My Childhood Friend is the Hero’s Bride

Chapter 5: Rubia City, Day Two, Part Three

When I enter the dark alley alone, I once again notice how eerily silent it is compared to the nearby main street. It feels like the noise from outside is somehow prevented from reaching this place.
The closer I get to the workshop, the more silent it gets and the heavier my shoulders feel.

I knock on the locked door, but nothing happens, even after waiting for a while.
I peer through the tinted glass windows but I can't make out any movement.
"(Oh, yes. What did Ragnar do again?)"
I remember back and knock on the door twice, followed by a short pause and two additional knocks.

A few seconds later the door opens and Gulliver's face becomes visible. His single open eye stares at me.

"I'm here to collect the armor."

"Ah, yes, come in."

"N-No I'd rather wait here."

"Oh, but I need to show you something, there's been a bit of a problem."

I really don't want to enter but I have no choice.
"Alright, but please make it quick."

"Yes, of course." He smiles before he pulls open the door.

We walk past the weird painting of the tree into the dark corridor and then into the 'storage room'.

The micro bikini Marie had worn just a few hours ago is laying on the large stone in the middle of the room, a faint blue glow emanating from it.

"You see..." He rubs his hands. "The spell didn't quite come out as Ragnar, I mean as I was intending and to put the finishing touches I'm going to need some mana essence that I don't really have on hand right now."

"Mana essence?"

"Yes, yes, you know water essence, fire essence, these kinds of things."

I try to remember. It was only in passing, but I learned about the mana essences of the six elements. Like every living thing has an affinity, crystallized mana can also have an affinity.
"Ah, yes. Can you not finish it without that?"

"Sadly not.." He looks at me. "But I think you might be able to solve that."


"Yes, you don't happen to have a Dark affinity, do you?"

"Uh, no I'm a priest. My affinity is Light."
In truth, I had never taken a test. Testing one's affinity is a much more expansive process than testing one's class and would have taken travel to a larger city. For priests it was simply assumed that they had the Light affinity as there have been few recorded cases of anything else.

"Eh? Are you sure about that?"

As Light and Dark are the rarest affinities, the chance of a priest having a Dark affinity on top of not having a Light affinity was very, very small.

"N-Not completely but what makes you think I do?"

"Oh, just a hunch."

I feel like I see his closed eyelid twitch. A cold shiver runs down my spine.

"How about we give it a try?"

"Give what a try?"

"Just stretch out your hand, I only need a few drops. If it doesn't work and I don't get a replacement the enchantment will probably decay and the whole thing will become unusable. Of course I could understand if it you'd prefer that. Seem like that girl did you real dirty, you poor boy. If you want, I can make it look like it's working just fine but then, SLASH! the sword tears right through the flesh, hehehehe."

"No! It's alright, don't do that. Here."
I stretch out my left arm.

A gross smile creeps across his face.
"Don't mind if I do."

He pulls out an ornate knife and grabs a flat, empty bowl.

He puts the bowl right under my palm and cuts across it with the surprisingly sharp knife, using quite a bit of strength.

"FUCK! What are you doing?"
Blood gushes from the wound, quickly beginning to fill the bowl.

A mad twinkling can be seen in his open eye before I pull back my hand.

"Heal!" I yell as I hold my right hand over my left while blood drips on the floor.
The gash closes over the course of a few seconds as if time rewinds along the cut.

I rest my right hand on the stone, supporting my body on it as my legs shake and my head spins.
My vision begins to fade as I try to stay conscious while Gulliver wipes the knife with a black cloth.

Using Heal without incantation would have cost me quite a bit of mana, but this reaction shouldn't be possible.
Did he poison me? Am I going to die here?
Who will protect Marie then?

"Hey, you don't look so good."

I'm still conscious.
My breathing is rugged but my condition doesn't seem to get worse.

After a while I have enough composure to speak.
"Wh- What did you do to me?"

"Nothing much, I only took a bit of your blood. Oh, but mana is attracted to this knife, so you probably lost a bit more of that than expected, hehehe."

"You- You said you only needed a few drops."

"Mhm, I did say that." he grins, showing me his yellow teeth. "At this concentration a few drops should be enough, but it never hurts to have a little in reserve in case something like this happens again, right?"

"Now stand back."

I lift my arm from the stone table and balance myself on my own feet. My head is slowly starting to return to normal, though my legs are still shaking.

Gulliver takes small spoon from a drawer to the side and scoops up a small amount of my blood from the bowl.

He holds the spoon over the middle of the stone, where a small, round indentation had been carved out and turns his hand, filling it with a single drop of blood.

I look at the armor, fully expecting absolutely nothing to happen, but after a few seconds the blue glimmer coming from it begins changing into a darker purple hue before growing weaker and then gently ceasing.

"Mhhm." He sounds confident. "Looks like it worked after all."
"I must say I am a bit jealous."

"Anyway, aren't you going to check it?"

"Huh? Oh."
I completely forgot about the crystal Ragnar had given me.
I hastily pull it out of my pocket and hold it against the mithril bikini. There's no reaction.
I try the panties. Nothing.
How do I even make sure this thing works at all?

Gulliver looks at my uncertain expression.
"Do you really think I'd curse something against Ragnar's will? I enjoy my life and rather not have it cut short."
"Oh, but I should probably tell you about the enchantment that I put on the armor."

"Didn't Ragnar say something about adaptive protection?"

"Yes, yes, that's what he wanted, but as I mentioned, it didn't quite turn out that way... that's not to say it was a failure, no, no. I think with this, my craft has reached a new peak, at least when it comes to mundane applications like protection."
"You see, normal protection enchantments work against a specific material, like metal or fire. Now the reason Ragnar comes to me, not some fresh-out-of-school plebe is my adaptive protection enchantment, which blocks any kind of material, as long as the wearer focuses on defending against it. Now with this -new- kind of enchantment I've managed to surpass all that. It can block absolutely anything, seen or unseen. The only thing that can pass through are the hands that the body wearing the armor belongs to. Of course that also means it can't be taken off by anyone else! I imagine that should be quite useful, especially for female adventurers."

"Huh, that does sound strong."
If it really works like he says it does, then I won't have to worry quite as much about Marie being hurt.

"Anyway, enough boring explanations, you've helped me out, so how about a present in exchange?"
I raise my eyes from the armor lying on the stone to see Gulliver reaching under his robe and grabbing something before putting his hand on the stone tablet.
As he pulls back, a small, simple ring lying next to the dazzling mithril is revealed. It's made out of an irregular, dark looking metal, like tarnished silver, and doesn't have any engravings or edges.
"Here, I have no use for it anymore but maybe you do."

"What's this?" I ask.

"Oh, just an old ring of mine. It's got an enchantment on it that masks any and all sounds you make. It's quite useful if I do say so myself." He smiles warmly, which creeps me out more than anything.

That does sound useful though, which makes me wonder why he'd simply give it away like this.

I poke it with the crystal. Again, nothing.

"Does it hide the sound of spell chanting?"

Gulliver nods slowly, still smiling.
"It does."

I look at the ring. I have a feeling that I shouldn't touch it, but something like this simply seems too useful to pass up on.

I take the mithril armor off the stone first, putting it back into the black box that is standing on a small table off to the side.

After a brief pause I reach out and grab the ring, half expecting something terrible to happen. To my surprise nothing seems unusual about the small object in my hand, aside from feeling slightly warmer than expected.

"Ah-uh, thanks, I guess."

"No, no, I must thank you."
"Now, if you ever have a need for more interesting enchantments than boring old protection, then you know where to find me."

"T-Thanks, but I don't think I will."

"Oh well, we'll see."
Another ghoulish smile creeps across his wrinkled visage.

"A-Alright, I better get going then."
I put the ring into my right pants pocket and grab the black box.

"Until then." he says in an almost giggling manner.

I leave the room, walking through the shadowy corridor into the entrance room and remove the beam locking the door from the inside. I feel like I hear something, so turn around to, but behind me is nothing but the empty room full of books. Seems like Gulliver didn't follow me.
I take one last look at the creepy tree painting and leave the workshop, hearing the -clonk- of the beam locking the door behind me. A shiver runs down my spine.

My legs are still unsteady from the loss of mana but I walk towards the main street as fast as I can.
As I leave the enchanter's lair behind me, the sounds of conversations, the yelling of children and the whinnying of horses once again return and my body begins feeling lighter.

"(Time to head back.)"


I slowly walk along the central shopping street of Rubia, which is bathed in the deeply amber light of the setting sun.
Fewer and fewer people are now window shopping, many instead sitting in cafés or restaurants to the side of the road and enjoying the beautiful evening.

On my way to the inn I come across a few of the familiar stores we had visited in the past days. Some of them are still open, while others have already closed down for the night. I see Halvard sweeping the small stairs leading up to his workshop. He seems to be lost in thought so I don't bother him and keep going.

"(I wonder what Marie is doing right now.)"
Ragnar told me they're visiting a friend, so there shouldn't be anything strange heppening, but I feel a certain unease that I can't quite get rid off.

As I walk along the road lost in thought, my legs suddenly start giving and I almost fall, only narrowly balancing myself without tripping.
"Wah!" I yelp in surprise.

After I stabilize myself I notice my legs shaking. 
This sucks. My mana had been almost completely drained. I could probably only get out one more Heal without incantation before fainting.
We had planned on moving on from Rubia tomorrow morning, but recovering that much mana passively would likely take me a few days or even longer.

"(I'll have to drink a potion.)"

I bought ten of them yesterday, but I don't really want to start using them up before we even leave the city.

"(The potion shop is still ahead, so if I'm lucky they didn't close yet.)"

A few minutes later I stand in front of the shop, the "Open" sign on the door still hanging outside.

I enter the small store, expecting to be greeted by the friendly blonde shopkeeper from yesterday - Instead I see a short, slightly chubby man with brown hair and green eyes. He looks to be in his mid forty and he's wearing rather fine looking clothes; a lose-cut hazel colored jacket with gold stitchings, blue linen pants and a wide brown blue hat with a white feather sticking out on the right side.

I feel a bit disappointed as he looks at me with a friendly smile while sitting behind the counter with his hands folded.

"Welcome, welcome. How can I help you?." He asks with a confident voice.

"Ah, hello. I need a mana potion."

"Oh definitly, you look terrible, if I may say so. I'll get one right away it right away. Just one moment, I think I just saw one." He venishes behind the counter.
After a few seconds of searching through the flasks in front of him he speaks again.
"Aha, here it is."

He puts the small glass bottle containing a viscous, deep blue liquid on the counter.

"That'll be two silver for a medium mana potion."

I put the black box containing the enchanted mithril set down in front of me to grab my purse.
The man seems fairly interested in it but choses to not say anything.

I grab two silver pieces and put them on the counter before quickly taking the potion and chugging it down in one go.

The gooey liquid wets my throat and is instantly absorbed by my skin before I can swallow it. I feel the life return to my body and breathe out a relieved "Aaahhh".

"Now that that's taken care... forgive my inquisitiveness, but what in the name of the Goddess happened to drain you of mana this badly?"

"Ah, eh... nothing much. I just had to quickly heal a wound and messed up the spell."

He looks at me with scepticism, but somehow I feel like not talking about what happened with Gulliver is the right call.

"Ah, well it's none of my business. So, can I help you with anything else, young man?"

I don't want to spend too much time here since Marie is probably already waiting at the inn, but I'm too interested in the mystery of the missing shopkeeper.

"Uh, actually I was wondering what happened to the lady who was keeping the shop yesterday."

"My wife Paula you mean? Don't worry, right now she's just saying goodbye to a friend that she won't see for some time."
He smiles at me as he says those words while looking me in the eyes.

"Oh, I see. I'd be happy if you could tell her my thanks for the stamina potions from yesterday."

"Of course, I will. She'll be happy to know that a customer is thinking of her with such fondness."

I nod at him and smile.
"Well then, thank you again and goodbye."

"Thank you, and come again!"

I leave the store and start heading back towards the inn.
I feel tired and my legs are still a bit wobbly, but at least my steps are much steadier than before. It'd probably only take a few hours for me to get back to normal now.


After about fifteen minutes of walking, I reach the front door of the inn.
The sun had set and I could already hear the revelry of the merry patrons from within the busy tavern.

As I enter one of the barmaids, a young girl about my age with shoulder length blonde hair, greets me with a friendly "Welcome!".

Feeling too tired to say anything, I nod my head towards her and head straight for my room.

After walking past the bar and dodging a few drunken patrons stumbling into me I stand in front of our room's door.

I push down the handle and enter, expecting to see Marie already wearing her cute one piece sleepwear while waiting for me.
But... for the second time today, I am disappointed.

The room is empty, the candles are out and everything looks exactly as it did when we left.
"Haah." I sigh while putting down the black box containing the mithril bikini.
"(Maybe they're still at Ragnar's friend's place... or maybe right now they're...)"
I shake my head.
"Nonono, it's only been two days since she stayed in his room. The holy text prescribes for her to attend the Hero only once a week."
Despite my denial, my dick is already starting to stiffen up and my eyes fall upon the place where I had hidden Marie's panties after getting interrupted this morning.
"(Now's my chance.)"

I put on my pajama and grab the pair from beneath my sheets before laying down on my futon.

While grabbing my dick with my right hand, I put the panties towards my face with the left.

Marie's familiar, flowery smell combined with the incredibly erotic aroma of her nether regions fills my nose as I take a deep breath.

I feel a warmth inside of me as I am enveloped by her soft scent.


My eyes open. The Daylight falling through the windows is blinding me. I pull my arm over my face and notice that I'm still holding the pair of panties.
My pajama pants are pulled down and my dick is fully hanging out.

I realize that I fell sleep right as I started to jack off to Marie's panties.

"(She must have seen me like this.)"
Embarrassment overcomes me and I turn my head towards her bed.

But once again there's no one there and her sheets are still arranged as they were when I came in yesterday.
I scan the room but there are no signs of Marie coming in at any point.

I feel a slight panic welling up inside of me.
What if something happened to her?
"(No, there's no way anyone here could beat Ragnar.)"

I stand up, throwing the panties down on my futon and pulling my pants up before quickly walking towards the door.

First I walk towards the tavern area, stopping at the entrance to get a good view.
Next to a few guests sitting and talking over tea and coffee I spot the short barmaid with the black bobcut with a burly looking man. He has brown hair and is fairly large, though not as big as Ragnar. The barmaid gives me a strange look before focusing back on him. Judging from how she hugs his left arm the man seems to be her boyfriend.

I turn around and walk towards the shared bath. After opening the door I look inside. The bath was still steamy from having been used recently, but no one is there.


Last is Ragnar's room.

I somehow already know what awaits me.

My heart starts beating faster as I walk up the wooden stairs, still wearing my pajamas.

After walking through the corridor leading to his room I stop in front of the door and listen.

-rustle- -rustle-
-slurp- -slurp- -slurp-

"Ouah... you're already getting better at this."

-slurp- -slurp-

I can hear the two of them from inside, though I can't quite tell what's happening.

-slurp- -slurp- -slop-

"Uuoah...You might actually make me cum this time."

-slorp- -slrop-

"Just a bit... ghn...faster."

-slurp- -slurp- -slurp- -slurp-

I can hear the wet sounds becoming more frequent.

-slurp- -slup-


"Ahh... sorry but it's not enough. I'm going to grab your head for a bit so please bear with it."

"(Grab her head... wait is she...?)"

-slorp- -slop-
"(And she agreed!?)"

"Good girl."


-slorp- -slorp- -glorp- -glrop- -slurp- -glrop- -slurp-

The sounds become even faster now.
It's clear that whatever they're doing, Marie can barely keep up.
Even though it sounds like she's choking my fully erect cock is pushing against the insides of my pants.
"(I should hate this but...)"

-slop- -slurp- -slurp-

"Ghh... Here I come.... Nhhhnnnngh...."


-glug- -glug- -glug- -glug-

"That was a good one."

"Haaahh... Hhaaah... Hhaahh..."

-cough- -cough-

"Well done, sorry for just grabbing you like that, but I couldn't control myself."

"Ah-At least -cough- warn me beforehand..."

"Huh, but I did warn you?"

"T-That's not what I'm talking about."

"Didn't Paula tell you?"

"S-She did but..."

"Anyway, seems like we have a guest. Feel free to come in, Al."


"(How did he...)"


After hesitating for a moment I grab the handle and push it down to open the door.

The first thing I see is Marie, holding a white towel in front of her naked body and standing in front of Ragnar, who is sitting on the edge of his bed without any kind of cover.
The room is filled with the smell of sex and sweat and the air is moist.

Marie is looking at me with an awkward expression, her mouth is covered with spit and a single black hair is sticking to her cheek. Her right arm is holding the towel while the other one is fumbling around with her damp hair as she smiles at me with a big blush.

"H-Hello..." She mumbles as she looks away from me to the side.

Marie had positioned in a way that Ragnar can see her bare backside so he only focuses on me after a few seconds of admiring her naked ass from behind.

"Hey there. It's not polite to eavesdrop on people, you know?"

"Ah.. I..."
Once again I can't find any words.

"It's alright, it's alright, I'm kidding man. Feel free to listen to us making love as much as you want when you get the chance."
"Oh, and I was planning on returning her all cleaned up, but I guess you'll have to do with this."

Marie turns around slightly to look at him, giving me a glimpse of her bare back and the side of her butt. I can't see her expression but I imagine she's mad at him.

Ragnar stands up, his half-erect dick hanging down between his legs. I have to admit that it's true what Marie said. His dick really is in a completely different league than mine in every category I can imagine, from size and girth to it's veiny ruggedness.
"(That thing was inside of my cute Marie.)"

"Now then, why don't you go back to Al's room and get dressed so we can head out?" he asks, looking down at her.
"Or did you have something else in mind?"

Marie turns back towards me. She somehow looks conflicted as she opens her mouth.
"I-I'll come right away so-Nhn~" She stops talking as her body suddenly tenses up.
Ragnar smirks and I notice that his arm is moving behind her back.
"W-Wait for me downstairs okay?"

I turn around, my heart beating out of my chest as I imagine what's going to happen next.
The fact that she was so obviously choosing to stay with Ragnar than going downstairs with me made my blood race with excitement.

"Al... I love you a lot."
I turn around once more to see Marie giving me a bright smile.

"I love you too." I respond, smiling back before I leave the room.

As I walk towards the stairs leading down to the ground floor I somehow feel nothing but happiness at knowing that my beloved Marie is going to be defiled once again.

End Chapter 5

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