My Childhood Friend is the Hero’s Bride

Chapter 4.5: While he gets her a present.

This chapter takes place during chapter four. It's not required to understand the story and if you'd rather not know every detail, you can skip it without a problem.


As Marie and Ragnar walk away from Al, who is still sitting at the café table near the fountain, she feels a tingling in her chest.

The sun has already passed it's peak and the warm light of the early afternoon bathes the city in a warm amber tone.

There was a sense that something was about to happen between them, though she couldn't quite tell why she felt that way.

Suddenly, Ragnar's reached around her waist, jolting her hips towards him.
Their bodies touch and she once again feels the difference between Ragnar and Al's physiques.
Ragnar was firm, his muscles felt like they were made of metal, but there was a certain softness to him as well. Just like his attitude, his body was both gentle and steady but also rough and harsh at the same time. Combined with his size this made her feel like he was truly special, superior even, compared to anyone else she's met.
It's like he's something out of a legend.
"(I guess he actually is.)"
She clung to his side and continued walking.

"(Al is probably still watching.)"
She smiles.
"(I wonder what his face looks like right now.)"

When they had sex two days ago she realized that her body had already chosen Ragnar as it's mate, even against her heart's wishes. She knew she couldn't lie to herself or Al, so she was terrified about breaking his heart when she returned to Al's room that night to tell him what happened.

A glimmer of that fear still remained inside of her, even now that she knew that, despite belonging to Ragnar, Al loved her just the way she was.
Perhaps that anxiety was the reason why she felt like she always had to put up a tough act towards Ragnar while Al was around, even though he got excited when seeing them together.

Her heart loved Al, but her body wanted Ragnar. She knew it was greedy to wish for both of these feelings to continue, but Al's reaction to her kiss with Ragnar today had made her understand that Al didn't just accept this spoiled side of hers... he wanted her to show him even more of it.
"(Maybe... it's alright if I'm a bit greedy.)" She thought to herself while smiling.

"What's up with you?" Ragnar asks. "Only time I saw you this docile was when you were lying on my bed."

"Ehehe, I just had a good thought, that's all."

"Well, I'm not going to complain."
His hand brushes over the side of her hip, moving over her ass and grabbing it firmly.



The two of them slowly walk along the winding street, taking their time to enjoy the afternoon.
Ragnar continues caressing her hips and butt while they move towards the residence of his unknown friend. Heads are turning after them even more than before and even though she didn't like being put on display like this, she knew Ragnar enjoyed showing off his conquest, so she accepted the embarrassment and tried to ignore the stares.

After a while Ragnar started slowing down, eventually stopping in front of one of the shops she had already visited yesterday.

Marie turns her head towards Ragnar and looks at him from below.
"Your friend lives here?"

"Yep, this place belongs to her."
He points towards the store sign depicting a glass flask containing a green liquid.

"(No way.)" She thought.
"(Yesterday she said she was a mother.)"
"(There's no way that a woman with children would...)"

"Do you know Paula?" Ragnar asks, noticing Marie's confused expression.


"(That's right, maybe she's really just a friend. Ragnar must also have relationships with women that aren't sexual.)"



"Hey, I'm talking to you."


Ragnar had reached his hand through her hair, brushing it aside and caressing her right ear.
Marie blushes profusely before turning her head away.

"It's your fault for not listening."
"I was asking if you know Paula."

"Ah... I.. Just barely, I bought something here yesterday."
She says with a mumbly voice, still looking away.

"(What was that reaction?!)"
"(I never felt something like this from my ear before.)"

"Oh, just that? You were acting weird."
"Anyway, let's go in then."


"Welcome, welcome!"
Marie and Ragnar are greeted by an enthusiastic sounding voice belonging to the beautiful shopkeeper Marie had already met yesterday.
As they entered she was reaching up to stow away a few potions in one of the higher cabinets on the backside of the room before turning around to face them.

Her long hair was a brilliant blonde color, bound into a ponytail by a white strip of cloth. She was in her late 20s and even Marie had to admit that her face very cute. She had a nice, slender figure and waist for someone who had already bared children. Just like yesterday she was wearing a white apron over a green top and brown skirt going down to her ankles. Most importantly her breasts were large. Infuriatingly large. So large that they jiggled around slightly for a second or two just from her turning around.
"(Why do all women he knows have such huge knockers?)"

"How can I hel- Ragnar!"
Paula runs towards Ragnar without looking at Marie. Once she reaches him, she rests her hands on the upper part of his broad chest pushing her face into him and smiling. Despite being larger than Marie, the top of her head still didn't reach his chin when they were both standing next to each other.

Marie looks at her with a mixture of confusion and jealousy.

"Woah there, I was barely gone for two weeks."

"But I thought you had left for the capital again."

"Didn't Halvard tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Gah, never mind."
"I'm here to introduce my wife Marie to you, please treat her well."

"Your w-wife?" She asks in confusion before turning to Marie.
"Oh, you! But weren't you... Ah." She gives Marie an understanding smile.

"Nice to meet you, once again." She bows slightly as she looks into Marie's eyes, who has no idea how to deal with the situation.

"H-Hello, g-good day."
Marie's face start blushing once again while she's fumbling around with her fingers.

"(Shouldn't I be angry? They're obviously physical... But still... he introduced me as his wife... ...Why am I so...)"

"What happened?" She asks Ragnar.

"Eh, let's just we were fated for each other."
"Oh, and by the way, this time I'm really leaving for the capital. I'll probably not be back in a couple of months so I came to say goodbye."

Paula looks disappointed.
"Oh, is that so. B-Before you go how about-"

Suddenly Marie hears a refined sounding male voice coming from somewhere behind the door on the left side of the small shop.
"Are you free right now, dear? I'd like to make sure everything is prepared for tomorrow's dinner with the trade representative, if that's okay with you."

"Ah... Uh, right now is a bit..."

"Huh, what is it?"

"I-I'm talking to a friend right now, so..."

Steps can be heard coming from behind the door before it is thrown open with some force, revealing the chubby, brown haired man Paula was talking to. He looks tense and slightly distressed.
Compared to Paula's attire, his hazel top with gold stitchings and blue pants looked much more luxurious. It reminded Marie of the merchants that would sometimes come to the village, but it seemed even more intricate.

"Who- Oh... R-Ragnar."

"Sup. How've you been." Ragnar asks.

"Q-Quite well, quite well. I-I thought you were off on some mission again."

"I'll be gone in a bit, I just came by to introduce my wife, Marie."

"O-Oh." He looks at Marie with a hint of relief on his face.
"It's my honor to meet you, Miss Marie. My name is Theodore of Epperin and I'm Paula's husband."
He nods towards Marie in a graceful motion, his insecure attitude vanishing.

"(N-Noble! W-What did I learn again about greeting nobles?!)"
"M-Marie, please treat me well." she fumbles, bowing clumsily while slightly raising her skirt.

As Ragnar sees her make the submissive gesture, his expression sours.
He looks at Theodore and then at Paula in front of him.

"Actually, I think we're going to stay for a little while."

Paula's expression brightens up as she once again clings to Ragnar.

"You heard him, dear." She smiles while looking at her husband.
"Please tell the kids to stay in their room and watch the store for me, alright?"

"Ah- Nhh.. Of course." He answers with a mix of dread and excitement, his hand forming a fist as he looks at the ground.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of her." Ragnar says while walking past Theodore towards the door.
Marie follows him, not wanting to stay behind.

"Let's try making a baby again tomorrow, okay dear?" Paula asks her husband.

Theodore gulps before a smile spreads across his face.
"Yes, dear, let's do that.

She gives her husband one last kiss on the cheek before following after the other two.


"Wait! You can't do this!" Marie whispers into Ragnar's ear as they walk up the well cared for stairway towards the pair's bedroom.
"If you sleep with a noble's wife like this they're going to kill you, even if you're the Hero! A-And what if she gets pregnant?"

Ragnar turns around smiling.
"What, are you worried for me?"

"A-As if..." she replies, turning her head away.

"I guess that must mean you're jealous then, huh? Don't worry, the only one I'd take responsibility for is you."

Marie weakly slams her fist into Ragnar's back. Her face is completely red.

"Who'd want that?" Shy faintly whispers to herself.


"Now..." Ragnar starts proclaiming after the three of them had reached the bedroom on the second floor, located towards the back of the house with a window overlooking a more quiet alley opposite to the main street where the shop was facing.
"First of all, Paula, show Marie how to do a good blowjob. I have a feeling we'll spend a lot of time on the road even after we reach the capital, so I at least want her to be decent at it. After that, I'll give you your present."

"Wh- I never agreed to d-do it with my mouth." Marie complains before turning away from them.  In truh it's not like she wasn't interested.
If she could make HIM squirm for once, she could even take the initiative. And knowing how to properly do it with her mouth would maybe even make him focus more on her instead of other women. Even thought she thought that, once again she felt like she couldn't be honest to herself.
To her it felt like using her mouth to pleasure Ragnar without even feeling good herself would be the ultimate act of submission.

While these complicated feelings were swirling around in her head, she suddenly felt something on her waist before...
... her entire skirt was pulled down, falling to her feet and revealing the white cotton panties that were now the only thing protecting her crotch and small, perky ass.
"Nyah! What are you-"

As she turns around she sees Paula standing behind her, completely naked. Her large breasts seem even more pronounced now that they aren't covered by any fabric. Their size made them sag slightly, but they still had considerable volume to them. Her dark-pink nipples were already erect and she was holding her hands on top of her crotch, pushing her breasts together with her arms and further amplifying their size. Now that she was naked, Marie was able to notice the slight chubbiness of her tummy that was expected of a woman who had already carried children.

"I can't teach you if you're not looking." Paula says in a suggestive voice.

"I-I don't want to be taught anything." The blushing Marie responds.

"That's not good... Ragnar told me to, you see..."
She bows deeply, her breasts wriggling and bouncing against each other as they fall forward.
"Please allow me to teach you how to best serve your husband, Miss Marie."

"A-Alright, alright! I just have to watch, right?"

Paula smiles at Marie before dropping down to her knees in front of Ragnar. She puts her hands to the sides of his waist and moves her head forward until her nose touches the outside of Ragnar's pants over his crotch.
She takes a deep breath through her nose before turning back to Marie.
"That's right. Now please watch and learn like a good wife."
With those words she pulls down his pants and shorts in one swoop, revealing his darkened, half erect manhood.

Marie had seen it before, but it feels like she never really had a chance to look at it like this.
His cock really was huge. There was no other way to describe it. The form, that she knew all too well from being tortured by it's relentless pounding was thickest towards the middle of the shaft. Big veins were visible all over it's length, further increasing it's monstrous look. Seeing his cock in front of her made Marie clearly remember how his bulging rod had pulled and shoved the walls of her vagina and how his wide tip had pounded her deepest parts, making her feel things she had never thought possible.
She sits down on the ground next to them, hugging her knees. A slight stain was already visible on her panties.

"When it's like this, I know you want to take it into your mouth right away, but you first have to make it feel a bit more excited."
Paula grabs Ragnar's cock with both hands and hold it up slightly over her head.
"Make sure to lick all the way from the bottom to stimulate every part of it."

She gathers saliva in her mouth and pushes her dripping tongue against the base of Ragnar's dick before moving upwards along his shaft, leaving a trail of spit ending at the lower side of his tip.
-slurp- -churu- -churu-

After a few goes, Ragnar's rod is fully erect. It's towering above Paula's face and pulsating with every one of his heart beats.

"Now, once it is hard you have to greet it properly."
Paula puts her hands down on her thighs and raises her hips slightly so that her head is on the same level as the tip of Ragnar's penis.
As she bends forward, her soft tits jiggle as they hang slightly in front of her torso.

For a short time, her lips connect with the tip of Ragnar's penis and she gives his cock a kiss that to Marie looks like it contained the same love and care as one given to a child.

As Paula's mouth parts from his dick, a small strand of a clear liquid connects her lower lip to his tip before falling onto her right breast.

She lowers her hips, returning to her previous position and once again turns to Marie, who is watching intently.

"Since Ragnar is your husband it's even more important that you greet his penis properly when it wakes up."

Marie nods slightly. Her face is completely red. This isn't just something to make his dick feel good. It's a display of love.
"(There's no way I can do this.)" She thinks to herself as her heart rate increases while she imagines herself performing the lewd act that just unfolded in front of her.

"After you gave him your greeting, you can start licking the tip, but make sure not to tickle it too much."
She once again leans forward, extending her tongue and caressing the top of his firm cock.
-churu- -churu- -slup- -slurp-
Sloppy noises can be heard every time she circles around his glans, spreading her saliva all over, until she finally looks satisfied.

Marie shifts her hips around, rubbing her thighs together as she tries resisting the urge to masturbate. She hasn't been able to cum since having sex with Ragnar two days ago and her frustration was at it's limit.

"Now for the most important part. Maybe this is going to be hard at first but Ragnar enjoys it when you take it inside your throat all the way to the base. You probably won't manage that much right away without having to throw up, but after you tried it a few times you should be able to do it. Just take care not to accidentally touch him with your teeth."

Having said that, Paula turns back towards Ragnar's crotch and opens her mouth.
Marie watches with astonishment as she takes the entire length of Ragnar's massive cock inside of her, her throat bulging outwards as it is spread by the foreign object being inserted.
-gurg- -slurp- -slorp-
Paula rests her hands on Ragnar's upper thighs and starts rocking her entire torso back and forth, swaying her big, meaty breasts with it.
-gurg- -slorp- -glurg- -slurp-
The bulge in her throat moves every time his dick is pulled out before she pushes it inside once again.
-glurg- -slurp- -slorp- -glurp-
With every movement droplets of spit drip off Ragnar's cock, landing on Paula's thighs and chest.
Incredibly lewd noises are coming from her mouth as she deepthroats Ragnar's manhood for what seem to be minutes until finally Marie can't take it any longer. She spreads her legs far enough for her arm to reach between them and begins stroking her slit over her panties with the index and middle finger of her right hand.
"Nh..." The instant she touches herself a cute moan escapes her.

Paula who had been fully immersed in pleasuring Ragnar suddenly stops.
She moves her head back, pulling Ragnar's still fully erect cock out of her throat. Her entire mouth is lined with spit and a single one of Ragnar's pubic hairs sticks to her left cheek next to her lips.

She seems like she wants to say something, but before even getting out a single word Ragnar grabs her head with both of his hands and rams his cock back into her throat, further than even herself was able to push it.


-gurg- -gurg- -gurg- -gurg-
He begins repeatedly and forcefully shoving his hips into her face, holding her head steady with his hands to prevent her from pulling back even a bit.

After the initial shock Paula seems to have resigned herself to her role, doing her best to accompany his movements despite the tears building up in the corners of her eyes.

"Nhh.. Ahh..."
Marie continues caressing her slit through her increasingly soaked panties. The wet cloth begins digging into her crevice, clearly betraying the shape of her pussy beneath.
"(He's treating her so roughly... I can't believe something like this turns me on.)"

As Marie is concentrating on her crotch, Ragnar suddenly pulls Paula's head back with his hands, freeing his rock hard and pulsating member that is connected to the inside of her mouth by a string of spit.
"Ghaahh... Hhaah.... Aahhhh..."
He grabs her hair with his left hand and uses his right to shove his cock into her face, rubbing it across her cheek and forehead while moving his hips.
-slip- -slip- -slip-

Knowing what's about to happen, Paula opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue, ready to receive the reward of her hard work while making an "AAaaaaaah" sound.

The gooey white liquid erupts from Ragnar's tip, landing to the right side of Paula's mouth, where it hangs down in thick threads. Still cumming, Ragnar shoves his glans into her mouth once more, filling it up with his viscous batter.
-splurt- -splurt-

"Ahh, I missed that blowjob of yours. Leave it to a married woman to know how to treat a man properly."
"Now, why don't you also give Marie a reward for being a good student?"


Marie, who is still trying desperately to finally find release using her fingers, only notices Paula getting closer to her once their faces are almost touching.
Paula's sticky and slimy lips connect to those of Marie.
Marie smells the strong odor coming from the goo on Paula's face before her lips are pushed open and the semen Paula had kept in her mouth is forced inside her, covering her tongue and causing her mind to go blank.

The clear, lightly yellow liquid gushes forth from Marie's urethra, streaming through her now fully stained panties and flowing down towards the ground, forming a puddle under her butt that begins extending towards her knees.

-slurp- -slurp-
Marie's tongue coils around Paula's spreading the semen through both of their mouths as she finally cums in an orgasm that completely wiped any thoughts from her head.
Right now, the only thing Marie could think about were the taste of semen in her mouth and tingling in her crotch that was spasming in the afterglow of her long awaited climax.



As the whiteness in her head recedes and her mind begins returning to normal, Marie notices that Paula had pushed her over and was now lying on top of her while still passionately playing around with her tongue.

Finally, their mouths part, leaving Marie's lips covered in a gooey mixture of spit and semen. She breathes heavily as she looks into Paula's eyes with her hands lying on the ground next to her on head.

"Haaah... haaah..."
"And that's how you properly serve your husband with your mouth."

Marie moans in response, unable to formulate a coherent thought.

After a short breather, Paula again moves her face forward, positioning her mouth to Marie's left ear.
"One more thing..." She begins to whisper. "You see Ragnar really likes to....... so before he wakes up you should............. so that he can........ right there... Oh and another thing......"

Paula continues whispering for a while, Marie's expression becoming more and more embarrassed and her face more and more red, to the point where she looked like she had slept face down on a hot water bottle.
"'s really exciting if you go out like that... Oh, but don't worry I wasn't comfortable with those things either when we started out. Take them on in your own pace, alright?"
"By the way, you should probably dry yourself up a bit or you'll catch a cold." Paula smiles as she reminds Marie of the condition of her lower side.

Marie's legs are pushed together, making a wet slapping noise as they touch before she crawls backwards, away from Paula.

"E-Excuse me, I'll go to the bathroom for a b-bit." She says as she stands up hastily, her legs dripping with her own pee, before wiping her mouth on her sleeve.

Paula looks up to her from her position on the ground.
"Hmhm, take your time... Oh, but if you're going either way, can you ask my husband to hand you one of the pink elixirs behind the counter? I forgot to grab one on the way up."

"A-Alright, I'll do that."
Marie leaves the room.


Before coming back a few seconds later.
"W-Where is the bathroom?"

Paula smiles.
"Down the stairs to the left."

"T-Thanks." Marie shouts as she rushes out once again, only wearing her white cotton top and panties.

"She really is a cutie. No wonder you fell for her even though she isn't your usual type."

"Heh, is it that obvious?" Ragnar asks.

"I never saw you looking at me that way at least. It makes me a bit jealous."

"I thought we were just sex friends, don't you love your husband?"

"Of course I do, more than anything, both as a mother and a wife... but as a woman I love you."

"What a heartfelt confession. Then I better respond in kind and give you a something to remember me by while I'm gone."

Now Paula is the one to blush as she stands up, turning her naked body towards him.

While putting her hands on her already sweaty lower stomach, Paula's fingers are touching over the place where her womb lies.

She looks into Ragnar's eyes.
"Please do." She says with a quiet voice.


-tap- -tap- -tap-
Marie's steps are making wet sounds as she sneaks down the staircase.
"(Uhhh.... I can't believe I did that in front of a stranger...)"
"(No!... I have to keep myself together...)"
"(Now, where was the bathroom?)"

After a while of helplessly looking at the closed doors lining the wooden corridor, not wanting to open the wrong one, Marie finally managed to find the small but neat looking bathroom containing a toilet and a bathtub with shower head on top.

She pulls down her soaked panties and sits on the porcelain toilet, relaxing her muscles.
Once again a stream of yellow liquid begins flowing out from between her legs.

It wasn't much and after a few seconds, making extra sure that there really was nothing left inside of her, she grabbed a sheet of toilet paper and started wiping herself clean.
"(I'm still so sensitive. I have to make sure this doesn't happen again, else I'll die of embarrassment.)"
"(Honestly, I'm not a kid anymore, how can I pee myself at my age?)"

Having finished wiping her crotch, Marie looks down to her feet, where her soggy panties were hanging between her calves.
Her legs were still stained from before and there was no way she could continue wearing these panties any longer, so she took them off together with her frilly white cotton top.
She felt strange being fully naked in someone else's bathroom. It somehow made her feel like she was doing something immoral.
"(Anyway! I have to shower quickly.)"

Marie steps into the tub and turns the valve, releasing pleasantly warm water that had been heated up by a fire essence infused stone in a boiler located above.


It felt like all the dirtiness was carried away by the hot stream and she breathes a sigh of relief.

Having finished her cleaning, Marie begins relaxing while enjoying the warm shower.
"Haaah, this is what I needed." She says to herself.

After a while she starts noticing the droplets from the nozzle tickling her areolae, and so she once again begins feeling lewd urges rise from her abdomen.
"(Again...My nipples... kind of... feel ticklish.)"

"I really am no good, am I?"


A quite a bit of time later Marie approaches the door leading to the store. After listening for a bit, she opens it slightly, spying through the crack to make sure no one but Paula's husband was currently inside.
Having confirmed that he was alone, Marie, only dressed in a big white towel she had wrapped around her body, entered the shop.

Theodore was sitting behind the counter, shifting around in a high-standing chair while his hands were folded on the wooden surface in front of him.

"Uh..." She sounded, trying to get his attention.

"Oh!..." He turns around in surprise.
"What can I do for you?" he asks with a smile.

"I..uhm... Y-Your wife told me to ask for a pink elixir."

"Oh." He looks slightly confused.
"Of course. If it's an elixir it should be here somewhere." He says while cramming through one of the drawers in front of him. To Marie he seemed surprisingly calm for knowing that his wife was alone with Ragnar right now.
"(Maybe he's like Al?)"

"This is strange... She used to keep them around here."
"This may take a while..."

After what felt like an eternity of searching through half the shelves and cupboards in the store Theodore finally spoke up.


Marie, who had been standing around awkwardly, constantly glimpsing over to the door to make sure nobody came in, turned towards him.

Theodore was bending over a small box that had been placed below one of the bigger shelves.

"Here you go."

He hands her the small crystal vial containing a silky looking pink liquid. A cute rose-colored ribbon was attached to the cork as a decoration and a big A is hand-drawn on the label.

"Thanks. Do you know what's in there?" Marie asks. She knows she shouldn't snoop around in other people's affairs but she wanted to know.

"I'm afraid I've no idea. This shop belongs to my wife, it's been in her family since before we got married."
"I'm a merchant by trade though, so I can at least tell you that it's something you couldn't readily buy elsewhere, otherwise I'd know about it."

"Mh, I see."
"One last question if you allow it..."

"Ask away! As Ragnar's wife you're our valued guest. I will answer any question I can."

"You're a noble, right?... How come you're okay right Ragnar... d-doing something like that with your wife?..."

He pauses for a moment before smiling.
"I would do anything to make my beloved wife happy... and..." He gulps. "There is nothing more beautiful than seeing expressions on her face that I've never seen, even after all our years together."
"Does that answer your question?"

Marie nods while blushing.
"Mhm... Thanks."
It's not like he allows this because he doesn't love his wife.
He's okay with it because he just loves her way too much.
"(I think I finally understand Al a little.)"

Marie gives Theodore a bright smile.

"It makes me happy that you care so much about your wife. Then...uh... see you la-"

-ding ding-

The bell rings as the door facing the street is opened.
Marie quickly vanishes into the corridor leading further into the house and closes the door behind her.
"(They didn't see me, right?)"
Her heart is beating fast. She had almost forgotten that she was practically naked.

"Welcome, welcome, how can I help you?"

Marie starts walking away from the door, towards the staircase leading up to the bedroom.
As the racing of her heart subsides, she feels a lasting warmth within her.

The last bit of anxiety she had felt about her relationships with Al and Ragnar was gone.
She knew that Al would never hate her, no matter what she did and no matter how far she went.
Her heart began beating stronger once again, this time in anticipation.
"(I'll also love you forever.)"
"(So please look at me even more... while I show you how greedy I really am.)"


Marie opens the door to the bedroom, her crotch tingling with excitement as she sees Paula lying on the bed face up. One of her arms is lying on her face, covering her eyes, the other on the bed next to her.
Her legs are spread widely and the baby making hole between the swollen red lips of her labia is dripping with semen.

End Chapter 4.5: While he gets her a present.

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