Moral Degeneration


After my cigarette I came back into Violet’s apartment to find the lovebirds had gone into her room. There was loud talking. Some more crying. I had hoped to end the night in another threesome but right then I thought they needed some alone time. I considered heading home but Audrey might need me. 


I could watch TV and fall asleep on the couch, but in all honesty, I was alone. I was alone for the first time in a while. No girls sneaking into my room, no jumping between them. In a strange living room I felt like I was once again couch surfing. It was a nostalgic feeling. But being alone was the time I tended to get into trouble. 


Audrey’s coat on the chair I dug in her pockets and grabbed her car keys. I left a note to call if they needed anything. It was time for a midnight drive. Clear my head. Get to know the town. I knew it was snowing, but that just meant there would be less cars out. I could drive in anything. It also helped that Aud had a massive 4-wheel drive SUV. 


My cell phone rang. “Hey, Luna,” I said. Getting in the elevator I was surprised the call didn’t cut out. 


“Where are you?” She asked. 


“I am doing a favor for your mother,” I said. 


“Oh, you with her? What kind of favor?” She asked. 


“I am with her. The kind that only a man can do,” I said. 


“Ooooh, you gonna be all night?” She asked. Excitement in her voice. I wondered if she thought it was hot, or wanted me to wake her up. 


“Maybe,” I said. “If not, I’ll be sure to wake you up with something special.” 


“You promise?” She asked. 


“If I get home tonight, yep. If not, we will do it tomorrow.” 

“Sounds fun. See you then,” she said and hung up. I chuckled and stepped out of the apartment building. The SUV was down the road a little. I headed through the light snow. Only a couple of inches had fallen. I wondered if it had snowed on this day in my timeline. There were less than half the population. So less than half the carbon emissions. I was curious if global warming or whatever had changed the weather. 


When I got close to the SUV I noticed a small car’s tires squealing. Down the road a little was a small Honda Civic. In the middle of the road the tires screeched on a rough patch. I let out a sigh and headed over. When I got close to the window I asked, “Need any help?”

A beautiful woman with her makeup and hair done up rolled the window down a little. “Would you mind?” 


“No.” I looked down to the tires. “These are bald. There’s no way you’re getting far in this.” 


“But I have to get to work,” she whined. 


Curious what kind of job started at 10pm I assured her, “I’ll take you. Drive it slow. I’ll push it to the spot over there.” She frowned but nodded. I grabbed onto the driver’s side door and lightly pushed. It took effort but once we were out of her skid tracks it moved and was eased to a stop. 


“Are you sure you don’t mind taking me?” She asked. 


“I have nowhere else to be,” I said. “Can’t promise I can take you home.” 


She flashed me a wide smile. “That’s fine, I can catch a ride.” She leaned over and picked up a suitcase from the passenger side. I headed back to the SUV. Starting it up I blasted the heat and waited. The tall girl was soon in the passenger side. The car warmed up quickly. I took off my hat and coat. 


Once she was situated she commented, “Nice car. Holy hell, you’re a boy.” She said quickly. 


“That I am,” I said with a chuckle. I got a good view of her then. Her makeup was a little excessive. She wore a simple shirt and jeans. Bundled up nicely I assumed she worked as a bartender. Her dirty blonde hair was curled, nails were long, and I struggled to look away from her rack. The shirt was low cut to show off the valley of tits. 


“I hope that’s not a problem,” I said. 


“No, no, it’s great,” she said. I noticed a little lust in her eyes. “Uh you don’t have to take me. I can just call in.” 

“It’s fine. Where do you work?” 


“Umm a place called The Club. Like 20 minutes away.” 

“Never heard of it. You’ll have to guide me. Which way?” I asked. Pulling out of the parking spot she pointed the way. 

“What’s a cute boy like you doing out on a night like this?” She asked. “This your car?” She was energetic as she asked the questions. I didn’t mind her inquiries at all. 


“It is not. I’m borrowing it. As far as why I’m out? I’m just bored,” I admitted. “I was helping my friend with some drama. She is reconciling with an old flame and I felt like a 3rd wheel.” 

“I know how that goes,” she said. “Oh my god. I’m Penny by the way.” 

“I’m Russ. Nice to meet you.” We shook hands. 


Penny got a call on her cell. “Heyo,” she said excitedly. “Oh my god, me too. No, I got a ride.” She looked to me. “I’ll ask.” She moved the phone away from her ear and asked, “My friend got stuck too. You mind picking her up?” 

“Not at all,” I said. If she looked anything like Penny I wouldn’t mind the view. We were turning around and heading another way. The car was in the ditch this time. Not far, but enough that getting it out looked dicey. I put on my coat and stepped out. Another woman with a small suitcase stood by the side of the road.


“Hey bitch,” Penny yelled from the window. 

“Nice ride,” the stranger said. I walked up to her, looking down at her car. 


“I don’t think we can push it out,” I said. 


“Oh hell no,” she said with a laugh like it wasn’t a problem at all. “This is why I have AAA. I’ll call them to dig it out in the morning.” She was way more happy and chipper than I would be if my car was in a ditch. Minnesota girls must be a different breed. I grabbed her bag and threw it in the back of the SUV.

When we were nice and settled in she exclaimed, “Holy fuck, you’re a boy.” 

“Deja vu. Thought I just had this conversation. I’m Russ,” I said. 


She extended her hand from the back and I shook it. “Crystal,” she said with a flirty smile. Crystal was a stripper's name. I worried that names had degraded to stripper names without men in the world. But then I looked at the woman. She was just as tall as Penny. The side of her head was shaved and the other was cut short to neck length. Black hair she had just as much makeup on as Penny. Both had luggage too. The kind of luggage someone would put stripper outfits in. I think I slowly understood where we were heading. 


I was growing a little excited. My night was looking a whole lot better. Turning around we were on our way back to The Club. We repeated our conversation about what we were doing out at that hour. The girls giggled and laughed and started talking about drama between other girls they knew. 

It wasn’t long until we were on the outskirts of town. Businesses and homes not around I wasn’t too surprised to see a big neon sign that read, ‘The Club’. There were quite a few cars outside. For a weekday I was a little surprised. 


“So you want me to drop you off or…” I asked pulling in. 


“You can come in if you want,” Penny said excitedly. “Been a while since I’ve seen a guy here.” 


“It has,” Crystal said. 


“Men come here?” I asked. 


“Oh yeah. Older ones usually. But they always have money and are popular.” 

“Sorry to say I don’t have too much. I’m still young,” I lied. I had $1,000 on me. And 4 condoms. I wondered what I could get away with. 


“What are you, 16?” Penny asked. I nodded. “That’s fine. We can sneak you in the back.” I parked where they directed. There was a back entrance to the place. I locked the car and my heart pounded hard. I had gone to hundreds of strip clubs in my time. All over the U.S. They were my go to for a bored night out.


“This is so exciting,” Penny said. “I thought tonight would be boring.” 


“What should I expect in here?” I asked. 


“Lots of love,” Crystal said. Leaning over, she kissed me on the cheek. “Oh my god. I just remembered, I think I saw Farrah with a rabbit’s foot.” 


“No way,” Penny said. “She’s finally sick of waiting for the lottery?”  


It was a struggle not to get hard. I was picturing a fun night. The girls opened the back door to reveal a bright room. Girls sat around facing mirrors on the wall. All were either dressed like Penny and Crystal, fully nude, or partially. I tried not to show my excitement. Penny grabbed my hand and dragged me to an empty seat. 


Dropping her luggage she started stripping for me. Not in the sexy way, but the hurried way. She ripped off her shirt to show no bra. Her D cup breasts bounced and she gave me a wink as she dropped her pants. Digging into her bag she revealed her stripper uniform. Hot pink fishnet leggings, a bathing suit, and at least 6 inch tall heels. 


“Didn’t think you were coming tonight,” a girl said. 


“Got stuck in the snow,” Crystal said. “My new friend Russ offered me a ride.” My name turned a few heads. I was quickly the center of attention as I took off my coat. I hate to say, but for once I was out of my element. 10 gorgeous girls staring at me. I blushed and did my best to make it disappear. 

“A boy? He’s so cute. You going to hog him?” Girls asked Penny as she started putting on her much skimpier clothes. 


“Where’d you find him?” A little older woman asked. She was all plastic. Face lift, boob job, big lips. I guessed she was in her mid-thirties. I gave her my best smile. 

“I found her,” I said. Quickly gaining my confidence back. Standing up I shook her hand and looked around. It was like my deepest fantasies had exploded into the room. There were more curves than I could keep track of. There was one girl in a school girl uniform. Another in a nurse outfit. One had a black leather strap outfit. A beautiful blonde had her hair in pigtails and was sucking a sucker as she stared at me. 


“You’re cute,” the older woman said. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. Her hand wandered down and grabbed my ass. I pulled back, kissed her cheek and swatted her ass cheek a little. 


“You too,” I said. My eyes didn’t stray from the massive valley of her cleavage. 


She laughed loudly and walked toward the other room. When the door opened the loud music blared. I noticed the dark interior of where the stripping really happened. Currently we were in their changing room. 


Penny finished dressing. She was in a string bikini, hot pink fishnets, and a black jacket that was left open. “Don’t scare him away girls,” she said with a smile. Pushing me a little I fell into a chair behind me. She moved her long legs and draped them over my legs. She leaned on my shoulder happily as she drew all my attention. 


“My Russ here is a shy little virgin,” she said. 


“Virgin?” I asked. Pinching her ass she yelped. “You wish. I lost that days ago.” 

“You did?” She asked with a laugh. “Oh that changes things.” Her ass started grinding on me. “Maybe we should show you a really good time.” My hand rubbed and groped her ass. 

“Sounds good to me,” I said. I pulled her head in and we kissed. Her lipstick was thick but she was a damn good kisser. She was soon panting as our tongues fought. She moaned excitedly as my hand moved up her back. 


“Penny!” A woman yelled from the club. Penny and I pulled away. I turned the chair to see the woman yelling. She wasn’t much older than Penny. Late 20s. Black hair cut professionally. She was Asian and had the body of a stripper. But she was in a business suit. Gray jacket and skirt she wore glasses and studied us. 


“What the hell are you doing? You’re up next!” She yelled. I guessed she spent a lot of time in the loud music of the club. “And why are-” She stopped in her tracks when she saw me. A blush went to her face and she deflated a little. 


Penny smiled widely. “I was just introducing myself to my friend Russ.” 


“I see,” the woman said. 

“Farrah, sorry I’m late. I’ll get on it,” Penny said. Reluctantly standing up she put on her high heels and walked out the door. The clack of her heels following her. 


Farrah eyed me. She still blushed but asked, “How old are you?”

“Old enough,” I said. Giving her my best smile she blushed more. 

She wasn’t buying it. “Stay-Stay in back then,” she stuttered. Turning around she headed back into the club. The other girls roared laughing as she did. 

Crystal was soon sitting on my lap. She had in a skimpy sailor uniform. “That was delicious,” she said. Kissing my cheek she laid on my chest as well. Taking in a big whiff of my chest she let out a long sigh. 

“Don’t hog him,” the schoolgirl said. I chuckled. 


“So, I’m new in town,” I said. “I think I’ve found my favorite place to hang out now, but I’m curious if there are more strip clubs?” I turned Crystal and I to look at the other girls. 


“We are the one and only legitimate club in town,” schoolgirl said. Standing up she walked over. “My turn.” Crystal sighed. Sitting up she gave me a deep kiss as well. My dick bulged up into her as we started making out. She became more heated. “Enough enough,” schoolgirl said. Pulling Crystal off she was quickly taking her place. 


“I’m Lanny,” she said with a smile and we started kissing. I could feel the heat from her pussy as the kiss extended. She groaned as my hands gripped her ass. Her lower body thrusting up into mine. We both pulled away at the same time. Gasping she said, “Damn, you’re a good kisser.” 


“You too,” I said with a smile. 

“Don’t hog him,” nurse outfit girl said. And it was soon a process. A girl would take a turn sitting on my lap. Making out for a minute then switching out with another. Girls walked in and out as it became their turn to dance. I was used as some kind of fluffer to get them hot and bothered before they went out on the stage. I wanted to see how busy it was, but I was more than happy to kiss every one of them. 


Most all were amazing at it. I assumed they were all lesbians like in my world. I even learned a couple tricks. Twirling the tongue a certain way made it feel amazing. I practiced on her and she became more heated as she grinded on my crotch. 


“Holy fuck,” she gasped. I couldn’t remember her name. I just knew it was her 5th or 6th time on my lap. “I about came with that one.” I looked around, the girls were hungrily staring at us. I grew more bold and slid my hand into her panties. She gasped as I moved my finger into her cleanly shaven lower lips. It didn’t take long. She started humping into me. Her high pigtails jostled. Yelling, she spasmed on me and started cumming. 


“God,” she said. Her body shaking she had multiple aftershocks as I kept rubbing. 


“Damn Mercedes, who knew you were a premey?” Penny asked. She had a front row seat. 


“She’s not,” I said. “I’m just that good.” 


“This I gotta see,” Penny said. Mercedes got off with a groan. Weak from the orgasm she stumbled to a close chair and lit a cigarette. Penny straddled my legs this time. We started kissing. I did the twirl move Mercedes had shown me and moved my hands into her already sopping wet panties. They were pink and the moisture was obvious. Her body jolted as I touched her. 


“Fuck,” she said. Biting her lip she closed her eyes as I started to work. It took a little longer. She wasn’t as primed up from kissing as Mercedes had been. Soon she was gasping though. Her nails digging into my shoulders she squirted on my hand. Her mouth in an O shape her orgasm kept going as I played her the best I could. Even I was surprised how quickly she had come. 

When she was done my pants were drenched. I didn’t much care though. I pulled my hand out from her bikini bottom and kissed her breasts. She moaned, holding onto my head as I did. “I want to keep you,” she said happily. 


“Too bad, share the love,” Dominique said. She was the woman with the plastic surgery. I was soon giving them all a turn. I decided to take off my pants to prevent any further staining. In my boxers I didn’t bother to hide my erection as girls sat on my lap. They enjoyed it more as they came and ground on me. 


When they had finished my hand was cramping so I lit a cigarette. Proud of my work all the girls sat staring at me with content smiles. “I guess this isn’t usually how it goes when a guy stops by.”

“Fuck no,” Mercedes said. Her pigtails waving at me. “The young ones are too shy to do much more than touch. The older ones are handsy. They’ll usually pick a girl and stick with her all night.” I was glad she didn’t mention if the guy and girl did anything sexual. I prefer to think of them as mine.  

“Sounds boring,” I said. “I’d prefer all of you.” 


Penny laughed. “I bet you could handle it. You have some skills, lover boy.”


“I like to practice,” I said giving her a wink. Blowing an O-ring I considered making this a weekly event. “Gonna have to come back. You know, brush up on my oral and sign language.” I wiggled my fingers. 


“Oral now?” Lanny asked. “You do it all?”


“That I do,” I said. “Anal if you clean up. I don’t mind helping girls get pregnant either. But I also have condoms if not.”

“You do?” Penny asked excitedly. “Why didn’t you say so?”


“I only have 4,” I said. “Besides, they’re expensive.”

“Where’d you get them?” Crystal asked. She got up. Grabbing my cigarette she sat on my lap. Putting it in my mouth I took a drag and she ashed it for me. Resting her head on my chest I felt like a king. 


“Biker gang. The Nightingales,” I said. 


“You mess with the Nightingales?” A girl laughed. 

“The other day,” I said. Acting like it was no big deal. “All of their leaders named Florence?”

“Fuck if I know. Dom, you used to date one of those gals, right?” 

Dominique nodded. She stared at me, unsure if I was telling the truth. “That’s the leader’s name. They all have nicknames. You really did meet them huh?”


“I did. My friend had to pay them off for some protection. I went as her…bodyguard?”


“I’m surprised you got out in one piece,” Penny said. “Sometimes they’ll come here and cause problems.”

“Next time they do just call me,” I said, flashing her a smile. 


“I might have to,” she said with a wink. She leaned forward and kissed me, not minding the taste of smoke. 


“You all are supposed to be working,” Farrah said walking in. “Not playing gossip with a boy.”

“Come on, it’s dead out there,” Lanny said. 

“It’s dead because you aren’t working the room and giving lap dances,” Farrah said. She refused to make eye contact with me. 


“But our friend Russ is so interesting. And a good kisser. You should give him a go,” Crystal said. Giving me a kiss on the cheek she sat up. 

I turned to face Farrah. She was all business at first. “A seat just opened up,” I said. “Tell me about the strip club business.” 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.