My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 114 - Return trip

Three days later, the empire’s rescue airship arrived at Alpine Fort, and Rohr borrowed his daughter’s light to take the airship back, and it was time to part with Jeanna.

“Okay, I have told you what I should say and teach. If you have any questions in the future, remember to send me a telegram. It is best to send a copy to both addresses I left.”

Before he left, Rohr told him seriously.

“Please rest assured, I will work hard to build this into a beautiful new home, so that people can live a happy life!”

Jeanna replied, with a confident look on her face.

For these three days, she has been very busy. Since returning to her normal shape, she hasn’t spoken to Roer a few words, and is all busy dealing with the aftermath.

The biggest point is the mine that is suspected of producing Gundanim metal.

She had already dealt with the beginning and end of the place according to Rohr’s previous instructions, and it was completely sealed off on the grounds that it was in disrepair for a long time and there was a huge safety hazard.

After that, she has been busy maintaining order in the city. To this day, daily life in the city has basically returned to normal, except that the banner of the Maud Principality on the city wall has been replaced by the Freedom sect.

It was a newly designed flag of the Restoration Sect. It had a white background with golden lines on it, depicting a girl bowing her head in prayer.

The beauty is still very beautiful, it is the overall white color, which is easy to misunderstand if you look far away…

“Okay, so be it, I hope you all go well.”

Rohr finally said.

“Thank you for your guidance and help during this time.”

Jeanna replied with a smile, subconsciously trying to give Rohr a farewell hug.

As a result, Keli next to her seemed to perceive the danger, and she hurriedly took a step first and hugged Roer’s waist.

Jeanna had to stand awkwardly on the spot, grinning reluctantly, but still politely said:

“Thank you also for taking care of you two days ago, Miss Keli.”

“After our country is built, you are welcome to come and play again.”

After Jeanna changed back, she would not be as clingy and willful as Little Jeanna, and would not compete with her for position.

But she won’t be called sister Ke Li again.

This made her feel a little disappointed…

“You have to come on!”

She shook her small fist at Jeanna to encourage her.

Rolle waved his hand, bent over and picked up his daughter, placed it on his arm, and stepped into the gangway.

But when he was about to enter the cabin, he suddenly stopped, looked at the surrounding crowd, and frowned slightly.

It was the first time that many people in the city saw the airship, and they all ran to watch the excitement.

“What’s the matter, Dad?”

“I just caught a glimpse of two people, a bit like Ah Da and Ah Er?”

“But in the blink of an eye the person is gone.”

Rohr said somewhat puzzledly.

“Ada and Aer? How could it be possible? They two fools, who dare not even go to the town under the mountain, how could they come to such a place?”

Keli replied.

“That’s true, I was wrong.”

Rohr didn’t worry about it either, and walked into the cabin with his daughter in his arms.

In his words, Ah Da and Ah Er were twin brothers in the village. They did not know where they came from. They had lived in the village for 5 or 6 years.

The brains of both of them seem to be a little bit bad…

Ah Da always laughed, as if he could not do anything but laughed, and talked a lot; Ah Er would always have a black face, as if the whole world owed him money, and he basically didn’t speak.

Although his mind is not very good, he is still honest and honest, diligent and conscientious. The land of the two of them is the best growing in the village.

It’s also very generous, and Rohr has never complained about picking things from their house.

So sometimes when they are in a good mood, they will also be taught two tricks of family swordsmanship to avoid being bullied by bad guys after going out.

It’s a pity that the talents of the two are so bad, so much worse than Keli, they can barely learn a little.

After the airship took off, a pair of twin brothers emerged from the crowd of onlookers below. They were the smiling and black-faced youths who had been shoveling dirt outside.

“We bought everything, right? Let’s go back to the village soon!”

The smiling young man said.

The dark-faced youth nodded vigorously.

The two of them stood shoulder to shoulder and stepped forward together.

With their steps, the figures of the two gradually became blurred and blurred, and then disappeared into the crowd like this.

But the people around did not notice this terrifying vision…

After getting on the airship, Roer walked around at random under the leadership of his daughter, then went to the cargo yard to take a look at the donkey and feed it a carrot.

To be honest, it deserves to be the special airship of the Scholars Association, regardless of the level of comfort and luxury, it is much better than the small airship he came over.

Except for the cabins where the crew lives, all the rest are luxury cabins with sofas, wine cabinets, potted plants, and murals hanging on the walls. The standards are quite high.

At this time, it can be regarded as borrowing her daughter’s light to enjoy a high-end luxury, right?

Rolle lay on the soft sofa, poured himself a small glass of red wine, and took a sip, following the posture of the nobles.

The taste is actually similar to that of the fruit wine in the village, but it is high-grade, tasteful, and compelling, it is delicious!

Scholars are really rich!

He couldn’t help sighing in his heart.

I hope Jeanna and the others will have the opportunity to enjoy such treatment in the future.

He sincerely looked forward to it.

If Jeanna and the others really developed in the future, and they really became a big power, wouldn’t they be able to…

Think there is still a little excitement?

But objectively speaking, the current Alpine Fort still has a long way to go.

But the prospects are very good. The current fertile valley is in a safe and stable stage, and the recovery of the church is also gaining momentum.

In just three days, the number of their congregation had grown exponentially, and the feat of conquering the alpine fort had begun to spread in the fertile valley.

I believe that if it takes a few years, Jeanna and the others can really accomplish the feat of independence!

This is not just Rohr’s optimistic estimate alone.

Professor Kant, after knowing that a revolution had suddenly erupted here overnight, collected various information and derives similar conclusions.

While waiting for the imperial airship to come and pick up people, he was preparing an incident report while inquiring about various news on the street.

Judging from the information he heard, although the sect of the Restoration had few staff, poor equipment, and insufficient funds, the leader was still a very young girl.

No matter how you look at it, there is no prospect, and it doesn’t look like a force that can conquer a city.

But they seem to enshrine a true god? Not the kind of evil **** that destroys everything, but a good god.

In the process of chatting with several members of the Restoration sect on the street, he often heard them mention a figure named ‘Tutor’ and threatened that the mentor saved them and killed the terrible monster.

People here don’t even know the real situation of strawberry ice cream.

In theory, it is impossible for a highly educated imperial scholar like Professor Kant to believe these nonsense.

But this time, he really believed…

Not only him, even Lundt believed…

Because they met the two ordinary villagers again yesterday.

The two seemed to be shopping on the street, behaving like ordinary people, using fluent local dialect, chatting and laughing with other people happily.

They didn’t say hello to Professor Kant and Lent who passed by. They just smiled politely, just like ordinary passers-by, who had never seen them before.

In this way, Professor Kant firmly believed in his own judgment. There really is a top powerhouse here, and even a true **** sheltered him.

Otherwise, this kind of suspected Tier 11 existence is unlikely to appear in such a place for no reason, and go shopping like ordinary people.

Then they can capture the mountain fort, it is as simple as drinking soup.

As for why the true **** wanted to shelter here, choose them, and why he was called a mentor, Professor Kant couldn’t find out.

Maybe it’s because of the beautiful girl leader? I heard that she is a top-notch beautiful girl of extremely high standard?

Lent drew a boring conjecture.

Professor Kant scoffed at this.

At the same time, he also decided in his heart that after he returned, he must try his best to persuade the empire’s top not to have any unrealistic ideas about this restoration sect.

It is even better to provide them with some human, financial, diplomatic and other funding to maintain good relations.

This is an organization protected by a true god, and this is a city guarded by two mysterious strong men.

Don’t provoke!

He saw the prospects of the Restoration Sect better than Rohr.

On the way back to the empire in the airship, Professor Kant and Lent have been carefully considering the wording of the report, not only to make the empire aware of the importance of the problem, but also not to violate the previous promise and reveal the existence of the two weird youths.

This is a very laborious process. He must control every thought in his mind for fear of any discrepancies.

But fortunately, that terrible heart palpitations did not appear. It seems that the two young people didn’t mind him revealing the divine battle that took place here and the existence of the Restoration Sect.

But they still suffered physically and mentally. The two of them were basically locked in the same cabin along the way, eating and living together, and they were whispering softly, and they basically didn’t talk to other people.

Originally, Rohr wanted to chat with Professor Kant, ask about his daughter’s performance, and flattered him, hoping that he could take care of it more in the future.

As a result, Professor Kant said casually, saying that he only wanted to chat with Lundt.

This inevitably makes others wonder whether the two have an improper relationship that transcends friendship…

Compared with the abnormal professor, Keli is much more normal.

The absence of Jeanne around her, and the absence of competitive pressure, made her feel more relaxed, able to act like a baby and be cute.

But the only problem is that this time Dad doesn’t plan to return to the Imperial Capital with her, but really wants to return to the village.

It’s useless to persuade or act like a baby.

Kelly can only hope that the airship can fly slower.


The following is today’s list:

Thanks to the most beautiful cub on this street, the name is so difficult to always repeat, and the phantom heart’s generous rewards!


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