Mr. Li, my wife doesn’t want to remarry and secretly gives birth to a baby.

Chapter 105 Rebirth after the disaster, I will protect you well

"Then, I said, Mom and Dad, I need to go to the bathroom. No one from Dong Yalan or Jiang Feipeng cares about me. Anyway, they won't care if I lose it,"

"I watched them quarreling all the time. I didn't know what I was thinking at that time. I was alone, and I walked to the edge of the cliff blankly. I thought about jumping off, so that everyone in my family would be happy."

"Because, at that time, my face hurt and my body was very tired,"

Ning Jianan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"After all, I overestimated myself. I was just a child at the time. I was scared...I couldn't jump..."

"I wanted to leave, maybe God wanted to help me, but the stone I was stepping on suddenly became loose, and I fell down."

"I thought I was dead..."

"When I opened my eyes, I saw myself hanging on a tree. It was raining and cold."

"All my clothes are soaked."

"I shouted to my mother in fear, mother, please come and save me,"

"I shouted until my voice became hoarse and I lost all my strength. I waited for them at the bottom of the mountain for a day and a night. None of them, Jiang Feipeng or Dong Yalan, came to look for me."

Hearing this, Jiang Tong's eyes were filled with tears, and her heart was broken into pieces, because now that she is a mother, she can understand her former sister, the poor and helpless sister when she was a child.

"Then...sister, how were you saved later?"

"Maybe it's because I haven't finished suffering all my sins in this life, so God should punish me to continue suffering in this world."

Ning Jianan smiled bitterly, "I originally thought I was going to die like that,"

"I was very cold and hungry. Many images of our family flashed through my mind. I remembered that my grandparents came to play last month, and my grandma hugged me and said, Huihui is about to be five years old, and she should have a good birthday."

"I couldn't live to be five years old. I burst into tears. I still remember that I have never cried so loudly."

"I've been very precocious since I was three years old. I learned to read my parents' eyes and didn't dare to make them angry,"

"Usually when relatives and friends come to my house, I always learn to look at them, for fear that if I say the wrong thing, my parents will be unhappy. Everyone praises me for being sensible, well-behaved, and a good boy."

"That was the first time I cried out loud without caring about anyone else's feelings."

"Then my crying attracted the attention of a kind person. I am very grateful to that kind person. She is a female teacher named Ning. Because her student was injured, she came to the mountain to collect medicine,"

"She anxiously picked me down from the tree and took me back,"

"She gave me hot water, washed my face, and asked me my name. I shook my head because I had given up on Jiang Feipeng and Dong Yalan, and I was even more afraid of returning to that horrible home."

"So I lied and said I didn't have a mom or dad."

"The teacher's sympathetic and caring eyes made me feel a little warm. She told me that her name is Ning Guixiang, and I can call her Teacher Ning from now on."

"She took me to a rural primary school, and I discovered that there were girls left behind,"

"Teacher Ning, because she came to the countryside to teach for a while, she really wanted to take the girls in the mountains out, so she stayed here and built a school here specifically for girls."

"There are also girls like me... who have no father or mother, and they are all named after Teacher Ning,"

"Teacher Ning asked me, what is your wish, and I said, I hope I can live a peaceful and simple life."

"Okay, then your name is Ning Jianan. I still remember this sentence. I have a new name, Ning Jianan, as if I can really bid farewell to the past and live by the name of Ning Jianan from now on."

Speaking of this, Ning Jianan choked up again.

"During this period, I also fantasized that Jiang Feipeng and Dong Yalan would come to me and maybe pick me up, but they didn't."

"I gradually adapted to the hard life in that rural village. Teacher Ning taught us girls how to read, write and cook."

"Teacher Ning often instills in us that girls should study hard, study hard, don't fall in love, find a good job on their own when they grow up, don't rely on men, and don't get married too early,"

"Later I found out that Teacher Ning had been hurt by a man. She no longer believed in men, so she came to the countryside to teach in order to relax and escape from reality and forget the past. I didn't expect that she would see so many women left behind. Children, Teacher Ning has been teaching all his life."

"Then I grew up... I turned eighteen years old and was admitted to a medical university. I worked part-time to earn tuition while going to university. I also had scholarships, so the university tuition was enough."

"Actually, I thought about it for a long time when I chose a job."

"Should I start a business or choose a stable job?"

"I couldn't afford any risks, and I had no backer, because I knew very well that I had no capital, connections, or funds. If I started a business, I would probably fail. No one would give me any guidance, so I gave up on the idea of ​​starting a business."

"But...I am too eager for money and too eager to be recognized. The social status of a doctor is quite high, and the salary is also very considerable. It doesn't matter if I am a little tired. I work hard. If I have the ability, I will be promoted to a director. It will be good. ,"

Ning Jianan curled her lips slightly.

"After I became a doctor, I saved 50,000 yuan. I immediately sent it to Teacher Ning and went back to visit her. She refused to accept the money no matter what."

"She said she was very relieved and happy. She was very happy to see that each of us had found a good job and lived well."

"I am deeply influenced by Teacher Ning... You can say that she is my light and my enlightenment teacher."

"Because of Teacher Ning and the unfortunate marriage of Dong Yalan and Jiang Feipeng, I don't believe in love or men, so I am twenty-eight years old and I have never been in love once,"

"When I was in college, many boys in school pursued me, but I rejected them all,"

"I can't let love affect my steps, and I don't believe that a man will bring me happiness and the life I want,"

Having said this, Ning Jian paused and stared at Jiang Tong with painful eyes.

"Originally... I would not come back to Nandi. I wanted to go to Shanghai to work with my college classmate. He contacted me several times, but I said that I wanted to go back to Nandi."

"I want to come back to Nandi to see you and see how my grandparents are doing,"

"I learned that Dong Yalan remarried and gave birth to a daughter. I watched her holding her little daughter from a distance that day. My tears were flowing. After so many years, she must have forgotten me in her heart. This daughter."

Jiang Tong suddenly thought of something and took over the conversation and said, "She called me years ago. She drank a lot and said she saw your sister. She was the wrong person. I also said that her sister is dead. How can we see him after so many years?"

Ning Jianan curled her lips and nodded to admit that it was her...

"She saw me that day! She held my hand, called me Huihui with tears in her eyes, and asked me if I was Huihui. Fortunately, I reacted quickly. I threw her away and told her that she had admitted the wrong person! Go home. After that, I drank a lot, and I thought... I thought she wouldn't remember me anymore, but I didn't expect that she would call me by my name. I was a little surprised at the time."

Jiang Tong said, how could a mother forget her child's name, and...

In Dong Yalan's mind, Ning Jianan's appearance must be similar to that of her childhood.

"The reason why I chose gynecology is because I was imagining whether I would meet you one day. Because when we were young, we agreed to leave Nandi, our parents, and live a happy life when we grow up. "

"I thought maybe you would go to Shanghai. You have been afraid of the cold since you were a child, so you will definitely choose a city near the south. For gynecology, if you have a baby or something, I can help you."

"I didn't expect the world to be so small. You happened to be accompanying your sister-in-law to have the abortion, and I happened to be checking up on your sister-in-law. When I looked up, I saw your face,"

"I was stunned for several seconds,"

"Over the years, I have been fantasizing about what my sister will look like when she grows up. You have been a beauty since you were a child, and then your face was in front of me. I wanted to ask at that time, are you Tongtong? Jiang Tong? I couldn’t hold back,"

"Because of your sister-in-law, you and I have crossed paths several times. After I got off work, I drove around the neighborhood where you live to create opportunities for us to meet you by chance."

"Finally asked, you tell me, your name is Jiang Tong, you know, I really wanted to... tell you immediately, I am your sister, Jiang Hui."

"The words came to my lips, but I didn't dare. On the one hand, I was afraid of scaring you and you would think I was crazy. On the other hand, I was also afraid that you had forgotten me. You had forgotten me a long time ago. I have been missing for twenty years. sister."

If she hadn't been in a car accident, Ning Jianan felt that she still wouldn't have told Jiang Tong that she was Jiang Hui.

Only when people are about to die will they tell everything without hesitation.

At that time she admitted that she was scared to death.

Jiang Tong held Jiang Hui's hand tightly, "Sister, you are so stupid, how could I forget you? We are sisters with hearts connected and muscles connected. Even though I was young at that time, you , grandpa, grandma, you are all my precious family members."

Speaking of grandparents, Jiang Tong couldn't hold back his tears...

"If your grandparents knew that you were still alive, they would be very happy! It's a pity that the second elder has passed away, and there was a fire in the residential area, so..."

Jiang Tong was brought up by her grandparents, and she has a deep affection for her grandparents.

Ning Jianan patted Jiang Tong on the shoulder and comforted her: "Someday, you can take me to visit my grandparents' graves."

Jiang Tong choked and said yes.

"Sister, as long as I'm here from now on, I will protect you."

Ning Jianan wiped Jiang Tong's tears with her thumb, "I remember, you said the same when you were a child. Grandma teased you, Tongtong, who do you save first when your mother and sister fall into the water at the same time?

"You are so naughty, save your sister first. Mom can swim, but my sister can't swim. You must always protect your sister."

Jiang Tong couldn't remember clearly. After all, she was still young at that time, and she was not as delicate as Jiang Hui's mind.

"Sister, I didn't have the ability at that time, but now I have the ability. I won't let you suffer any grievance or harm in the future."

Ning Jianan smiled and said yes, "I will also protect you and Yangyang. You are my most important family."

"Mom - she,"

Jiang Tong sighed, and after thinking about it, he decided to tell the truth.

"She went to the place where you disappeared and looked for you for a long time. At that time, I think you had been taken back by Teacher Ning. The police searched for you for a long time but couldn't find you. Then they told us that you might be buried deeper on the cliff. "It's over," Jiang Feipeng said coldly, "If you can't find it, you can't find it. People can't be resurrected after death, and then they held a funeral for you,"

"But my mother really cried for a long time while holding your photo. I remember that she kept guarding your black and white photo. Holding that photo, she didn't sleep for a long time, and she didn't eat for several days."

"And, you know," Jiang Tong paused, "before I received the news that you had a car accident, I just came from the First People's Hospital. Mom has been hospitalized for many days."

Ning Jianan was stunned and asked, "What happened to her??"

Jiang Tong saw the concern in Ning Jianan's eyes and said, "Don't worry, it's just the flu and some complications caused by her old age and childbirth. She's fine now. Let's go see her together another day."

"I don't want to see her." Ning Jianan lowered her head.

"I don't want to recognize her, I won't go."

Jiang Tong shook her hand and said, "Sister, the reason why she gave birth to your current daughter is because she wanted to make up for you. She told me personally that she regards this daughter as your reincarnation."

Ning Jianan raised her head.

"It's true. She said she gave birth to a daughter with her new husband because she wanted to make up for her debt to you. She wanted to start from scratch."

Ning Jianan's tears fell again, "Do you know how many years I have hated them? Every year, I hate them, including the mistress."

"You hate them, why did you give birth to me?"

"Why didn't you love me when you gave birth to me?"

"Why do you want to hit me and scold me, and hurt me so young?"

"Why didn't you even look for me when I fell off the cliff? You have been cruel and indifferent for so many years."

"You know... I saw the missing persons notices printed on those cartons, and I was so eager and envious. I have been missing for so many years, but Dong Yalan and Jiang Feipeng have never looked for me, even if they made a revelation."

"Now I don't want to recognize them, let her just think that I am dead, after so many years,"

"Jiang Hui has died a long time ago, and Ning Jianan is the one who is alive now."

Jiang Tong hugged Ning Jianan and patted her shoulder distressedly.

"Sister, you have suffered. I'm sorry. I should think about it from your perspective. I won't say anything you don't want to hear."

"Not long after you disappeared, when I was five years old, Dong Yalan divorced Jiang Feipeng. She said that she only wanted two things in a man, that he cheated and that the child died. He didn't shed a single tear, which proves that this man has no Heart."

Ning Jianan wiped the corners of Jiang Tong's red eyes, "Have you been living with your grandparents since you were five years old?"


Jiang Tong said.

"When they divorced, neither of them wanted me. Only my grandparents felt sorry for me."

"Later, my mother started a business and made a lot of money for a few years. She started to give me living expenses and would come to see me. She always gave me a lot of money and then went to work."

"Jiang Feipeng will also give me money, but passively, because my grandparents have approached him several times. My grandparents have invested money in Feipeng Group and asked Jiang Feipeng to give me living expenses every month."

"At least I still have money to spend. They each give me money every month, send me to a private school, and buy me a car."

"Later, they each remarried..."

"As for Jiang Feipeng..."

"Last year, he divorced him again because of the company's debts."

Hearing this, Ning Jianan's eyes became a little more vicious.

"I know that the current Nantong Group is the former Feipeng Group. I checked Jiang Feipeng's former legal person and the wife he married. She is not the mistress who slapped me in the face."

"I still can't forget that mistress," Ning Jianan clenched her hands hard.

"I remember her surname was Cui, and Jiang Feipeng called her A Cui. She had a mean and mean look. She slapped me six times. If I see her again, I will definitely pay it back double, triple."

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