My Cell Game

Chapter 47

Chapter 47 Blood is coming

At the same time, the Ring Expressway.

The black off-road vehicle was galloping on the road, and on the back seat of the vehicle was the middle-aged man from the war department.

Next to the middle-aged man, the head of the Anjiang branch company seemed to be thinking about something on his mind.

“The branch office is just ahead, you can get off from there,” the middle-aged man said.

“Yes, Member Fang.” The chief answered cautiously.

Seeing that the committee member did not speak any more, he hesitated for a moment and couldn’t help asking: “Commissioner Fang, I heard that the cell online factory…was attacked…”

Committee member Fang nodded, did not evade the slightest, and said straightforwardly: “Yes, I sent someone to do it. Do you have a problem?”

“No problem, no problem.” The chief replied quickly, with small beads of sweat faintly coming out of his forehead.

Although the factory was attacked by Deadpool, although it has not been reported by the media, the chief executive has his own information channel.

When he learned that so many people had died at one time, the chief was not calm.

He is a good hand in business, and he is decisive in the business field, but it really involves so many lives, he still feels lingering in his heart.

“You are a businessman, and it is enough to do your own business. You don’t need to take care of other things, and you are not qualified.” Party committee member said in a bad tone: “Could it be that you think the war department is a decoration?”

The chief was silent and didn’t say any more.

He has been the general manager for almost two years, and in the past two years, he can also detect some clues.

Most obviously, Anjiang monopolizes the game industry, including headsets, computers, etc., are also monopolized by Anjiang.

The profits made by these game products every year are amazing. Coupled with the accumulation of Anjiang in the past few years, the entire company is considered a wealthy party, not to mention the richness of the country.

However, when he took over the branch, the company’s finances were stretched, and he could barely maintain the company’s operations.

Huge wealth is sucked into a bottomless pit just like the world has evaporated.

In the past two years, most of the profits made by the company each year were taken away by the people sent by the head office. This happened to the branch offices in each city.

No one knows where these wealth, which is equivalent to half of the empire’s military expenditures, have gone.

There is also the company’s war department. The outside world, including most employees of Anjiang, believe that the war department is an department prepared by Anjiang for business competition.

But when he went to the headquarters for a meeting, he happened to see that the chief of the headquarters was reporting the situation to a member of the war department. That kind of attitude was like a subordinate facing the superior.

Is the war department really just a department under Anjiang? What kind of affiliation is there between it and Anjiang?

If he is asked to speak his heart, he feels that Anjiang seems to be just a money-making tool, a money-making tool controlled by others.

“The company is here, you get off the car and go back to do your business. Cell online won’t live for a few days, don’t lose our market.” Committee member Fang issued an order to the chief executive.

After the chief got off the car, the off-road vehicle left from the high-speed fork and drove onto the trail leading to the suburbs.

Bypassing several winding roads, a gray-white building appeared at the end of the road.

Light rain began to fall in the sky, and flashes of lightning flashed in the clouds from time to time.

Committee member Fang walked towards the gray building alone.

At the door of the building, there is a broken sign-Shengren Therapy Hospital.

Outside the duty room in front of the gate, two guards armed with guns stood straight in the wind and rain. When Member Fang walked past, there was a slight sound of two bullets being loaded in the wind and rain.

At the same time, the door of the duty room opened, and the man in black walked towards Committee Member Fang.

“Who is here?” The man in black asked coldly.

“War Department, Fang Shan, Level 21 Judge.” Fang Shan showed his credentials, “The matter is urgent, I have ordered from the peak, and I will take over here now.”

The certificate was plated with a layer of helium bowl and titanium. After receiving the confirmation, the person in black handed it back to Fang Shan respectfully: “Please follow me.”

The guard with the gun gave up the road, and Fang Shan walked into the treatment hospital under the leadership of the man in black.

The interior of the treatment hospital is like a cell, with rows of hospital beds lined with iron fences with thick arms. According to the duration of the infection, dozens of **** patients who have not yet mutated are lying on the beds in an orderly manner.

Two strong men were guarding the ward, and when they opened the door to Fang Shan, black and purple brilliance flowed inadvertently on their thick arms.

Both of these guards are judges, and their ranks are not low.

The man in black reported for Fang Shanhui: “According to the agreement, the CDC will distribute 10% of our **** patients every month. The patients here were sent last month and have not undergone mutation.

The general physical examination in the city this month is about to begin again. There will be new blood-dead patients who will be sent over, and we will arrange them to the basement. ”

Fang Shan interrupted: “You can arrange this little thing yourself. What I need is Deadpool, a high-level Deadpool.

In another month, the “blood tide” in Nanyang City will begin. Shangfeng means that the more high-level deadpools, the better. At that time the entire city will become no man’s land.

The royal family will not allow a million-level city to be destroyed. They will definitely come. We need enough Deadpool to contend with the royal family. ”

When talking about blood tide and no man’s land, Fang Shan’s mouth moved slightly.

Even a person like him who is accustomed to seeing death can’t help but move slightly when he thinks of the scene of the dead mountain and blood sea in the no-man’s land.

The so-called no man’s land is not that everyone has been evacuated. Since Nanyang City was selected in this blood wave, it is impossible for anyone in Nanyang City to leave alive. Everyone in a city will die here…

The blood surge is not only a huge danger, but also a huge opportunity.

This is Fang Shan’s real goal. The chief thinks that Fang Shan is here for commercial competition, which is a bit ridiculous.

The judges of the CDC execution team are all at level 1 to 10. In contrast, Fang Shan’s level is as high as 21. Judges of this level are the core combat power wherever they are placed.

Fang Wen came to Nanyang City to deal with a small factory. To put it bluntly, the cell online could not enter the eyes of senior judges.

Jiang Zuo is just an ordinary person, and may have a little background, but it is not worth mentioning to Fangshan. Just like the general manager of the Anjiang branch, no matter how high his position is, he is not a judge, he is just an ordinary person after all.

The so-called commercial competition is just an excuse for Fang Wen. His real purpose in coming to Nanyang City is for the upcoming “blood tide.”

This “blood tide” cannot be defeated again, otherwise they will lose their confidence to contend with the royal family.

The kind of attack on the cell online factory was nothing but a trivial matter for Fang Wen, not worth mentioning.

Thinking of this, Fang Shan said casually:

“By the way, pick a Level 2 Deadpool and throw it into the cell online factory. These guys who are not afraid of death dare to produce game warehouses. Find a stall where they stock up and destroy the factory in one effort. Stay alive.”

The last time that attacked the factory was only Level 1 Deadpool, which was a lesson for Jiang Zuo and the others. This time directly dispatched Level 2 Deadpool.

The cost of cultivating a level 2 deadpool is more than five times that of a level 1 deadpool. Even a level 3 judge like Luo Chenghong of the CDC is very difficult to deal with.

Destroying a small factory with Level 2 Deadpool is really worthy of Jiang Zuo and the others.

In the basement of the treatment hospital, hundreds of blood-red dead servants were bound by iron chains coated with helium bowls and titanium, and roars echoed in the basement, even the passing guards couldn’t help their horror.

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