Mushoku Tensei: That One forgotten Mob

E3 Chapter 28 : Departure [2]

E3 Chapter 28
: Departure [2] 




Two and a half months have passed.

One day, the Holy Beast sluggishly came and entered Rudeus's room.

"Well, well then, if it isn't the Lord Holy Beast, Did you have something you needed from this sex beast? "




It seems it's just going to ignore Rudeus.

Rudeus didn't know if it was a male or female, but the Lord Holy Beast came over and laid down next to him.

Currently, in his hands is a figure in the process of making.

Rudeus decided to make these since there's still lots of time left before the rain stops.

The model is Ruijerd.

Why him?

That is what one might think.

However, think about it for a second.

The Superd race is a monster with an unknown identity.

People shudder in fear after seeing that green hair.

However, the figures Rudeus makes have no color.

A stone doll in a solid grey color.

If Rudeus can make this doll look cool, he might be able to get more people to accept it.

First off is the silhouette.

The hair is the last part.


The Holy Beast brought its body close to Rudeus's thighs and placed its head on his lap.

Rudeus was perplexed since no animal had ever gotten this close to him before.


The Holy Beast was looking at his hands with a "What is that?" feeling.

It's a lord puppy whose age is proportionate to its demeanor.

He started to stroke the area around its neck for the time being.

"There's nothing to do, so I decided to produce some work."


Rudeus's hand was licked while its tail was flapping and moving around.

‘It seems I'm not hated.’

Since the rain is still continuing, the Holy Beast must be bored.

‘I don't know where it has been these past two months, but it specifically decided to come over to where I am, after all.’

‘It must be looking for some kind of stimulus.’

"Shall we play?"


‘After that, my crossed legs fell apart and started to play around with the Lord Holy Beast.’

Rudeus enjoyed rolling around and getting moderate exercise with the Lord Holy Beast.

It is certainly a win-win relationship.

Knock, knock.

While Rudeus was playing around with the Holy Beast, there was a knock on the door to his room.

"Hm? Come in. "

"Please excuse me. I could smell the Lord Holy Beast coming from here… Ah."

Then the one who came in was a woman dressed in the outfit of one of the village's warriors.

It was the big sister guard.

"Ah, greetings, it's been a while."

For the time being, Rudeus said that while bowing my head.

After seeing Rudeus, her face quickly turned ghastly pale.

"Ah, yes, greetings. It has been a while."

It's the person who threw cold water on Rudeus and told him off with a cruel word.

"Come to think of it, I haven't seen her in two months."

He wondered where she was.

"I'm sorry about that time. Please forgive my rudeness. "

She deeply bowed her head.

"No, it's fine. That matter has already been resolved."

"However, even though it was a misunderstanding, I would subject you to that kind of treatment...."

"That kind of treatment was just being stripped and having cold water thrown at me."

Then the female warrior's face became even paler.

Almost to the point where she would fall over at any minute.

"I'm very sorry. Please... forgive me. "

When it comes to the beast race, being stripped naked and having cold water thrown at you is highly humiliating.

"I had heard at that time that you were a person that had done something sexually cruel to the Lord Holy Beast."

"Of course, that was a false charge, you've heard, right?"

"Ah, yes, of course."

Then she was looking back and forth at the Holy Beast.

Currently, the Lord Holy Beast uses Rudeus as a pillow, and my hand is being licked.

It seems like she has something to say about it.

"The things from that time couldn't be helped. I'm not angry about it. Although, I would have liked at least one apology. "

"That is, umm, I'm really sorry. I was told to try my best to avoid meeting with Master Rudeus of Lord Gyes. "

‘Ah, so that was the case after all, huh.’

As Rudeus thought, if the actual perpetrator was in front of your eyes, you would want to get revenge.

Gyes's judgment was correct.

"Then, you were told not to encounter me. Why are you here? "

"Umm, that is, the Lord Holy Beast went missing, so I followed the smell, and it led here."


The female warrior had a cold sweat going.

Rudeus thinks it's fine if you aren't that afraid.

Gyes apologized plenty, and he’s already satisfied with that.

After the rainy season ended, Gyes offered to give them a cart and pay compensation.

Rudeus only had to spend a week in prison for it. Rudeus feels luckier than anything.

When it comes to him, he’s not really bothered at all.

Having cold water thrown at him and being abused as a pervert are good memories.

Rudeus was sure that in the future, if something woke up inside of him, he'd be able to accept that arousal.

"Come to think of it, after the rainy season ends, you would get married, weren't you? Congratulations. "

After he said that, the female warrior started to tremble in fear.

It seems like she only heard it as sarcasm.

There was no ill intent. Rudeus just meant it as a simple blessing, though.

"Umm, what would I have to do to be forgiven by you?"


It seems she has misunderstood something.

This is somehow nice.

An amazing feeling of superiority

Is this that NTR sort of thing?


‘After all, maybe I should have her get naked and crawl on all fours.’

‘No, that kind of thing isn't good.’

Gyes asked him to let it go, and Rudeus didn't know when Eris and Ruijerd would return.

Rudeus wonders what kind of punishment would be good.

Something similar to the beast race, like being stripped, is no good.

Throwing cold water is also undoubtedly not good.

'Then how about I put on only a white t-shirt, hit you with a water technique, a water gun, and cover you in lukewarm water? '

‘Wah, I'm a genius.’


Then Lord Holy Beast moved over to cover the female warrior.

Glaring at Rudeus.

‘What's up with that.’

‘It's a joke, don't be mad.’

"I've already received a proper apology. Since that's the case, I don't need anything more than that. "

After saying that, the female warrior made a relieved face and sighed.

"Thank you very much."

Then, just after that talk was finished, she started glaring at Rudeus.

"More than that, Rudeus-dono, I would prefer it if you didn't just take the Lord Holy Beast out at your own convenience."

"What's that?" I never took it out of anywhere."

‘Oh, more false charges, huh.’

‘You really aren't reflecting on it, are you?’

‘If you aren't careful with your words, next time you'll be the one in prison naked, and I'll be the one throwing water.’

Rudeus thought of all of those things as he monologued inside his head.

"If that's the case, then who took it out? The Lord Holy Beast cannot leave the Holy Tree on its own. "

"Ho. Then please explain it to me clearly. "

The Lord Holy Beast is a magical beast that is only born once every several hundred years.

It has no formal name.

Since ancient times, the appearance of the Lord Holy Beast has meant that the world would be approaching a crisis.

After Lord Holy Beast becomes an adult, it will set out on a journey with a hero to save the world from that mighty power.

That's how it's told.

Since that's the case, in the interior of the DoRudya village within a barrier in the roots of the Holy Tree, it's carefully and preciously raised.

That is really an utterly sheltered kind of feeling.

They won't let the Lord Holy Beast, who doesn't know anything, out into the cold outside world.

Incidentally, it will supposedly take another 100 years or so until the Lord of the Beast becomes an adult.

If the stories are true, 100 years later, a great crisis will befall the world.

Currently, it seems that this female warrior is primarily protecting the Lord Holy Beast.

In the inner part of that dead-end pathway,

Rudeus, get it now. That would be why we never met when Rudeus walked around the town.


Then the Lord Holy Beast barked out loud there.

The female warrior made a surprised face.

"Eh! What did you say? "

‘Eh? What? ’


"I see, but...."


"I understand."

‘Why are you normally having a conversation with a dog? The Lord Holy Beast isn't speaking in the Beast God’s language, right? How do you understand the differences between them? Are you using BowLingual or something?’

Rudeus had a barrage of questions in his head, but he couldn’t say them out loud.

"Lord Holy Beast has said that you are unrelated."


"I'd like you to say more than that." He adds.

"Lord Holy Beast thanks you, Rudeus-dono."

"Ho, I could have sworn I had been completely forgotten after being abandoned in prison."


"Lord Holy Beast says [That's rude. I properly told them to send you good tasting food. I had heard that Master Rudeus was enjoying the food quite a bit as well?]."

‘That's right. The food, at least, was as good. Also, I received seconds. I did think it was pretty strange for a prison. ’

‘That was Lord Holy Beast's order, huh.’

However, for the first thing to be thought of in terms of gratitude to be food, in the end, it's still a dog.

"However, I would have preferred to be let out of the prison if that's the case."

"Wan?! (What do you mean by prison? is what it seems to be)."

"It's a place where you lock up bad guys."

"Wan! (I also get locked up, is what is being said). "

After that, Rudeus talked with Lord Holy Beast, using the female warrior as a translator.

After which, he realized that Lord Holy Beast had no clue about the details of the events from this time, it seems.

It didn't understand that Rudeus was letting off a smell of arousal and didn't understand why he was captured by Gyes either.

It couldn't seem to comprehend the fact that he was captured or anything beyond the fact that something scary happened.

In other words, it's still a child.

Making all sorts of demands on a child is not good.

There’s no helping it.

"Thanks to the Lord Holy Beast, I was able to experience a pleasant lifestyle. Thank you very much. "

After thanking it, its tail started waving, and it licked my face.

Nfufu, what a cute fellow.

Rudeus was having fun stroking its neck.

Then he was pushed down.

Ahn, you can't. People are watching?

"Rudeus-dono, Lord Holy Beast, is sacred. Could you refrain yourself from being that familiar and attached? "

"That's wrong. The smell of this arousal is aimed at you."


"Excuse me, it's nothing at all."

Rudeus let out a bit of his true intent.

"*Cough* Now then, Lord Holy Beast. Let's return home to the Holy Tree. "


The Lord Holy Beast honestly nodded to the words of the female warrior and returned.

After that, it became a problem for the beast race that the Lord of the Beast could escape.

In the end, it seems like they couldn't figure out who the criminal that let it out was.

Since that's the case, it would be fine if they left it to an escort, but that abduction incident happened the other day.

The escorts were becoming tense.



[Edited 06/29/2022]

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