My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 12 - Poppy Female Thief

“You’re back!” A smile waved on Lin Ruochu’s face, and Xu Qingmo froze instantly, as if it wasn’t the frosty President Lin who was in front of himself at this time, but the pure and poor Xiaochu.

“The killer has been solved.” Xu Qingmo sat down, “but did not investigate and deal with the messenger behind the scenes, who offended your family? Last time your sister also encountered the killer.”

Lin Ruochu groaned: “If you really want to say that there has been a major move recently, you only have to enter the cosmetics loan project. Is it a commercial competitor?”

“Being able to hire gunmen, this behind-the-scenes messenger must not be ordinary.”

“I still don’t know, who would do this?” Lin Ruochu shook his head.

“The clothes are almost done, let’s go back, or your family should be worried.” Xu Qingmo squatted down.

Lin Ruochu stood up with a blush, clasped his shirt covering his lower body, walked behind Xu Qingmo, and then leaned down.

Xu Qingmo carried Lin Ruochu on his back, supported her beautiful buttocks with both hands, and chased troops when he went up the mountain. He didn’t have time to feel it, and now he can enjoy it.

Thinking in this way, Xu Qingmo rubbed the wonderful meat in his palms unconsciously, and his heart screamed and he was ready to be scolded.

The result was beyond Xu Qingmo’s surprise. Lin Ruochu on his back only murmured, and then no interest was given.

Isn’t she angry?

Xu Qingmo’s heart beat and her hands moved restlessly.

Through the stockings and shirt, Lin Ruochu still clearly felt the hot hands rubbing his buttocks, already red-faced and red-headed, and his heart was like a deer.

She is indeed not angry. The man underneath defends her from the rain of gunfire, swallows the fruit that ordinary people cannot get out of her mouth, and fights dozens of gun-riding thugs with her own strength. What does he do?

He went to the fire for me, and never hesitated to pay back, as long as it wasn’t like that … just go with him.

Lin Ruochu seemed to return to the dark night with lightning and thunder. At the time, Xiaochu also held the idea and pressed the hand to his chest.

Moreover, Lin Ruochu has been single for more than 20 years. Being touched by the opposite **** in this way gives her a strange feeling, just like drinking for the first time, her cheeks flushed, but it is desirable.

When arriving at the Wuyu River, Xu Qingmo saw the speedboats parked on the water at a glance. These were thug speedboats. When the sword was confiscated, Xu Qingmo intentionally left a boat with a phone on it.

After getting on the speedboat, Xu Qingmo reluctantly put down Lin Ruochu and passed the phone to Lin Ruochu: “Call your family and let them pick you up.”

He couldn’t see his face in the dark, which made the temperature on Lin Ruochu’s face recede slightly: “You Xi …”

Xu Qingmo came to the console and was ready to launch the speedboat. As a result, he saw a row of juanxiu powerful handwriting carved by the dagger above.

“Someday, I will defeat you and report my revenge for shame in recent days!”

Xu Qingmo smiled, thinking of the chest of the black phoenix, is worthy of the battle-hardened ace of the sword, the flexibility is amazing!

The speedboat made a white mark on the river surface, and came to the riverside just when a bulletproof car stopped in a hurry.


Lin Youxi ran out of the car and saw Xu Qingmo stunned: “It’s you!”

“It’s me.” Xu Qingmo smiled, held Lin Ruochu in Lin Youxi’s surprised eyes, and put her into the car.

“Let’s get in the car. It’s so late. I like the wind.”

Xu Qingmo greeted Lin Youxi and then took the initiative to sit in the driver’s seat.

Lin Youxi sat next to Lin Ruochu, and looked curiously at the man and woman: “How are you together? Sister, what happened to you?”

“It’s hard to say a word, go home and let your sister tell you.” Xu Qingmo started the car and left quickly.

Lin Ruchu stared at the small island in the heart of Wuyujiang and suddenly gave birth to a bit of reluctance. She understood that if she left the island and left the former two-person world, she would become cold, indifferent, and unfriendly. .

Suddenly, Lin Ruochu felt a pain in his buttocks, shy and angry, and blushed and glared at Xu Qingmo’s head in the front. This bad guy was too hard along the way, and even rubbed her **** so much, maybe it was already red.

Lin Youxi saw her sister’s sorrowful stance never seen in more than 20 years, and also noticed that Dao Linruo was only covered with a men’s shirt on his legs, and her skirt was missing, and she suddenly felt a little confused.

… they … what will happen?

The car stopped in front of the Lin Family Manor, Xu Qingmo said, “I’m going back.”

Lin Youxi also wanted to invite Xu Qingmo to go in for a cup of coffee, and heard Lin Ruochu’s voice without any emotion: “Thank you today, drive this car and go back.”

“No.” Xu Qingmo knew that Lin Ruochu had changed back to the female CEO mode of Iceberg.

“I will have everything ready tomorrow.”

“Um.” Xu Qingmo turned and left.

Lin Youxi looked at the back, and there was no reason for a moment of distress, then Lin Ruochu heard a sigh of ignorance.

What happened to these two people? Lin Youxi was determined to figure it out.

“If Ruchu is back? Junyan just came to see you.” Xu Qingmo had seen it, Lin Ruochu’s mother Jiang Yinghong came out.

Xu Qingmo returned home, and suddenly raised an eyebrow.

Someone’s been here!

Although the furnishings are almost exactly the same as before, Xu Qingmo can still detect the slight differences. It should have been moved and returned by a master.

In the air of the room, there was a faint fragrance that ordinary people could not smell, and the thief had not left!

Pretending that Xu Qingmo hadn’t found it, he yawned broadly, then walked into the bedroom with the strongest scent, and the intruder hid here.

Xu Qingmo’s eyes were gone, there were no feet under the curtains, the wardrobe was small, and no one could hide, so … Xu Qingmo stared at the bed spread out flat.

“so tired.”

Xu Qingmo walked to the bed to himself, with one arm on his back, lying directly on the bed.

As soon as the body touched the quilt, Xu Qingmo immediately held it down, demo, and hid under the quilt to see how you escaped!

The thief under the quilt was desperately struggling, but unfortunately where Xu Qingmo’s opponent was, he was subdued three times, five times and two.

Xu Qingmo held it down firmly, and then uncovered the quilt. She was actually a female robber.

The female robber was petite, wearing a body-fitting tight-fitting leather jacket and a black butterfly mask on her face. At this time, her eyes spit fire, and Xu Qingmo was about to burn to death.


The female robber suddenly sipped to Xu Qingmo, then twisted and struggled, trying to escape.

Xu Qingmo turned her head to hide from the opening water, and forced her hands to press the female sniper against the bed, grasping both hands with one hand, and one hand kept fanning on the female sniper’s small buttocks.

“Yo, kind of flexible? Does it feel good?”

The female flying thief’s little hips swayed under Xu Qingmo’s palm, and she was very upright.

“Uh-huh.” The female flying thief struggled.

“Papapa!” Xu Qingmo slaps again: “Yeah!”

“Woohoo.” The female robber’s voice went low.

“That’s right, say‘ I ’m wrong ’and listen.”

The female robber does not speak.

“Papapa!” Another fan.

“Not to mention, then it’s not just my **** that fanned me.” Xu Qingmo turned the female robber and raised her hand to her chest.

The female robber immediately panicked and quickly said, “I was wrong.”

“Knowing wrong?” Xu Qingmo laughed. “It’s too late, let me see what kind of thieves dare to steal me.”

Xu Qingmo reached out and grabbed the butterfly mask on the female burglar’s face. Suddenly she lightened, and the female burglar actually scooped out of her leather jacket, wearing only a corset and Xiao Nene, gave Xu Qingmo a hard look, and then jumped out the window.


Xu Qingmo hesitated, this skill was incredible.

This scum god, the female flying thief has long disappeared into the night, even though Xu Qingmo can’t catch up.

Closing the window, Xu Qingmo checked the tight leather jacket in her hand.

This leather coat is one-piece, from the neck to the ankle, it is completely connected. There is only a vertical zipper from the chest to the lower abdomen, which is convenient for people to put on and take off.

This kind of clothes has the least resistance in water in the air and is very suitable for theft. However, the measurements and length must perfectly fit the body you are wearing, so it can only be customized.

Xu Qingmo found an embroidered golden butterfly on the collar of his clothes, which should be some kind of sign, but he didn’t know it.

Xu Qingmo put his leather coat on the bed, wondering why such a well-equipped thief sneaked into his home. There is nothing valuable here. Could it be that the thief didn’t step on it before stealing? That’s the rookie that rookie will make.

A faint scent of incense penetrated into Xu Qingmo’s nostrils, which made him feel hot and smoldering, and his vigor reacted under his lower abdomen.

The scent is uploaded from the skinny leather clothes, which is the body scent of the female flying thief!

It’s hard to break Xu Qingmo. He was originally a strong guy in his twenties, and was previously stimulated by Lin Ruochu on the small island of Wuyujiang. Now he has reacted, but it is not easy to control!

Xu Qingmo’s heart was hot, and even pouring a few scoops of cold water did not press down, but made his thoughts quickly, thinking of Durex in his pocket.

Xu Xiaomo hesitated when he pulled out the suit Wang Xiaoshuang had given himself during the day. The number above was still there.

Is it a shot or a shot?

Wang Xiaoshuang is not ugly and has a good figure, especially that buttock, which is very strong and sturdy, and it will definitely be nice. It is a wave hoof, and it ’s nothing to play with, but he has a marriage contract with him. What about fiance?

Thinking of Lin Ruochu’s words in the car, Xu Qingmo’s head exploded. Regardless of her, everyone would retire and not want you anymore, but still guard her like a jade?

Xu Qingmo was romantic in foreign countries and has not been released after returning home. Now he can’t help it.

Pick up the mobile phone on the speedboat and Xu Qingmo dialed quickly.

“Sister Wang, how are you?” Xu Qingmo was a little nervous for the first time in China.

“What’s good, let’s say something fast, let’s have a fart?” The phone was drunk, and his voice was a bit out of shape.

“I want to talk to you about your ideals in life.” Xu Qingmo touched his nose.

“What to talk about, don’t you just want to make an appointment? Some kind of you come here. There are 502 in 8 buildings of the Splendid Garden.”

“Come here!” Xu Qingmo was furious. He was still underestimated, but he had to hurry over to earn his face in bed.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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