MUSHOKU TENSEI: the beginning after the end

Chapter 108: The Kingdom of Gardenia

After calming a sobbing Sylphie I returned home for a new change of clothes.

The current plan was for Alek and I to go to the kingdom of Gardenia to rescue the girl Miko.

Sylphie's reaction clarified the dangers I have been exposing myself to all these days.

Before it was just going to a Kingdom and paying your respects

Now I can't leave Sharia without the fear that a new apostle will come to kill me...

But that's a part of the job, isn't it?

I returned home and to my surprise, Paul and some carpenters of the dwarf race were already starting to repair the house. 

"Grandpa..." Paul murmured as he watched me enter.

The carpenters didn't take me seriously but gave Paul strange looks for calling me Grandpa.

"Hello, I came to get new clothes, I'm still asking you to supervise the repairs!" I told him as I went up the stairs.

I went up to my room while avoiding some dwarf workers.

I entered my room which to my surprise had already been repaired.

I took off my blue tunic, and chose a black plush shirt and over it I put on another normal black shirt.

For my pants I simply chose black pants and brown boots and that's how I left the house. 

I was about to leave but I decided to take my Aqua Hertia just in case and I also already had Gino Britzs's sword with me.

"I'll see you later Paul, I'm leaving the country," I told him.

He just nodded and continued supervising the repairs.

Stop by Orsted Corp for MK2 and some mana positions just in case

I call Almanfi and teleport back to the Chaos Breaker 

To my surprise, Sylphie was there waiting for me. 

-Rudy...- Sylphie said calmer as she approached me.

-b-be careful there will you?...-Sylphie murmured while hugging me.

I hugged her in the same way and we stayed like that for a few moments.

-hmmmmmmm- I heard Sylphie make a noise like a purr as she rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry for worrying you so much, dear," I said as I stroked her head.

His embrace became tighter and he began to tremble slightly.

-Yes you do it a lot...we are going to be parents Rudy...I don't want our baby to be born and not have its father present...- Sylphie murmured and I could hear her start to sob lightly.

At that moment Alek arrived where we were but he stayed waiting when he saw the situation

-I know, for now the apostles are defeated- I said to encourage her.

She nodded slightly but still didn't let go of me.

I caressed her belly lightly and could feel a small lump.

-He's already growing hehe...- Sylphie murmured with a smile as she wiped away her tears

-Yes... you have to stay safe for our son, okay?- I said to Sylphie and then kissed her on the lips

After parting our lips I looked at her and she nodded while trying to catch her breath

-t-that suits you- Sylphie murmured

-I guess so hehe- I said as I separated from her and Alek came towards us

-Sir, the teleportation circle is ready- Alek said

So I walked with Sylphie and Alek to the room where several teleportation circles were, they were not as many as in the Orsted Corp, I could count a maximum of 8 circles

Roxy, Nana and Lara were already there waiting for us.

I said goodbye to my other wife and my fiancée while Alek said goodbye to Lara

-Rudeus, rescue the Miko without creating conflict- Orsted reminded me

-Yes, I suppose some Asuran politician You're coming with us, right? - I asked.

-I have no knowledge about that but I assume you two will count as representatives- Orsted replied

I nodded at this and stood near the circle.

-It's time Alek- I told him but I could see that he was still talking to Lara

He seemed undecided about something while exchanging glances with me and Lara but in a movement that caught me off guard he kissed Lara on the lips quickly

It was a quick kiss but full of feelings

I could hear my three girls letting out noises of astonishment while Peragius just smiled mockingly.

Orsted, as expected, didn't care at all.

And I could only raise an eyebrow as I watched the embarrassed Alek walk towards me.

I guess he already regretted his action haha!

I looked at Lara quickly with a smile and she was completely blushing and frowning.

-Okay, it's time- Peragius said without caring about the situation and we were teleported


I opened my eyes and found myself in the ruins of a fortress

I looked to my side and could see an embarrassed Alek avoiding my gaze.

I guess I can tease him a little, huh?

-You can call me father-in-law from now on if you want hehe- I said with a mocking smile

-Yes, father-in-law....- Alek murmured, head down.

Oh no...

-Buddy, it was a joke, but it was very bold of you if you ask me, if you were anyone else I wouldn't have allowed it- I said in a falsely severe tone but as I suspected Alek took these words seriously.

-Yes, I understand, thank you very much Mr. Rudeus- Alek said with a bow

I smiled at him and patted him on the back.

-Let's concentrate now, lead the way- I said.

Alek became serious in an instant and started walking.

We walked through the ruins of an ancient Fort dating back to the Second Human-Demon War

There was not much to highlight about this place, it was not very big and had no historical impact and now it was only preserved as an archaeological ruin.

Since Gardenia is further north than Sharia I could feel the difference in the cold

We left the ruins through a hole in them and began to walk through a forest.

We chose this circle because of its proximity with the capital of the Kingdom "Gildiana" which was only about two hours walk away

I could see how the until a few moments ago embarrassed Alek was now completely serious and focused, a skill which surprised me.

He walked ahead of me as he scanned the forest

-Huh?...- he muttered while looking to the left

-What's happening?- I asked him.

-....that's weird...this wasn't here the last time I came...this whole place is completely different...- Alek muttered

I couldn't answer anything because to me this looked like a normal forest, even if I had come here instead of him I wouldn't have been able to remember this place with such accuracy.

-What do you notice that's strange?- I asked him. feels like this place is fake..., I don't know how to explain it sir doesn't feel natural to me- Alek explained

Unable to verify this, I activated my mana eye and scanned the surroundings.

Through the mana eye I could see that the mana signatures of all the trees were the same, there was no trace of a spell around the place or anything like that.

But at that moment I looked up at the sky and I could see a layer of blue mana that began to spread around us at great speed like a dome.

-Sir!- Alek cried in alarm

-Yes! It's barrier magic!- I shouted

In a matter of seconds a blue dome surrounded us in a radius of 10 meters.

And from the style of the dome I can see that it is a god rank barrier...

A common mage wouldn't stand a chance against this but I gave myself the luxury of waiting to see what would happen.

-Sir! We are...- Alek tried to say something but I interrupted him

-Calm down, I can easily undo this barrier but let's see who is behind this- I whispered.

He nodded, understanding my idea.

My intuition paid off because a bunch of hooded people came out of the forest.

Wait a minute! How these people were here and I couldn't detect them?!!..

I could count around 30 hooded men all with swords but this time they were ordinary swords.-So you are the dogs of the Dragon God..- a male voice came from one of the hooded men

-Who are you and what do you want?- Alek asked.

-You two, a little bird gave us a juicy pay to trap you here for a week, enough time for you to die of hunger or thirst- the hunched man said in a mocking tone.

I tried to conjure a mid-range water ball to save face, it instantly dissipated and I pretended to be surprised.

-Haha! Try all you want but this is a god rank barrier, only a god rank mage can disable it from the inside! Hahaha!!- the man laughed and the other hooded men did too

-grrrr and for what reason do you want to trap us here?!- Alek shouted in false indignation and threw Kajakut towards the masked leader, obviously the sword bounced off the barrier and fell to the ground making a dry metallic sound

-Hmm, why not? The guy who hired us simply told us to keep you here so he could do some business in the capital- the hooded man replied.

To keep us here...

Ah!...I see...

Nolan and his team first wreaked havoc in southern Asura to draw Orsted's attention and used a Miko as an excuse.

The attack on Fort Necross didn't take me into account...but they could have finished off Atofe without my help...

If they had succeeded, that would have set off alarm bells and we would obviously have ended up here...

A plan that would have worked if I had been an average magician or the impostor as Nolan called me.

But what do you think, idiot? I'm the only and original one

-I see...and when do I pay all of you for this work?- I asked.

-..jeh...20 Asuran Gold Coins just for keeping them here hahaha!!- the hooded man laughed

-I see...I thought I would be worth more than that- I murmured

-Huh?!- the hooded man let out a sound of confusion

-Get ready Alek, don't let anyone escape- I told him

He nodded and took Kajakut into a combat stance.

-W-what are you trying to do?!- the hooded man muttered in fear

I didn't answer him and raised my right hand, activated the MK2 absorption stone and the god-rank barrier immediately dissipated.


-how is it possible?!!-


The screams of the bandits were present

It's time to end this


Hello! Creativity is chasing me! But I'm faster!

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