My America

Chapter 36: Deal

What does France need now? That is the export of capital. For financial bankers, the benefits are far more important than other things, but sooner or later they will understand that local strength is the real strength.

To be precise, European countries recognize that the United States may have its own time in Europe to dominate the world's itinerary, but it has to be dragged backwards instead of now, because the United States is still a former colony with weak military power in the eyes of European countries.

Let them feel that the United States of America is a threat. It is necessary to wait until the war between the United States and Spain. The United States defeats the Spanish Empire on the west side of the sunset with a new attitude, which has given European countries a very powerful impact. It was at that time that the US threat theory had made headlines in various countries and became the mainstream opinion of these countries.

It is also the result of the defeat of the Spanish Empire by the United States, which made these European countries realize the importance of the strong local. A colony is a colony, and that kind of power cannot replace the status of the homeland.

After that, European countries have changed their understanding of the land and began to strengthen the local construction. The purpose of expansion has also changed from fighting for colonies to defeating the enemy and killing each other.

As recognized by European observers at the end of the nineteenth century, the United States, as a pioneer of this new territorial concept, rationally used the human resources, technology, and social systems in her hands to maximize the natural resources of North America and strengthen the market Dominant position in domestic economic activities.

The war of the United States against Spain marked that the European countries were not invincible. Later, the defeat of the island country by Emperor Russia and the white countries were not invincible. The significance of these two wars is very important.

At present, European countries do not yet have a unified understanding of the United States. Some people think that the United States of America is a threat and has a large population. Some people think that the military power of the United States is not strong. This is especially true of the French. The vigilance against Britain and Germany is far greater than that of the United States.

The French are wary of Germany on the issue of Europe, and the relationship between the French and the British is very poor on the issue of the world. The three-nation alliance and the three-nation agreement are still in the process of formation. The French are not yet able to judge whether the British or the Germans should be more damnable.

The present United States is naturally not the original small transparency, but there is still a period of time before it is targeted. After understanding the dark side of Paris, Sheffield witnessed some transactions between old men and young women and felt that she could do something.

"Not all men are like this!" It is Sheffield's personal hobby to build his own happiness on the pain of others and like to find places where others are not as good as himself. But this time he was a little bit of an occasion, and there was a scolding an earl daughter beside him.

In the eyes of Anna, this way of browsing in the red light district of Paris in this era is just for yourself. Do you want to take the initiative? How did she travel with a man for the first time, she encountered such a shameless person.

Fallen imperialist country! Sheffield finally understood why the old man chose to settle in Paris. The match between the old man and the girl he just saw in Paris is really normal.

"Because you are talking to me in English, do you think the woman just looked a little hostile to me? What does this mean? Patriotic? It was obviously sold out!" Although Sheffield just turned around casually, it did not mean that she had not observed it. What did not exaggerate the sign until it was far away, "Do they even have the pride of the French people? Do not sell arts?"

"Maybe?" Anna had a fever on her face, and wished to find a hole in the ground. The **** was again suggesting that I took the initiative, **** American bun.

The French are indeed arrogant. People's longing for greatness and lofty and national pride have always been above the belief in freedom and equality. Among the weakness of the Republic and the greatness of imperialism, the proud French did not hesitate to choose the latter every time.

The French love freedom more than any other people in the world, but they can also modify the meaning of freedom according to actual needs; the French can shed their blood for democracy, but they can also sing praises for the dynasty with joy; Slavery, but colonial empire can also be built.

Sheffield feels that this is a double standard. The French's thinking is stronger than life. It is estimated that in Europe, only the gray cattle under the command of the Emperor Russia are more perverted than them. No wonder France and Russia have always had a good relationship. It turns out that they have a common language.

"Since they are arrogant, I would like to tout them. It's a manipulation of public opinion." Sheffield, who had turned around, had already decided, and the gentleman asked, "Which is the most influential newspaper?"

"Le Figaro!" Although she felt that Sheffield's question was a bit confusing, the girl answered the question.

The "Le Figaro" was founded in 1826, and its registration originated from the main character of the French dramatist Bomasche's famous drama "The Wedding of Figaro". Its motto is well-known all over the world, that is, if criticism is not free, praise is meaningless. In the eyes of France, especially Parisians, the "Le Figaro" has a strong influence.

When Sheffield returned to the apartment, the guests hadn't left. Harry Sheffield watched the two people nodding and nodded, pointing at the stairs to let the two people go up and continue to discuss things.

"Mr. Fernand! The Figaro newspaper has a strong influence in the noble and proletarian class in Paris. Now the Secretary of State of our country is visiting Paris officially. As a citizen of the United States, I have some words to say to all citizens of France . And this needs your help. ”Rich Martin came to the Figaro newspaper and saw the editor-in-chief of the Figaro at this time, Fernand Rodé.“ Although the long-term friendship between France and the United States has its twists and turns, But it will not fade. We believe that in this world, if the British are in a frenzy, only the French can keep them awake. "

"Dear Mr. Martin, you need to know that the Figaro newspaper, as an objective and neutral newspaper, will not use its influence indiscriminately, let alone tomorrow's content has been edited." Fernand, who crossed his fingers on the table with his fingers · Luo Dai, with an apology, refused, "Maybe I can't help this matter."

Rich Martin sighed, and seemed to know that this matter would not be so smooth from the beginning, reaching out, "Five thousand francs!"

"Deal!" The eyes behind Fernand Roddy's lenses flashed a hint of bright color, opening with a unique conservation.

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