multi leveling in game of thrones

Chapter 5: tournament and mission

The hands tournament was going to be a great one and it was starting in a few hours. Jon was not planning to joust but to compete in the melee the sword fights. As that's where his strength is. He was not uncomfortable on a horseback but the idea of the game was dumb to him.

He had to watch the joust. Though becuase he need to be there when the mountain gregor clegane tries to kill the flower knight Loris tyrell. He wanted both brothers as shadows.

Jon has been excited becuase three knights already died do to gregor killing them in the joust. He also theouhht about letting him kill loris and taking his shadow knowingbhe was an elite knight but he let that slip out of his mind.

he got the shadows and they were at elite rank just below the hound. Jon was comfortable enough to put the 3 in his father's shadow at this time. He also sent the thief out to steal gold and get info for the future. Needless to say he was a rich man I'm many peoples eyes now.

It was finally the match he was waiting for and Loris won as expected and the scenario played out the same.

The knights on there horses made there way to the lists and gregor horse was agitated due to Loris mare being in heat. Gregor horse perched as the mare was coming at it. And that cause gregors lance to go high and Loris dehorsed gregor. And gregor was pissed he grabbed his massive great sword and beheaded the horse in one swing. And as Loris was riding back to his side gregor attacked.

Jon was like a blur noone know what happened but he stopped the massive blow that surely would have killed Loris and they exchanged a few blows with Jon blocking and parrying with the already mangled sword he had on him. Untill the king snapped out of his thoughts. He shouted to stop and Jon created distance and gregor threw a tantrum like a child and stormed off. Jon said to him" ill see you in the melee and I won't dodge and parry then so be ready fool". He wanted to provoke him and it worked.

Throught the rest of the day the joust finished for the day and the bow tournament finished the melee was set for the day after the joust as some of those knights participated in both. So on had to wait.

The fifth and final day of the tournament started the joust ended the day before and Loris was the champion even though he was rattled by gregor.

Jon had leather armor on and also had sandors equipped with the system so he had the protection he needed. He was ready.

The contestants were waiting on the field there were 50 knights all ready to fight. The two popular choices were gregor and Jon as the rest were not that famous or from small families. Basic knights.

The king read the rules and all listened. It was a battle royal of 50 men and anything went death or surrender were the only ways to leave the ring.

The king commenced the battle. Jon waiting for and enemy let them come to him but he kept his distance from gregor as he would be his last fight. Two knights from the same family came to Jon. They figured they could take him in a two on one. They were wrong.

Jon dodged the first brother which made him stumble with his momentum and Jon use the monarchs control subtly to make him trip completely as he did that the other swung his sword horizontal trying to take Jon's head.

Jon duck this blow and shoulder threw that man and he crashed into his companion. They laid there for second to recover and before they could get up fully they both had holes in there throats. Jon was holding a dagger that was stapped into the men's necks and he move on before they even fell.

People were dying all over the ring it seemed none wanted to surrender or gregor would not let them mutter the words Jon killed everyone who came to him and so did gregor.

Overall 30 died and 18 were able to surrender jo n leveled up 2 times so far putting him at level 12 . Jon was standing befor the mountain and was towered over by the man.

The fight was about to start and Jon was already liking his lips at having a new stronger shadow. However that was not to happen today the king in his infinite stupidity called the match saying he did not want to see the two best warriors of the tournament t


Which made sense cause Jon was about to prove his superiority to everyone and kill him in one move. There were a lot of disappointed viewers in the crowd as well as the two combatants but what could they do disobeying the king was a death sentence. Jon thought he might be able to get away with it becuase of his father but he dropped that idea as quick as it was formed.

The awards were given out and Jon was happy with the money. But he was even more happy as he help move the bodies of the dead from the field. He has long since gotten. Over the sight of death having died once himself it was easy.

When people were not looking he was able to get 30 elite shadow soldiers. He has 35 saved and can extract upto 700 and save 140. John was happy with the results as of now. In the series he would have high b to low a class ranking so all he needed to do was level up and get the gates opened.


In the red keep and meeting was taking place between the small council members. They were bickering back and forth about money and information. The king was attending this one as he wanted to look good in front of eddard. Verys the spider talked about a potential threat in essos. " there is word from my birds that a wedding is going to take place. It is between the daughter of the mad king and the leader of the dolthraki hoard Kahl drogo. "

" How does something going on thousands of miles away and the span of a sea threaten the seven kingdoms." Little finger said trying to disprove varyss credibility.

"The last report we got about this hoard was that it had over one hundred thousand men in it. It is one of the largest armies in essos." Said verys

"So to prevent a possible invasion which will not come due to that fact that the dolthraki fear the sea because there horse can't drink the salt water. The horse lords will not follow the whims of a child after he sells his sister to the kahl." Said eddard.

King Robert growing more frustrated as time went by said "that's enough eddard it been decided we will stop this wedding and put an end to the targaryen line once and for all. We should have never let thos children escape to essos knowing they would be a thorn in my ass in the future."

Eddard continued to argue due to his honor but got no where. Then he asked " who are you sending to do the deed then." Noone in the room said anything.

Then finally after a few minutes of silence Verys suggested" we could use the faceless men in bravos ".

At that eddard was dumbfounded becuase the members tried that before and it was very expensive. To expensive. He said " are any of you in this room going to shell out the money to do this" he was looking at little finger and verys directly they did not respond.

Eddard did not want them to die vecuase of their families stupidity so he suggested."i will send someone to stop the wedding but he will not kill the children."

Robert asked " and who will you send for this". Eddard looking concerned realized he did not have a good option for this but still stated" i will find someone to do the job.i have a few days according to veryss report that the wedding will take place next month. Which will give him plenty of time to get to pentos and stop everything."

Robert nodded and said " very well with that done I'm going to drink we will leave that matter in eddards hands." The faces of renly who never said a word as well as verys and littlefinger were upset they could not handle it officially.

Eddard left the meeting and called for Jon. To meet him in his study. "You are the best man I have at my side I have a mission for you that will take you away from westeros for a while. Are you up to it."

Jon replied" I know what you are going to ask of me, go across the narrow sea and kill the targeryen siblings. Huh I don't want to kill them". He thought in his head becuase there my aunt and uncle in this life.

Eddard smiled " you won't be killing. You only need to stop and wedding no mater what happens."

Jon nodded " there is something I need to tell you and it must remain a secret. So we can't speak here as the walls have ears. But I will write it down and then leave right away for the mission. Willyou have someone ready a ship to pentos."

Eddards face became weary as what Jon said was pretty foreboding in a sense. As Jon was writing eddard called for the people to have him ready to set off. It was mid day and a good time to leave as there will be no issues.

Jon finished writing and handed the letter to eddard it was multiple pages. He put the letter in his chest pocket and Jon said "read itonly when i am on the ship and on the way then burn it. Good bye father and stay safe and trust what you read and keep the secret. i know your good at that. I'll stop by and say goodbye to the girls as well."

Jon went to his room and threw everything in the inventory. Even the furniture for shits and giggles. Then went to arias room locked and she answered. Jon said what was going on and hugged her then out of nowhere pulled out a thin 2 ft long sword. He gave it to her with a smile.

She was so excited but yet still sad to see Jon go ,she again named it needle, And Jon placed 5 soldiers in her shadow. He Then said" alright aria I'm off if your ever in any serious danger look to the shadows and they will save you." Aria was puzzled by that but shrugged it off and hugged Jon once more and let him leave.

Jon went to sansas room and knocked. She answered and was surprised to see Jon as she never really had much interaction with him due to her mother hating him. He gave the speil and said the same thing to her he told aria and as he hugged her goodbye he left 5 soldiers in her shadow as well. She was sad to see him go because she was not the same sansa as in canon.

Jon left the red keep and headed to the port and entered a ship that his guide led him to. He was bound for pentos. Within the hour the ship set sail.

Eddard watching from the tower saw the ship leave the harbor and pulled the letter out of his pocket. He unfolded it and began to read.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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