My Demonic Farm: A Progression Fantasy LitRPG

[B3]Chapter 143: Mysteries of the Eastern Skies

Theo wasn't worried about Lorian; he knew the elven boy was stronger than most of his classmates and could fend for himself. However, his curiosity was piqued by the unusual movement towards the east. It was strange for such a diverse group of beasts to stampede in that direction, driven by some unseen force or calling.

Determined to uncover the truth, he decided to follow them. Evening was drawing near, but the impending darkness did not deter him. With a resolute heart, Theo launched himself in the same direction as the other creatures.

From a distance, he might have appeared as just another figure in the beastly procession heading east, yet Theo remained acutely alert, his senses sharpened as he navigated through the unfamiliar terrain.

After three relentless hours of sprinting, the sun dipped low in the west, casting a fiery glow across the sky, while the crescent moon began its ascent, ushering in the night. Throughout this transition, Theo observed not only desert beasts but also creatures from varied habitats, all migrating eastward, following unseen leaders or driven by an unknown force. Some, like the Azure Primordial Terragon, traveled alone, but Theo paid them no mind.

One thing was common among them: none were concerned about Theo; they all ignored him as if he were of no consequence to them at that moment. Their greater concern or interest lay to the east—they were worried that someone else might reach their destination before them. This disregard made Theo feel oddly invisible.

Feeling the drain on his energy, Theo paused for a moment to catch his breath under the vast, starlit sky. He took a small rest by a withered scrub, his fingers digging into the sandy soil as he consumed a VigorVita Coconut, feeling its energizing juice revitalizing his weary muscles.

Revitalized, he resumed his journey. The moonlight cast a silver sheen over the landscape, transforming the mundane into the mystical.

As Theo sprinted, the terrain beneath his feet transitioned from coarse sand to soft, welcoming grass, and the air grew cooler and fresher with the scent of dew. Ahead, the silhouette of low-lying hills unfolded, blanketed in lush greenery. A gentle river, reflecting the moonlight, meandered through the valley, flowing westward.

With renewed vigor, Theo ran alongside the river, his steps light on the soft earth. The river’s murmur was a constant companion, harmonizing with the rhythmic thud of his footsteps.

After an hour of rushing through diverse terrains, Theo emerged into an expansive clearing. The scene before him resembled a vast army of ants from a distance, but with his Leywin’s Gaze, he could discern an extraordinary gathering of various beast species, many of which he had never encountered before.

They were all congregated around a mysterious source of light. This spectacle was unexpected, but even more astonishing was the nature of the light itself—a blue glow that was as cold and soothing as moonlight, yet it seemed to beckon him forward irresistibly.

Theo felt a pull towards the light, yet he hesitated as he observed the tense yet strangely peaceful assembly of creatures.

Even the Azure Primordial Terragon was close to the light, stationed merely several meters away, yet it remained peaceful, not attacking any other creature. The rest of the wild beasts appeared wary of the Terragon, maintaining a respectful distance.

Among these were notable behemoths like the Blazing Lion, a three-headed Chimera, and a huge Hydra, each exuding their own formidable aura. While some of the larger beasts dared to move closer, edging within tens of meters of the light, the smaller ones stayed back cautiously, observing from a safer distance of a hundred meters or more.

Theo mused to himself, 'If they're not fighting and have ignored me so far, then shouldn't they continue to overlook my presence if I approach? In the worst-case scenario, I can retreat into my Demonic Farm.’

Confident in his escape plan but hopeful he wouldn’t need it, Theo advanced toward the gathering, now just two hundred meters away.

As he moved closer, his heart thumped loudly in his chest, a cold sweat breaking out across his brow. Despite his fear, his steps were measured and cautious, revealing none of his inner turmoil.

Various formidable creatures such as the bat-like bird, three-headed Chimera, Blazing Lion, and even the Azure Primordial Terragon turned their heads in his direction.

For a moment, Theo was completely frozen by their gaze, as if rooted to the spot, his breath catching in his throat from the sheer intensity of their scrutiny. However, they quickly redirected their attention back to the mesmerizing blue light.

Relieved by their indifference, Theo continued forward. Just as he was about to pass a massive Sunflare Serpent, the beast turned a furious glare toward him. Theo halted, not daring to provoke it further.

Although Theo had previously slain other Sunflare Serpents of the Lord rank, the one currently standing close to the Azure Primordial Terragon, drawn by the mysterious light, was clearly out of his league.

He could tell just by observing its massive size that it was not an opponent he could easily handle. Moreover, he didn’t want to provoke a confrontation and invite trouble unnecessarily; his primary focus was on the source of the light emerging from the midst of these gathered beasts that encircled it.

As he maneuvered to a position almost in the front row, just behind the formidable leaders of the gathering, Theo finally caught a glimpse of what was causing the enigmatic blue light.

At the center of the assembly stood an eleven-foot-tall tree. Its leaves appeared ordinary, indistinguishable from any typical tree in a forest, but from its branches hung a two-foot-long flower bud, radiating a brilliant blue light.

Staring at the mysterious object, which seemed more intriguing than all the formidable beasts present, Theo was dumbfounded. His mind raced with questions: What was this object that had drawn such a diverse crowd of creatures? Why had they all traveled so far for this?

It was particularly puzzling that even powerful creatures like the Azure Primordial Terragon and three-headed Chimera would come here just for this mysterious object.

He activated his Leywin’s Gaze, just to be safe, to further inspect and understand the true nature of this peculiar object. Soon, a detailed description of the mysterious item appeared before him.


[Eternal Seed]

[~ It’s a mystical seed that holds the very essence of life and growth. This seed stands as a beacon of power, endowed with the ability to regenerate and evolve without end. It takes a hundred thousand years to mature, drawing upon the energies of heaven and earth to nurture itself. Once the seed is harvested, the plant it springs from will wither away. However, the Eternal Seed cannot reproduce itself directly from its own planting; instead, it selects a random plant to manifest anew.

Legends tell of the seed’s power to significantly elevate a being's rank across many ranks if consumed. However, this comes with a grave risk: if the individual is not capable of harnessing its vast energy, they could face catastrophic consequences. Simply keeping the seed in close proximity can accelerate one’s growth in strength, leveraging its potent life force to enhance their own progression.]


Reading the description, Theo gasped internally, but he managed to keep his expression neutral, fearing that any outward sign of shock might attract the formidable beast's attention. This was no longer the Crimson Dunes; after traveling so far, he found himself in an entirely different place. It was unexpected that such a miraculous seed would appear here.

Moreover, was he the only one among his classmates who had noticed the stampede of beasts coming this way? Were there no other humans around?

These questions arose in his mind, but he was certain that no one had accompanied him here. He was the only one reckless enough to risk his life by coming here, since he had a way to escape the situation. Others did not have the luxury of hiding in the demonic farm.

Having discovered the reason for the gathering of the beasts, it seemed like the right time to leave.

But then again, could he really leave this invaluable treasure here for others to claim?

No, he couldn’t. But another question lingered: why hadn’t the other beasts tried to seize it if it was right in front of them?

Just then, he noticed the three-headed Chimera glaring intensely at its opponents. One head was fixated on the Azure Primordial Terragon, another towards the Blazing Lion, and the third at the Hydra. The bat-like bird, Sunflare Serpent, and other creatures seemed insignificant in its eyes. The Azure Primordial Terragon also did not move an inch, as if wary that a fight might break out.

One thing was clear: if any of the beasts dared to take a step closer to the tree, the others would immediately eliminate that threat. Thus, the winner of the eternal seed would not be the last man standing, as one might say, but rather, given the distinctly beastly nature of this gathering, the last beast alive.

What could Theo do in this situation to secure the treasure for himself? Teleporting directly to the tree to snatch the eternal seed was out of the question; the surrounding colossal beasts would tear him apart in an instant. Clearly, he needed a clever diversion to shift their focus.

He racked his brain for a solution and checked his Golden Vault for anything he could use to devise a plan. His spatial storage was brimming with various items, yet simply overwhelming the beasts with an avalanche of nightshade tomatoes seemed ludicrous. Or perhaps a total unload? No, he needed something more tactical.

His eyes then settled on a set of items that might actually be useful in this situation. With a plan slowly forming, Theo began to subtly withdraw from the throng of mighty creatures.

The lesser beasts, who had been eyeing him suspiciously for daring to approach their leaders, gradually lost interest in him. Some snorted disdainfully as he retreated, pretending as if the eternal seed held no allure for him—a mere spectator now turning away.

As he moved to a safe distance, Theo quietly summoned his Helltiller’s Spade. With precise commands, Theo directed the Helltiller’s Spade to excavate the land more deeply than usual, setting up an elaborate network of trenches in a half-circle.

The operation was conducted silently and over a broad area, extending at least a hundred meters behind the assembled creatures. This careful distance ensured that the digging noise did not reach the beasts, who, despite their potentially heightened senses, were primarily focused on the seed. This strategic setup helped maintain stealth, avoiding any alert to his actions as he prepared his plan.

Once the groundwork was laid, Theo summoned his Sower's Abyssal Pouch and stored the items he planned to use before planting them in the readied land.

After ten minutes of silent work, everything was set. He began to make his way back to the front. Now that all was arranged, it was time to execute his plan.

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