My Cell Prison

Chapter 25 - 25 Fate’s Choice

Chapter 25: Chapter 25 Fate’s Choice

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales
The cellar entrance.

Han Dong had witnessed first-hand the power of an evil spirit at a four-star difficulty.

The instant regeneration of its arm and the scene where it completely subdued Chen Li by imbuing her with Yin Qi…. Ordinary people would stand no chance against such an evil spirit.

The situation was more troublesome than Han Dong had imagined.

“So this is the four-star difficulty… Edward Murray really is incredible, being able to survive and even harm to some extent such a terrifying non-human ghost.

I only have one chance.

If we fail… Chen Li and I will die here.”

He must remain calm.

Even if life and death hung in the balance, even if Chen Li’s pain-filled screams echoed in the cellar, even if he didn’t have a hundred percent guarantee of winning,

Han Dong could not panic.

If he made any noise during his approach, it would be certain death!

Due to the invasion of Yin Qi and being firmly strangled by the neck, Chen Li was already suffocating and couldn’t hold on much longer.

However, her eyes looking at Han Dong contained not a single plea for help. Instead, they carried the hope that Han Dong would disregard her condition and successfully approach from behind.

Five meters

Four meters

Three meters

Two meters

One meter

Stealth successful.

Han Dong didn’t take out the ‘Plague Doctor’s Short Blade’ he acquired from the hidden event.

After all, he wasn’t a practitioner of [Mysticism], so he couldn’t unleash the true power of this weapon.

“… Recall that strange sensation.”

Having had prior practice, Han Dong held his breath and focused, trying to remember the eerie feeling from his nightmare.

It was uncomfortable.

For some reason, whenever he thought about the faceless students neatly packed into the classroom, and various things with tentacle elements, Han Dong felt very uncomfortable…

Maintaining this strange feeling, Han Dong slowly extended his hand, placing his right palm against the back of the evil spirit’s head.

During this process, a ‘Faceless Tentacle’ mark appeared on Han Dong’s forehead.

By the time the evil spirit, Arkman, felt a slight touch to the back of its head, it was already a step too late.

Squeaky sounds… (Sound of slithery movements)

Some kind of slick and spotted tentacles quickly grew out from the palm, ignoring the protective skull, and directly penetrated Arkman’s brain.

No screams

No bleeding

No gruesome scenes

No expressions that matched a severely injured person

The evil spirit, Arkman, just turned its head with a blank face and stared wide-eyed at Han Dong, who should have been dead.

It didn’t understand how he could ‘rise from the dead’,

Nor did it understand why Han Dong possessed such abilities.

The evil spirit, which was supposed to instill fear in others, now showed a hint of fear in its eyes… It seemed that due to the tentacles implanted in its brain, Arkman had seen a horror scene it had never encountered before.

In Arkman’s view

Han Dong was no longer the brown-haired young man. Instead, he was the Indescribable.

An entity too horrifying to bear looking at, capable of invoking profound fear.

Bizarre patterns of tentacles spread around the evil spirit’s eye sockets, rapidly spreading to its entire face, and covering its whole body.

An incredible thing happened.

The tentacle that grew out from Han Dong’s palm ‘rotted’ together with the evil spirit, Arkman.

They transformed into a large puddle of foul-smelling liquid within a short span of time.

Sizzle! The filthy water that fell onto the ground slowly evaporated upon contact with the air.

“Dead? A spirit capable of super-fast regeneration, unquenchable by flames, just died like that!?”

Han Dong stared at the rapidly evaporating filth on the ground, not believing his own eyes.

He had initially thought that inflicting a severe wound on the spirit to disrupt its activities would provide an opportunity for the newly freed Chen Li to deal with the spirit… He had never expected that his surprise attack would kill the spirit outright.

Han Dong turned his hand over in front of his face, wondering what exactly these tentacles were.

Despite his curiosity…

Han Dong immediately squatted down, a brass-edged syringe appeared in his hand, and its needle plunged into the filthy water on the ground… a segment of cell essence was drawn out.

At the same time.

An indescribable weakness overwhelmed Han Dong’s body.

The weakness was much more intense than when he had practiced using the tentacles in his room earlier.

Add to that the physical and mental exhaustion from the various activities and the journey of the past half-day.

Han Dong was barely holding on, his eyes lost their focus, and he collapsed, leaning back.


“Evil Spirit Event- ‘Being Possessed (Director’s Revised Version)’ completed.”

Completion via: Killing the evil spirit.


①. Basic Fate Point[1].

②. Additional Fate Point[1](Obtained from killing the evil spirit).

③. One ‘Fate Card (novice level)’.

Since you are a newbie and have not allocated any Fate Points yet,

Please first allocate your Fate Points to determine your major profession, then proceed with the random draw of the ‘Fate Card (novice level)’.

The voice in his brain gradually awakened Han Dong.

He was no longer in the dark, damp plague cellar.

Han Dong found himself in a clean and tidy white space… a regular pentagon in shape, with each wall having a distinctive door in the middle.

The first door was metallic, with a sword and shield pattern on its surface.

There was a prominent cross symbol on the shield.

The doorplate read:[Crusader].

The second door was made out of clay, with the surface featuring three books, corresponding to magic, holy, and some weird text Han Dong could not recognize.

The doorplate read:[Library].

The third door’s surface was covered with animal skin, featuring a handprint with a circular mark engraved in the palm.

The doorplate read:[Control].

The fourth door was made out of brass, with its surface featuring a combination of large and small precision gears.

The doorplate read:[Machinery].

The fifth door was made out of black wood, featuring a pentagram symbol and a crystal ball on its surface.

The doorplate read:[Mysticism].

Han Dong was not excited about the completion of the evil spirit event, his first reaction was to focus on the ‘reward phase’, adjusting and surveying what was in front of him.

At the same time, he made contact with “Possessed” Chen Li through his consciousness.

Chen Li was taking a rest in the prison, everything was normal.

“Allocate Fate Points, determine the major profession!?

The extraordinary abilities of those knights in the Holy City Noientena actually came from the supernatural abilities obtained from Fate Space.”

Based on my current understanding of this world, if I major in ‘Machinery’, things should go smoothly for me, right? After all, this is the era of steam machinery, most facilities in the city are related to brass mechanics.”

However, I need to find a profession that suits me.”

Han Dong, a researcher in his past life,

First stood in front of the clay door named[Library].

Once this door is chosen, Han Dong guessed he will likely gain the power of ‘magic’.

Han Dong has always been interested in ‘magic’ since his childhood, and he believed that with his research background and ability to read documents, he would be able to quickly learn various magic books and get a fast start.

Just then,

An odd sensation emerged in Han Dong’s mind, driving him to turn his head towards the fifth door.

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