Chapter 3: the fight and future.
The hound came up behind goeffrey and entered the ring. The training ground was packed with viewers the king had a chair placed on a stable wagon so he could see everything next to him was cercie laughing at the soon to be dead northern bastard.
Eddard was talking with Jon and said " why did you have to laugh with the child." Jon apologized and said because aria is funny. He did not laugh at the king but at her. Yet it did not change the fact that he wanted this fight.
Jon was excited to see how much stronger he was then anyone else and he knew sander was one of the pinnacle in the got series. So he wanted it even more when goeffrey stated who he would fight.
Jon looked at eddard and whispered "there will be one less dog to worry about after this." Eddard shook his head and was about to tell Jon to not kill the man. But Jon already walked away to enter the ring.
Eddard looked at Robert warily and nodded. Robert spoke after having a drink of wine. "with the two parties in the ring let the match begin."
With that the house charged at Jon and swung the massive great sword he had. Jon was using a longsword and a shield. With his senses Jon was able to tell where the blow would go before hand and in his vision if was like time slowed down.
Jon perried the blow with his shield to the side. Struck at sanders side with enough strength to rattle the man. And it did it took his breath away. Sandor quickly recovered. And continued the assault. Overhead slashe horizontal vertical even a few fiends but Jon parries them all and let's the hound block his counters.
Jon wanted it to look close but he was already growing bored and this was seen by the better warriors in the crowd. At that time Jon wanted to get sander angry so he started show boating. The girls cheered for him even young Marcela. Sandor was starting to see red as he was toyed with.
He picked up the pace with his anger and his strength went up as well Jon recieved a notice from the system saying Opponent has entered a berserk state and wish to kill player. New quest available... kill the enemy... reward 5 stat points restore health and energy and choice reward.
Inwardly Jon was screaming with joy as it was his first real quest from the system. However he did not know how things would go if he killed this man.
The fight continued even with Jon's inner turmoil he came to a decision to kill the man. Now the problem was how as sandor was in full armor Jon however was only in light leather armor he justified this with saying heavy armor slowed him down.
The fight was getting faster and faster and only the more expricened men could see the intricacies of the battle Jon was beating sandor like a red headed step child using his shield to Perry and bash and the flat of the sword to deal blunt type damage to mostly hurt and further enrage sandor.
Sandor backed off at this moment as Jon's shield crashed into his helmet it rattled he stepped back. Then like a bull chatged forward again Jon single handedly parried the massive sword with enough moments to decapitate a horse. Before eddard and robert could shout for jon to stop and upward pierce struck under the helmet and into sandors neck and head. It was a blow faster then any could see or react to. Jon was disappointed with the level of these people.
Blood flowed down the blade like a fountain and sandors body stopped all movement. Jon pulled the swordout and swung it to get the blood off and sheathed it before sandors body could even fall to the ground.
Silence was all that was around the crowd. As sandors body fell the thud was the only noise heard. There was not a single scratch on Jon or a misplaced hair to be exact. But to Jon it was like fireworks wor going off in his head.
Ding* mission comple enemy killed. Restore all ailments and grant player 5 stat points. Choice of cursed of cursed or holy random box available.
Level up .... level up... level up.
Jon was so shocked he could not move three levels for killing this weak insignificant man. He chalked it up to sandor being a major character and that was the only reason.
When the crowd finally realized what happened. Goeffrey screamed like a baby for the guards to kill Jon. However at the scream Robert got back to his senses and told the boy. " shut up boy it was a fair duel between men something you have a long way to reach." Goeffrey and his mother glared at the king for his statement and left as soon as he stopped speaking.
Robert turned to eddard and said that they needed to have a talk. The two left with the royal guard. The stark men started to clean up the body Jon notice it was shining and walked forward. He touched the man and the system announced player has acquired the hounds armor reduces physical damage by 50 %choose to equip yes no.
Jon chose yes and a transparent armored enveloped him only he could feel it and not see it. It did not hinder his movements at all either. He was very happy it was exactly the same as in the solo leveling series. The guards to Jon the need to move the body and they would have a fire to burn it later that day.
Jon found out where they were storing the body before leaving. He went to his room and and chose the holy random box from the system. What appeared in his hand was an intricately designed box.
He opened it and he was guessing it would be a dungeon key like in the original series but what came ot was a beautiful crafted longsword it was valerian steel with a dragon leather for the grip the guard was shaped like dragon wings.
The system rang Item longsword DARK SISTER has been acquired. It is the original and it has plus 60 attack and every slash is critical against undead.
Jon was beyond happy at this as he now won't have to go beyond the wall or even to take the black to get longclaw. Jon figured what was going to happen. Without him maybe the treachery of the nights watchmen won't happen. Or it will and fall sooner.
While Jon was thinking about his future rob and eddard where having there conversation in the crypts. Robert asks eddard to be his hand and he could not decline. But eddard gets surprised when Robert ask him to bring jn along.
"I know that boy has had a rough life being the batard of the honorable Ned stark bring him along and have him serve as your guard you will need a good one with all the power plays that happen in the capital. Please my friend you have to help me you helped me take this damn country now I need your help to rule it. " eddard could only sigh and say "il ask the boy but since he was young he has wanted to take the black like many starks of the pastand like my little brother."
Robert nodded and said " that's all I can ask for but if he refuses hit him with it was my request and he might just accept if it comes from a king especially if he is anything like you." Eddard sighed thinking to himself hoping Jon would agree. He would need a strong fighter at his side.
They left the crypt after saying there words to the dead. Eddard went straight to his wife to tell her what was spoken of. She was pissed for a bit.
Jon went to body of sandor to use shadow extract when he got there noone was around so he got straight to it. Target acquired would you like to extract the shadow. Jon says ARISE the shadow starts to emerge. Shadow extract fail 2 attempts remaining.
Jon thought about this for a moment and tried agian and failed again one attempt remaining . Before he tried agian Jon looked at the corpse and the black smoke oozing from it that only he could see. He says" don't you want to get revenge on your brother for the shit situation he put you through if so then rise up become immortal and take your revenge". ARISE ... the shadows came together and the hands dragged the body out of the ground.there was a diference this time as the shadow knelt before Jon as did the others.
Shadow knight knight class lvl 1 death welcomes this knight to the shadows and the monarch has bestowed it with power level has risen to 7
Ding* please please name your shadow night. Jon thought about this for a while he did not expect it's level to go up but he figure he would be knight class. Jon name the new shadow night "HOUND" and stored him in his shadow.
The next days continued on and finally the king wanted to go on his hunt. Jon knew this is when bran would be pushed from the tower so as all the older boys were preparing Jon mention to bring bran that he had to learn how and now was the best time with the king and all his security. Eddard agreed and bran joined them.
With bran never losing his legs he could grow to be a happy child not the depressed loner he thought he would become. However as Jon looked at the boy today a name tag appeared above his head that was a bit different from normal. Yes Jon could see the names of everything in different colors according to strength.
On this day brans tag had the word warg before his name. Jon knew what this meant. That bran still would not be able to avoid a certain fate and Jon would let that be as it will be a way for bran to grow.
During the hunt everything went well and jon even got 2 more shadow soldiers as a couple lanister gaurds pissed the king of and he killed them. the king got his kill and so did eddard and the others only Jon and bran did not. They were fine with this becuase at east they got go. Upon returning they all retired to rest for the banquet that night. Before the party Jon checked his stats.
Jon snow lvl 5
Shadow monarch
Reincarnator +5 all stats AN/ (added into total already)
Health 330-330
Mana 330-330
Dex -23
Sense -23
Intelect -43
Equipment- hounds armor 50% reduction to physical attacks
skills passive.AN(have not changed)
Skills active
Shadow extract max lvl can extract up 430 ten per each stat point
Shadow save max lvl can save 86 shadows due to intelect stat 2 per every 1 stat points
Shadow exchange locked
Shop locked
Lvl up others locked
Jon was very please with his stats he was already the strongest person in this world right now but soon that might change as he levels up and the gates open and really start this world with mana and powerfull people.
While he was thinking Jon got called for the banquet during which nothing major happened and the kind announced that eddard would be his new hand. Eddard slipped way from Robert's drinking and touching the maids and when to find Jon.
When eddard found him he was swinging his sword talking to a dwarf. This was tyrion lanister the queens brother. Jon having seen the show from his memories felt like he was meeting his idol as tyrion is his favorite character. Other then himself.
He asked a million questions and was never rude to the man tyrion wanted to get back to the party ended the conversation and walked away at that time eddard and another figure walked toward Jon from opposite ends of the court yard. The other man was benjen eddards brother.
He got the not off and as a senior nights watchmen and the 1st ranger came to pick up new recruits and see his family. The three chatted for a while and then eddard asked Jon. "So the king wants you to come with me to the capital. I know you always wanted to join the watch but I could use a powerful loyal guard as the hand of the king. Will you come with me. " benjen was surprised by this as he knew his brother usually let's his kids do what they want by there own actions. This was the first time he has interrupted that by asking Jon to do something different.
Eddard saw his brothers face and explained the battle between Jon and the hound.and that the king has taken an interest in Jon and wants him in the capitol. Benzene nodded and looked at Jon. " you have not taken any vows yet the choice is still yours." Is what he told him. And walked back into the party.
Eddard told Jon that not only will he be going but also sansa and aria are as well. Jon knew all this but when eddard stated it Jon face change to play the part and he agreed instantly. He would go and protect them all from what he knows is to come.
Then they all go back to the party and get hammered as this is the last night in winterfell for them for a long while.