My Bloodthirty Husband Is So Gentle

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Xie Dang’s Godly Assistance

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Jiang Jiusheng asked, “What if you accidentally kill him?”

The young prince was daring and headstrong. “I’ll pay compensation,” he said fearlessly, and he meant every single word.

After that, he flung Jiang Jiusheng’s hand aside and raised the stool before smashing it against Jian Chengzhong’s head. The latter was dumbfounded for about 10 seconds before he lifted his hand to touch his head. When it came away bloody, he started wailing pitifully.

Jian Chengzhong had been born into a wealthy family, and he had never been beaten up like this. Anger took over as he endured the pain in his head and back and yelled hysterically, “Where did you come from, you punk? As long as you don’t kill me today, my family will make you pay for it!”

Hehe! Is he threatening me? I’m a young master of a wealthy family, too! Xie Dang threw the stool aside and displayed a grand show of craziness as he yelled, “Then I’ll kill you and finish this once and for all!” After that, he lifted his leg and started kicking Jian Chengzhong’s stomach ruthlessly. “You rascal! How dare you bully a disciple of the Xie family? What do you take the Xie family for?”

Xie Dang had returned to the country immediately after his concert overseas had ended. He hadn’t even changed before rushing over, and he was still wearing his shiny black leather shoes. Every blow was sharp and accurate, and Jian Chengzhong was soon crying out from the pain.

The bodyguards of the Jian family were alarmed. They were just about to step forward when Yuwen Chongfeng snapped his fingers to stop everyone. He then plopped down on the sofa, coldly observing the scene before him.

Never judge a book by its cover—even though Xie Dang appeared rather delicate, he was ruthless when he wanted to be. Since he had a bad temper, very few people dared to stop him. Jiang Jiusheng was the only one.

“Enough,” Jiang Jiusheng said.

Xie Dang’s actions halted as he lifted his head to regard her.

Jiang Jiusheng glanced at Jian Chengzhong, who was paralyzed on the ground from the pain, and felt her anger greatly soothed. Since Xie Dang had also been trained in martial arts, he probably knew how to assault him without causing fatal injuries.

“I’m the one who has to clean up after your mess if anything happens,” Yuwen Chongfeng said.

Xie Dang was displeased, but he stopped after two more punches. He rotated his wrists and twisted his head to look at Jiang Jiusheng. Now that the light was illuminating Jiang Jiusheng from a frontal angle, Xie Dang got a clear look at her face and realized that there was an injury on the left side. It had left a trace of blood half the length of a finger. He grabbed Jiang Jiusheng’s hand and asked, “What happened to your face? Who hit you?”

Xie Dang may have had a bad temper, but that didn’t stop him from wanting to be pampered. He was usually stubborn and unreasonable, but the good thing about him was that he was quick to the defense of others. It was true that he disapproved of Jiang Jiusheng and did not like her habit of smoking, drinking, fighting, and playing the guitar, but she prayed to the ancestors of the Xie family and outsiders were not allowed to bully or hit her.

Xie Dang was furious and continued grabbing Jiang Jiusheng as he said angrily, “Tell me which rascal did this!”

Jiang Jiusheng used one finger to wipe away the blood indifferently, smearing it. “I got scratched by a glass fragment.”

Xie Dang hurriedly restrained her other hand. He pulled out a clean and elegant square scarf from his pocket and wiped her blood while chiding her. “Don’t move. You’ll look really ugly if you get disfigured!”

Jiang Jisusheng frowned even harder as her forehead perspired.

Xie Dang’s anger was not soothed. He continued lecturing her, “Are you an idiot? As a woman, why are you fighting alone outside instead of running?” After that, he circled her twice while holding her wrist, his brow furrowed. “Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere else?”

Xie Dang was Master Xie’s only son, and since he had to grow up without a mother figure, Master Xie had taken to pampering and indulging him until Xie had become the person he was today—with his tendency to go to extremes and his desire to be coddled. However, he was still merely a young man just slightly over 20 and had little societal experience other than through his violin. He had a very simple nature, and even though his words to Jiang Jiusheng were often unkind, they had learned music together for a few years, and he saw her as family. At the end of the day, he was still biased toward her.

When Jiang Jiusheng remained silent, Xie Dang grew so anxious that he grabbed a fistful of his curly hair. “Why are you not saying anything? Are you okay?”

Jiang Jiusheng bit her bottom lip. “I won’t be if you continue holding me.”

Xie Dang was taken aback, and it was only then that he discovered her pale face and how much she was perspiring. He immediately released his grip and jabbed her arm lightly with his fingers. “What’s wrong with your arm?”

He had a pair of very beautiful hands, probably because he’d grown up playing the violin. His fingers were exceptionally long and slender, which made him look like a girl from a wealthy family from an ancient painting; they were fair, sharp, and extremely fine. Due to his vanity and his love for his hands, Xie Dang had even purchased insurance coverage for them. The hands of a well-known genius violinist were naturally worthless.

Jiang Jiusheng replied nonchalantly, “Perhaps a fracture.”

Xie Dang’s face immediately darkened. A hand fracture… Why is she acting like someone who is completely fine? He turned around to look for Jian Chengzhong without another word.

This time, even Yuwen Chongfeng could not hold him back—he would have rather just cleaned up his mess. His gaze fell on Jiang Jiusheng. What a willful girl for refusing to say anything even when her arm is fractured. Even at the martial arts parlor, she can be as stubborn as a mule.

Jian Chengzhong’s head had swollen so much from being kicked that he resembled a pig. He covered his face as he wailed and shouted, “Do you not know who I am? If anything happens to me, you guys will not be spared.”

This is a man who uses his position to bully others. Why does he think that other people have no power to defend themselves? Yuwen Chongfeng rose from the sofa slowly and strolled over leisurely. He lowered his head to glance at Jian Chengzhong.

“Do you know who I am?” asked Yuwen Chongfeng.

Jian Chengzhong was speechless.

Yuwen Chongfeng uttered word by word, “My grandfather is called Yuwen Xiaotian.”

There was nobody in Jiang City who hadn’t heard of Yuwen Xiaotian of the Yuwen family, the founding military officer of this place. When people heard that the family name of the boss of Tian Yu was Yuwen, they thought it was just a coincidence. After all, nobody thought that the sole Young Master of the Yuwen family would dabble in this.

Jian Chengzhong could only wail even more pitifully.

Yuwen Chongfeng glanced at Jiang Jiusheng’s hand and said to Xie Dang, “Send both of them to the hospital after you’ve had your fill of beating him up. I’ll go take care of the management here.”

At Tian Bei First Hospital.

Xiao Qiao provided some last-minute assistance. When he saw Xie Dang’s car parked outside the entrance of the hospital, he knocked on the window. “There are paparazzi following us.”

Mo Bing hurriedly dug out a mask for Jiang Jiusheng to wear and swore under her breath. “Liu Xu is such a cunning fox!”

Hospitals were the most dangerous places in this industry—the moment a celebrity entered one, all kinds of rumors regarding cosmetic surgery could surface.

Mo Bing glanced at Jiang Jiusheng’s left hand and realized it was swelling. “What should we do now?” she asked.

Xie Dang changed gears and started reversing. “Find another hospital. I’ll shake them.”

“Hold on.”

Xie Dang lifted his head and caught sight of Jiang Jiusheng’s face in the rear-view mirror. He watched as she made a phone call, unflustered.

In the conference room on the top floor of the hospital, a discussion on neuroblastoma, headed by the neurosurgery department, was currently in progress. The participants of the conference included the chief physicians of various surgical departments in the hospital, external professors who specialized in various fields, and academic experts.

Slides were displayed through the projector as a man in a white coat held a clicker and spoke, his words clear and concise. “The soft tissue of the scapula to the lower part of the clavicle shows tumor metastasis. Since the patient has passed the late stage, we should quickly determine the ratio of the vanillylmandelic to the anhydride as soon as possible. We should also conduct an LDH inspection. The 123I—MIBG treatment is just a temporary measure. Before the surgery, we are using phosphoramide as part of the treatment plan—”

The sudden vibration of a cell phone interrupted the young doctor.

All eyes in the conference room looked to the back. Sitting nearest to the door of the conference room was a doctor from the heart surgery department. He was the youngest surgical chief physician in Tian Bei First Hospital, and he looked particularly young and handsome among a group of middle-aged men with graying hair and facial hair. This was the first time any of them had seen Dr. Shi display such disrespect.

Shi Jin glanced at his screen, rose, and said, “I’m sorry.” He lifted his phone and answered the call before he was even through the door of the conference room. In a low voice, he said, “Shengsheng, it’s me.”

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