My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 245(END) - It seems not bad too? (It’s hard to get a name and always repeat He Meng)

Text 245. Seems to be good too? (It’s hard to get a name and always repeat He Meng)

Pigeon buns

“Okay, you’re almost resting, right? Hurry up and have another round.”

Rohr patted his daughter’s head and motioned.

“Woo… Dad likes to bully me…”

Kelly murmured, and distanced herself from Roer again, preparing for the second round of duels.

The instructors and others on the side looked dumbfounded.

Ah this…


Are you all tired? You just had a rest for less than 3 minutes, right?

They didn’t expect that after the intense and dizzying round of exercise just now, the father and daughter would still have more energy?

But even thinking about it, I haven’t seen any of the father and daughter showing tiredness on their faces, and even the frequency of breathing hasn’t changed…

Are these father and daughter monsters?

Both the instructor and the two former comrades-in-arms felt that they couldn’t understand Roll.

When he was still in the swordsman group, although he showed high talent and hard work.

But it’s not so exaggerated?

In the previous eighteen years, what has he experienced to become so terrible?

Nido also temporarily put down the mop and bucket in her hand, and silently watched the exercises of the father and daughter of Rolle.

At first, she still couldn’t understand it. She felt that their movements were weird and awkward. Why did they both stand still?

But why does the sparks keep bursting around, and the sound of metal clashing again?

After watching it for a while, she gradually understood.

It’s not that they didn’t move, but the speed was so fast that they couldn’t keep up with them.

This… is this the swordsmanship of Uncle Roll and Keli-senpai?

Isn’t that the same as the Star Sword Fairy that I admire?

What are the things my dad taught me back then?

Why are other people’s fathers so good?

There was a big question in her mind.

But I also understood why the teacher Jerry next to him would kneel on the ground and watch.

She also wanted to kneel and watch…

After the father and daughter confronted again, Rohr seemed to show fatigue under the continuous attack of his daughter, his movements began to become sluggish, and he seemed to be unable to support his physical strength.

He soon revealed a huge flaw.

Keli caught this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in an instant, and a flash appeared behind Luo Er.

“Wow! I caught dad!”

She stretched out her left hand without holding a sword and tried to grab Rohr by the collar.

It’s like Rohr usually carries her by the collar.

As a result, the little hand stretched out and only caught an afterimage.


Ke Li was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted instantly, as if she wanted to dodge.

But it was too late.

She felt empty under her feet, and was lifted up by Rohr like a kitten.

“Woo… lost again…”

She was instantly discouraged, and all her limbs were drooping, weak.

“Hey, how many times have you been taught before, swordsmanship requires a brain in addition to being fast and accurate.”

“You have been fooled for such obvious flaws, do you really think your father is old?”

“At least I won’t be old until you get older and start a family.”

Roll taught his daughter a few words, picked her up again, and rubbed his soft little face.

But Li immediately became happy, and said with a sweet smile:

“That father will never grow old!”

She thinks it’s relatively simple to start a career.

It’s very troublesome to grow up a little bit, maybe only in a dream can you grow up.

As for getting married…

She couldn’t imagine anyone in this world who could meet her father’s requirements.

It may be okay to say that people from other backgrounds have learned, character, and so on.

Only with sufficient strength in this aspect…

Keli probably knew that her father’s standard for judging his strength would definitely not refer to outside ranks.

Probably it will be a few tricks to see if the other party can catch oneself, right?

The profundity in the front is probably not enough, it must be the profundity in the back.

So she thinks her father should never grow old.

This is also the result she hopes for.

Dad will never grow old, and he will always maintain the appearance that Dad likes most, always by his side.

“Okay, I’m almost done, it’s time to go back.”

Rohr put his daughter down, took her little hand, and prepared to leave.

Then he looked around and found that the training ground was still intact and did not cause much damage.

Well, the training effect is still very good!

Borrowing this training room two times before caused some damage.

The first time I gave instructions to Jeanne on swordsmanship, and then I felt as if someone wanted to touch his little donkey, so I took a sword.

A wall, collapsed…

The second time I was here not long ago, discussing swordsmanship with the butler Mr. Otto, and then suddenly received an urgent call, and he hurried home.

That wall collapsed again…

Fortunately, there are no more than three things, and I’m finally all right today.

Then, he found the instructor, two comrades in arms, and the beautiful and lovely Nido, who had been watching before.

It’s just that the expressions on their faces are a little weird.

And it seems to have just stood up from the ground?

“Instructor, what’s wrong with you?”

Rohr asked concerned.


The instructor shook his head, did not explain much, just turned and left silently.

The figure looked at it from the back, a little depressed, a little disheartened.

Probably the normal physiological reaction after Sanguan smashed?

Compared to before, Nido’s situation is a little better.

Her understanding and knowledge of swordsmanship is not so deep, and the three views have not been completely finalized, so she has a stronger acceptance ability.

“Nido, you are still in the swordsman group, don’t you plan to go home?”

“Your mother is really worried about you.”

Roll persuaded him very seriously.

Nido was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly, and said:

“Okay! Go home, I’ll go home now!”

In an instant, she suddenly changed her mind.

Obviously, she hadn’t completely put down her mother’s back and ran to find a man before.

Although the man I was looking for was Uncle Roll…

She has been entangled and hesitated about these things these days.

Until today, after watching the duel exercise between Rohr and his daughter, her thoughts have changed.

Although Keli-senpai, your father is really amazing.


Soon it will be my dad!

I can also practice this swordsmanship and become as powerful as them!

It turns out that it is a wonderful thing to have a beautiful mother!

“Uncle Roll, please wait a moment, I will pack my things and go home with you.”

Nido said quickly.

Roll may be wrong, nodded, and said:

“Well, I happen to have a car outside, wait for you.”

Only Keli noticed that something was wrong, and a dumb hair curled up on top of her head and asked quickly:

“Eh! No! Why is Nido going home with my father?”

She deliberately bit the word ‘I’ so clearly and hard.

Hurry up and hugged Roer’s thigh with his little hands, like a cat protecting food, with a particularly serious and serious expression on his face.

Look at the milk fierce.

When Nido saw this, she was a little embarrassed and didn’t know how to answer.

Why did you accidentally confide in your mind just now?

Obviously he and his mother have just established a relationship, and they are not married yet…

How can I do this?

She was quite ashamed and blamed.

In the end, Rohr helped round the game and said:

“Oh, Nido means that her home lives next door to our new home, it’s a neighbor.”

“Hmm, yes, yes, that’s what I meant, no other ideas.”

Nido nodded busy, confirming.

Is that right?

Before, I seemed to have heard my father say that he has a new residence, a beautiful little villa or something.

The dull hair on top of Keli’s head slowly dropped, temporarily relaxing her vigilance.

“It’s just that, my house is still under repair recently, and it is temporarily impossible to live in. I will send you back first.”

Roll continued.

So Nido quickly ran to put away her little luggage, and ran to say hello to the instructor, saying that she would not live in the swordsman regiment tonight, and come back tomorrow morning.

As a result, I walked to the door of the instructor’s residence and heard a hysterical roar inside:

“Hahahahaha! My disciple is so amazing!!! Hahahahaha!!!”

“I am so proud to be able to train a disciple like Rohr! So proud!”


Obviously, seeing him from behind was still a little lost.

Now it feels like drinking low-quality fake wine…

Nido was so frightened that she didn’t dare to knock on the door, and left silently.

When Luo Er and the others got on the steam car, as soon as the car started, I suddenly heard a loud noise of a building collapse from the swordsman group.

The sound came from the training room.

Looking far away through the night, I can see the shadow that originally belonged to the training room, no more…

The wall collapsed twice before. This time, the entire training room… shouldn’t it be my business? Haven’t you seen it before? The surroundings are intact…”

He murmured, trying to clear the blame.

He immediately said to the driver’s secretary Afu:

“Anyway, drive! Drive!”

The steam locomotive drove away.

After a long time, I heard the instructor let out an angry roar from behind:

“Which **** came to tear down my training room again?”

“Do you know who my disciple is?”

In this way, Rohr sent Nido home first.

When the steam car stopped in front of her house, Nido still hesitated and didn’t dare to get out of the car.

But Eveya was already standing outside the door, waiting for her.

“Don’t be afraid, go.”

Rohr subconsciously patted Nido on the head, encouraging.

“She will always be your mother and will not blame you.”

Nido nodded vigorously and got out of the car.

Eveya quickly greeted her, and the mother and daughter hugged each other tightly and wept.

But Li watched this scene silently, feeling moved, and a little bit envious.

She suddenly wanted to have a mother too.

When he was a child, Rohr used to say: A child without a mother is like a grass, and a child with a father is like a treasure.

If it is only Dad, sometimes it is not gentle and careful enough.

But the paper moms that Dad said should be gone.

Then if there can be a mother like Teacher Oriana…

It seems not bad too?


Well, if I’m a little empty, I’ll write an extra chapter. It’s hard to name the leader and always repeat He Meng.

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