My Bloodthirty Husband Is So Gentle

Chapter 47

Chapter 47: Shi Jin Is at the Police Station

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


By the time Jiang Jiusheng returned to her apartment, the two security guards that had been on shift earlier were no longer there. The night guard was there instead. The electricity had obviously been restored. She did not see Shi Jin. Hence, she got out his key and opened the door to his apartment. It was cold and empty and completely quiet. He was probably on the plane.


Bomei stuck her head out from the balcony and barked fiercely twice.

Jiang Jiusheng turned on the light.

Bomei immediately crawled out from its bed when it recognized the intruder and happily ran over to Jiang Jiusheng.

Jiang Jiusheng kneeled. The dog pounced on her, lifting its two front paws and placing them on Jiang Jiusheng’s knees. As it did, it tried getting some affection by barking. Jiang Jiusheng found it funny. This dog was really great around people—Jiang Jiusheng had only been here a few times, but it recognized her so well.

She rose and filled Bomei’s bowl with dog food. Jiang Bomei was very excited. It was exceptionally happy when eating and kept wagging its tail. It would turn to Jiang Jiusheng after consuming two mouthfuls of food.

Jiang Jiusheng patted its head. “Bomei,” she said.


“What kind of person is your dad?” she asked.


Jiang Jiusheng sighed softly as though she were mumbling to herself. “Why can’t I see through him at all?”

Jiang Bomei’s fur bristled, and it started barking aggressively. If it had known how to speak, it would definitely have been telling its mother in a determined and strong manner: “My father is the most frightening dog owner in this world. He nearly scared me to death a few times, but fortunately, I got through it because I’m strong and brave.”

At the police station.

Usually, the only people present in the police station at this time were the officers on duty. However, even the bureau chief was present right now.

Chief Yang was nearly 50 years old and had a huge beer belly. However, he had maintained himself rather well, and two wrinkles appeared on his face when he smiled.

He picked up a document from the interrogation room and then personally went to the reception room. He said respectfully, “Master Xu, I’ll have to trouble you to sign here.”

The Master Xu whom he was referring to was, naturally, Xu Qingbo.

It had been a long time since Xu Qingbo had heard anyone address him this way after he became a doctor. He leaned against the back of the chair after he signed and dragged out his words. “Chief Yang.”

Chief Yang felt his head itch. He hurriedly smiled back. “Master Xu, please go on.”

“I hope that Chief Yang can help to hide this from my father.” Xu Qingbo smiled. “If the old man in my house learns about this, it’ll be another lesson.”

Chief Yang was also a man with extensive experience and had encountered such experiences before. Naturally, he knew that people with high status could not be embarrassed, and he hurriedly nodded. “Don’t worry, Master Xu. I won’t alert the Xu family about such a small matter.”

“In that case, thank you, Chief Yang.”

“You’re welcome, Master Xu.”

When Xu Qingbo saw Shi Jin, the latter was sitting upright in the interrogation room. His hands were clasped, and in front of him was a glass of water. He was very calm.

Xu Qingbo thought, Does he think that he’s here at the police station for a cup of tea?

It was already almost 12:00 a.m., and after having performed a surgery that had lasted eight hours, Xu Qingbo had a bit of a temper. He asked Shi Jin, “Why didn’t you call the Qin family?”

Shi Jin’s expression was calm. “Using your name means less trouble.”

That was true. The Qin family from South Central China wasn’t any stronger, despite the size of its family business.

“That person has already been sent to the hospital with serious injuries,” said Xu Qingbo. “The lawyer will show up for mediation. There won’t be a problem as long as you prepare enough compensation. Just settle everything privately.” He sat down beside Shi Jin and continued, “The two security guards know what to do after getting your money, and the CCTV has been checked. There’s no problem.”

“Thank you,” said Shi Jin.

Is that it? Xu Qingbo raised his hand and brought it down against the interrogation table. “I saw the police report. It contained a report from the hospital, too.” He looked at Shi Jin, and when the latter kept his face tilted away from him and refused to even glance at him, Xu Qingbo got a little angry. “What exactly did you do after Jiang Jiusheng left?”

A cracked skull, a broken rib, and injuries all over his body. Even though the injuries hadn’t proven fatal, looking at those photos as a doctor made him feel pity.

Shi Jin did not respond.

Xu Qingbo sat upright. He was no longer teasing. “If Jiang Jiusheng hadn’t called the security guards to go over before she’d left, were you planning to beat him to death?” he asked sternly.

Shi Jin shook his head.

“Then why did you attack him like that?!”

“He hurt her.” Shi Jin lifted his head. His dark eyes were exceptionally tranquil. “If I don’t give him a taste of pain, he’ll go back for her again.”

At the end of the day, he had done it all for Jiang Jiusheng.

Did Shi Jin attack him so cruelly just because he wanted to ensure that her troubles wouldn’t return?!

Xu Qingbo was speechless for a long time before he started scolding Shi Jin. “Even if that’s the case, there was no need for you to be so aggressive. If you had made a mistake and accidentally killed him—watch and see if I could get you out of that!”

Shi Jin lowered his eyes. He said in a low voice, “I didn’t hold myself back.”

Once there was a trigger involved, he lost all control of his emotions and was prone to anger and rage. This would be accompanied by violent tendencies, as well—typical of people with paranoid personality disorder.

The trigger: Jiang Jiusheng.

Xu Qingbo’s words were meaningful and heartfelt. “Shi Jin, go and see a psychologist.”

Shi Jin did not speak. He took a few large steps out of the interrogation room and left.

Treatment: Jiang Jiusheng.

Current Status of Treatment: The patient refuses treatment.

Xu Qingbo sighed and got up to follow him. He said coldly, “I ran into Jiang Jiusheng in the hospital.”

Shi Jin instantly halted his footsteps. “What happened to her?”

What a strong reaction. As expected, Jiang Jiusheng is like a powerful drug to him.

Xu Qingbo knew what was going on now. “She’s fine,” he said.

Shi Jin stood at the door with his back to the light and maintained his silence for some time. His gaze was heavy. “Don’t tell her about this.”

If there were people in this world who still trusted Shi Jin, Jiang Jiusheng was one of them, as was Xu Qingbo. The former believed him unconditionally, and the latter did so out of gratitude. After all, Shi Jin had saved Xu Qingbo’s life with his surgical skills.

That surgery had lasted for 12 hours straight. All the doctors had given up except for Shi Jin, who hadn’t so much as taken a single step away from the surgical table. After his near-death experience, Xu Qingbo knew very well that he was not a kind person who would return favors; why was he so willing to rush about busily for Shi Jin?

Xu Qingbo said seriously, “I understand.”

He knew how much time Shi Jin had spent to finally approach Jiang Jiusheng, and he also knew how ruthless this fellow could get when he went crazy.

“Thank you,” said Shi Jin.

That goddamn politeness again!

Xu Qingbo guessed that it was probably because Jiang Jiusheng liked this sort of guy.

“I don’t accept verbal gratitude,” he said in a straightforward manner. “You know my bank account number, right? You can pay me directly.” He waved his hands and continued, “After all, our friendship is superficial. It would be hurtful to talk about money.”

“All right.” Shi Jin took out his phone and calculated everything on the spot before he transferred it.

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