Morning, the Heir

Chapter 83 - Do you Feel Comfortable?

Chapter 83: Do you Feel Comfortable?

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

Jiang Hui felt the anger of Tang Fengmo and the look of panic flashed in her eyes. But Tang Fengmo just left the hotel giving her no chance to explain.

Jiang Hui stood in the place at a loss.

Today, all things developed in a way completely different from what she had expected.

She had planned to catch Lin Xiaomi and Tang Fengmo in the bed in person. Then considering the influence of the Lin and Li family, Tang Fengmo could not refuse to marry Lin Xiaomi no matter what.

Now it seemed that Tang Fengmo had already seen through her plan, and he even turned her trick to his own use and simply denied the marriage.

Obviously, Tang Fengmo was fond of Xiaomi. How could he just watch her having sex with another person?

Jiang Hui racked her brain but still couldn’t understand it.

At the same time, Lin Xiaomi was neatly dressed up and came out. Jiang Hui immediately vented the sullen anger on her.

“Are you brainless or what? You even didn’t know who you had sex with? You just gave yourself to a strange man by this way. Shame on you!”

Lin Xiaomi coldly looked at Jiang Hui who scowled at her with accusation, “I’m indeed brainless. I’m the stupidest in the world, otherwise I would have known your evil thoughts long before. Jiang Hui, is there anyone in this world who is more shameless than you? I’m your daughter, but you sent me to a man’s bed and said it was for my good. You’re the shameless and despicable one, not me.” Lin Xiaomi had never seen her with this kind of look. Jiang Hui couldn’t help feeling a little guilty, but the next second, she was back on her feet, “I’m your mother, watch your tone when you talk to me.”

“Ah,” Lin Xiaomi smiled mockingly, “Yes, you are my mother, but in the past years, have you ever raised me? Have you ever been nice to me? You are my mother, so you can ignore my feelings and send me to another man’s bed, right? From now on, you are no longer my mother. I, Lin Xiaomi, will have nothing to do with you.”

Jiang Hui was furious with Lin Xiaomi’s retort, “You should have been more grateful to me. Would you grow up, if I didn’t take care of you? All right, you are going to break up with me, aren’t you? Okay, if you can make a living on your own, don’t rely on the Lin family for anything from now on. Besides, you’d better take your grandmother away. Let’s wait and see if you can get the money to save her without my support.”

“You’re biting the hand that feeds you. I know you are an ungrateful and vicious girl. Who am I doing this for? Tell me.”

Jiang Hui pointing at her and scolded, “Men’s sweet words mean nothing. Only money and house are real. So you should choose the right man to sleep with. I’m trying to make the wealthy Tang family as your backer but you don’t cherish it. Are you still thinking about your toy boy who is waiting for living off you?”

“You are so disappointing. I’m gonna kill you!” Jiang Hui was almost mad because of anger.

Her efforts were in vain!

She originally thought that when Lin Xiaomi was married into the Tang family and became the young mistress, as her mother, her status must also rise accordingly, and naturally she would be more important in the Lin family.

But now everything was gone.

She could no longer rely on the Tang family, and might even had offended them.

If Lin Yaoguo knew that she had messed this up, he would kill her!

The more she thought, the angrier Jiang Hui was. Looking at Lin Xiaomi who seemed to hate her to the core, Jiang Hui raised her hand and wanted to teach her a lesson.

But her wrist was grasped before she waved her hand.

Without seeing the person clearly, she screamed in pain.

The bones of her wrist seemed to be crushed and she had even heard the sound of cracks in the bones. The sharp pain instantly reached her brain, and her entire arm went numb.

Leng Yihuang coldly looked at her, “You slapped her last time and I haven’t settled accounts with you. Do you want to change your hand to slap her this time, so that I can break both your hands at once?”

After all, Jiang Hui was Lin Xiaomi’s biological mother, and Leng Yihuang should respect her as an elder.

But Jiang Hui was so obnoxious. Even if he did not loss his memory, he could be sure that he would not see another mother like her in his life.

No, she could be described as insane.

For such a woman, he didn’t have to show mercy or respect at all.

“It hurts me. Let go of me.” Jiang Hui didn’t look like a lady now. Her whole face was twisted because of pain, and she was acting with snot and tears on her face, “Damn, are you dead? Go ahead and catch them.”

Jiang Hui shouted at the two men she had brought here.

Only then did the two men came to their senses. But as soon as they rushed up, they were directly defeated by Leng Yihuang, falling to the ground, wailing and unable to stand up.

Jiang Hui was scared at this time, and her body kept shaking, “Xiaomi, help me. My hand is almost broken.”

Lin Xiaomi looked at Jing Hui indifferently, raising her hand to touch Leng Yihuang’s tight shoulder, “Let go of her.”

Leng Yihuang looked at her in surprise, thinking that she became softhearted again. Lin Xiaomi lightly said, “Forgive her this time for she gave birth to me, and I will owe her nothing from now on.”

Hearing that, Leng Yihuang was satisfied and left Jiang Hui aside.

Jiang Hui was continuously wailing in the room. Her wrists turned purple which was horrifying.

She tried to make a fist, but her fingers couldn’t move at all. She thought that her hands had been disabled so she cried even more loudly, “Lin Xiaomi, you bastard. I shouldn’t have given birth to you. Your damned father didn’t want you and I should have strangled you directly in the first place so that wouldn’t have the chance to help others bully me. I’m really ill-fated. Why I didn’t kill you with my own hands.”

Lin Xiaomi stolidly listened to Jiang Hui’s yelling.

Her hear couldn’t feel anything for the moment.

She really had no feelings for Jiang Hui.

Although they were in a mother-daughter relationship, the slight blood tie that was born with her had been worn out in these twenty years.

Lin Xiaomi staggered out and Leng Yihuang carried her in her arms immediately.

He turned to Jiang Hui and said, “We will pick up grandma as soon as possible, and Xiaomi will have nothing to do with Lin family.”

Lin Xiaomi did not refuse this time. Actually, her legs were so weak and she could not walk any more. She leaned gently against Leng Yihuang’s chest.

Lin Xiaomi was seldom so obedient to him. Seeing her like this, Leng Yihuang felt his heart beating faster.

In fact, should he be thankful for Jiang Hui’s arrangement?

Otherwise, when could he be able to sleep with her as he wished?

Today, for Leng Yihuang, it was an extraordinary satisfaction of both his body and mind.

On the way home, Lin Xiaomi was obviously in a bad mood, leaning on the front passenger seat, half closing her eyes, listless.

Leng Yihuang stopped at a red light and deliberately approached to tease her, “By the way, I forget to ask you. How about my skill? Do you feel comfortable?”

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