Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 224: Braham Eshwald

This closed door will stay in the mind of all subjects of the Empire, only to be opened up in due time!!

On the Throne Room, a powerful laugh resounded:


"I did it!! I finally did it!!!"

His face was pale! His eyes were groggy!! But his fierce smile never faded away!

As his laugh resounded through the Palace!!

The Matriarch sighed in deep admiration:

'To already connect the people with the Imperium at only this level of civilization.'

'From now on…No matter what, the Vega Dynasty would never fall so low again.'

She looked at the Laughing Monarch:

'Sure enough…Freaks will always be freaks.'

Immediately….Not long after…He heard steps outside of the Throne Room.

Marek laughed:

"Come in!!"

Two Vizirs, their eyes brimming with endless excitement, knelt before the Emperor:

"Your majesty, it seems it is a success."

Lelouch spoke up.

Schneizel sized up the Emperor, he could feel that he was weakened. All in all, it was still within the tolerable range:

"Congratulations, your majesty."

"Your Nen ability, Library of the Imperial Path is activated."

Marek didn't even seem to care about the blood on his robes, or the weakness in his body.

Marek excitedly responded:

"Indeed! Today is a great day!"

"You could see it is a complete version….No! it even exceeded my expectations…"

"The Imperium already changed the nature of my Nen to something beyond Nen itself."

"Even I couldn't measure the profoundness of such an ability."

The two were delighted:

"As expected the price was steep, but it was still worth it!"

The Emperor had a long smirk on:

"Now…Let's start the test shall we?"

Lelouch nodded, before asking:

"In which world are you going?"

Marek had a mysterious smile:

"We are going to Bulma's."

"The test subjects are there."

The three immediately disappeared into a blue portal, arriving in Bulma's house.

By the side, he found the prince of Saiyans, both arms crossed, waiting for him:

"So you really did make it, huh…"

Marek smirked back:

"I am not that easy to kill."

Vegeta sneered:

"I know…Only someone stupid like you could leave that task to himself."

Marek laughed it out. Vegeta's after cheking out, stood up:

"Bulma is inside."

"I am going back training."

Marek nodded, with a light smile:

"Good luck…"

"Give that little god my greetings…"

Vegeta laughed out:

"Tch! His mood gets foul every time someone mentions your name."

Marek nodded, before making his way to Bulma's laboratory, where he found, the now youthful woman standing in a sea of screens.

"I guess, his majesty slow-pants, finally decided to show up!"

"You know I had this place ready for month. Just wondering whatever the hell you were going to do with it."

"Making me copy such hard data, I am not that young anymore, you know that…"

Marek sighed, as he endured her nagging. The Two Vizirs looked at her with awe. She must be the only woman in the endless Imperium who could nag at a Vega Grand Monarch.

Marek calmed her:

"Alright, alright…I was busy…And I wasn't really sure how to proceed."

Then the Emperor's eyes light up:

"But really…You won't disappointed."

"You will see something memorable today."

Bulma's eyes twinkled:

"You are not the type to vainly brag."

She then stood up in the middle of the screens, with deep vanity!

"I present you. Morpheus Bis."

"The copy of the Super Computer Morpheus!!"

"As you requested…I kept The World inside in it's bare beginnings."

"The time flow can also be modified at will."

"The Monitors will be locked on the characters…"

Several figures appeared one after the other:

"Mercedes Vaintz…The first ranked of the Numbered Knights"

"Piaro, the Sword-Saint Candidate."

"And finally…"

"Braham, the First Child of the Vampire progenitor, Beriach, and Legendary Magician."

Lelouch eyes's widened:

"Your majesty…This is a Virtual Game?!"

"And your test subjects are virtual characters…?!"

Marek laughed:

"Not for long…"

"I will show both of you…the real power of the Library of the Imperial Path!!"

Bulma's eyes narrowed:

"Oh…Library of the Imperial Path…"

"Oh?!! Isn't that the freakish thing that appeared in Vegeta's, Trunks and my mind"

"So that thing is yours?!"

Bulma became more interested.

As a scientist, she was a seeker of knowledge, and she could feel that some deep secrets were hidden behind this gate.

But she couldn't open it.

He spoke her:

"Yes…It is…"

He then a smirking face

"And after we are done with this…You will be begging me to open it up for you."

Bulma's puffed her cheeks:

"We will see about that."

"Now…Gentlemen, ladies…Let's start."

Bulma nodded, and spoke:

"Morpheus…Begin creating the World Satisfy…."

A voice resounded:

"Yes…Authorization, Capsul Corp President Bulma…"

In a empty field stood three Existences…

Yatan, Rebecca and Hanul…

Bulma nodded and gave the word:

"Accelerate the World…To the birth of the first target…"

Suddenly in the screens…Gods began to be created, as the cycle of creation and destruction began to repeat itself endlessly.

Finally…In the last iteration…The Demons of Yatan were reborn once more…

The World was once again in crisis….

Under the screen….

In a place hidden in the future Eternal Empire…A Banished Demon, blinded with anger, and resentment…

And unable to resist the tragic curse of idleness…

Used her life force to give birth to her children…

Noble, true blood vampires…

Among them, a young handsome vampire was born…The First Child and the one who admired his mother the most…

Braham Eshwald.

Inheriting his mother's greed for knowledge.

He was the cleverest, the most ambitious, and the one who despised the conditions of his kin the most.

The moment he was born, Braham was faced with the challenges of the Curse of Idleness, the ambitions of his mother, his berserk greed for knowledge and improvement.

Since his birth, Braham gave himself up in research…Unlike his other kin, he stubbornly resisted the Curse.

And grew more and more powerful as he delved into magic…

…Yet despite his efforts…

He couldn't find anything without experimentation.

Time has gone by…

And all that should have happened…Braham was expelled by the clan for harming his own kin, and striped of his bloodline by Marie Rose.

The New Vampire Progenitor.

At that moment…It could be said…That Braham had reached the depths of his despair.

At that moment…

In the mind of Braham…Appeared a magnificent sight!!

His red blood fiery eyes opened up, as he gulped up and down….

He saw the Gates of a Magnificient door…In front of him…

By instinct…The Magician felt that he was looking at something beyond his wildest comprehension…

He approached the door and touched with his hand.


'What kind of existence could create something like this?'

'Is it the Gods…?'


'Even the goddess of creation wouldn't be able to create something like this…'

This was his real intuition. Because this thing he saw seemed beyond the world created by Rebecca itself.

In front of him, in a place he couldn't actually pinpoint appeared unreadable characters, that he could mysteriously read:

'Library of the Imperial Path.'

Suddenly, dark green fire descended from above…

Braham's face distorted as he looked at the fire…He thought:


This was only thing that appeared in his mind, as he looked at it.

This thing seemed to be knowledge in person! It seemed to hold endless wisdom, and the essence of the truth of the world.

How can someone like Braham not be entranced?!

Suddenly, it started…turning into a humanoid silhouette, and a powerful pressure descended on the world!!

Braham was immediately forced on his knees!!

A voice resounded through the silhouette, contained endless majesty:

"The Library of the Imperial Path could only be opened to those serving the Imperium."

"Child of Beriach, Braham Eshwald…"

"You're the first in your world to be given the opportunity to serve the Emperor of the World…And look down on the rest of existence."

"…Would you swear allegiance to the Emperor of the Myriads of Worlds...?"

Braham felt his skin crawl just by the power the voice exuded…

All the presents here looked at the screen in daze…Bulma especially:

"This sequence doesn't exist in the programming…How could it appear here?!"

Marek smirked:

"It's obvious….The Imperium is beyond the boundaries of real and virtual…"

"Any worlds could be accessed."

He then had a solemn expression:

"Even if the Imperium is an entity without consciousness…"

"Nevertheless, It has it's own bottom lines…"

"It would never aid someone not willing to serve the Vega Dynasty."

"If I were to coerce it to do it…The Imperium itself would lose it's meaning…"

"And it would become something else entirely."

Marek knew exactly how to get Braham's loyalty. It is far easier then with his generals and vizirs…

Braham is lonely…He is lonely in his arrogance, the only thing he needs is an equal or a superior who he could call friend.

The three nodded looking forward to the happenings here.

Braham looked up with difficulty…

"If…I agree to serve that Emperor…"

"…Would you open up this gate for me?"

He knew he couldn't dream to deceive this entity, let's not talk about the Emperor behind it…

He didn't knew who was 'The Emperor of Myriads of World'…But he knew that he wasn't someone he could afford to play with.

The Braham of this time, wasn't the Legendary Great Magician yet…But he still had his own pride.

His knowledge was his own pride. Still looking at the profound gate….At the name 'Library…'

He felt like a thirsty man seeing an ocean of tepid fresh water…

Braham was born with a instinct that cannot resist the call knowledge…

More so now…When his new found humanity clashed with his nature as seeker of knowledge.

In essence…Braham is extremely powerful and look down on everything and everyone…

But before such sight…Even he, felt the need to curb his character.

But even then…He still felt extremely proud….

'If someone of this level, chose me through all the people in this world. Then he must acknowledge my greatness, and my unrivaled talent!'

Faintly…He felt that this 'Emperor' is even beyond Yatan who his mother and his kin longed to get revenge against.

Immediately a frenzied half-crazy half sane expression appeared on Braham face…The same he wore when he raided, the lair of the Dragon Taruka, the feat that will forge his legend later on!!

"Whatever…Although…I don't know who the Emperor is…"

"I can't leave this opportunity to others!!"

He immediately knelt:

"I, Braham Eshwald, swear loyalty to the Emperor of Myriad Worlds!!"

The Flaming silhouette responded indifferently:


At the same time a little flame entered between Braham's eyebrows.

Immediately his eyes opened up…Delight and a frenzied expression on his face.

"The Library of the Imperial Path so it's use is like that…"

The Majestic Door opened up.

And in front of it appeared gigantic Shelves, that extended to an infinite Horizon.

The Carvings were sumptuous and would cause anyone who looked at it for too long to faint.

Yet…There was one curious thing about the library…

Bulma spoke with bewilderment:

"…It's completely empty."

Yet neither Braham, the Emperor, nor Schneizel and Lelouch were surprised.

They only admired the inside of the majestic Library!!

This was the base, they key to the growth of the Atleasian Empire!

Braham only sighed deeply…Awe and admiration in his eyes.

He never saw something so profound in his life.

Actually, the 'Real God' of this world Morpheus couldn't possibly create something like this.

Braham approached a shelf, and as he did that, on the shelf, a book formed for nothiness was constructed.

Only one name was written on it:

"Braham Eshwald."

He opened the book…and his widened when he read it.

'Braham Eshwald, son of Beriach, 7th Demon of Yatan….Creation of the SuperComputer Morpheus Bis…Developed in the World Codename Overgeared, copied by the Scientist Bulma of the World Codename 'DBZ'…

Programation model:….

Artificial Intelligence level:….

A.I. Potential: Low…

He couldn't possibly understand more than 90 percent of the words he read!!

'Morpheus Bis…?! Super computer?!'

'Is this supposed to be another god?!'

'And who is Scientist Bulma, And what is this World Codename 'DBZ' and World Codename 'Overgeared' that could develop such a world?!

He took a deep breath…

Braham current form: Virtual Mage.

Braham Eshwald's Perfect Form: Truth Magus of The Beyond. (Rank???) Power level: (MIN: Beyonder Realm- MAX:????.)

Braham Eshwald's Flaws: 7487989….↑ ↑ ….. ↑84563 Flaws

Flaw Number 1 :….

Flaw Number : 7487989….↑ ↑ ….. ↑84563

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