Chapter 105: Fighting with spirits
-waaaaaah!!!- Kishirika shouted as she used gravity magic to get out of the earth dome
The spirits praised us at great speed
With barrier magic I managed to stop his attacks but not for long.
-Lady Kishirika hide in a safe place!!- I shouted at her
-I already had it planned anyway!!- she sh
outed as she entered the castle
The spirits of light managed to break my magical barrier and pounced on me.
I used a Sonic boom to lift myself into the air
I barely escaped being sliced in half
Shit!! I got overconfident and didn't bring my MK2...I still have a lot to learn...
-dieeee!!- Atofe roared as he lunged at one of the spirits successfully destroying it
Ok, here goes one, 4 more to go....
The remaining 4 ignored Atofe and rushed at me.
I tried to push them away with a Sonic Boom but they remained unmovable.
Shit, as I always suspected, these things are immune to magic!!
Two came towards me from the right and one from the left.
With barrier magic I managed to stop two but one managed to slightly cut my arm
-Shit!!- I moaned in pain as blood dripped from my left arm
The last spirit of light lunged at me from behind
I quickly stopped doing barrier magic and with a Sonic boom I rose into the air
But it was not in time and a spirit of light grabbed me by the leg, slamming me onto the ground with overwhelming force.
-gah!.....- I moaned in pain, the blow took the air from my lungs and I could feel some ribs breaking
A spirit tried to stab me with the sword but with a gravity magic I rose even faster in the air
-hah..... hah....hah...- I sighed breathlessly as I silently applied healing magic to myself
Luckily Atofe was distracting them momentarily to be cut in two again....
-Damn it again!!- she screamed in anger
One of the spirits disappeared from my sight and appeared on my right side
I didn't have time to react and with a kick to the ribs he sent me straight to the ground
That definitely broke something....
Atofe's royal guards intervened in the fight, Calina and Peridot lost miserably and the Slime guy whose name I don't remember was attacked by two spirits, Fortunately the sword attacks had no effect on him.
Therefore Atofe took advantage of the distraction and cut off those two spirits.
-Very well! Two more left!- I shouted again, healed.
The two remaining spirits lunged at me at a speed I couldn't process.
By instinct I let myself fall to the ground
I didn't feel the pain right away but I could see my right arm flying away and I could feel a sword cutting the skin on my back
-aaaaaah!!- I screamed in pain as I fell to the ground
-Rudeus!!- Atofe shouted as he lunged at the spirits but...his attacks were easily repelled.
But now it was different, she blocked the attacks and defended herself with precision.
She's buying me time!...
I healed as quickly as I could
My back healed quickly but my arm was another matter.
The bone regenerates slowly so I had to apply more mana to speed it up.
-Rudu!!!!- Kishirika shouted as she ran out of the Fort
-What are you doing, come back inside!!- I yelled at him
Atofe had been cut in two again and the spirits focused on me was coming towards me and another was going towards Kishirika!
I quickly pushed her away with gravity magic but it was too late as the spirit brutally stabbed her and the other spirit stabbed me too.
I stared at the faceless spirit for a few moments as it buried its sword deeper into my chest...
I haven't felt this pain for a long time...
My consciousness began to fade but I remembered something
This is my chance!
My right arm is not complete and I can't reach my sword with my left arm.
-rude....- Kishirika muttered as she was thrown to the ground like a rag doll
It's now or never!
With gravity magic I attracted one of the spirit swords not towards me but towards the spirit, the plan worked and the sword buried itself in the spirit that stabbed me
With a "poof!" the spirit dissolved
There is only one left
I quickly pulled the sword out of my chest and closed the wound with healing magic.
The royal guards and Atofe rushed towards the last spirit while I ran towards Kishirika
-I never thought my life would end this way...- Kishirika muttered with her mouth full of blood
I ran to her and put my hand on her chest healing her.
-I never thought you would take advantage of me like this at a time like this...- she murmured with a lost look
-Don't talk nonsense!- I scolded him and healed the wound on his chest
-Rudeus....- she muttered while looking at me with her eyes wide open
I didn't pay attention and I lunged towards the last spirit who...
what do you think?
I lunged again at the spirit that had already cut Atofe in two again.
I threw a blade of light at him which he repelled with great ease and he threw his own blade of light at me
With a Sonic Boom I rose into the air at the last moment to dodge it but I was too slow and it sliced my foot
-aag!!- I screamed in agony
The spirit lunged at me, I made a shield with barrier magic that barely contained its attack.
I couldn't heal my bleeding foot as I only had one arm.
Trusting in my poor luck I let myself fall while with gravity magic I threw swords at the spirit
As soon as I fell to the ground I felt like something inside me broke and I spat out blood.
Kirishika looked at me with tears in his eyes
Atofe was struggling to get back together like his guards.
I quickly regenerated my foot less than a second later the spirit lunged at me stabbing me in the right shoulder making me unable to move my arm
I tried to use the same strategy as with the other spirit but it dodged the swords.
As I tried to rise into the air the spirit stabbed me... Again and again and again...
I don't know how many times it was, but at some point I stopped feeling pain.
Kishirika lunged at the spirit with a sword only to be repelled with great ease.
The spirit stopped his attack and stabbed her again.
And the spirit continued stabbing me
-raaaaaaaah!!!!- Atofe gave a scream that stunned my eardrums and destroyed the spirit with a movement of his sword
I just stood there staring at her like a fool while I was in a pool of my own blood.
I tried to heal myself but I couldn't move.
My vision was going dark and I couldn't breathe.
-Come on Rudeus!!, you can't die!!- Atofe shouted while putting my letf arm on my chest
By pure instinct I began to cast healing magic
I may have been hallucinating but I could see some tears in Atofe's eyes.
I applied more mana to my healing spell unconsciously and was able to regain mobility.
I just healed the wounds on my chest and shoulder and quickly stood up towards Kishirika who was lying pale beside me.
I quickly healed the hole in her chest and she coughed up blood violently.'s over...-I murmured
-Rudeus!!- Atofe shouted
I turned around and she quickly gave me a strong and passionate kiss
I could see some tears in her eyes but she quickly wiped them away.
-You fought well!!- she said as an evil smile formed on her lips
-Thank you very much...- I murmured, totally tired.
I dropped to the floor and began to heal my severed arm.
Atofe sat next to me and let me lean on her, surprisingly Kishirika sat down and leaned on me while she caught her breath.
About 5 minutes later My right arm was like new
But my brown tunic was a total mess of blood and one sleeve was torn... and I don't know where my shoe went...
I sat on the floor as I caught my breath and Atofe stroked my hair.
-Did you kill him?- she asked
-Yes... I turned them into ashes...- I answered.
She smiled wickedly in response.
Fort Necross was partially destroyed but nothing that couldn't be fixed quickly according to Atofe
-Ruro!!- Kishirika called me
(sigh) -It's Rudeus....Lady Kishirika- I muttered in resignation and she just gave me a silly smile
-You have saved my life...twice!, and for that you deserve rewards!!- she told me
Ah yes... that's true... right now Kishirika owes me his life twice and that's something the demons don't overlook... about another Demonic eye?- I asked.
-fuajajaja!, perfect!, which one do you want?!- she said enthusiastically
I knelt in front of her so she had better access to my eye.
-eeeeh..a Mana eye please..- I murmured
-Haha! Right away!- Kishirika said as she placed the palm of her hand on my eye but this time she didn't break my eyeball...
However, I felt a sharp pain in my retina...
20 seconds later Kishirika withdrew his hand
I opened my right eye and I could see a lot of colors and shadows that colored the whole world
I looked at Kishirika and a kind of black aura surrounded her
-This is?....- I murmured breathlessly
-Indeed! What you are seeing is the natural mana that abounds throughout the world!!- Kishirika said enthusiastically
I closed my mana supply to my right eye and stopped seeing shadows.
I experimented a bit and found that switching between my eye of foresight and mana eye was a little too easy...
Just by thinking about it I could change my Demonic eye
-Very well! What do you want as a second reward?!- Kishirika asked.
-....can we leave the reward for another time when it needs it with this thing about Hitogami's apostles?- I asked's okay however you want!!- Kishirika said with a smile
After receiving my third mana eye I returned to the battlefield and undid the remains of my stone spells
Also when I destroyed the dome I could see the three mounds of ash that were once my attackers...
I was about to feel bad for killing them but then I remembered that they attacked my house and one of their spirits almost killed Roxy and instead I felt satisfied
I poured water on the ashes and they dissolved, turning into nothingness.
I noticed that my bracelet was no longer on my right arm, so I quickly started looking for my severed arm, which I found among the rubble.
I put the dragon bracelet back on and felt somehow more confident.
I decided to cremate that right arm and that's what I did, the smell was not pleasant at all...
Kishirika eventually left promising to give me my reward whenever I wanted.
And so the time came for my departure, Atofe assured me that Fort Necross would be repaired quickly and I decided to believe him.
She also reminded me that I was already pregnant and would give birth in 4 months.
I wanted to ask how she was so sure she was still pregnant after being cut in two so many times...
But I decided to keep that comment to myself.
Atofe said goodbye to me with another kiss and I returned to Sharia
Obviously Orsted questioned me about my appearance but that's another story.
Hellooooo!! I know I sound like a broken record, but I want to ask you to help me, my friend! With power stones, a review or comments would help me greatly!!
Comment what you thought of the chapter!!