More than a dragon Warrior

The end of peacock : The last firework

[3rd POV]

"Let him come." Kai said and he released smoke from his nose like an angry bull.




"Why wait when we can settle this now?" Kai heard Shen say from behind him and when he turned around, he saw him pointing the so-called gun at his face.

"Are you serious?" Kai deadpanned, looking at the white peacock.

Pick a side and stick to it, Kai wanted to yell at him. At one moment he was betraying Tai Lung and now he wanted to betray him.

The first conclusion that came to his mind was that Shen wanted to rule the world alone. He probably felt that he could end both Tai Lung and Kai with all the artefacts and relics around him.

That was the only logical explanation that came to Kai's mind.


"You made a vow. You can't betray me now or else you will die. Your own chi will turn against you and take your life." Kai said.

Shen remained silent for a few seconds before he smiled.

"I know that."

Kai was taken aback for a moment. The eyes of a coward who would do anything to save his own skin were replaced with eyes full of resolve, like that of a true warrior.

It was proof that he was tricked all along. The peacock was serious with his action.

"I thought you a fool, but your idiocy exceed my expectations." Kai said, "You really think you can come out as the sole winner from this conflict?"

"Sole winner? I am merely a supporter in all this." Shen said with a smirk.

"A supporter?" Kai repeated then blinked.

Is this peacock saying that he was still siding with Tai Lung? "But you.."

"Captured the Jade Palace and everyone close to Tai Lung?" Shen finished the sentence and Kai nodded. He saw with his own eyes, the people - the ones who escaped from him and even Shifu, the master of the Jade Palace - being captured and chained by Shen.

"I did." Shen said, "And you will never touch even a single fur on them."

Ah, so that's how things were, it made sense. Kai thought to himself as a scowl emerged on his face.

He brought out his blade and menacingly took a step towards Shen. But the peacock simply pulled a rope and the curtain and all of the cloth in the building came off.

Underneath them were barrel after barrel of black powder that was hiding beneath the fabrics. The fall of the curtains revealed them.

Feeling the danger and understanding exactly what was going on, Kai rushed towards Shen but it was too late.

With red eyes nearly bulging out of thier sockets and a maniacal laugh that reverberated through the empty castle, Shen changed his aim from Kai to one of the barrels and pulled the trigger.



The sudden explosion of shockwave ripped everything apart before the flames burned the rest to dust.

Shen died in an explosion of flames, like the fireworks that always inspired him since he was a child.

With no regrets or apology.

And he made sure with his death, every weakness that Tai Lung had died along with him. Even the relics and artefacts that could harm Tai Lung were destroyed in the explosion.

With that, he hoped that his friend would be able to fight without anything holding him back.




[Tai Lung's POV]


Hello Tai Lung,

It has been quite some time since the last time we met and it would seem that that was our last meeting. I wish I could've met you one last time as I have a lot to say.

But that is neither here nor there so let me get straight to the point. Kai has returned. If you didn't know, Kai was an old friend of Oogway who was later banished to the spirit realm because of his evil thirst for power.

Kai have the ability to steal a warrior's chi and he is able to get stronger through it so I suggest you be careful. I have no further information on his abilities since he did not tell me.

He has also stolen the chi of four of your disciples namely, Tigress, Viper, Monkey and Mantis along with the chi of most of the king fu masters and guardians. I think he will be the strongest adversary you will ever face.

I have done all I could on my part. The rest of the disciples in the Jade Palace, Po, Master Shifu and even the Pandas in the Panda Village are safe and under great protection so you do not have to worry about them.

I have failed to protect my own Empire, but you have the power to accomplish what I cannot. So please, come back to China immediately and you will know where to find Kai when I give the signal.

Please protect what we have created.

And thank you for being my ally. I think being your ally was the best thing that happened in my life. For a short moment, I felt happy. You helped me realize my ambition and you made my impossible dream not too far away.

Those were my finest hour, I think the generations who came long after us will remember me for those times.

So thank you.

And goodbye

Your friend, Shen.


The scene of the first time I met Shen came to my mind. We were both just a child when we first met and Shifu had brought me to Gongmen city to celebrate the prince's birthday.

That was when I first met him.

And then when we were both grown and I escaped my prison, we looked past our differences and made an alliance. We defied our own fate and we have achieved so much in just a year.

Anger burned my heart and I felt my body go completely numb.

I flew across the sky and thunderclouds followed me. I was flying at incredible speed but it was not fast enough.

I allowed my anger to consume me and I roared in the sky. A crack of lighting shook the air and then my body turned into lighting as I streaked across the sky at the speed of lighting.

I will kill you for that.




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