My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 18 - baffling

   Even with a car ride, it was getting dark when I arrived in Duoduo Town. I really don’t know how long it takes to ride a donkey.

   The map given by Fatty is too ridiculously deviated, and burning it is the most correct choice.

   I never met the road tyrant on the way again. The driver only stopped the car three times to add coal to the steam engine, and Rohr took the opportunity to feed the little donkey.

   I didn’t see a few cars all the way, and the whole road was quite deserted, making this journey seem unpretentious.

   and boring.

Rohr first went to the train station, and after inquiring about it, he learned that the train to Newlin only sent one train today, and the next train had to wait until three days later. In the worst case, it would be three days later. I saw my daughter.

   “Why is it so slow?”

   he couldn’t help asking.

   “One of the railways is broken, and it only runs in one direction. The road is not safe, and it may be attacked by monsters.”

   A conductor replied.

   “The situation is terrible over there?”

  Roll asked a little worriedly.

   “That’s hard to say, it’s just not stable. You know, monsters have always been cunning and difficult…”

“Don’t worry. Didn’t it say in the newspaper? The empire has mobilized three eighth-tier powerhouses to guard Newlin. Among them is the shining Star Sword Fairy. With her, Newlin’s situation will improve soon. .”

   said the conductor very optimistically.

  The Shining Star Sword Princess? This title is really good enough. I’m afraid it’s not the same as Mary Su?

  Roer murmured in his heart, and then made up the other person’s image. It was probably the colorful hair, which would change with emotions, like a lot of licking dogs around him.

   Thanks to the conductor, Rohr found a small hotel nearby and ordered dinner for himself and the donkey. He huddled in the corner alone, silently listening to other guests chatting.

   “I only fought with people yesterday. I fought for 75 minutes and ran 30 kilometers after that. After all, the difference between human and human constitution cannot be generalized.”

   “Ha, in fact, that kind of brawny is best dealt with. When he lunges over, he takes advantage of a back fall and makes him twist his neck head to the ground and he is unconscious.”

   “No one can beat a bear, right? No, no? That’s it for you?”

   The man was blowing, and suddenly he was hit by a wine bottle flying from a distance on his forehead, and he passed out on the spot.

The guest next to    stepped on a few feet and spat a few times, and threw him into the sewer outside the hotel.

  Roll looked at his right hand with an awkward look, wondering why he threw the bottle out?

  I haven’t finished the wine, it’s wasted.

   He finished dinner calmly, slipped out of the tavern, and strolled around the town.

   Duoduo Town is much larger than York Town. It is basically the size of a city, and it is quite prosperous. Even at night, there is a very lively night market.

   Luo Er strolled around the night market and tasted a few bites of local snacks, which were very delicious.

Especially a local specialty called cotton fruit. After the skin is peeled, some cotton-like pulp is revealed inside. After being heated, it is served with salty and spicy seasonings, and it tastes a bit like on earth. Tofu brain.

  Roll almost burst into tears when he ate it. He didn’t expect to be able to recall the taste of his hometown in such a special way in another world.

   and it is orthodox salty, not sweet heresy.

   After shopping around, he even bought a small gift for Keli.

   A gray hammerhead shark puppet with fluttering furry and snow-white belly, looks fat and short, naive.

   I am ashamed to say that my daughter has been raised so much that she hasn’t bought toys for her yet…

   But I did a lot for her, like yellow-skinned mice carved out of wood, and garlicky.

   Although the conditions are poor, he still tries hard to give his daughter a happy childhood.

   Luo Er went all the way for three hours before returning to the hotel, went directly to the bar, and asked the boss:

   “Are the security in this town bad?”

   “How is it possible? Our Duoduo Town is famous for its tranquility and hospitality.”

   The boss replied rather displeased, and he looked at Roll with some kind of hillbilly eyes.

   “Is that so? Maybe it’s my bad luck…”

   Roer didn’t study with him, and went straight back to the room.

   just wandered around the night market and the surroundings, he fought three fights with three different groups of people, all for some inexplicable reasons.

   For example, passing by a private house, I happened to meet a couple arguing, as if the wife was talking about her husband having an affair.

  Roll just passed by the man, was grabbed by the wife, and cursed:

   “This is the wild man you raised outside, right?”

   The amount of information is a bit too big, and Rohr didn’t react at the first time.

   When he came back to his senses, the surrounding neighbors were already carrying kitchen knives, and they rushed over with outrage, and tried to chop him into powder.

   Roer had to try to persuade everyone and let them calm down.

   These people wailed and rolled on the ground for a long time. They probably calmed down. The wife with a swollen nose got up first and apologized to Rolle.

   “I’m very sorry, but the sky is too dark, I confessed to the wrong person…”

   While talking, UU Reading handed Rohr two banknotes to apologize, and then went to the doctor.

  Roll continued to wander, and happened to run into a group of loan sharks collecting debts, and surrounded him inexplicably, forcing him to pay back the money.

  Rol has no choice but to reason with them.

   The loan shark came back to his senses, and found that he had admitted the wrong person, and quickly lost him a little money, and then limped to the doctor.

   The last time it was even more outrageous, a little girl pointed at the hammerhead shark puppet in his arms and cried loudly, saying that the puppet belonged to her and that Rohr was a shameful thief.

   Righteously indignant father immediately found a group of people to chase him.

   In the end, of course, he was persuaded by Rohr, apologized, lost money, and went to see a doctor.

   Once or twice, it can be said to be accidental, but this kind of inexplicable thing happened three times in a row, and it is all this kind of nonsensical reason, no matter how you look at it, something is wrong.

   “Some kind of weird curse?”

  Roll muttered in a low voice, then looked at the small stack of banknotes in his hand.

   actually earned it?

   But he was totally unhappy, because cursing this kind of thing meant that something extraordinary was involved.

  He is just an ordinary villager, what can he do to fight against the extraordinary?

   Fortunately, although this curse will cause trouble for myself, the threat is not too big.

   “The key is that I didn’t offend anyone, why am I cursed?”

   “Is that group of car bandits and road tyrants? It’s not like… They want to have this ability, it’s me who should run away.”

  Rol thought about it himself, but couldn’t think of a reason.

   He is not a transcendent person, so he lacks knowledge in this area.

   “I will see the doctor tomorrow, too.”

   “I hope people are okay…”

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