.

It's faster than Miss Goethe. How can Miss Goethe stop the water cannon on rainy days?



Even though Blastoise has a love for cannons and can split one water cannon into two, Miss Gothic also has universal superpowers to force it to miss.

Of course, Miss Goth in the game is not without a chance to make a comeback.

As we all know, although the water cannon has a high hit rate of 80%, it is said that the higher the hit rate, the lower the hit rate. If it is not full, it will definitely hit empty.

Facing the Water Arrow Turtle that was caught in the wind, Miss Goethe just had to do some mental shock and wait for the water cannon to miss.

Inside the venue.

With Miss Gothic's mental shock, the battle came to an end.

All the trainers in Silica City saved their face and cheered.

All the trainers in Huang Tiezhen sighed, but they also understood and sympathized with Ayana very much. The paralysis of Slowpoke was too fatal, and it originally had the upper hand.

"Come back Blastoise, thank you for your hard work."

Ayana silently took back the Blastoise and walked around the venue to complete the handshake ceremony with Marlene.

Just as she was about to let go, Marlene suddenly said:

"I was lucky this time and won the bet in the end, but luck is also part of strength. And I will still win next time, even if I am not paralyzed."


Ayana nodded, showing no interest in communicating, and turned around and walked towards the auditorium.

This made Marlene feel a little bored. From the battle, it was easy to see that Ayana was also a brave person, but she didn't expect her personality to be so cold.

In Blueberry Academy, those defeated generals would have been screaming.


Kashiwagi looked at Ayana who took a breath after sitting down, and asked with a smile: "How do you feel, big sister?"

"It feels good. My shortcomings have been exposed in this battle, and it has pointed out a new direction for me in the future."

Ayana crossed her long legs and raised the corners of her mouth unconsciously.

Although she lost, she was very happy. She made too many mistakes and saw too many things that she was powerless to do in this battle.

It must be a very fulfilling thing to complete them one by one in the future.

Moreover, fighting strangers really made her physically and mentally happy, and the urgency of the crisis fascinating her even more than the moment of life and death.

"I'll win next time."

She put her hands on the back of her head, as if declaring: "I will not embarrass Mr. Kashiwagi."

Kashiwagi smiled warmly: "Of course I believe it."

The first round ended in the afternoon.

Second round to catch up.

The exchange and battle lasted until 5:30 in the afternoon, and some people in Silicon Beryllium City even played two rounds before it ended.

The arrogant little kid Fred in the morning won in the afternoon, and his arrogance was back, but the guy named Jin Ge still ignored him.

The final score between the two sides was that Huangtie Town won 25 games and Silicon Beryllium City won 26 games.

Lost again.

This made Kashiwagi a little helpless, while Zhengyi looked very happy.

There will be no competition in the evening, and both parties can make arrangements freely.

Zhengyi said that he usually used the night to instruct students or summarize the day, so Kashiwagi encouraged others to come to the scene at night to listen and learn secretly.

As for himself.

He must have gone back to the mountains to work as a fruit farmer and land reclamation worker.

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