Monument of Life and Death

Chapter 754: Eve

Chapter 754

The meal was ready, and a group of people happily ate this birthday meal belonging to Wenling.

The boy brought a chair from the living room. He looked at the small wooden bowl and asked uncertainly, “Um… do you want to move an extra chair?”

Grandpa Wenling pretended not to hear, and the others were not very clear. Only the uncle in the wheelchair looked at them again, nodded and said, “Get a handful.”


The boy looked at them hesitantly, clapped his hands, and returned to the living room.

The food is on the table, and the people are seated.

The crowd sat around the round table, leaving only one empty seat.

The boy raised his chopsticks enthusiastically, but was pressed down by Aunt Zhizhi.

“What are you in a hurry? Let Mr. Ask say a few words first.”

Grandpa Wenling put down his rolled up sleeves, and patiently arranged his collar.

“They are all seated…”

Uncle looked at them again.

The idiot just wanted to open his mouth to say something, but Wen Ling walked towards the dining table and sat on the chair in silence.

She looked down at the wooden bowl.

“Since they are all seated,” Grandpa Wen Ling smiled relieved, and then said, “Let’s move on.”

“Let’s eat!”

Along with the boy’s cheers, a table of people feasted, only Wen Ling sat motionless in place, staring at the grandfather who was sitting directly across from her.

Wen Ling grandpa smiled kindly, as if he hadn’t noticed Wen Ling at all.

Wen Ling’s eye circles gradually turned red.


Do you know that I am here?

You in the end, can’t you see me?

The meal was calm and warm. Xiaolan was a little greedy seeing them eating so deliciously. She turned her head and looked at it. Sure enough, the fool and Luo Jiutian were also swallowing.

Until the boy put down his chopsticks, clutched his stomach and made a loud burp, amidst the laughter of Zhizhi and the girl, the meal was over.

After the big meal, they did not move, but each sat on their seats and quietly looked at Grandpa Wenling.

The smiles on their faces disappeared.

Grandpa Wenling said softly, “Tomorrow, it’s the day to return the eye…”


Xiaolan was startled, and quickly looked at the calendar just now.

Sure enough, at this time, they should still be in the mountains.

It turned out that Wen Ling… passed her birthday in a coma.

After listening to Grandpa Wenling, the atmosphere on the dining table suddenly became dull.

The girl shivered slightly, Zhizhi grabbed her little hand and patted the back of her hand.

“Don’t be afraid.”

“I’m not afraid,” the girl took a deep breath, raised a stiff smile and said, “After the eye is finished, mom, dad and sister will be safe.”

The boy blinked his eyes vigorously, trying to swallow the tears in his eyes.

“For me… it’s okay,” the uncle smiled lightly, “According to my mother-in-law’s calculation of life, I should have died long ago. This ritual of repaying the eye still allowed me to live a few more weeks.”

“Am I the same?” The mother-in-law poured a cup of tea for herself, and asked Grandpa Ling sideways, “This table is the only one who should not be killed.”

Grandpa Wen Ling handed over his cup consciously, “What is the point of how long my bones live? It’s a great deal to replace me with three hundred years of peace.”

“It’s also… so,” the mother-in-law looked far away, “No matter who is threatening us this time, it will be gone after a hundred years…”

“It’s annoying!” The boy muttered angrily, “Who is thinking of us anyway?”

“Does Grandpa know?” the girl asked.

Grandpa Wenling did not speak, but frowned tightly.

“I thought that everyone knows that the eyes of the prophet are only useful for Sanyan people,” Zhizhi said sullenly, “It’s been so peaceful for so long, how come anyone doesn’t know this?”

“Aren’t our eyes available to others?” The girl was a little surprised.

“Yes,” Zhi Zhi gently stroked the hair on the girl’s forehead, “Otherwise, how could we Sanyan have such a long and stable life?”

This is similar to what Luo Jiutian told them.

Once the Prophet’s Eye leaves Sanyan, it will no longer have any effect.

“Then why are they hurting us?” The boy became even more angry, “We are useless to them again!”

“Not necessarily…”

Grandpa Wenling suddenly sighed.

A circle of people looked at him.

Even the mother-in-law was a little surprised, “What do you mean? Is this the person…”

“Among the people this time,” Grandpa Wenling hesitated in every possible way, but still said, “It seems that we have Sanyan ourselves.”

Everyone present, including real people and imaginary people, all put on the same mask of shock.

Wen Ling’s eyes widened.

In that group… actually there are three generations?

Don’t Ke Sanyan live in settlements? Is that group of people all Sanyan?

No, you shouldn’t think so. After all, Wen Ling was picked up by them when he was hanging around alone.

“Sanyan?!” Zhizhi stood up bang, “We are the ones who want to harm our own people?”

“I…I can’t see it clearly,” Wenling’s eyes were also blank, “Oh, I’m getting old.”

“Is it… from the stockade?…” the girl asked tremblingly.

“No,” Grandpa Wen Ling said decisively, “Although it is not clear, I know that it is definitely not our branch of Sanyan.”

“That’s the one from the west…”

“Strangely, it doesn’t seem to be that one.” Grandpa Wen Ling was rarely confused. “Because of this, I feel puzzled. I see that the power threatening us comes from ourselves, but it is a little bit away from us. Far……”

“So there are still a few more of Sanyan,” Qin Yin asked Luo Jiutian, turning his head to the side, “I thought I only asked Ling and the others.”

“It’s not many,” Luo Jiutian said. “As far as I know, there should be only two. Apart from them, probably only the western one they said, but since I asked Grandpa Ling that there are others… …Then I don’t know, are there other Sanyans?”

Looking at Wenling’s eyes, she didn’t know what was going on.

Xiaolan even suspected that she didn’t even understand what the western one was.

“Damn it,” the boy sat back in the chair, “I really want to know who the **** is going to kill us.”

“They can’t let us see,” the girl said. “If we see, they can’t win.”

“Annoying…” The boy understood this too, and hammered the table bitterly.

“It’s fine, those are not things we have to consider.” Grandpa Wenling waved his hand and stopped the burning of the anger. “Tonight, Luliang will rain a mountain of rain. Tomorrow at noon, I will find a way to stop it. A group of people for a period of time, this time tomorrow is the time to return the eye.”

(End of this chapter)

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