Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 595 Hot Blade

Human logging camps are gradually eating up the forests.

A large number of human soldiers and hunters began to explore the forest in a planned way and discovered the forest elves and half-elves hiding in the periphery.

Kill everyone who resists!

Koda, a Valkyrie, led a small team to capture an elven village.

This is an elite squadron composed of Valkyries, five of the fifty are veterans who have been on the battlefield, and five are barbarian nobles who have received formal training at the military academy.

Koda is Fuao's brother and a descendant of the Valkyrie warrior family.

Not only was his bloodline recognized by the people around him, but most importantly, he had received guidance from the prophet and was given the noble title of quasi-knight.

Quasi-knights, knights, lords, and barons. Men who graduated from military academies can all obtain the title of quasi-knight. Subsequently, they need to perform meritorious service on the battlefield to be promoted.

"Captain, the rest want to surrender."

A middle-aged gangster wiped the obstructive blood on his face. A group of them had just attacked this small village composed of fifteen elves and half-elves.

Koda asked: "How many of us died?"

"More than ten people died, and some couldn't be saved." The man said in a deep voice, "It's all the fault of that male elf. He killed six of our warriors by himself."

Keda was silent for a while, looking at the houses made of thatch and wood in the distance.

"The loss is too great. Let's go back and rest first."

Those who died were all Keda's elite subordinates and members of the clan.

Although three witchcraft male elves and several half-elves were killed, the losses were still great.

The rest quickly obeyed the order and began to clean the battlefield and return with their dead brothers.

Unlike those slave-catching groups, today's barbarian warriors are willing to go home with the corpses of their companions.

I used to bury them casually, but after I developed cultural beliefs, I always felt that I was sorry for my comrades who had fought together.

When they have the ability, everyone also begins to pursue some psychological comfort, even if it will waste a lot of energy.

There was an emergency team on the outskirts of the forest responsible for responding. As a military aristocrat of the Ice Land, Keda's team quickly joined the support team at the rear.

Logistics staff are responsible for transporting the bodies back in vehicles, and people have built smooth roads between the forest and the city and countryside.

On both sides of the road, areas often spread out for more than ten meters. These areas slowly expand like small spots, forming sections dedicated to processing and felling trees.

On the way back, you can see a large number of lumberjacks and farmers. These people collect food, bird eggs, medicinal materials and gems near the forest. They will also learn from the methods of the people nearby to build living shacks and dry wood and hay.

Giant trees that were hundreds of years old were knocked down by humans, and their thick roots were chopped into countless pieces with axes, and then burned in flames and furnaces.

From winter to spring, from spring to summer, the elven villages hidden nearby were gradually cleared away, and many people had to go deep into the forest to catch the escaping elves.

HKUST returned to the newly built Auroville with the team that suffered heavy losses.

Auroville City was built on the outskirts of the original Green Forest Kingdom, and has now become a rest and command base for frontline generals.

As soon as Keda entered the city with his men, he saw a group of elves coming out of the city.

Seeing that these elves were all male and none of them were human, Keda quickly became vigilant.

But Koda soon thought of where this place was.

"Who are you?" Keda reached behind his waist, where he could feel the axe.

The leading male elf spread his hands to show that he had no ill intentions. "I am Arondo. We took refuge here and are now going out to capture the remaining resisters in this area."

Koda didn't believe the elves' words.

At this time, someone quickly ran down from the city wall.

"Koda, what they say is true, and the Prophet agreed to their surrender, allowing them to become our warriors."

The speaker is Luke, Weeping Luke.

The words of powerful people carry weight. Keda believed that Luke would not be controlled by witchcraft and had absolute confidence in the City of Dawn established by the prophet, so he believed their words.

"Okay." Koda said to the elf warriors: "The resisters inside are difficult to deal with, so be careful."

Luke looked at the injured soldiers around Koda and the white cloth on the nearby cart, and knew that the loss this time was huge.

"Keda, is the situation bad this time?"

Keda looked at his embarrassed subordinates, and then at his equally broken armor, "Yeah, I met some tough guys, and many of them died, but I also killed those three powerful elves."

Keda looked at the male elf again, "You should be more careful. The deeper the elf is, the harder it is to deal with it. If you are careless, you will die easily."

Arondo showed a calm smile and quickly led the rest of the elves out of the city on bird-lizard beasts.

Keda frowned and looked at the retreating elves, "Whose subordinates are these arrogant elves?"

Luke knew that Koda had been out for two months this time and didn't know many things in the city.

"They are all elves who surrendered to us from various elven villages this year. They were initially placed in the city and in several legions. Later, we found that we could not defeat them and were not very obedient, so we gathered the surrenders from various armies together."

"According to the prophet's orders, rewards will be given to those who achieve meritorious service. The bird-lizard beasts they ride on and the clothes and weapons they wear are all obtained by killing elves."

"Koda, I will take you to the hospital. The prophet has sent a team of military doctors."

Luke saw that Koda's men were all weak and quickly ended the conversation.

Keda quickly stopped talking and took his men to the medical center for treatment.

The information shared by humans is also shared with the elves who take refuge.

Alondo was not the first male elves to surrender, nor was he the last.

The Star Army has proven itself to be powerful. In addition to some teams still harassing and cannibalizing peripheral tribes, the capture of many medium-sized and large villages has been handed over to the newly arrived elves and wizards to avoid meaningless casualties.

In addition, wizards from the Kingdom of Io and the Kingdom of Gran are gradually coming out of hiding to serve the Star Legion.

Hundreds of wizards and more than 4,000 barbarian warriors gathered in the City of Dawn, as well as tens of thousands of logistics personnel from the Kingdom of Stars and other countries.

Before taking over the Elven Court, Lawrence had gained the allegiance of hundreds of Elven warriors.

There are not fifty thousand elves in the entire Green Forest Kingdom. There are also a large number of half-elves and a small number of humans here.

The elves who surrendered were a group of dangerous elements who had escaped the control of the queen and the constraints of the elves' old ideas. After being armed with superior systems and productivity, this group of elves were like daggers piercing their hearts!

Surrender the prisoners, give them money, food and treatment, so that they no longer fight for the queen, but for themselves.

Lawrence still did not get close to the battlefield, nor did he urge others on how to fight.

But more and more elves have joined the Star Legion. Some are willing to continue fighting in exchange for a better life, some are visiting human cities, and some have gone to Stella to live a quiet life.

In autumn, although the forest is still vast, human efforts for a year have not reduced the forest by one percent.

But there were one-third fewer elves inside.

Alondo killed thousands of elves, and all the elves he killed fled to the royal court.


The twelfth year of the New Calendar, the beginning of winter

"You have to experience a war of blood and fire to understand the preciousness of peace, especially for long-lived elves."

Lawrence did not want the war to end too quickly. This generation of elves would continue the peace for many years, so a large-scale war must be fought to completely establish his dominance.

If we don't fight and just rely on slow development to encroach on the Green Forest Kingdom, there will definitely be many unsound-minded restorationists in the future.

Stella said: "I'm afraid it won't work anymore. The elven army led by Alondo is about to reach the royal court."

"I know." Lawrence looked solemn.

I usually ignore these things, but in the end I ignore the terrifying lethality brought by a team of pure elves, especially a team of pure-blood wizards! ! !

When this surrendering army was under the Queen's command, they fought independently and rarely communicated with each other. Some of them were even hard laborers.

After receiving formal education under Lawrence, he truly became the Ace Legion.

Their strength is extremely terrifying, and beating elves is as easy as a barbarian warrior beating a three-month-old piglet.

Wizards are originally the world's top combat force. A group of wizards who have received combat training and know how to mobilize collectively, and at the same time have the logistics and treatment to keep up. No country can stop them. Even when the dragon comes, they will kneel down!

Even Lawrence's side can't defeat this top-level army.

Sariel was very curious, "Who is this Alondo? How is he so powerful that he was able to defeat the Elf King's Court in less than a year?"

Lawrence was extremely bored. He was busy with the Ice Land and Snow Mountain Castle all day long, and because of the incomparable trouble in transmitting information, he didn't discover this terrifying thing until recently!

Heidi quickly told Salil about the elven army under Alondo.

After understanding this, Sariel, Kharan and others all showed shocked expressions.

"No wonder, it turned out to be an elven army..." Only then did Kehalan realize that Lawrence still had such an army.

Dana said nothing. She knew very well that even if she had a noble and powerful bloodline, she would only die when she encountered the pure-blood wizard army led by Arondo, and she would not be able to escape.

The only outcome is to be dismantled into pieces.

Except for the legion led by Lawrence, no elves can stop this legion of pure-blood wizards with an average age of 100 years old.

Delen said solemnly: "I have always felt that Lawrence's ice warriors are the nemesis of wizards, especially wizards."

"But now I suddenly remembered that wizards are the most terrifying group of people with the same number of people!"

A wizard can easily defeat a group of witches, and most wizards' abilities are not too weird or too powerful. They are basically combat talents!

Sariel asked curiously: "Why didn't the Elf Queen cultivate these armies herself before?"

Lawrence sighed, "You can't cultivate an elf queen. Only our country's system and national strength can cultivate this kind of wizard corps."

"If it were another country, there would be no other legion to suppress this wizard legion. They would either have fun on their own, or they would self-destruct and attack the entire system."

"The Elf Queen is not capable of suppressing this kind of madman team, and she doesn't want to create this terrifying bomb and keep it around her."

"We are different here. I have an extremely large army and believers. These wizards are afraid of me, and they have no ability to deal with the thousands of elite warriors around them."

"They have all experienced the unpleasant experience of being rounded up by the Legion, and they know the consequences of disobeying my orders and will."

"And all the food, clothing, housing, transportation, etc. are under my logistical control, so only I can build this kind of terrifying army."

"They can't even eat wheat under the Queen of Elf, but I can make them drink and eat meat every day! They will never be soft when killing elves!"

No elves had ever allowed a group of warlocks to form a team before.

Lawrence filled this gap, raising powerful predators that should have acted alone together, and using abundant resources to prevent them from killing each other, but to focus on plundering.

Lawrence is not afraid that this legion will be out of control, and their logistics is in his own hands.

Disobedient elves will be dealt with by this legion themselves.

The main thing that worries Lawrence is that with this legion, the war will end too quickly and the old ideas of many elves will not be broken.

Only elves who have experienced war will resist war. Now a group of wizard elves rely on war to gain power, which completely deviates from Lawrence's original intention.

It was originally a war between humans and elves, but later they accepted the help of a group of elves out of kindness and humanity. As a result, these male elves learned advanced ideas after joining the army, and quickly exploded with powerful destructive power.

"Let Arondo lead the elven army to the southern battlefield!"

Lawrence made a decision quickly, "I can't let elves and elves kill each other. I will solve the remaining battles myself!"

"Inform Beow and the others to have a temporary truce for the New Year!"

“I’ll go there myself next year!”

If Lawrence didn't hold Arondo's elf warriors together, these twenty-odd pure-blooded male warriors could kill all the last twenty thousand elves in the royal court!

Catherine is very aware of the terrifying power of this pure-blooded boy band.

"Let the Elf Legion go to the south or east, and don't let them come back!" Catherine looked at Lawrence nervously and solemnly reminded: "They are too dangerous!"

Lawrence did not accept this opinion, "It is because of your fearful thoughts that their power will always be suppressed."

"Having them come to the Ice Land is not a bad thing. It will help them understand my power and uniqueness."

Lawrence admitted that this legion was indeed dangerous and hot, but he was not without the strength to control them.

"It is indeed a good idea to let them go to the east and south, but before that I will meet with them first. They should meet the owner of this continent, so that when they go to the south and east, my reputation can be spread. ." (End of chapter)

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