My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 111 - Please do me a favor

With doubts and curiosity each, Kant and Lunt cautiously approached the center of the battlefield, which was covered with a thick layer of black and gray.

It was very quiet along the way, encountered no danger, no other people, not even bugs.

“Is this the center of the battlefield? This place… I remember it should have been a small hill…”

Professor Kant took out a map from his arms and checked it carefully with the light that gradually brightened.

Then he put down the map again and looked at the large flat black wasteland in front of him. There were no energy storms or spatial rifts.

“The intensity of this magical battle is really low, why is it so?”

He asked very puzzled.

“This may be because there is a gap between the strengths of the two sides…”

Lent on the side began to speculate.

“It’s like ordinary people want to catch a cat in the house, it will be very troublesome, or it will make a mess of the room; but if you just catch an ant, it will be over with a squeeze.”

“Hehe, very bold speculation.”

Professor Kant laughed dryly, not agreeing with the other party’s statement.

At the stage of true god, who can be weaker than anyone else?

But he couldn’t completely rule out this possibility. Humans still know too little about gods.

If this is the case, what terrifying power should another deity be?

With human imagination, I’m afraid it’s impossible to figure it out, right?

“Professor, I found something strange again.”

Lunt next to him suddenly spoke, interrupting Professor Kant’s thoughts.

“Although the perception is greatly disturbed here, I still tried to unfold it…”

“Have you noticed that there seems to be only one type of pressure and breath fluctuation remaining here?”

Professor Kant shook his head, he really didn’t notice.

After entering this black wasteland, he quickly condensed his perception and did not dare to expand.

Moreover, his perception is only convenient for research, whether it is accuracy or sensitivity, it is definitely not comparable to an eighth-order legend.

He quickly got bold, letting go of perception and felt the aftermath of his surroundings.

Indeed, only a tiny trace of coercion can be felt.

Powerful and violent, just the remaining faint strands made him feel headaches, and he seemed to hear some strange sounds in his ears, like some kind of desperate wailing and screams before he died.

Professor Kant’s face suddenly turned pale, his body staggered and almost fell, and he was already on the verge of mental pollution.

This residual coercion is not very threatening to the eighth-order Lunt, but it only makes him feel a slight headache, but it is extremely dangerous to Professor Kant, who is only half an extraordinary person.

“Professor! Professor! Put away your perception!”

Lunt grabbed Professor Kant’s arm, then took out a knife from his arms, and pressed it against the professor’s fingertips, preparing to create some pain for him and help him maintain consciousness.

“No…no, I’m fine…”

Professor Kant quickly withdrew his perception, waved his hand again, stood up straight by himself, his face gradually improved.

“After all, it is the site of the battle of Gods. It is not something people like me can look at at will…”

“You’d better put away your perception, otherwise I won’t be able to save you if you touch something that shouldn’t be spied on.”

He spoke a word of persuasion.

Lent was taken aback by his reaction and nodded repeatedly.

“However, there is really only one remaining coercion and breath fluctuation? Why is this?”

Professor Kant asked quickly.

Lunt shrugged, saying that he couldn’t understand the operation of the gods, but he still speculated with an open mind:

“The remaining one is obviously from the evil god. He must have been killed by the good god, so there will be residues, right?”

Professor Kant did not answer, and was not commenting on this speculation.

He once took a look from a distance outside another divine battle site, where the remaining pressure and fluctuations have not dissipated so far. Just looking at it will make his vision blurry and his eyes swollen and painful.

Perhaps, the divine battle that left the three ruins before was not one-to-one like today, but many-to-many, so the remaining reaction was so violent and continued to this day.

This is a major discovery in archaeology!

The essay I wrote when I went back was able to shock the whole world!

At that time, you can call Your Excellency Keruo as an assistant, and let her sign her name, so that she will also become famous in the archaeological world.

Professor Kant murmured in his heart, and he didn’t forget to take a handful of little Keli, who is diligent and studious these days, and respects her teacher.

She is much better than my bad old man. She should be alive, right?

The two continued to move forward and gradually approached the place where Roel inserted the scabbard.

When he got here, Lundt seemed to feel something. Although he put away his perception after listening to the professor’s suggestion, the instinctive reaction of an eighth-order legend was still there.

He smelled something unusual in the air, and a few cards popped up between his fingers by magic, slowing down his pace.

Then, he saw two young people who looked like ordinary villagers, with a truck trailer parked beside them.

Both of them were sackcloth sandals, dressed very plainly, holding a pair of shovel in their hands, digging the soil one by one and filling them into the trailer next to them.

What are these two people doing?

Wait, that’s not right!

How can other people come to this place?

Who are they?

Professor Kant and Lundt’s complexion changed immediately, and the cats leaned close to the past cautiously.

Lunt also crushed a card in his hand, and the figures of the two gradually became blurred and transparent, not only concealing Lunt’s breath fluctuations, but also covering up their breathing and heartbeat.

Quite clever invisibility technique.

The looks of the two young people are very similar. They are both ordinary public faces, like twins, but one face always has a faint smile, looking like a typical sunny youth in a mountain village.

The other always looked gloomy, as if he was carrying something unbearable.

Digging and digging, the black-faced young man stopped and turned his head and glanced at the smiling young man.

“Why are you looking at me? Continue digging!”

“The village has been peaceful for so long, and the harvest of the dealer is not as good as one year, so I don’t want to take some back home anymore. In winter, I will eat the soil and drink the wind?”

The smiling young man said angrily.

The dark-faced youth still did not speak, and continued to stare at him.

The smiling young man seemed to be able to read his thoughts from his eyes, smiled and shook his head, and continued:

“No, maybe they just passed by?”

“And it seems that humans and animals are harmless, so there should be no hostility, right?”

“Do you think so?”

His last words were actually addressed to Professor Kant and Lent who were invisible not far away.

Lunt was shocked in his heart, he was very confident of his own invisibility technique, it was a unique skill in the unique skill, even the ninth-order saint could not see through it.

What’s more, this area is very special, the perception is severely disturbed, it can only barely expand, and it is still very dangerous.

How did these two ordinary villagers find themselves?

Lunt didn’t have time to think about it, and grabbed Professor Kant’s arm, planning to escape.

He didn’t dare to do anything in such a place, because something terrible might happen.

However, before he had time to take a step, he noticed that his sight was dizzy and his figure had left the place and came to the two young men.

“You haven’t answered my question yet.”

Said the smiling young man.

Although the smile on his face was very sunny, in the eyes of the two professors, it revealed an indescribable weirdness and horror.

Lunt still had the mental qualities of an eighth-level strong, so he swallowed hard and replied in a low voice:

“We…we just passed by…”

“It’s really just passing by, we have no hostility at all!”

For some reason, he obviously didn’t feel the slightest power fluctuation in the two villagers, they really looked like ordinary people.

But the instinct of the body made him feel extremely in awe, as if facing two extremely powerful beings, his heartbeat increased uncontrollably, and his breathing gradually became rapid.

“That’s it? That’s good…”

The smiling youth nodded, as if not intending to embarrass them.

“But since I happened to run into it, please do me a favor, we just have a rest.”

With that, he handed out the shovel in his hand.

The same goes for the black-faced youth next to him.

Professor Kant and Lunt dared not disobey at all, they stretched out their hands trembling slightly and took the shovel.

A very ordinary shovel, the same type as the street goods.

“By the way, I almost forgot to remind you, don’t use any inexplicable strange power, otherwise it is very likely to cause some trouble.”

Lent nodded quickly.

The two of them rolled up their sleeves, shovel after shovel, digging the soil and filling it into the trailer.

The two villagers watched silently beside them, except for a few occasional words of encouragement to remind them to change places, and basically did not speak.

Even the expression on his face has not changed, one is still smiling and the other is black.

Because they did not dare to use extraordinary power, the two professors were so busy with sweat and panting, the sun came out, and they barely filled the drag bucket.

“It’s almost done, it’s really hard work.”

The smiling young man clapped his hands and took the shovel back from the hands of the two.

The black-faced youth turned his head and gave him a look, as if expressing something.

The smiling young man understood his eyes, shook his head, and persuaded:

“Huh? It’s not necessary, right? It’s said that this trip will come only to dig the soil, not to kill people?”

The young black man continued to stare at him.

“Don’t don’t don’t, don’t do this, do it when you say it!”

“And, wouldn’t it be okay for us to ask them to help keep the secret?”

After all, he looked back at Professor Kant and asked:

“Can you promise me not to tell anyone what you have seen us?”

Professor Kant hadn’t realized what was going on, and subconsciously nodded.

“Very well, you agreed!”

The smiling young man said, slapped his chin three times.

Professor Kant and Lunt felt black in front of them at the same time and fainted.


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